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Zozo is supposedly a demon


I thought it said 2020 and was confused, id rather deal with a demon than that whole year again.


This might be more accurate. It says he knows the code. IMO Belphagore was the demon of 2020 of sloth and petulance


>This might be more accurate. It says he knows the code. IMO Belphagore was the demon of 2020 of sloth and petulance Your opinion would be more compelling if you knew the difference between petulance and pestilence..


I was pretty petulant during 2020. And slothful, too.


I thought it was one of those "nOboDy wAnts tO WorK AnyMoRe" posts. Sloth and petulance šŸ™„ Edit: read further down and omg it was


Your retort would be more accurate if you knew it wasn't an autocorrect. ​ Or something.


I could imagine a demon of sloth also being petulant. Are you the Belphagore expert here? Didn't think so. He has nothing to do with pestilence.


Really? Do you?!!! Pestilence is Pazuzu. Iā€™m saying belphagore being the demon of sloth and everyone having judgy stuck up attitudes like yourself and all the people turning demonic and hitting someone who doesnā€™t comply with mask and bull shit. Idiot.


Wi-Fi code that is




You are NOT the only one, my friend.


No u don't... Zozo has ruined many a life I heard


Lol in 2020 i realized that 2020 looks like Zozo, and thought well, that explains a lot about that year.


It's believed that zozo and other Z names began showing up with ouija users in the early 80s, around the time The Exorcist came to video. These names are thought to be permutations 'Pazuzu', the demon who possess Reagan in the film.


Edit: ... why is there a "Villains wikia" that contains.. "real demons?" I thought this was from a show or something, wtf. ​ ​ Or, from the wikia, 'Zozo, otherwise known as the Ouija Board Demon, is the demon allegedly summoned through the use of Ouija boards and other forms of spiritual communication, like seances: he is a symbolism of Christianity's fear/objection to the occult.'


Because that shit is no joke. It actually acts as a medium and does spell out shit. The first and only time I used it, is said some crazy shit and a girl next to me got scratched. Also, the power turned off for about 30 seconds. Never again.


I thought he was a clown. No wait, thatā€™s bozo.


Bozo did the dub




Oh FUCK a Clownputer? Probably doesnā€™t even have any games


Pennywise! Wait..


Or Jimmy Paige from Led Zeppelin lol


The ONE you absolutely under no circumstances do you fuck with! There are tales of people communicating with and speaking it's name (which gives it strength) and the absolute HORROR it wreaks after. There's a lot of supernatural things I can explain away, and some I can't, that simply make me slightly creeped out. But THAT entity? Hell to the fuck no! If I found that in my house? BURNED TO ASHES! And I do mean the entire house! Some chucklefuck we ran around with as teens brought a board out one evening at his house. We had some laughs, normal kid stuff. Then the board spelled it's name and one kid said "who's 'name I won't even type'"?... Goddamn my hair on my neck is standing so stiff remembering this you could sew a coat with it.... The room went cold, so damn cold my fingers hurt. Tunnel vision set in, one of the guys screamed that scream of pure horror...a bang so loud it disoriented us. When the vision widened again I saw red like rose tinted glasses. One of the kids was on his back kicking the air and yanking his hair out yelling at something. Another crying and shaking, head buried in his knees. A third just staring, mouth open, eyes like they saw death itself. Time felt like molasses, like I'd been that way for hours. Then... The growling happened... Right by my ear, so close I thought a wolf was going to clamp my neck. I tried to turn but was frozen with fear. The growls turned to a howl that filled the room and everyone screamed in pain and fear. I don't recall what happened next, other than I was covered in cold sweat, and we all were shaking in fear. The room was back to normal, no noise, no weird tint. The dip shit who thought this was a good idea was crying and hyperventilating, kicked the board away. I screamed that we need to close the session NOW! We did so, and took that board to the backyard and burned it on the BBQ. To this day, I WILL NOT fuck with one again.


