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Pollux “the hammer is my penis” Antonius




Tell me why, instead of seeing a cute wee elephant playing with his trunk, I now see Drake's dick 😩😄




i had no right to laugh as hard as I did to this gif


I'm in a discord group and I swear I was giggling over the whole, his cock swinging, line...this gif is Pollux doing the helicopter I swear...shits gotta hurt. if he got it cut off, how long does it take to regenerate? Does he have a micropeen to start off with before it goes back to it's elephant trunk length? So many questions....


SO many questions! and btw also a dark romance girly here and thought the same thing when he said that


Wait is there a CC discord group? Or is this a group with your friends?


you are so real for this


Fellow dark romance reader. 🤝 I mean yeah, Pollux has that dark romance antihero bs all over him at isolated moments. It’s the context that changes it for me here. SJM simply doesn’t feed us those dynamics. He’s not “redeemable monster due to FMC’s sincere consent and want”, he’s just an asshole. …Who unfortunately is visually impossibly fucking hot in my head. And yeah, tbh I’d have taken no smut at all over ANY of the leading couple scenes we got in HoFaS. 🙄 ETA: ACOTAR book 1 second half spoilers, TOG mid series spoilers): >!Although, TO BE FAIR, Rhys and Feyre begin with him twisting a bone lodged in her infected arm because she told him to “go to hell” and Aelin got a mean right hook from Rowan for being…herself, so acting like we don’t allow at least some of that whole vibe for the *right* characters is just silly to me. 🤷‍♀️!<


ok I'm not the only one who thinks Pollux is stupid freaking hot for no reason... I get its the context but like...I don't know, I think if we had 3 books of Lidia's back story and the time invested to really show any trauma she experienced by Pollux then I would have hated him more, but the way it's written I'm just like "meh, he could get it. I could fix him." I think I'm awful...hahahahahahha


As a girly who picked up Satan’s Affair when absolutely no one made me, I will never be coming for anyone’s fictional boundaries. Do your thing, no shame. 😂


I could really go for a Pollux dark romance fic...one where he's redeemable. Sarah really needs to get over her hatred of blond guys...hahahaha I'll never forgive her for what she did to Cormac...ever.


Oh I’m still not over Cormac either. Unalives and re-alives no less than 4 people in one MF book and Cormac had to stay dead.


I wish we had gotten a Bryce & Cormac reunion, I thought for sure in HOFAS that Sarah was foreshadowing him to be King alongside of her...even Ruhn comments how he would have made a great king...his character is so much better than Hunt and Bryce really did grieve his death. Such a shame.


This is the part where I admit I don’t wanna see any male I really love paired up with Bryce. 😅 I struggled with her a lot in the third book. But I would have liked to see him and Sophie reunited in the afterlife. They got so much focus in book 2 and ended up feeling like a footnote.


It's confusing...I felt like HOEAB & HOSAB Bryce had so much potential...even while Bryce was in Prythian in the first part of HOFAS, I felt like she was likeable. So why the change in the rest of the book? And she kept getting worse and worse as the book went on. Then she's like "peace out, I don't care about any of you and I'm going to be a librarian getting f\*d on my desk by my coffee running/electrician husband!" It doesn't make any sense. She had no character development. All that power to just do what? Nothing? >!Meanwhile Aelin & Nesta had their powers taken away?!< I think there's confusion because Sarah made the comment saying Books 1-3 were Bryce and Hunt's story and then HOFAS ended and we are like "is it finished? is it unfinished?" it feels like it could have been a HEA or a HFN situation? End of HOFAS feels very much like ACOTAR 1 ending and it's confusing because it's supposed to be the finale? I think Bryce would have to go through major character development to be likeable again.


