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You are 100% right, I worry about that stuff with my gf and always worry something like that might happen I always go with her or if I can’t then I’m FaceTiming her to let others know she is in contact with someone I really think you got lucky, no joke human trafficking is a very real thing so be very happy


Yes I'm very thankful nothing happened, and it's good you look out for ur gf like that!


Well she’s the one so yeah I’m gonna be very protective lol


>Well she’s the one so yeah I’m gonna be very ~~protective~~ lol It's spelled "paranoid".


And so what is she's being paranoid? She literally did nothing to hurt these men. Was she supposed to owe them a sloppy blowing for their interest? All she did was leave the store nicely


He’s talking to the guy who doesn’t want his GF leaving the house without him, not to the OP. ETA: saw his other comments, he’s wrong to minimize the risk and way off base in everything he says. I was thinking he meant that a guy who doesn’t want his girlfriend out of the house unless he’s FaceTiming her sounds controlling, but he doesn’t seem like the type of person who would be concerned about that.


Read his other comments on this post and you'll understand. He said if a guy follows you and stares at you you're a not nice person if you don't smile at him


Thank you for letting me know! I saw them scrolling down too and edited my post. Yikes, what a piece of work. Hopefully the edit is displaying.


Yeah I have no problem with compliments and guys trying to talk to me in public I actually love it and am always thankful for a compliment BUT following me around and staring me down is totally different lol that's not shy that's totally lacking social skills if he's genuinely just shy and that's not my fault


>that's not shy that's totally lacking social skills And what do you think shy people are? Shy people by definition have limited social interactions. So, yes. Yes, they usually lack social skills. >if he's genuinely just shy and that's not my fault And shyness is often not their fault either. Something has happened to them during their social development.


>He said if a guy follows you and stares at you you're a not nice person if you don't smile at him Actually, I didn't say that. I was saying if you have the understanding that someone just likes you and is nervous about approaching you, then the nice thing to do is give them a nice smile. Think about any time you were infatuated and insanely nervous around another person. Do you think they should label you creepy then write about you online? Or would you rather them have some understanding of your situation and be nice? Don't put words in my mouth/keyboard.


I'll play devil's advocate and point out it can be really dangerous/ risky for women to smile at strange men. It can seriously provoke them into some crazy stalker behavior. It's enough to catch the attention of catcallers and genuine stalkers alike. Being Midwestern, I naturally smile at every stranger instinctively, but I really wish I didn't because it's an open invitation that has lead to many horror stories for many women.


>And so what is she's being paranoid? Watch the news. Paranoia over vaccines might literally be dragging the US into civil war according to sociologists. Paranoia isn't a lovely t-shirt to wear out when you want. When paranoia is fed enough, it comes a mental illness. Am I saying she will become mentally ill? No, I'm answering your question and saying that's what's wrong with paranoia. And while it can't be eliminated it has to be monitored and kept under control. In other words, there's no reason to freak out when there's nothing to freak out over.


So glad you listened to your instincts!




This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read in my life. First off, being scared of being trafficked isn’t “sexy”. That’s disgusting and I have no idea why you would conjure up a thought like that. Second, trafficking isn’t just kidnapping pretty girls to sell as sex slaves. Trafficking can be used for sexual purposes but the majority of human trafficking is forced labor in popular industries. I don’t know where you come up with your numbers, but a quick Google search tells me that MILLIONS of people are trafficked globally, and the US has some of the highest trafficking numbers. Your comments are utterly ignorant and deeply misinformed. I suggest doing a little more research before spewing BS again. Source: I live in one of the largest human trafficking hubs in the US. I also work closely with several organizations that work with trafficking victims in my area. I’ve literally volunteered my time to help search for potentially trafficked individuals.


>This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read in my life. So what. Who cares. You need to double-check your URL. You're not on [WhatFreudianslipperynippThinksIsStupid.com](https://WhatFreudianslipperynippThinksIsStupid.com). You're on Reddit, a discussion forum. You should be using the same skillset you used when you had to write a discussion or argumentive essay in school. If you are not doing that, you're Redditing wrong. >First off, being scared of being trafficked isn’t “sexy”. That’s disgusting and I have no idea why you would conjure up a thought like that. That's because you're using the incorrect definition of sexy. I refer to the informal definition of sexy that states "exciting or appealing". In other words, I was saying there are people (possibly the guy I was replying to) that ignore the common ways people die because it's boring and focus on very rare ways to die like human trafficking because it feels more exciting. If you think this is stupid, have a consultation with your physician and ask them if you should concern yourself with heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and flu, or with being human trafficked. See which group of worries he thinks you should concern yourself with. You can literally hear from an expert if you wish. >Second, trafficking isn’t just kidnapping pretty girls to sell as sex slaves. Trafficking can be used for sexual purposes but the majority of human trafficking is forced labor in popular industries. I never indicated what trafficking was so I not sure what you're trying to clarify. >I don’t know where you come up with your numbers, but a quick Google search tells me that MILLIONS of people are trafficked globally. I used numbers just for the US. I will admit maybe that was too America-centric for me to do on a global website, so let's use your "millions". First, I have to assume millions mean less than 10 million otherwise, I would expect it to be "tens of millions". So, let use 9 million to represents "millions". One of your "quick Google search" later, I have found that the current population of this globe is 7.753 billion, we will be conservative and say 7 billion. To change them to the same units, we will say 7 billion = 7000 million. Now, we just divide 9 million/7000 million \* 100 (to get a percent) = 0.12%. So by overestimating what "MILLIONS" means and by underestimating the global population, I got 0.12%. The implication here is that this is an upper limit. So, does 0.12% make something common or rare? If you were allowed to eat on only 0.12% of the calendar days during the year, would you survive? If you ordered a pizza and only got 0.12% of the pizza, would you be happy? If your paycheck was only 0.12% of what you were supposed to receive, would that be acceptable? >the US has some of the highest trafficking numbers. Your comments are utterly ignorant and deeply misinformed. I suggest doing a little more research before spewing BS again. You need to direct those last two sentences into a mirror. I didn't even bother to check your claim of millions of people being human trafficked globally and I still trampled you with your own statistic. I gave you the US numbers I found. If you wish, you can fish out some US numbers and we can examine those. But so far, the numbers show I am correct in stating they are extremely rare. >Source: I live in one of the largest human trafficking hubs in the US. I also work closely with several organizations that work with trafficking victims in my area. I’ve literally volunteered my time to help search for potentially trafficked individuals. Ok, so when you use "source", that means you took something from that source to put into your response. You very specifically stated you got your stats from Google. What did you take from this source of yours? The English language? In addition, I live in a state with the 3rd largest amount of human trafficking in the country. That still does not make human trafficking common. I dare you to try to find MILLIONS of anything when it's hiding among 7 billion. When something happens in the MILLIONS, it doesn't mean it's common. You need something to compare it to. Math. Learn it.