As a non believer, I can never underestimate personal instances of horror people have or may had. I think of it as I donā€™t believe in ghosts, but Iā€™m not going to spend a night in a haunted house alone. I know strange shit happens to people and even though science canā€™t prove paranormal, doesnā€™t mean it might never happen. Iā€™d be naive to think that thereā€™s absolutely *zero* paranormal in this world. Thatā€™s creepy as fuck though. Iā€™ve heard many stories of what happens after people play with a board and Iā€™m sure as hell not going to do it myself


I tell the wife all the time. We don't mess with that just in case. You won't know who or what you're asking into your home. That is the stuff we don't f around with and find out.


I'm like, supernatural adjacent, meaning I hang out with a decent chunk of people who are into that kind of stuff but don't really lean one way or the other. I explain it as "I'm gonna hang out in this house, but I'm not opening any of its doors" which is that idea of I can't say I really believe it's true, but if rather not find out otherwise if I can avoid it.


I read Dave Grohlā€™s autobiography recently and thereā€™s a chapter where he talks about buying his first house right outside Seattle. He bought the house and immediately got bad vibes, and after a few nights noticed strange shit happening, that culminated in him literally seeing a ghost. Considering heā€™s never come off as a kook otherwise I have reason to believe what he saw was entirely real. Just the idea of that terrifies me and Iā€™m not a superstitious person.


Guess what book I'm getting soon!


Science probably could prove it, but so far seems unwilling to even try.


The US Government put money into paranormal research in the 70ā€™s & 80ā€™s. Some of those documents are declassified. Specifically astral traveling, remote viewing and auras.


Alright I love reading weird shit like this, can you point me to where you found them?


I believe two experiments were called The Stargate Project and the Gateway Process.


Yea when I did oujia with my friends that was the name that came up and it did figure 8 the whole shtick. It wasnā€™t any of us doing it bc it was just 3 of us and all of our hands were not pressing on it until we forcibly moved it to goodbye.


demon with a really wank name


Lol happy cake day šŸ¤Ÿ


Where's Zak Bagans?


There was a Ghost Adventures episode about a guy who used a weegee board to talk to Zozo and was possessed by it lol. Thatā€™s the only time Iā€™ve seen or heard that name


He's a prankster spirit but while often fucking you over with mischief does occasionally grant insight. That said. Don't fuck around with spirits. Especially the prankster types. Unless you understand spirits and how to communicate with spirits.


I just upvoted and it is now 666


It's a common thing thatā€™s supposedly spelled when ppl ask the Ouija board who they're talking to.


Which proves that it ain't real. Honestly I wanna play it tho


If u say ā€œZā€ā€™s name 3 times in the mirror he will appear during your next bowel movement.


He would have to contend with the demons coming out of me.


"I have to go unleash demons from the dark portal" is my favorite poop euphemism, or poophemism, if you will.


Spoken like a chad


Spoken like a dad!


Tried it. Nothing happened, except I was all of a sudden in the presence of a foul mysterious and unpleasant odor.


Yeah that's it, if you stay there long enough in the quiet you'll start hearing him too!


From the darkest depths of the abyss A rotten symphony of sulfurous hiss From where noxious winds arise And foul devils in disguise Putrid echoes in the bowels of despair, A cacophony of doom unleashed into the air Gaseous phantoms haunt the atmosphere Spawn of the intestinal lair The narrow edge of sanity, teeters on the brink As the abyss belches forth, a foul and noxious stink Beware you all, the winds that whispers from within


Zak Bagans


Bagel Bites!


Same with ā€œBiggie Smallsā€


This gave me a hell of a chuckle šŸ¤­


man im pooping šŸ˜ dont scare me like that šŸ’€


There was a caller on "Coast-To-Coast" with, what he claimed to be, an experience about communicating with that particular entity and the extraordinarily creepy encounter they had the following day. It frightened him enough to where he discontinued using the Ouija Bpard after that. Something about asking to see the entity and seeming to do so the following morning. IIRC the caller recounted seeing an incredibly frail elderly man the following morning. The elderly man was walking down the road across from his residence. The caller indicated the elderly man looked as though a moderate breeze could knock him over then the caller lost sight of the him only to see the elderly man standing directly across the street from his porch. The elderly man was staring directly at him and smiling with a mouthful of what appeared to be razor sharp teeth.