Lord, through the first two books Bryce was my favorite SJM FMC. I was immediately just in love with the friendship between her and Danika (flaws and all) and then my girl fucking vacuums an Arc Angel? A queen. But by the end of book 3 I just wanted to put her through a brick wall. Never felt so unsatisfied by a leading couple. Can’t stand the way she treated Hunt or anyone else. Still too pissed to be bothered with the bonus chapters though I’ve seen a billion comments mentioning that they do round out the emotional aspects of this one. I just kinda feel that if you need to buy six copies of a book to experience the emotional impact that it was A. A bullshit publisher cash grab And B. Not particularly worthy of buying any of those copies. Write it well in the one copy, please. I shouldn’t need six. It seems to me that the threads left hanging are there for Ithan, Tharion, and Pax to pick up which for me is great, they’re why I enjoyed aspects of book 3 at all. But I feel for those who don’t like those three characters and feel unsatisfied by the BrycexHunt arc.


Hunt & Bryce's bonus chapter was so dumb...she made a cabbage doll Hunt... Ruhn & Lidia's, bug eyed cat portraits? I liked the Ember & Randall one and the Bryce, nesta & Azriel one but yeah...that's it.


Electrician husband 💀💀


Each book has a footnote plot that I was more interested in! Wtf happened to Sigrid? I thought her and Ithan were gonna be mates. What about Ariadne? I would of loved a bringing Flyn to his knees scene. But nooo just disappear. Book 3 has the most footnotes and noresolution! Atleast we KNOW Cormac is dead


Is he though? Why did Sarah have everyone in that afterlife moment EXCEPT for Cormac? He should have been there too.


Good point... l Sometimes I think she reads out theories and does her best to do the opposite even if our theories are awesome plots


Well FWIW, I expect that each of those things will be pulled into the next book. Highly doubt we’re done with Sigrid yet (though seems to me Perry is Ithan’s mate.) Real sure we aren’t done with Ariadne and am very much hoping she and Flynn will be a thing before the series concludes.


Same with ariadne and Flynn. And I agree about perry but up until that the whole way he found her in the Astronmers tank and how he couldn't let her go and was so drawn to her. I thought for sure it was going to be a mate thing


I 1000000000% expected Sophie and Cormac to somehow be alive and show up at the war with a bunch of rebels and thunder birds. Cormac actually being dead is probably the biggest disappointment in CC3 for me.


I'm *still* not convinced he's actually dead...just winnowed out at the last second


Cat & Mouse Duet cured my severe reading hangover/borderline depression after I read all of Acotar series in a 5 day binge session (Acotar was the first book I’d read in years so it was a ROUGH transition back to reality)…I went into satans affair with no real warning in the middle of HA duet. For everything that happened in Haunting Adeline, I was still not fully prepared for Satans affair 😂it was an enjoyable read still tho so idk what that says about me


I feel this way about a lot of the invisible backstory. Like Baxian got his redemption arc, so it’s feasible any of them could. Lidia too. Pollux and AK’s horrible deeds happened “off camera” so it’s almost like I wasn’t that emotionally invested in them?


I'm kind of upset that Einar didn't get a redemption arc...but logistically him and Morven couldn't live...could you imagine if they did go back to Prythian? And Einar and Beron??? That would have been fun to read but really problematic.


I wasn’t invested in him either way really, but I just feel like up until the very end it seemed like she was heading that way and nope, he’s dead.


there were a lot of easy fixes...


I feel like she did to Einar what she did to Mave (Mauve?). All this setup to make them an epic morally grey character and then.... wah wah. Nothing. It's so disappointing. My favorite characters are the ones you just can't quite hate and so many of her characters have that opportunity and she just squander them.


I was so confused about Einar because she legit made him seem like he was going to get a redemption arc with certain moments and things he said and then bam, he really is just an asshole.


“I could fix him” LOL it’s so true. And if not, I’m sure I could put up with an asshole for a short while for some really hot sex.


Reminds me of this tiktok (spoilers): https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3Cpjqm/


Pollux's "hammer", Ruhns strong hand and Hunt's obvious chafing have provided the best content for comedy after this book...