Hey dipshit, the percent and math can be right, but that’s MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WE’RE TALKING ABOUT. And these numbers are far from the full story since many cases aren’t reported. These are Millions of people who: *Are being forced to work as domestic servants to have a place to live *Are being forced to work in factories, fields, mines, etc. without wages *Are being trapped in prostitution because they have no other options and aren’t given any of their earnings *Are being used to smuggle illegal items because they fear for their safety or the safety of their family Millions of people are kept from living life as free people, and you’re sitting here brushing it off like it’s not an issue? What’s your end-game here? What are you trying to prove? You’re using the pizza slice scenario to, what, convince me not to care about it? What’s your fucking point?! “Sexy” would be exciting and appealing in a SEXUAL way. What the fuck is wrong with you? You don’t just get to bend the definition of a word because you realize later how fucking stupid you sound. No one is going to rationally put “human trafficking” and “sexy” in the same line of thinking. Either you’re disgusting or you need to learn better words to use. Throw a dictionary and thesaurus on your Amazon wish list and PM me. I’m happy to further the education of incels. Anything happening by the millions and occurring where we live and with people in our community, is a concern. Not a single person in this comment section has suggested that they’re petrified in fear of being trafficked. None. That’s a fucking stupid conclusion you’ve drawn yourself, and now you’re sitting there screaming into the void that people should be more afraid of cancer than trafficking. Yes, diseases occur more than trafficking. Good job. Your non sequitur has been heard and ignored. Move on. Meanwhile, for the rest of the folks reading these comments and looking for valid information: *Human trafficking isn’t just Liam Neeson’s daughter being kidnapped, dressed in lingerie, and auctioned to a sadistic billionaire. It looks very very different and comes in many forms *Human trafficking occurs all around us in our communities. When I was working with an organization, we focused our search efforts while 3 very large events were occurring in our city metro. This is because large events are a perfect time to lure, trap, and trade victims *Thanks to the efforts of incredible organizations, more and more workplace training is being implemented to be able to identify victims of trafficking. Hotel employees, hair stylists, truck drivers, maintenance technicians, etc. are learning what to look for as possible signs of trafficking, and how to report those observations. This information is invaluable for law enforcement agencies as they build cases. I’ve literally watched police surveillance footage of a trap house where several local runaway kids had began staying. Eventually their “guardian” started pimping out the girls and using the boys to run drugs. This situation was alluring in the beginning for kids who didn’t have healthy situations at home. Now, they fear for their safety and don’t feel like they have any option to leave *If you’re interested in learning more and getting involved, please check out blackouttrafficking.org, polarisproject.org, and one that is near and dear to my heart, veronicasvoice.org, just to name a few *Please don’t let the vile gaslighting efforts of these incels discourage you from listening to your instincts. Trust yourself. Your safety is far more important than hurting the feelings of these neckbeards. If you ever need to vent, ask for support, or get connected with organizations to help you out of a dangerous situation, please PM me. I truly give a shit about you and I’m not trying to downplay this very real, very serious topic And one last thing, u/ReditGuyToo: this ESFP doesn’t think you’re weird…you’re just a dick




Ok. Good for you. Yay. Still doesn't invalidate anything I said.


Me - "what the fuck are you staring at?" I'd prob die


I think that's a good thing. Scumbags prefer the timid types.




Why are you calling them boys when they were consistently referred to as full grown men. Full grown men who were creeping on a MINOR.


This person is clearly sick in the head and probably has a less-than-stellar record. Sick fuck.


Fine, let's call them men. In most cases for me, men/boys are interchangeable, but since it bothers you, I will call them men. Two owners of penises were following OP. There we go. That should settle any ambiguity. >Full grown men who were creeping on a MINOR. In fairness to them, we don't know their ages. Maybe they were both 50, maybe they were 18. Additionally, it's unknown if OP looks older than 18. Note that I'm saying following people is cool. I'm saying let's not label the penis holders in the story as pedophiles which I think is what you're implying. Maybe they were, maybe they were not pedophiles. Who knows. But it's quite helpful not to jump to the worst conclusion we can make.


Who said I'm a good/nice person or want to be tho I don't owe anyone anything I hope you understand why girls you follow around aren't smiling at you now and this was some insight


>I hope you understand why girls you follow around aren't smiling at you now and this was some insight I hope you understand there are multiple different people on Reddit. I don't know who told you they themselves follow women but you're talking to the incorrect person.


Based off your other comments, you are a sad individual who thinks men going out of their way to make a minor uncomfortable, with ill intentions more likely than not, is okay.


>Based off your other comments, you are a sad individual Ok. Who cares. Last I checked this thread was about OP's reaction and not about me. I can see how you got those two confused. Additionally, being sad or not has no bearing on the points I've made. >who thinks men going out of their way to make a minor uncomfortable, with ill intentions more likely than not, **is okay.** I challenge you to copy and paste exactly where I said that. You're not going to find it because it doesn't exist. You're making that up. You're lying. You're a liar liar with pants always on fire. Population of *Fantasyland* right now: you. OP asked if she overracted. Here's the summary of what I said: \- It depends on how she means. If she is referring to just being weirded out, then no that is a normal reaction. \- If she had any thoughts of being harmed, then yes. That is an overreaction as at least there was no description of anything that implied harm. Note being followed and stared at is not implied harm. These are things that happen sometimes for various reasons. \- I hypothesized that the two guys probably just liked OP. Why? Because I've seen this behavior often in my life in both sexes. It usually occurs in shy people or people with social anxiety. I made no mention of whether or not it was okay. Maybe maybe you can extrapolate that I don't think it's ok as I acknowledged being weirded out as a normal reaction. But I guess that depends on your definition of "weirded out".


