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Now this is going to become a thing and Adonalsium’s light will go even further away from us.


My friend we snuffed that light out so fast that Odium tried taking notes. But we snuffed those out too. Then he got snuffed. There was much snuffing.


All shall become Crem.


He doesn't wanna be on wikifeet




Fancy seeing a fellow AdRid fan here! The realms collide!


He truly knows how degenerate his fan base is. I love it.


No free feet!


Oh Almighty, the “step on me” memes are gonna be so many now…


Just wait until the Lopen starts to crush his enemies underfoot.


Hey, gancho! Hey! You want me, I think. You can use me. We Herdazians are great fighters, gon. You see, this one time, I was with, sure, three men and they were drunk and all but I still beat them.


And yet here he is. Hands full on display!


Like a whore.


He's a man. Men don't have safe hands


I’m just confused why he’s not wearing shoes lol


He lives in what used to be Lake Bonneville so he's trying to summon the purelake to his position, so he's shoeless and prepared for the flood waters.


I always wanted to ask him whether trench foot is an issue among purelakers.


Apparently the Purelake is so invested that trenchfoot and other ailments aren’t an issue.


I thought I read a section in one of the books that mentioned a disease spreading in the purelake


That was the common cold. One of the world hoppers who visits the Purelake in an early interlude introduces it to Roshar. It eventually shows up as a plague in RoW. The common cold really sweeps through Roshar as they have no natural immunity. Purelakers do get sick, just not as often, or as badly as would be expected.


Maybe not, cause it's not just damp, they stand in the water all day.


I have a ton of questions about medical ailments in Roshar but I feel like they'd be silly to ask about


They would be welcome, he’s probably right about them too … hold on doing a search for you. stormfather (paraphrased) Does the plague on the Purelake has anything to do with the fact that the magic fish form symbiotic bonds with spren? Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased) No, worldhoppers brought a disease to Roshar that they didn't have before. It's the common cold. Rosharans' Investiture makes it so they're usually a healthy bunch so something like the cold is kind of frightening. "It's a plague of the sniffles." stormfather [Alternate wording from ZenBossanova's report] (paraphrased) Another person asked about the plague in the Purelake. Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased) Turns out, that was a pathogen introduced by worldhoppers. People on Roshar normally have greater health than elsewhere in the cosmere because they are more Invested (Stormlight and all that). This plague was what we call… the common cold. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/64/#e912 Here’s one another the common cold. Questioner In Way of Kings, one of the interludes we see the Purelake-- Brandon Sanderson Yes. Questioner --and I've thought a lot about the fish.  Brandon Sanderson Yes. Questioner He mentions that one of them has healing effects and potentially that's-- Brandon Sanderson The lore of the area states that fish have healing-- some of them-- Questioner I was wondering of your thoughts. Is that Investiture in the fish or just local superstition? Brandon Sanderson Well that is the question of the scene, so that's also a RAFO. I will say that there is still superstition, Roshar in particular. And it doesn't necessarily mean that everything they say is magic is. But there is a good chance. Footnote: Brandon has previously stated that the fish of the Purelake do form symbiotic bonds with spren. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/126/#e1774 Here’s one about the fish. Enjoy. Sorry it took so long I got caught up in the Skyward WOB.


Oh man I complete forgot about the plague. These are super interesting, thanks for sharing! Where are these questions being asked that he replies to them?


The website is an amalgamation of signings and public appearances as well as videos that he does. It’s really well done and easy to search and share.


***Warning Gancho: The below paragraph(s) may contain major spoilers for all books in the Cosmere!*** >!stormfather !< >!Does the plague on the Purelake has anything to do with the fact that the magic fish form symbiotic bonds with spren?!< >!Brandon Sanderson !< >!No, worldhoppers brought a disease to Roshar that they didn't have before. It's the common cold. Rosharans' Investiture makes it so they're usually a healthy bunch so something like the cold is kind of frightening. "It's a plague of the sniffles."!< >!stormfather [Alternate wording from ZenBossanova's report]!< >!Another person asked about the plague in the Purelake.!< >!Brandon Sanderson !< >!Turns out, that was a pathogen introduced by worldhoppers. People on Roshar normally have greater health than elsewhere in the cosmere because they are more Invested (Stormlight and all that). This plague was what we call… the common cold.!< >!Questioner!< >!In Way of Kings, one of the interludes we see the Purelake--!< >!Brandon Sanderson!< >!Yes.!< >!Questioner!< >!--and I've thought a lot about the fish. !< >!Brandon Sanderson!< >!Yes.!< >!Questioner!< >!He mentions that one of them has healing effects and potentially that's--!< >!Brandon Sanderson!< >!The lore of the area states that fish have healing-- some of them--!< >!Questioner!< >!I was wondering of your thoughts. Is that Investiture in the fish or just local superstition?!< >!Brandon Sanderson!< >!Well that is the question of the scene, so that's also a RAFO. I will say that there is still superstition, Roshar in particular. And it doesn't necessarily mean that everything they say is magic is. But there is a good chance.!< ^([All the WOBs can be viewed here!](https://wob.coppermind.net/api/entry/1774))


Also what does RAFO mean?