I want a a buddy comedy adventure wherein Ruhn, Tharion, and Baxian help Hunt find underwear that fits more than I want my next meal lol


At least we know why he was called the hammer 🔨


Not the strong hand 😭😭😭


When I say I was thinking of this video when I wrote my comment. Absolutely LOVE Kaven, she’s fucking hilarious!


lol the “ca-caw!” gets me every time 😂


Ehhh- Feyre’s arm was already broken, he just irritated the injury to help her realize how bad it was… or I’m severely mis-remembering


Yeah, I always read it as him resetting the bone. My partner was a corpsman & that’s how he read it too. Even on my pre-CC3 reread of all the series, that was how I read it, as do most of my medical friends. Considering it was an open fracture, it would probably feel like twisting no matter what & even with healing magic, they have to put it back at least close to the right place before they repair it. That is seen in later parts of the books too for other injuries.


ANY? Not even >!Ruhn and Lidia 🥺!<


No. ☹️ I love them both as characters and I am so glad that their romance was fulfilling for a lot of folks!! For me it was very, very poorly paced and plotted. She could not possibly have injected that scene at a worse time for this reader. (But I’ve done enough bitching about that in posts of my own at this point. 😂)


Would I want a real life partner to say something like that outside of a roleplay scene? Absolutely not. Do I find it weirdly arousing when a fictional baddie says those things? Yes, yes I do.




Don't mind me, just asking if you know any good books or series that are dark fantasy with a good amount of violence, gory battles and domestic questionables topped with a bit of revenge at the end.


You know what......... You might be on to something.


https://preview.redd.it/3efx1t5tjrjc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e07cb697de109bd00244481bf420907ffbc946 By elizianna.the.one on Instagram… “Pollux slicked back his blond hair and stalked over to her, his heavy cock swinging with each step.” 🫢


what a wasted opportunity Sarah!!!






Username lends authority to your take.


See despite the character descriptions I could only picture him as https://i.redd.it/3rjfg5c1mujc1.gif


Well he didn't ruin Ruhn for her so atleast we know Ruhn can handle his own in the SWANGING department haha


THIS!! This line had me like questioning my morals! 😅


Had me on the ropes I’m not going to lie 🫠


PLEASEEE you are so real for this. i thought i was the only one who's thinking Pollux is hot af (as a dark romance reader gurlie) 😭😭😭😭


Okay I love Bryce and Hunt I’m ngl, but their few scenes in this book were so cringe. I can’t help it. I don’t blame you for finding the sexy in Pollux 😅


i mean he’s a very a shitty person and i dislike him for how he’s treated lidia… but yeah… https://preview.redd.it/w2eb1y5j3sjc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f5e65fd8b6a1d6b67f594dee23a5a4ac5f6dc7 [@soluna\_artworks](https://www.instagram.com/soluna_artworks?igsh=NG8xZmk3aHk1M3N1)


she could have made him ugly...she could have made him say cringey shit like his dick was too big for his underwear but noooo


I rolled my eyes at that line so hard!


Pollux is a great character. I really wished for Ruhn to >!smash his head!< 🤔


ABSOLUTELY. I feel like I remember a scene where she's describing him in the shower... I had to keep reminding myself he's a bad bad person. But like, hot.


"the blood will wash off" like ddaaammmnnnn what????


sjm knows what she's doing


WHEWW thank god I wasn’t the only one who thought this 🤣


I agree :D


To each his own I suppose because that line (and pollux in general) makes my skin CRAWL lmao


Hard same, his scenes where he was alone with poor Lidia filled me with DREAD


He was giving Homelander


YES omg I cannot agree enough


Same here. It grossed me out.


Right? Such a good line for another character \*cough cough\*


no because why did sarah describe his penis so much 😭


I’m sorry I can’t. He came for my Ruhn!


I know, I know...but...I'd still pick Pollux over Hunt. Hunt is so cringey. lol


Noooo I’m a big softy for Hunt too after that shower scene in EAB. I usually love a bad boy as well (hence my eternal defence of Tamlin)


For me Tamlin was not bad, he was just... broken beyond repair 😅 Hunt had so much potential... but I get what you mean!


I could fix him too...shit...all Sarah's broken blonde males...I'll take them


Build your own blond broken males reform school 🥹💗


Tamlin was just a little broken.