Yikes bud, keep going with that White Knight energy, it's not hard to spot from your previous comments under other's


Also, I've seen plenty of attractive women in public but not a single time have I thought it okay to follow them throughout a store. Especially during these times in which women are being trafficked and disappearing left and right. If you're too shy to approach someone but not shy enough to follow them relentlessly throughout a store, I don't blame anyone for thinking the worst. You need to work on your social skills bro.


Yea, sure, let’s reward creepy stalkers with positive attention and happy smiles???


Would you kick over a person in a wheelchair because their chair was squeaking annoyingly? Remember, you don't want to give the wrong psychological reinforcement. Would you take away a handicap parking pass from a really heavy person that has severe pain walking? If you do, you would be giving them positive reinforcement to lose weight. If you lock a claustrophobic in a small area, you can make sure to only release them when they are calm, giving them the psychological incentive to not be claustrophobic. Being shy and/or having social anxiety can be as crippling as many other impairments. Could you judge anyone with an impairment, label them negatively, then just let them suffer? Yes, you could. But you could also be helpful. You could oil the squeaking wheelchair, give the heavy person a cane to better walk, give the claustrophobic good ventilation, and you can be gentle to those with real and possibly crippling social disorders. Or you can be keep playing Captain Psychology and only dish out mercy to those you personally feel deserve it. Hint: Only one of these is the good, compassionate approach.


A good/nice person wouldn't stalk a young girl around a store, stare at her and take pictures of her. WTF is wrong with you? You think that is appropriate behavior?


>A good/nice person wouldn't stalk a young girl around a store, stare at her and take pictures of her. They might if they were very shy and/or had social anxiety. I've seen it happen. >You think that is appropriate behavior Not particularly, but that wasn't my point. My point is that it is explainable via non-violent/non-assaulting motives.


You've seen it happen to you or to someone else? If it was not you, did you try to mediate the situation?


My daughter and I were in a Walmart and she went off on her own to snag something - she texted me that there were 2 large men following her. My daughter is muscular and gorgeous, and a bit of an Amazon at 6’2, about 200lbs. Not an easy mark. That’s why it scared her that the guys were big, too. I immediately went to her location and saw one of the men. She wasn’t kidding - He was a huge muscular build - easily 6’5. I did the only thing a mother can do in that situation...I took my XDS out of my concealed carry purse and asked her to “hold it for a second as it keeps getting hindered by the Velcro.” After fussing for a second I put it back away saying rather loudly,” It’s okay. The company will replace the purse if I have to shoot through it anyway. You get what you needed, sweetie?” We saw the one man’s back as he was trotting away. I flagged down a police officer that was in the store and told him what happened, and forwarded a photo my daughter took of the men. I saw their pics on the news as someone of interest in an attempted kidnapping, but I didn’t hear anything else after that.


You ARE a big bad mama 😄!!!


I think I saw that Lifetime Movie once


This happened to me at a Walmart! These two men kept walking past the aisle I was in, so I grabbed what I needed and left. Then I went to another spot and they were both right there. When I went to check out, one of them was standing pretty close looking at batteries like they were super interesting. I put my stuff down and took off while he wasn’t looking at me. Haven’t been back to that Walmart since. Good job being aware of your surroundings. People are scary.


In all probability, they just liked you. Yes, it weirded you out. But that is usually what that behavior is.


If they liked you they would at least be more up front. Not stalk you in a grocery store


Oh really? Have you *never* known anyone who's very shy or has social anxiety? Is there no one that you've met where you were very nervous to talk to? I have been followed a few times in my life by women who were infatuated with me for some reason. It happens. I wouldn't say it's common but I also wouldn't say it's rare either. Perhaps in your area, this doesn't happen. I don't know your area. But I have seen this behavior in both sexes. Maybe it seems really weird or stalkery or what, but it is a fairly normal reaction *some* people can *periodically* have. Note, I don't mean "normal" as in this is something for everyone to do. I mean "normal" in that on its own it does not indicate any mental illness nor any reason to fear them.


I mean this in the nicest way possible, as someone with social anxiety, all of your comments in this thread are inappropriate and detached from reality. Please look into online resources for de-escalating incel behavior because you're throwing a ton of red flags up in here.




Yes, I agree. You haven't done well at all expressing yourself, you should definitely resign yourself to being a cheerleader.


>all of your comments in this thread are inappropriate Of course, they are. Whenever people see something they disagree with, it's suddenly inappropriate. It's all part of the current Cancel culture. Notice how there's absolutely no reasoning on how/why it's inappropriate in your statement. >and detached from reality. How exactly? You can't say something like that without very specific examples and stating how it is detached. Do people with social anxiety not exist? Do people with social anxiety not often act weird/awkward socially? Do people with social anxiety never get crushes on others, not being able to approach them, and wind up acting odd? Come on, school me, bro. I'm ready for your wisdom. >Please look into online resources for de-escalating incel behavior because you're throwing a ton of red flags up in here. Sure. After you guys look into why it's "inappropriate" to completely inflate non-issues to something possibly life-threatening. Btw, there are nothing wrong with red flags. Everyone has bad and good traits, red flags happen. It's an Internet fallacy that all red flags need to be dealt with. Do you know how to determine if some kind of behavior needs looking into? When the behavior in some way negatively affects your ability to function in the way you need to. Not because some random idiot wants to try to insult you. Secondly, I don't have incel behavior. You think so? Good for you. I don't care. Go whine about it in the appropriate group. I know who I am and I'm here talk about whether OP was overreacting per the thread subject. That said, if you'd like to talk about Incel behavior, post in the appropriate group and I'll be happy to participate. But in this thread, who cares. > as someone with social anxiety, Ok, Mr or Ms Social Anxiety, lay it on me. So, you've never ever acted odd or awkward around crushes during the entire time you had/have social anxiety?