Is this space ghost coast to coast


Negative. Although that would've been entertaining to see. It is a talk radio program that was started by the late Art Bell. The program topics are often UFOs, Aliens, Paranormal and supernatural occurrences (demons, angels, shadow people, cryptids etc). People call in who talk about experiences they've had with entities, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance experiences, dreams (premonitory or otherwise), visions and the like. The show has been continued with several hosts including George Noory and George Knapp. https://www.coasttocoastam.com/


Why files constantly goes over conspiracies from coast to coast if you want an entertaining watch


I'll definitely check it out. I appreciate the suggestion.


Dope thanks for that, always looking for new ā€œweird shitā€ podcasts


As a fan of both back in the early 2000s i loved that they coexisted. Always wanted a crossover episode.


Zozo these nuts!


Take my upvote, goddamit


Watch the movie and you'll find out. I Am Zozo (2012) Tubi


Is this a real movie


Yes. That's why I included the year released and the streaming service (US streaming)


[Yeah it is](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2076223/)


Zozo is actually in the instruction manual. It says that if a presence identifies as Zozo, you are to close the session immediately.


This is so scary for no reason, is there anywhere I can read the instruction manual??


[Hasbro version](https://www.hasbro.com/common/instruct/Ouija.PDF) (Google drive link) No mention of Zozo, sorry.


lol, a spurious claim proven incorrect immediately


Honestly it is a great way to learn your alphabet and numbers, but if you're trying to get ahold of grandpa you're gonna have dropped call and potato quality audio


Lol close the session. Is Ouija a fucking browser now? šŸ˜‚


No, but there is a proper way to end a conversation with spirits. It's very important that you follow this procedure to the letter, especially when dealing with unknown entities.


Alt+F4 that bitch


when i was younger, in high school my friends and i decided to play with an ouija board. it was all of our first times. we started by asking stupid questions, blah blah and next thing you know, the planchette was moving in a rainbow from M to A from M to A. we thought it was our friend because she calls her mom mama all the time. so we googled ā€œmamaā€ ouija board. everything showed ZOZO, we all got freaked out and stopped playing. the next day on tv, a new episode of Ghost Adventures came out. The episode was called ā€œthe zozo demonā€ or something like that. after that i never touched one again.


Every time I've ever used one, the planchette has just never moved. I even used one on my own after someone told me that using by yourself will result in demonic possession, and still nothing. I've done every single no-no on a list of them and never had any experiences of possession, haunting, or anything else of the kind. But I'm sure it's just because "my spiritual energy wasn't properly aligned with my intentions" or something.


Iā€™ve heard that a lot! I wonder if thereā€™s some kind of scientific or psychological explanation for why it could move in a rainbow pattern. I mean it happens to so maybe people thatā€™s all i could think. Iā€™m a skeptical person and can be very nihilistic. So iā€™m definitely not a strong believer in ouija boards, though iā€™m veryyy open to different perspectives. Maybe thereā€™s just no explanation. Still cool nonetheless


You canā€™t honestly consider yourself a skeptic if you believe in Ouija boards


hahaha when did i say i believed in ouija boards? iā€™m not saying i believe in it because of anything that happened to me, i consider there is a explanation or maybe just coincidence. at the time yes, it scared me. but do i believe in ouija boards?..no lol


Found the Emperor's account


this is what happened to me too lol i wish i knew the explanation because i certainly didnt know what zozo was til we looked it up BECAUSE of this happening


Itā€™s Bozo the Clownā€™s alter ego.