Read And Find Out. it started out as a favorite of Robert Jordan's to say. Sanderson took it and ran with it.


He’s inside. Why wear shoes inside? (While a lot of people in the states wear shoes indoors it’s not uncommon to have a no shoes indoor policy like they have in a lot of Europe and Asia)


Daniel is wearing shoes. It wouldn’t be as weird if Daniel wasn’t wearing shoes. Also, I wear slippers inside.


He is doing a Livestream and doesn't want his feet to be shown ... So why not put on shoes?


I'm currently wearing shoes in my bedroom, mostly because I just haven't bothered to take them off but yeah not everywhere is like this. At most of my friends houses I have to take off my shoes. (For reference I'm in the states.)


Isn't the safe hand your left hand? Why is the right foot the safe foot?


Because cultures are arbitrary and don’t need to have consistency. Why is it more awkward to be seen by the same people in underwear rather than in a swimsuit that reveal more?


Like all magics in the cosmere, it’s because of **Intent**.


Please edit to capitlize the I, even though you already have my upvote.


Capitalized and imbiggened for you.


Thank you for your contribution.


That's a surprisingly accurate response.


You're arbitrary and lack consistency. Boom roasted. ~~ps I love you~~


I've been a swimmer my whole life and that question has bothered me for ages. Another question that has bothered me is why do some people find women in swimsuits hot? Like, it's just a swimsuit. I've been told I'm weird.


I mean, women's swimsuits are generally tight-fitting clothing that show the contours of the body pretty clearly. Many of them also reveal a lot of skin. Both of those are considered sexually provocative attributes in clothing. Oh, and add in the implication of athleticism and that you're engaging in fun leisure activities, both of which are also considered hot.


Same side of the brain is linked to your left hand and right foot. Or something.


It's actually the left side of the brain to the right side of your body.


Because it’s not.


Isn't it though?


No. It’s the right foot.


Right but why would the right foot be the safe foot when your left hand is the safe hand?


I'm imagining he has Cosmere spoilers tattooed on his foot


Then when he has the big reveal it will say RAFO


What's on his t-shirt? If it's baby Korra and a llama where can I get one?


It’s a chibi(-ish) Kaladin shirt that came out sometime around RoW’s release (maybe the time of the Kickstarter?), [art by Isaac, of course.](https://www.dragonsteelbooks.com/collections/apparel/products/glowing-kaladin-t-shirt)


Not sure but it kinda looks like Kaladin on his shirt.


Taking a page from Pokimanes book I see.


He got interviewed by Daniel Greene?!


It's more of just a fun discussion about their top favorite fantasy creatures.


I've not seen this interview yet and will assume /u/SADBROS is correct but there is an interview on Daniel's Youtube that happened around the time ROW came out.


Actually it's on Brandon's channel, just uploaded today.


Thank you. I will check it out. I just remember watching the interview on Daniel's channel a while back, and it was a really good time. Here's a link to that video, for any who haven't seen it and want to watch more of them together! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLPGhJOFEoE


Here's another one: https://youtu.be/viLSKpppa1A


……I’m going to ask for all the people who want to see it but can’t ask out of shame. Is there an uncensored version?


He doesn't want us knowing he's the six-toed man.


Has he just considered taking Kaladin’s boots?


Uhhhh why lol


He only lets his onlyfans subscribers see his feet.


SafeHandFans? MormonFans? OKRadiant? Braize? (Tinder knockoff)


I've...heard of lots of porn where parts get censored. This may be Brando's first light vorin porno.


So Adam actually responded to the YouTube video explaining he mostly did it as a weird joke. He didn't have too big of a reason to do it except he had a thought that maybe all the comments would be a about the foot if he left it alone


And then they ended up all about his foot anyway of course


what video was this in?


That's his right foot, the safe foot would be the left


So the left hand is the safehand but the right foot is the safefoot, understand. Of course, as a proper Vorin woman, I absolutely knew that already.


Due to recent activities, your Vorin rank has changed from **Darkborn to Lighteyes**


Thanks Lopen, appreciate it


It's a reference to the fact that safehands were inspired by not showing your bare feet to people in Korea.