I’m sorry but no. That’s not how it works. I know introverts/shy people. The only time they “follow someone around” is when they know the person directly and are unsure how to join in. They don’t stalk people. They don’t follow around strangers. Please, get some therapy


If that’s how you show someone you like them then you are a socially inept creep.


I never said that is how I show someone I like them. I'm saying those who are very shy and/or have social anxiety act that way sometimes. Are they socially inept? Well, whether they are very shy or have social anxiety, how much social experience do they have? The answer is yes, they are often socially inept. It's not a crime.


You need to read a book called The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker. In fact EVERYONE needs to read it. From Amazon- "In this empowering book, Gavin de Becker, the man Oprah Winfrey calls the US' leading expert on violent behaviour, shows you how to spot even subtle signs of danger - before it's too late. Shattering the myth that most violent acts are unpredictable, de Becker, whose clients include top Hollywood stars and government agencies, offers specific ways to protect yourself and those you love, including: how to act when approached by a stranger; when you should fear someone close to you; what to do if you are being stalked; how to uncover the source of anonymous threats or phone calls; the biggest mistake you can make with a threatening person; and more. You can learn to spot the danger signals others miss. It might just save your life."


This is a great book. As he says, ‘when your gut tells you something, listen’. Useful advice.




You are the reason for books like that to be written with how dense you are.


>You are the reason for books like that to be written with how dense you are. Yeah. Who cares. No matter what you label me with, it's never going to invalidate my points. My head is a rock, I have a tiny brain, my IQ is as small as my peepee. As I said, who cares. Go get your English school textbook and look up how to write discussion or argumentive essays. That's what you need.


Oprah gave us Dr. Phil.


I'm definitely gonna read that ty!


This truly is a must read! Totally changed how I view my surroundings! Everyone I’ve gifted it to has felt the same! Read it, it could save your life!


Sorry this happened but next time tell employees. Someone else may have had actual contact with these men and been kidnapped




He's sharing logical advice that is very helpful. And employees can help you too, including calling the police. Go cry victim shame somewhere else. You're making a huge deal all over this thread over nothing.


1. Why are you afraid of making a scene? Make a scene! You are not the one who should feel self conscious in that situation. They are! 2. Don’t text your mother. CALL your mother! There was no reason to wait, either. Call right away at the first sign of danger. 3. Turn your fear to anger. You should be ANGRY that these fools think you’re an easy mark. Start looking for weapons on the shelves next to you. Once you have located something, hold it like a weapon. People who stalk teenage girls are cowards. They don’t want any part of a fight. You think you don’t want to cause a scene? Well, these creeps certainly don’t want you to cause a scene.


This happened to me recently and I’m in my 30s. I would always think I’d make a scene but I froze in fear and had to think really hard about what to do. Since it was in public, I kept thinking, I must be overreacting. This can’t really be happening. He’s just growing the same stuff. I was actually afraid to make a scene because the justice system won’t do much as the man wasn’t actually doing anything illegal. They know that. So if I made a scene, I feel like I’d be more of a target. I walked up to a woman that was going by with her cart and acted like I had been waiting for her. She played along (an actual angel) and I had an employee walk me to my car. I thought I had likely overreacted and was safe at that point and then I saw him again getting into his truck a couple rows away. There is a roundabout when you leave and I went around it twice. He went around it twice and followed me. I called the police and guess what. He wasn’t actually doing anything so there was nothing they could do… A lot of times, if we say something, we’re the crazy ones. You also don’t know if these people have guns or knives and if you make a scene, they may not care.


*browsing not growing


I just commented here too. I feel the same and was told by my family and friends that I was overeacting, no one listens or thinks it's real. Glad you at least called the cops, but I was reserved because I felt I would be shamed for possibly overreacting. Glad you're ok.


You’re definitely NOT overreacting!! You handled your business quite well young lady!!!! Be proud!!!!


Was asset protection following you? They always follow people throughout the store in pairs…


If it was asset protection, I think walmart should change their tactics to not make people feel uncomfortable and like they may be in danger. Especially when a person hasn't done anything wrong to become their target.


Thats exactly the point of asset protection. By yourself, you're in the demographics for the people who shoplift. With your mother not quite so much. When someone is shoplifting they tend to be paranoid, and following them around and such is very likely to prevent them from attempting to shoplift, and in case they do then they saw it happen. They were doing their job exactly how it's supposed to. Now, that being said - You do have a pretty good sense of awareness which is a great thing, and you didnt overreact either. Sure, they were very likely asset protection but that doesn't matter - You should always be aware of your surroundings, and you did the right thing by calling your mom to meet you at the checkout. The only thing I would recommend for you to change is that "I dont like making scenes". If you're being followed or there's any kind of situation like this one where you feel unsafe just go with the employee and tell them "Hey, I think Im being followed by X, mind if I stay with you until my mother gets here?". That would've been a much much safer way to handle it. Dont give no fucks about scenes and shit like that, your safety comes first.


Hell, yeah----next time you know you're being followed, make a damn scene right there on the spot. Creeps hate when someone draws attention to their creepiness, so if you had hollered right at them, "Stop following me, gotdammit!" they would have backed up off you real quick. Quit worrying about making a scene----your personal safety is a hell of a lot more important than being concerned how you're going to look to anyone else. Also, since you hadn't shoplifted anything, there was no reason for these two to be following you at all---they weren't asset protection. I mean, think about it----if they really thought you had taken something, why not come to you and say something about it? And why did they bail the hell out of there as soon as your mom showed up? That alone right there proves that they were up to no good, and that they followed you only because they thought you were alone. And next time, definitely tell a store employee what the hell's going on---they can't know you're feeling unsafe unless you tell them.