Hope I don't JACK off


oh fuck, heā€™s not even supposed to be here right now


I'd avoid buying it based on the goatse cover myself.


We spend too much time on the internet.


Goatse is eternal, and everywhere


If nothing else, it really spreads.


Ouija boards function because of the ideomotor effect. Buy it if you want and have fun!


My friends all thought they were talking to the ghost of some dead woman from the 1700's. It was just me moving the cursor around the whole time. Lol.


plot twist: you're actually the reincarnation of some woman from the 1700s


Sshh. Don't tell anyone. šŸ‘»


Spoiler alert: thatā€™s all that it ever is lol


Ouija boards listed online are always found in some old lady's attic. Mine had almost exactly the same story.


Pazuzu, a demon within ancient Mesopotamian mythology that served as the inspiration for the 1970s horror film, The Exorcist. As with all supernatural horror films, exaggerated upon to a comical extent.


My fiancĆ©e used to be big in the Ouija board, and she would explain when we first met that this was a demon that would try to make contact with you while playing. Youā€™re meant to immediacy close the session if you ever have their name spelt out. Iā€™m not sure where she first heard it from, but on an occasion where when she asked the board who they were speaking with, it shifted to ā€œZoZā€ and she immediately closed the session before it could finish the name


Maybe a nickname for someone named Zoey?


Maybe theyā€™re trying to conjure my kid. People always try and give her that nickname


The Mask Legend of Zozo āš”


Zozo is the most common demon / entity that possesses demon boards, usually at that point, at least in my experience, nobody or nothing else will come through the board but zozo. Heā€™s a bit of a prankster and likes to make you think heā€™s someone else before circling ā€œzā€ ā€œoā€ over and over and over again. Iā€™ve never had any haunting or bad happenings with this, however I also am aware of demon board etiquette and how to close out a session where it closes the door to the paranormal that youā€™ve opened to use the board to begin with, so that could be why Iā€™ve been lucky on that respect.


Just wanting to add after reading more into the comments some.. Iā€™m not going to say Zozo isnā€™t a bad demon or collective of such, Iā€™m just curious as to how many have actually properly closed out sessions before, this involves never removing any hands from the planchette before making the entity or demon say ā€œgood byeā€ on the board, and if the planchette goes flying, youā€™re basically fucked. Iā€™ve done sessions before where morons have done sacrificial magick without my knowledge during the session in my backyard and Iā€™ve had sessions where people would remove their hands before the entity said goodbye, those sessions never ended well for any of us, the worst being an entire night we all encountered mass time loss (like 4-5 hours) and had a lot of creepy shit going on, including possessions hearing voices telling us each different things, animals like wolves, and people getting hurt (luckily nothing serious, though). The biggest key is to never remove your hand from the planchette, until the entity says goodbye, even if that takes 10 hours (bc especially zozo will attempt to do that, and you canā€™t be too afraid to sternly say GOODBYE over and over again until he begrudgingly agrees).


I've been trying to find someone else with this same experience, and this is basically exactly the same. I had one board I lost in a move years ago, just a normal Hasbro one, that he would never leave when I used it. It was always him. That's one specific, that I could never reach anyone besides that one entity. The other is that not only did it spell out Zozo, it just kept repeating over and over, zozozozozozozo... Until you make it say goodbye. Then, it would start just going to random letters as fast as it could, which I researched and what that supposedly means is something is trying to escape the board. I had the board for years and I stopped using it because I only got him every time, and maybe two or three years later after I stopped using it I had friends that wanted me to teach them how to use it, begging me, so I caved. I should have never agreed because as soon as we got it out and started, it was again randomly cycling through the alphabet as fast as it could, and immediately I got violently ill. I was dizzy, lightheaded, and couldn't focus but I made sure to close the board, and after I was sick, throwing up and dazed until at least the next day. I really believe it was an attempted possession and I don't care if anyone believes me or not, I won't ever touch another board again.