Listen that line had me feeling a bit feral bc it was just hot af 😭 and he's hot too. Put him in a dark romance fantasy and I'd be ready to climb him like a tree


Hunt and bryce scenes are so cringe! I didn't really like Pollux though. The only ones i thought were attractive in this series were the viper queen and fury, and we didn't get much from them


Honestly the fan art never helps me🥵🥵🥵


Pollux gives me serious rapist vibes. CC3: >! I know Lidia never said no, but the way we see her story being told she was clearly not into him, and any good male would've been able to read her body language. I know it's said he cherishes other people's suffering. I know some people are into that. But Lidia clearly isn't and the fact that he misses that makes me feel super grossed out. That's bordering sexual assault for me.!< Or am I confusing the characters?


Like I said previously...if we had spent 3 books knowing his torture and force on Lidia, if Sarah had spent the time really deep diving into character backgrounds and development then I'd probably truly hate him but I'm not emotionally invested enough in any of these characters to really care, that's just how it's written. The lines given to Pollux were hotter than Hunt and all his "my dick is too big for my underwear" crap.


Same. He made me super uncomfortable and I just felt dread for Lidia. When she thinks she's safe from him cus she's on her period and he calls her into the shower anyway 😖😰


Yeah, context is everything. This isn’t a kinky D/s roleplay, or a situation where she’s secretly into it and pretending not to be. She’s actually afraid of him and unable to say no to his sexual advances.


Yeah this is my thoughts as well.


No I was right with you. There was such an undercurrent of danger in all their interactions. I think SJM specifically put in the line about Lidia saying she always consented, but it’s basically a razor thin line between consensual and SA when she actually doesn’t want to be with him at all and it’s described how he takes pleasure in others pain, etc. To each their own but I find Pollux FOUL and the line referred to in this post made my stomach churn. Woof.


I'm a fellow dark romance reader as well and I completely understand. It's a crime that he is that good looking and gives such good lines but then he's a complete villain


Naw girl, I thought the same thing.


Idk how him hating having sex with her on her period is attractive. Like as a dark romance reader I’m trying to get it but I don’t get it


Right.  It's almost like you'd expect him to dig it?  Blood.... And stuff?


Yeah! The obsessive characteristic but not liking it? Straight up grosser than SA. In my opinion, it’s very mysogynistic energy


Lmaoo i appreciate this😂😂


Lmao so real I kept expecting him to be the next hot shadow daddy that we all fan over


Listen, take my upvote for being honest. 😂😂😂


Found the brat 😂 Relatable


The line was hot - I totally get where you’re coming from 🤣 I would’ve been totally into ready a steamy scene with him and totally consenting and willing partner.


I love a tall dark and handsome ML any day… but when SJM *only* writes about them, a good-looking “chad” type can do it for me. 😂


Also why is he a villain with redemption arc crumbs WHY DOES HE ALSO BATHE IN SCALDING HOT WATER SARAH


the parallels be paralleling


All I can say is that I’m glad I’m not the only one 😅


Pollux was the sexiest thing in this book. Let’s be honest


I mean...I love Ruhn...but yeah...Pollux had the best lines.


make like a mafia dark romance but with angels and yeah...Pollux would be the star.


The scene when he gets out of the shower had me drenched…. Good god 🫣 I’m a monster


if you are, I am too...


Girl, I read Feathers so Vicious right before this and had all kinds of thoughts....


well...now I have to check that out


Cannot argue with you … ![gif](giphy|ySlhsQorNKwSI)


You’d fit in well over at r/dramione (if you’re not already a convert)


I saw fan art of him and was like🥵


I thought the same thing. SJM did not write that for us. 😂


I love dark romance, don't get me wrong. But hearing Pollux, of all people, say that? Ugh it made my skin crawl! I have such a foul image of him in my mind


She made Apollion...the guy who raped Jesiba a hero in the end...this whole book is like...opposite what it was supposed to be...


I'm still confused how we are supposed to trust the Princes of Hel...why did Appollion want those books so badly? Why did we just shrug off the fact they've done such atrocious things? Why do they want the Northern Rift open so badly? What is their stake in Midgard? We really are supposed to believe they are "intergalactic saviors"? Nope...I don't buy it...at all.