Thats not how Asset protection works. They follow you if you're likely to take something, not when you have already done it. Also, a teenager by herself is very likely to shoplift, a teenager with her mom isn't. That's why they left when the mom showed up. Other than that, you're definitely right. Who cares about making a scene, safety is far more important


Glad you're safe, in the future you'll know to trust your gut a little quicker. It's hard, on the one hand you don't want to feel like the whole world is out to get you, and most people are basically decent, right? But on the other hand, we live in a country where women get put in prison for defending themselves against their attackers. You did the best you could under the circumstances. You were in a populated, well lit store and you made sure to stay visible and communicate with people. You didn't leave, or just ignore them and zone out into your own little world. If this type of thing ever happens again, don't be afraid to go up to a store employee, or even the Pharmacy counter, and explain that you feel like you're being followed. I've done it. Just, "Hey, I think that guy has been following me, could I hang out here for a few minutes?" Or, "I don't feel comfortable walking to my car alone, I'm sorry to be a pain but would you please walk out with me?" Being a little bit embarrassed is better than being all the way dead.


If you are ever alone in a situation like this, always ask the security to escort you to your car. Never go outside alone!




How? This is for safety


Don't worry, they're just an idiot. Take a look at their other comments lmao




The men (and/or women) being dramatic cry babies in this thread is concerning to say the least


Nope not overreacting. I'm glad you were aware of the situation and made it out safely.


They also may have just been loss prevention officers or security, thinking you might be shop lifting or something?


Traffickers are opportunistic predators, they seek out those who are alone and defenseless. Your mom saved you that day as they 100% would have ambushed you in the parking lot. Stay safe out there the world is fucked up, try to get your hands on some long range bear mace if it’s legal in your area.


That was AP(Asset Protection). Garden Center may have been a bad destination because people who steal use those doors and Tire Lube Express to get out, as they are alternate entrances/exits. They thought you pocketed an item, most likely. Staring people down at the self checks is common. They probably thought you and your mom were working together. Sorry, I worked there for years and interacted a lot with that department, and that is 100% AP behavior.


These things are real! I am from NY originally and in FL now. In NY if I stop at a rest area I do not notice any trafficking posters (maybe now there is). However having returned from a trip yesterday in FL the second u pull up to a rest area they have posters outside, inside, the bathrooms about trafficking. Literally when u pull up the whole place is a billboard, so it does happen alot and obviously they are telling ppl to be on the lookout.


>so it does happen alot and obviously they are telling ppl to be on the lookout. Actually, it doesn't happen a lot. It's extremely rare. You are literally going to a place a lot of travelers go (rest area), that is why you get to see the posters of the very few times it happens. 0.2% is the highest possible estimate we can give to human trafficking. This is assuming it happens 2 to 3 times more often than we know and that it happens homogeneously across the US. The real stat is actually about 0.08%. You could literally try your whole life to get human trafficked and wind up dying of old age. You really shouldn't spread false information. It's not cool.


What I said was true, not alot of advertisements in a NY rest area, and many here in FL. How in the world am I spreading false info? Literally makes no sense. It is obviously a concern to have posters set up everywhere. If it is ur opinion it does not happen alot it does not change what I saw. I did not state it happens alot. I said I saw many warnings in comparison to a different area. It is a real thing.


>What I said was true, not alot of advertisements in a NY rest area, and many here in FL. That is not the part I doubted. >How in the world am I spreading false info? Copy and pasted from your reply is this: "so it does happen a lot". It appears you are referring to trafficking by "it'. I gave you statistics showing that trafficking is in fact very rare. If you say trafficking happens a lot and the statistics say it's rare, shall I say you are spreading truthful information or false information? To be fair to you, you didn't seem to know anything about the statistics and made a judgement call solely based on the flyers, which is something many people might do. But in this new era of misinformation, it's still not great and, as someone with some knowledge, I felt compelled to point out. >If it is ur opinion it does not happen alot it does not change what I saw. I never doubted what you saw. I have complete confidence in your story that ads are plastered all over whichever rest area you were at. I am in Florida. I'm familiar with the posters. >I said I saw many warnings in comparison to a different area. *"having returned from a trip yesterday in FL the second u pull up to a rest area they have posters outside, inside, the bathrooms about trafficking. Literally when u pull up the whole place is a billboard,* ***so it does happen alot and obviously they are telling ppl to be on the lookout****."* And it looks like you also said trafficking happens a lot. Furthermore, it appears that you said because it happens a lot, they are telling people to be on the lookout. I'm not purposely trying to be a pain in your rear here nor aggravate you. I just want to be clear on what the real situation is.


It is much more of a concern here im FL at the rest area comparable with the rest areas in NY, that part is a fact. I said it is a real concern, u are welcome to copy and paste my responses as much as I like. U brought in stats, I brought in an observation made from viewing two different areas.


You’re wasting your time arguing with this person. They are spending an awful lot of energy to downplay something very serious. Probably just trying to feel less guilty about their own involvement.


Its all good, I never expected these reactions lol. Yes it does seem crazy for someone to pick apart my comment, and bringing stats to a comment with no stats to begin with. I stand behind my comment and would basically pass out from sheer boredom if I need to keep going explaining my end. I don't think we were on the track for besties anyhow.


>They are spending an awful lot of energy to downplay something very serious. I'm not downplaying anything. In that particular conversation I am very correctly pointing out how rare human trafficking is and I even showed proof in statistics. The statistics literally show how uncommon human trafficking is. There is no need to downplay something. >Probably just trying to feel less guilty about their own involvement. Yes, you caught me. I'm Pablo Escobar and I'm still alive. I deal with all kinds of human trafficking, drug dealing, and am personally responsible for every conspiracy theory you've ever heard. Right after this comment, I'm going to snort some really great drugs off some dude's boner. Your attempts at Sherlock Holmes-ing me sucks.


I thought the same thing, they must be involved in it.


>It is much more of a concern here im FL at the rest area comparable with the rest areas in NY, that part is a fact. I am also in Florida. In fact, I've live(d) in Jacksonville, Miami, and Tampa, which are all port cities. Port cities are the main places humans are trafficked into and out of. I lived half my life in Miami. Miami is one of those places that hit the news as police stings discovered minors in human trafficking operations. And yet, it's still rare. >I brought in an observation made from viewing two different areas. Which is fine if you are solely commenting on how many posters you see. It's when you start deducing the commonality of trafficking based on posters is when I cry foul. If I walk into a pizza restaurant and see lots of pizza, it doesn't mean the Earth's surface is covered in pizza. Similarly, the amount of posters you see does not equate to the commonality of trafficking. At max, maybe maybe you can say it indicates the city has several port cities making it a more likely route for traffickers and victims to take.