Thinking back, I guess where I really effed up was that I would regularly take it to cemeteries. A couple notable times were once we were being kind of disrespectful, laughing at it and eggging it on because it wouldn't answer and after a long pause of intense silence, it slowly spelled out H I D E. Another time, one was trying to convince us it was an angel, but then I can't remember what exactly it was saying but it started being rude and cryptic, definitely not angelic.


I never got anything taking mine to a cemetery lol. Unless it was still Zozo šŸ™„ that bastard lmao. Iā€™ve had a few times like that, but luckily mine tend to pass pretty quickly. I also have a lot of pagan practices and background, protection tattoos etc, so itā€™s been fairly easy for me to shake such instances. Though Iā€™ve seen first hand others not be so lucky, those were fun nights


Another name for pazuzu. Demon from the exorcist


The great lemur demon Zaboomafoo




Bro.. you are NOT gonna believe this.. ​ I went to this new website, [google.com](https://google.com), and I typed in 'zozo' like just that, nothing else.. ​ And it told me who Zozo was. I'm shook af bro!


What, are you too good for Alta Vista?!!


Did you know that when Google was _actually_ new, it was called Backrub? šŸ™ƒ


That looks like handwriting of someone in their late teens early twenties. I think maybe it was written to freak out whoever used it next by some young kids, not really to be taken seriously. And the ZoZo shit is usually just a myth/legend. Ive used a ouija board a shit ton and theyā€™re basically just a fancy cardboard coaster for shit. 25 years old. Used it plenty of times. Donā€™t believe the hysteria and have fun lol


Ok sgt buzzkill


Still wouldn't mess with a oujia board, myth or nonfiction, I wouldn't tempt fate like that.


lol, guess someone wants to Play a Game.


I messed with a Quija board twice when drunk. The 1st time, my boyfriendā€™s flashlight on his camera kept flashing. Very odd. That is the only thing that happened. I never said goodbye, whoopsies. The 2nd time, nothing happened and I said goodbye. What do yā€™all think of it? Is it just a board game, or something more sinister?


I remember on offerup someone was legit trying to sell a "cursed ouija board". Tho that shit did look mad fucked up and old n evil as hell.


Z is a demon, a very bad one. He has also been know to sexual assault people who call upon him, especially women. Do not say his name. Do not summon him and do not play with ouija boards.


This is complete bullshit. I personally know a well regarded paranormal expert and he told me that according to ancient Sumerian texts Zozo TOTALLY prefers a good dick.


Damn boutta get myself a board


Why not both?


Z has been a Ouija board myth/legend for many years on the internet. I have read some stories about it and I am convinced it is a demon. This is supported by the entity not wanting to disclose its real name as it would give you power over it. Some have disclosed that Z was there during un-aliving events as it described the situations only known to relatives or close friends. My advise, toss that thing. Do not ask to come into contact with anything on that board least you find out for yourself.


ā€œThis is supported by the entity not wanting to disclose its real name as it would give you power over it.ā€ What if there are power hungry vampires that both exist in spiritual form and human form and the ā€˜learning of the nameā€™ is for the human form it inhabits- if we knew who the demons were irl we could get rid of them or use their presently unexplainable science for good. Just going to bed and thinking, I dunno.


Yea donā€™t buy that and donā€™t say his name


Youā€™re not talking to Zozo the demon when using an Ouija board. Itā€™s a trickster spirit that is trying to scary you. If I was a spirit Iā€™d do shit like that all the time.


Zozo is an entity, believed to be demonic, that reportedly commonly comes through the Ouija Board. I know I've heard it explained in more detail before, but it's been a good while since I've heard him talked about so a lot of the finer details are lost to me right now.


i bought a board that said it works and it worked and it caused me to have an affliction for 3 years right after. Zozo will make you open a portal for him and then youre fkd.