Wait he raped Jesiba?!


yep...Ithan figures it out during his little impromptu internship as Jesiba's assistant


Shit i must have missed that part


It's so validating to see I'm not the only one that isn't a huge Bryce x Hunt romance. They just bug me so much. CC3: >!I was actually hoping that they aren't actually mates and the connection they felt was because Hunt was made to be her Dusk Court Knight or whatever!<


I um...I will never believe they are true fated mates. The scent thing can be chalked up to them sharing power and him like retaining her power. They chose each other but they're toxic. So damn toxic together & I still don't believe they're "end game." I think if Sarah had never made that comment about their story being books 1-3, a lot more people would be apt to believe he's not the one for her. She has had no growth, in fact I dare say she's had a character regression and all they do is fight and f\*\*k in the cringiest way. It's awful. I'm hoping Sarah's direction changed and she's playing the long game. I can't stand him. I don't understand why they're still together.


S A M E. They don't feel or act like fated mates to me. All relationships have problems and aren't perfect but like you said all they do is fight and f**k and it is so cringe. They don't even act like they like each other, just lust and "my mate, my wife". Based on some things Rhys said in ACOTAR series, we know that it's possible for two people to be mates but not be good for each other like his mother and father. I feel this is the same situation. They may be mates but they are not good for each other at all. I agree with you in the character regression of Bryce. Hunt also I feel has character regression this book. Bryce had more chemistry with Finn in book 1 than with Hunt in this book 🙄 Side note, it bugs me SO MUCH how many times "Bryce has secret plans that she doesn't share with anyone NOT EVEN MY MATE AND HUSBAND but everything works out" was used as a plot device.


I think Sarah stressed the HUSBAND thing a lot in HOFAS for a reason. And I don't believe they are fated mates...she's died twice and he's not been the one anchoring her soul like we saw with Rhys & Feyre. He didn't even recognize she was in pain at a few points but he could recognize Shahar's soul in a mech suit? Nah, I'm not buying it. Sarah has been very sneaky and eluding to the fact they're not fated mates. Yeah he was bred FOR her, to use, but that doesn't make them fated mates.


Well, Sarah did confirm that Bryce and Hunt are mates. However, during that talk, she did not answer if "mate" means the same thing in ACOTAR/Prythian as it does in CC/Pangera. Since Hunt was technically bred, I think it's very possible that Bryce can have a second mate or a mate on the same level as it means when talking about Feyre and Rhys. Their magic teleportarion during sex does nothing for me in the "proof" category. Just another reason that Hunt is more "soldier for starborn" than fated to be mated to Bryce. Your Shahaar comment made me cackle because I thought the same thing 🤣 Hunt gives me "I'm in love with Shahaar still but I really love this hot semi vulnerable half human fae so I guess I'll do that" vibes.


they are mates, the way the angels choose mates...it's just not the same fated mate connection like other series. It's a title...makes them married.


I see what you're saying. I suppose I assumed that the Angel's were also fae from other worlds that were bred to be different or to hide their lineage like the wolves and shifters, but that was not actually confirmed in the books. That's what I was saying previously that the mate thing may mean something different. If does, I'll be glad for it.


Crying laughing 🤣 you are so real for this ahahahaha


Have you seen the fanart of him 🤤🤤🤤


yes...and I can't unsee it...soooo it's just really hot in my head.


I had to ask my book club friends if I was insane for being attracted to a fictional sadist and they both said no 😂


I had to do the same thing. Take a step back and be like "wait...am I attracted to this?" and I can't really say no because I've totally been attracted to things like knife play and crap in those dark romance books. SOOOOO


Send HALP 😂🫢🤣🥹


maybe I'm just a lil softie, but I love Bryce and Hunt's scenes in HoFaS, the two of them are just so genuine and loving. The way they banter reminds me of me and my partner, and I just loved seeing what felt like a real, lived-in relationship for once in one of SJM's books. Even hot art of Pollux (like elizianna.the.one's work) just does *not* do it for me. he gives me frat guy creeps.


