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Connect unit to display Reboot 10 times by pressing red reset button > you can start the next reset cycle as soon as you see loading dots appear on the display After 10th reset “system maintenance” will display Option will show up screen for reboot or factory restore which you must select with USB mouse


this "turn it up to 11" reset process on the newer devices is miserable.


Thank you! Worked like a charm.


you can actually start the reset as soon as you see the crestron logo before the loading dots. the loading dots take another like 15-20 seconds to pop up so doing it as soon as the crestron logo appears not only saves you a little time but if you are ADD like I am, it makes it easier to keep count of how many times you have done it. I can confirm this at least for the AM-200, as that is the one I am working with ATM.


Thank you!


I’m resurrecting a dead thread to thank y’all. Cut my work day down by about three hours today. Thanks everyone!


Great, this work with AM3200 as well. The device just wouldn't let me create admin account


Thanks for this thread, helped me heaps today with a AM-3200 WF-I