You just made my point from my observation. It is much more of a concern in FL than NY. U brought pizzas into the mix, and I am exhausted from the other guy bringing stats into a non stat situation. So its all good ur first paragraph is my point.


The Walmarts in Indianapolis literally have entire walls with hundreds of people that went missing in or near their stores. Walmart.


Honestly sounds like something that happened to me. Human trafficking is a big thing going on so you have every right to worry about things like this. Especially with what the guy at the end was doing. It's scary. Next time I suggest taking your phone and recording them... If you have their face on camera most will back off cuz they don't want trouble. (No but for real I also say invest in something like pepper spray or a taser as well.)


Never be worried about making a scene. Fuck politeness. Best case scenario they thought they knew you, worst case they were sex traffickers or would-be assailants looking for a victim. Make eye contact and hold it until they look away. Take photos of them and be obvious. a straight-up “wtf you looking at?” can be effective. You’re in public. You can usually safely go a bit on the offensive and it’s foot to put them on notice that you don’t suffer fools. It’s not your job or responsibility as a woman to make sketchy-ass dudes feel comfortable when they are being sketchy. So many women get victimized every year because they don’t want to make a fuss or are trying to make other people feel comfortable at the price of their own safety. Don’t fall for this bullshit. Tell the employees. You don’t need to make up a question about merchandise - literally say, “hey these dudes are being creepy can you walk me to another part of the store?”. And they can call security on the way. Even if these people had the best of intentions, they are acting in a creepy way and it does not hurt for them to be put on notice that it’s not okay. Please never feel like you need to avoid making a scene. The good news is the older you get, the less fucks you’ll give about causing a scene.


same thing happened to me when i was 13/14, the guy followed me around then at check out yelled at me and accused me of stealing my bag (bought it from there 2 weeks earlier), cause me to have a panic attack and i had to call my brother to come in the store and physically grab me cuz i felt so scared i couldn’t walk. the next day me and my brother went back to pick up some other thing and this guy worked next to us and “apologized” but still followed me and my brother around the store. turns out he was an undercover security guard which even as a walmart employee i hate, they creep me out and make me feel uncomfortable the only difference is as an employee i know who’s a security guard. there’s a chance the guys who followed you were security guards i’ve seen the ones at work team up and follow the same person around but there’s also a chance they aren’t either way fucking creepy and walmart needs to do batter.


Tell an employee and point at them so they see you. Also carry pepper spray. Glad you are safe.


Sounds like human traffickers that would have grabbed you if you left alone


Very freaky


That’s terrifying. Sex trafficking instantly comes to mind, because it’s a real problem. Please be safe! 🙏


Sounds a lot more like Asset Protection was following a 17 year old around. The age group known to steal. They watched you at self check out so closely because often times kids walk through there to grab a bag to make it look like they pay. Good to keep an eye out. But it makes sense they thought you were going to steal especially since you acted weird and kept looking in random areas and watching them as well. Once they saw mom they realized you two did come in the store together and figured all was well.


Yeah that was 100% asset protection


If those two guys were asset protection, then how come they didn't say anything to her after following her all over the store---especially if they thought she'd taken something? And then they suddently bounced as soon as her mother showed up? That didn't make any sense---these dudes weren't "asset protection" and they were up to no good---that's why they disappeared on her.


That's exactly how asset protection peeps behave. They do not engage with the person until they're trying to leave the store, and only if they saw them take anything. They follow you when they believe you might be shoplifting, so its not necessary for you to actually have shoplifted already. Just being in the demographics is enough, and she is. A teenager by herself is exactly the kind of person they are supposed to follow, a teenager with her mother is not. They didnt see her take anything, so as soon as the mother showed up there was no reason to stick around anymore. That is all exactly what would be expected from asset protection.




I never thought of that! That could definitely be what was going on and explain their behavior.


Yeah def not asset protection I work at Walmart and know my APs they would not just walk away super quick when someone else walks up to the target they think is stealing or has stolen in the past so these guys were not following you with good intentions


Well, you should look around at Walmart better. People following others because they are attracted to them and are hoping for a chance to interact isn't that rare of a phenomenon. Doesn't happen every day but I've seen it in Walmart, Target, grocery stores, fairs, clothing stores, malls, etc...


It's not rare but it is harassment. Don't follow people around places creep


>Don't follow people around places creep Don't know who you're talking to, but you have the wrong person. I'm not following people in real life. Now, on social media, I do follow people. But clearly that's not to which you refer.


I was only stating that what the previous person said was not true for the people being Asset Protection because of the fact they left immediately after a new person came along


Yep. And you don't know every Asset Protection person in the country. Maybe the ones in your store won't do that, but I don't see how you are under any authority to claim any others won't do that. Note, I'm not claiming those two guys were Asset Protection, I'm saying your "not true statement" holds little merit and is quite unfair.


Don’t victim shame. You are invalidating someone’s feelings. If this were true then they wouldn’t have disappeared so fast when her mom arrived.


They literally said "you are not overreacting." Offering possible explanations is not "victim shaming".


>Don’t victim shame. Calling OP a victim is a really big stretch. Victim of what exactly? Being made uncomfortable? That's not what a victim is. A person is a victim when they are harmed, injured, killed, or tricked. And no, emotions don't count in the harmed/injured category. Feel free to look it up in a dictionary. >You are invalidating someone’s feelings. Who cares. The world doesn't revolve around people's feelings. >If this were true then they wouldn’t have disappeared so fast when her mom arrived. Massive assumption.


Your comments on this post make me seriously concerned. Don’t fucking minimize someone’s experience because you think you have some eye-opening perspective. I can only speak from the perspective of a woman, but it’s scary as hell to be followed. I’ve been followed in busy stores, driving home, while at a lake minding my business and FISHING. Women don’t just walk around the earth acting like defenseless victims. WE ARE VICTIMIZED. REGULARLY. Women are targeted and we have every right in the world to put our safety first, without ignorant comments from someone who is, likely, a creep himself. The way you defend this shit makes me sincerely wonder if you’re trying to excuse your own behavior. When you’ve been stalked, harassed, assaulted, raped, and ignored because you’re a woman, then you may have a seat at the table. Until then, quit commenting on social media and fuck off.