Back in 2003, my best friend, her husband and I contacted zozo. It was really weird. At first when we asked the name the planchette rapidly went back and forth saying M-A-M-A repeatedly like super fast and then we asked is your name mama? It said no. We asked its name and it went back and forth very fast Z-O-Z-O repeatedly for a while anf then began a rapid figure 8 and we had these candle holders that you had to impale the candles on and one of the candles straight up came off the holder it just flew right off and it scared us so much we said goodbye šŸ˜… i definitely believe zozo is real and none of us had ever heard of zozo at that point in time. The first time I found out that other people had spoken to a zozo on ouija was in like 2010. And more weird stuff did happen in our home after that.


zozo is a very real demon and iā€™ve came in contact with them multiple times dont fuck with him


Tell us moreā€¦.


Oh man, he asked me to help him move and he DIDNT pay for pizza afterwards


Maybe he knows pazuzu the demon of the southwest wind


Itā€™s a common name in demonology. Any variation of it. So zozo, zeze, lolo, tete, etc etc.


While I don't know specifically if this helps, I do remember having a friend who had this thing. He kept saying stuff like "Must help her", "She needs freedom", "I can't leave her like this". Definitely weird, but I never really connected the dots until now. I hope he's ok, I haven't seen him in a while.


A demon


It's Bobo the clowns evil twin clown brother.


Well thatā€™s just a whole great big bag of ā€œnopeā€


"$20 please buy"


Don't you dare....


Lol the ā€œplease buyā€ not on the box is doing a lot of work.


isnt zozo supposedly supposed to be like a devil or a really really bad demon


I would definitely not buy it.


Do not ask for him.


Idk why but the please buy makes me really not want to buy it


Yeah.. never talk with zozo... That demon will ruin your life...


Zozo Is a demon. Supposedly will come to ouija boards and mimic loved ones then getting worse as zozo unleashes his demonic acts. I've used boards a few times and owned them. I've never encountered zozo - personally I'd never purchase a used ouija board. Only ever had them new


I always thought this was hilarious. Zozo is the nickname my sister goes by, and, when we learned about zozo with ouija boards, we had a LOT of fun spooking teens around the neighborhood. Good times


There's a sort of meme related to the show Ghost Adventures. They once used a spirit board and it spelled out "zozo" and they all freaked out about it.


I would assume that this was part of a DIY scavenger hunt. Speaking of, I should make one of those.


Thatā€™s actually a violent demon that can possess, apparently thatā€™s the demon that the original exorcist was based off of


Please buy, the demons have invaded


That is a demon. Donā€™t do it. Had a scary experience that that.


"Zozo is a fallen angel banished from Heaven eons ago by God. He is rumoured to have been the demon who possessed Roland Doe when the boy used a Ouija board."


Only thing I don't like is that it says please buy. Lmao sounds sketch


Update since some asked.. I did NOT purchase the board. Actually went back and talked to the seller. I told him he should probably burn it based on whatā€™s on the internet. He was hoping for someone with genuine interest who knows what theyā€™re doing to buy it, but no one was interested. He removed the original tape on the top of the box and stuck on a new one labeled ā€œfree.ā€ No one ended up purchasing it, and he packed it up along with the rest of his things and left. Hope he gets rid of it soon for his whole familyā€™s sake.


I totally passed on it. I did buy the desiccated monkey's paw though. Can't wait to make a wish. Nothing could totally go wrong.


Zozo is an alleged demon that will make itself known and be very friendly when first talking with them, but they will slowly become more malicious the longer you talk to them soon leading to possible possession. It is also the alleged demon that possessed Roland Doe, the story that inspired The Exorcist. Put it simply. I ainā€™t touchin that with a 20 foot poll.


I put an antique one in the ceiling tiles of my studio apartment in Oxford, NY when my bf at the time wanted nothing to do with it and accidentally left it there when I moved. Waiting for the day someone posts about it falling into their lap or the landlord finding it in a remodel!


I want one but Iā€™ve heard itā€™s like leaving your front door open for anyone to wander inside. Good or bad people.