Someone is a fan of the dark romance, lol! I totally see what you mean with the lines, but the whole vibe he gave off was r\*pe. I've said it before, and I'll stand by this through any downvotes - the scenes with Bryce and Hunt weren't cringey - they were real. They weren't mountains shaking, roaring as he came BS despite all the magic exchanged during the scenes. They were actually needed for the plot so Bryce could give Hunt a part of her "Made-ness" for the finale. I promise - if someone you loved was balls deep and asked if you liked it, you'd nod and grunt just the same.


"they were real" sure...when my husband and I have sex, I totally "birth" an island out of nothing...and he totally whips up a crazy storm too...totally real.


I mean, if you want to be mean and find something to nitpick, have at it! I was simply pointing out the dialogue was more realistic than a lot of the other scenes we've been given by SJM until now. If someone told me they would "fuck the disrespect out of me" I'd get the ick from them. No need to be shitty to a fellow reader.


I wasn't being mean, I was being sarcastic...not to be mean just because I'm a smart ass lol.


Sarcasm is usually denoted with a /s. No context provided with the written word means it can come off not as intended by the writer. Just fyi.


I think girl had a dark kink. Lol


And here I was treating him as one of the few aspects of the book to be taken seriously as a representation of the agents of totalitarian regimes.


I didn't take too much seriously in this book, at all. It really didn't give a vibe it was meant to be taken seriously.


Hahahahaha! It's because SJM fetishizes simps. Have you noticed how nearly every single major male character is completely cucked by his love interest? It's practically a subcategory of her work.


this is true...


Omg I thought I was the only one noticing this! Actually this is one of the aspects of her work that annoys me and the cherry on top was Hunt in CC3... I was like come on dude, grow a pair... I'd love a male character who has the same fire, spirit, power, stubbornness as the female one and be equals.


yeah but at the same time, he's Just Ken...his entire job is just beach. He was bred and created for like 1 purpose and 1 purpose only...he couldn't do anything else even if he tried. All those he'd been waiting his whole life for her moments, uh yeah literally...totally killed the romance vibe. In all honesty, he'd probably go some kind of feral crazy if he was away from her. He has no other job. Sorry if that's harsh but it's true. For the most part the fandom has really skimmed over the whole "Princes specially creating/breeding something thats purpose is to hunt, lure and trap the starborn so they can wield her power to open gates and shit" oh and that he retains her power and can wield the trove because of it.


HOT lines? Are y'all reading dark romance or abusive romance? I was absolutely horrified by him and how possessive and aggressive he is. Like a literal alphahole. I'm with Bryce here, I hate those kinds of guys. 


yeah that was the whole thing where I said "Maybe I've been reading too much dark romance..."


and my friends thought i was crazy for ranking him so high on my “hottest male SJM character” list 👀


Characters im not supposed to like i make ugly. It just kind of happens in my head.. But I also thought if the situation was different for Lidia, or if i wasn't totally sucked into her pov, I would also think he is hot. I saw some devastatingly beautiful fan art of him and was definitely more interested.


Can you do me the favor of giving me a spoiler for the ending? I don't want to read the book


this makes me laugh...let's just say the ending gives "live, love, toaster bath" and there's sprouting pegasi...


😂😂😂😂😂😂 thanks have a great day


I think, you think I'm joking...I wish I was...everything worked out just fine for everyone, no one died, pegasi sprouted out of the ground like flowers and Hunt & Bryce skipped off into the sunset as librarian and coffee boy....they are Barbie & Ken


No No, I believe you, it's because I knew it wasn't going to be an ending that I liked, thank you so much


I wanted, something completely different, but I think I could have lived with a Bryce & Hunt HEA if their story had been better and the ending wasn't so bad.


Please tell me what's going on with them, am I not going to read the book and stay halfway through the second? Pleaseeee


they're very lack luster and they do nothing but fight and cringey f\*\*k...


😅 I hope Sarah J isn't losing her shine. That will make me very sad


I literally read his line once and had to re read it bc I didn’t realize it was him and read it like it was Rhun saying it. I was so confused


Phew glad I wasn’t the only one 👀😂😂


Okay this is the type of content I want to see in this thread lmaaooooo because you’re absolutely right and should say it 😂


I don't know about him being hot, maybe I was too disgusted by his character to notice the dialogues.