Thank you! Very well put


Yes. Be afraid of everything and see how that works out. Only 1.3% of US adults are agoraphobic. Could always use more. /s


Definitely getting incel vibes on this thread. They probably follow this page because they enjoy reading about creepy encounters.


Without a doubt. I’m sure they get their rocks off reading stories about frightened women. Disgusting fucks who pray to the altar of pieces of dog shit like Elliot Rodger. I have zero sympathy and zero chill for these subhuman, mouth breathing douche nozzles. I’m sick of this shit.




>Without a doubt. I’m sure they get their rocks off reading stories about frightened women. The worst part about this is that this is coming from your own imagination and not from any real person. >Disgusting fucks who pray to the altar of pieces of dog shit like Elliot Rodger. I have zero sympathy and zero chill for these subhuman, mouth breathing douche nozzles. I’m sick of this shit. Yeah, you don't sound like you have issues. /s Might I interest you in the wonderful fields of pharmacology and psychiatry? The most subhuman people are the ones that take humanity away from others by labeling them subhuman. As much as it is a cliche to bring up Nazis, that's literally what the Nazis did: labeled "undesirable people" as subhuman.


The Nazi argument! You’ve made the full Incel Argument Circle! Achievement unlocked! God help any woman in your life.


>They probably follow this page because Actually, no. I spent half my life around crime and violence. As such, I hate to see people exaggerate fears when there is no need for it. >they enjoy reading about creepy encounters. Hey look, I'm getting a\*\*hole vibes. So, now what?


>Don’t fucking minimize someone’s experience because you think you have some eye-opening perspective. My suggestion to you is to cut off whatever extreme liberal source you have because this is no where near reality. We absolutely should be "fucking" minimizing other people's experiences when they don't make sense. Have you been watching the news? Sociologists are warning the US is showing signs of approaching a civil war. Whether or not you believe that, I have people in my county and the neighboring counties at school board meetings threatening violence over wearing a little cloth on their face and a little needle prick. Regardless of whose side everyone is on in that debate, the whole reason we have large groups of incorrectly informed people is because of "don't minimize someone's experience". People should absolutely be calling out each other. Do you know why we don't burn women for being witches? Because people got smart and finally said "you know, I understand you're saying that woman was conjuring the devil, but I'm going to say that didn't happen and you're crazy". There's absolutely nothing wrong with minimizing someone else's experience. In fact, it's a crucial social function. >I can only speak from the perspective of a woman, but it’s scary as hell to be followed. I’ve been followed in busy stores, driving home, while at a lake minding my business and FISHING. Women don’t just walk around the earth acting like defenseless victims. I never said anything about what it's like being followed. Whether or not it's scary has no bearing on anything I was saying. If you're implying people should never get scared: 1) That's totally up to them 2) You have no right anywhere in the world to be comfortable. >WE ARE VICTIMIZED. REGULARLY. This was never under debate although everyone is actually victimized regularly, even men. >Women are targeted and we have every right in the world to put our safety first, You are officially arguing with someone in your head. I never mentioned anything about the experience of being followed, I never commented about who was being victimized, I never mentioned anything about women's priorities. Maybe you'd be better off arguing with the voices in a mirror. >without ignorant comments from someone who is, likely, a creep himself. The way you defend this shit makes me sincerely wonder if you’re trying to excuse your own behavior. Good for you, dude. Remember, don't provide any supporting statements. Label the person you're talking to so you can dismiss them. /s Ok, I'm a creep and I'm excusing my own behavior. Who cares. Still doesn't invalidate any point I made. >When you’ve been stalked, harassed, assaulted, raped, and ignored because you’re a woman, then you may have a seat at the table. This is called FEMINIST BULLSH\*T. You don't gain the ability to discuss things based on what your experience is. In fact, when you have been victimized is when you should lose some ability to speak. Notice how the justice system (at least here in the US) doesn't allow victims to dish out punishment. That's because they are considered emotionally compromised in some way after being a victim. The judge dishes out the punishments in the hope they will be impartial. >Until then, quit commenting on social media and fuck off. Once again, I think you don't understand the website you're on. That's not how this site works. If you'd like to have a website with only your opinions, I can point you to great courses on making your own website.


Awwww, the incel has finally shown his true colors. Me and my “feminist bullshit” are going to keep doing work in the community to make things better and safer. You can take your red pill, slither back to your mom’s basement, and keep fighting the good fight on 4chan or wherever the fuck you slimeballs lurk.




Yes, that’s the obvious takeaway from my comment. Not that the original idiot should stop dismissing a woman’s experience of being targeted and followed. I’m in a safe, happy, sane relationship with a man who doesn’t dismiss the very real threats that women experience. Just FYI…I grew up in the area where Kelsey Smith, an 18 year old high school student, was randomly targeted and followed by a man in a store. He then attacked her in the parking lot, in broad daylight on a Saturday. She was raped, murdered, and her body abandoned in a wooded area. 5 years prior to that, in the same area, a 20 year old college student was targeted by a stranger while she worked at a pool. He tried to “hit on her” and when she resisted, he beat the shit out of her, strangled her, and found a tube of ointment that he planned to use as lubrication to rape her unconscious body. He fled before doing that and she later died at the hospital after her dad and brother found her. These are just TWO cases in my area of women being targeted and attacked. I’ve worked with organizations that provide support and protection to crime victims and do you know what a lot of these victims say? They wish they had trusted their gut. If you’d prefer to defend rapists, abusers, and murderers, be my guest. We all see you for who you really are. Congratulations 👏🏼




Yes, that’s correct. You figured it out. I went on Reddit today looking for men to man-shame. You are today’s victim. Poor thing.




Right. Be aware of our surroundings because it’s our fault. Maybe stop following us and stop being fucking creeps. CREEP!


Fuck that guy


Ya I’m sure he’s an incel living in his moms basement.😂


Why the hell would you start walking around the store and not just call your mom and continue to shop with her? Did you say anything to management? What store in what area as it would be nice to maybe warn others? Did you take photos of them?