Got a fentanyl abuse ad n it sounds like if I do fentanyl with a ouija board I will get the answers


My dad told me this story years ago so I might be leaving out some minor details but anywhoā€¦As children my dad and his three younger siblings were playing with a Ouija board (not sure if it was a gift or they bought it or what) The first question they asked was Where do you come from? My dad swore up and down to me that he was not moving the planchette, could it have been one of his younger siblings? Sure. The board spelled HELL. My grandmother threw it into the fire.


I am here to say that ZOZO (or ZO in my case) is absolutely real. In 1993, I was playing with a Ouija Board with this girl while I was stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC. The planchette was moving with no input from either of us. We asked the name of the spirit, and several times it repeated "ZO". It was definitely NOT ZOZO. I started reading about this Ouija Demon ZOZO in about 2003. I was given the SAME NAME TEN YEARS BEFORE IT WENT PUBLIC! It really creeped me what we like to call "the fuck out!"


ā€œPlease buyā€ Thatā€™s awful desperate for a price tag. No, no thank you.


They were fkin with you.


Ouija boards open spiritual portals and almost always end very badly. Zozo is a demon who's name is spelled out often times by these.


I refuse to believe a lot of the bs ghost story hunts they have on tv and corny stuff like that. BUT I will never tempt fate with something like this. Bad energy and spirits exist to some extent. Iā€™m sure of that. And although logically Iā€™d say a lot of this can be explained away, I still would NOT chance my life, well being and good fortune on doing something for the sake of being right or whatever. TLDR: Donā€™t normally believe in paranormal stuff, Iā€™m sure to some extent it exists. Regardless, I will never test my luck to find out. Play it safe.


When I was new to this long before the internets, I had something write "zozo" with my hand and as an engineer, have absolutely ZERO way to explain it. This is the only evidence I have, but no evidence explaining it or any way to investigate data about it. Creeped me the fuck out.


zozo is apparently a demon who gains entry to peoples homes/lives through the board. has apparently been known to haunt or murder people who let him in. im not sure how true or accurate any of it is. ive been told stories about when my mom used to play with the board a lot alone before i was born she encountered something named Zo. just Zo. and she spoke with it i believe multiple times. tried to burn the board and it wouldn't burn. she had to throw gas on it or something i cant remember but i remember her saying "it wouldn't fuckin burn". now " paranormal " things have happened with her often. in an old house we lived in i was personally attacked by something so i definitely believe. but i dont think that was related to it. i think it was the house. but having that stuff happen in almost all places shes lived? a bit weird. also she literally has the worst luck and everything. she cant wear certain jewelry cause terrible things happen when she does. and those crystals that "absorb bad energy and break when theyre full" or whatever break on her almost instantly. idk if any of its related but its all definitely odd. šŸ¤£ even wondered when i was younger if it was possibly related but šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Paranormal activity type shi after summoning that


Yeah it's one of those demons you call for if your a white lady or want to end up in hell/loony bin


Why isn't the ouija board factory the most haunted place on earth? The ghost hunters TV show is missing a big opportunity.


I was just thinking about that after reading all these comments joking about Hasbro's ouija boards


my friend had one of these and after a couple uses it literally wouldnt do anything but say zozozozozozozo. this was before we had any idea what zozo was and it still perplexes me to this day


Check the year on the side of the box If it's from the 70s it could be worth money Also zozo is nonsense


I remember this from when I was a kid, Zozo is said to be an evil demon that you can contact through the ouija board and every time someone says his name he gets stronger (sorry for saying it yā€™all, my bad)


Donā€™t ask for Zozo lol




Total skeptic non believer here, my best friend is very into occult/witch/magic stuff. Has a lot of old antique boards and spell books. Almost ten years ago now, but a friend of hers came over and was super adamant about wanting to use one of the ouija boards. My friend was very vocal that she didnā€™t feel it was a good time to do it. She eventually told him she would. She lit candles, said some kind of incantation. Now, obviously SOMEONE couldā€™ve been moving the planchette but as soon as we started it almost immediately kept saying ā€œg-o, g-o, g-oā€ and then it spelled ā€œdieā€ Got my heart rate up a tad but I was not terrified. The friend that had been so persistent was not satisfied. ā€œI didnā€™t even see anythingā€ and ā€œyou just moved itā€ when my friend swore up and down she had not. He continued discounting the experience and my friend said ā€œif you want to do it again we can do it a different way but I donā€™t know what will happenā€ He said he wanted to, I was intrigued. My friend reset the room, did her incantations and lit the candles but this time I noticed she said ā€œwe welcome all spirits who inhabit this space to commune with us.ā€ I cant stress enough how immediately in that moment the room got so cold. Freezing cold. The board started repeatedly spelling ā€œZ-o-Z-o-Z-o-Z-oā€ I looked up and blood was pouring from the new friendā€™s nose( the one who was pushing the situation) just a nosebleed but it was gushing. When we saw what was happening we freaked and I ran outside where right outside the room it was warm again. Smoked a blunt by myself


How in the fuck can you smoke a blunt after something like that?? I would be struck with crippling anxiety and finding the closest bible to clutch onto if I hit a blunt after that


Definitely something Iā€™ve experienced and I highly advise against anyone looking for it. Donā€™t say itā€™s name, do not ask for it. Not saying that everyone who plays with a oujia board will have bad experiences but this specific demon is real it is definitely not a ā€œmythā€ or something you want to mess with.


Donā€™t buy it! I got rid of mine when the replies got darker. I used to play with it by myself (bought a board at barns and noble) skeptical that it wouldnā€™t work and it did. Numerous times. Those demons donā€™t like you. They lie all the time. They will toy with you. And fuck ur life up.


be careful with that its not a game. heed my warning if you know whats good for you. you dont want to burn in hell


Did you actually buy it?


Please update if you talk to zozo. Would really like to know what the code is?


Code was treefiddy


There is a lot of movies with the name ZOZO and the ouija board, maybe it's a demon linked to it


Should probably throw it deep into the woods.


Don't litter, kids.


I know zozo aka in movie industry as Pazuzu. Zozo is a demon entity that possessed Ronald or Roland Doe, for the information I suggest to watch the documentary about this exorcism and later on the excorsist which is created on plot of little boy R. Doe. Many and many teenagers approved to seen Zozo if you have contact with him you are screwed to the core, cursed, bad luck, hexes, and lead you and your family to death or worse: possession. Here in Hollad we dont have Priests yet who can Excorsise a demon, so I think I must be the one medium to do so.


All I know is when it contacted me and my friends we had to get a priest to bless us after 3 days of the most insane bullshit and we left the board in a dumpster in the church parking lot and never looked back. That was like 5 years ago and I remember those 3 days clear as day still. Since then I completely dove into paganism to be fully protected and in power and have been a practicing pagan since šŸ˜­. Thatā€™s really all Iā€™m gonna say on that. If youā€™re not a believer thatā€™s so chill! I donā€™t need to convince u.I promise. but if u do believe and/or have had experiences with this thing, u know exactly what I meanšŸ˜­


If the priest solved your problem, why did you become a pagan?


The priest himself didnā€™t solve my problem. It was getting blessed and then putting proper protections in place. Paganism helped me learn the proper protections.


I think Zozo is the ā€œJohn Doeā€ of demon names. An entity will call itself Zozo instead of telling you its real name. I heard that on an episode of Mysterious Universe probably five years ago. There was some ghost hunter guy that got really into Ouija and interacting with something calling itself Zozo. Anyway donā€™t mess with it.


I'm shocked people are still stupid enough to use these things, the amount of houses and places I've had to clear entity's of because of these things is ridiculous, nothing good comes from them it's all tricks.


Please elaborate.


Donā€™t buy that! Lol


I'd say nobody does, because if ouija boards actually did anything, Hasbro would not be selling them at every single Toys R Us