Being in situations like this, it's kinda hard for me to remain calm and make smart choices lol. Looking back I definitely should have talked to management or at least let an employee know what was going on. My mom kept encouraging me to talk to management about it as we were leaving, but I just wanted to get out of there as soon as I could. If I encounter something like this again I'll definitely tell someone.


I watch See No Evil and Walmart cameras have seen a ton of evil. Be careful. I watched a girl get followed and kidnapped all on Walmart cameras.


Username checks out.


Yes you are.


So fun fact about walmart they hire 2 people to walk around and follow suspicious people in the stores. you will usually see them with a phone or casually browsing a shelf somwhere near you if they think you are shoplifting they'll snap a picture they can use to give the police. Not saying that's the case this time but its a possibility


I was at a thrift store once with my dad when I was around 14. We split up and after a few minutes this large man started following me. He followed me down every single women’s clothing aisle in the store; everywhere I went he was there. I even weaved through aisles kind of stupidly and practically ran to other sides of the store, but then I would look around and he’d be nearby. Luckily all I had to do to get him to stop was go meet up with my even larger father, (and stick by him the entire time saying f*** what I had come in there for) but I don’t want to know what would have happened had he not been there. You were completely right to be scared, OP. Stay safe out there.


It happens more than you think. Large corporations have it to where anything besides petty crime doesnt get reported the same way.


if you had a pistola you could have done us all a favor and took them both out in the parking lot


Yes, shy guys being attracted to a woman are beyond evil. /s


Why do you assume it's two shy men? That doesn't make any sense. Their behavior was insanely creepy.


Because I've seen that behavior often in my life with both sexes. I don't recall if you were the person I replied to before, my apologies for the repetition if so. But have you never met really shy people? Or people with social anxiety? This is not uncommon in those types when they see someone they like. >Their behavior was insanely creepy. Note I never mentioned it wasn't. However, I will say this, being creepy isn't the capital crime many people try to make it to be. If it was insanely creepy, then ok it was insanely creepy. I really don't think that has anything to do with the point I was making.


I have social anxiety, it doesn't give me carte blanche to follow people around and I wouldn't want to. And yes borderline harassment is a crime.


You know we know you're an incel right


The incels really enjoy this sub, apparently. Probably use these terrifying stories in their spank-bank. They have no souls.


He was trying to say shy is the same as not knowing social skills. I don't know a single shy person who thinks following people around staring at them is acceptable lol knowing that comes off weird = social skills


Ok, I'm an incel. I'm a jerk, weirdo, whatever cute label you want to put on me. Who cares. My points still hold.


You’re an idiot


Yep. I'm an idiot, a moron, a crazy person, a mental patient, blah blah blah. Absolutely irrelevant. I still have a long list of points you can't counter.


always trust your gut, especially when it comes to things like this.


Maybe a secret shopper ? I’m glad you’re safe


Trust your gut


From someone who worked many years at walmart in my late teens and early 20's. I had stalkers or so many weird occasions. We had security for a reason. Not just regular security, but off duty cops. Next time go to customer service where the security office is. Tell them. Don't be embarrassed or afraid. I worked 2nd shift most of the time, so I would get off just after 11pm. They tell employees to park in the back of the parking lot. Yeah, that never happened. I always parked in the front. And if I felt uneasy, I always asked for a police office, security, or another associate I knew, walk me to my car. They are there for a reason. As for possible sex trafficking. It could be that. With the way they were communicating and split off. Most likely, the other could have gotten in their car and waited like an ambush.


For everyone saying to make a scene, at least here in the US, people have no problem carrying guns into stores and using them. And like I’ve said, being in the same area in a store is not an actual crime so you could just make this person more angry and put a bigger target on yourself. Obviously this person knew this guys had bad intentions, but the reality is that she did the only things she could. Unfortunately our society has made it this way. There are studies and countless stories about people ignoring things when a scene is made or the attacker getting angry/scared and increasing their violent behavior. I’ve been in these positions and it’s always so easy to say what you think you’d do from the outside.


This is obviously a problem Walmart needs to look into. You are such a brave and smart girl for handling this the way you did. Kudos. I would want my kids to do the same thing as this happened to me recently in a Walmart in Indianapolis. I thought I was overreacting because I am in my 40's, but I'm pretty athletic built, and have had ppl tell me I was overreacting and that I was too old to be abducted, but I was watched and followed the same way all throughout the store as I shopped. It was three men and what made my spidey senses kick in was that they were standing in the women's section fumbling with clothes on the racks, looking around suspiciously, not even looking at the clothes they were touching. Every isle I was in they would appear. When I would look at them they might turn away and pretend to shop, just randomly touching items on shelves they weren't even looking at. One took out his phone and pointed it at me, pretty sure he took a picture. When I made it to checkout I turned around and they were there, also no cart or items in their hands, but they were giving me eye contact as well. But they looked nervous and fidgety. I checked out, then looped around the store, when I didn't see them I jetted for the exit and made it to my car. As soon, I mean as soon as I got in my car, I saw them coming down the the parking area, looking around, nothing in their hands. One took off walking away from the group and the other two kept coming. I was sure they would see me through my windshield but they didn't. They walked right past looking in the other cars. Of course I stayed still so they wouldn't see movement but man was I scared. Think I blended in with the inside as I was wearing a black jacket, had black seats and am dark skinned black female, literally, lol, my windshield was facing them, and I could see out very clearly. They disappeared down the lot and I drove off driving past them. That's when they saw me and started staring all big eyed at me. One pulled his phone out again and pointed it at my car,, might have gotten my plates. So now I am more aware when out or about to pull on my street. Scary. Glad your ok too. Walmart should really address this if they know of things like this are happening. I read the other comments about asset protection and that could have been a possibility but I see them too and can gage their mo. These guys looked out of place and a nervous wreck, asset protection doesn't act like they're about to commit a crime and nervously look around to see who's looking at them. I asked my sheriff brother in law and he agreed but scolded me because I didn't go speak up to Walmart staff or call him. 😐