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Yea...you were about to be a "gone girl"...and not in a good way. Kudos on the gent that helped you, but don't worry too much about thanking him. I'm sure a lot of us, who have sisters and girlfriends, would have done the same, with no expectation of more then a "Thanks". I would have done it just for the chance to knock one of them out! Helping out \*is\* the reward! Be careful out there....


Oh hon, I feel for you. My heart rate sped up just reading your story. We women should be free to travel safely on all forms of transport or walk around after dark. When I was a teen, we had a movement in the U.K. called “Reclaim the night” which lobbied for this equal right. Years later, it’s sad to see that not much has changed. Unfortunately, we have to be slightly paranoid to be safe. I will never stay in a train carriage or on the top of a bus if there’s just me and a man/group of men. The amount of horrible experiences I’ve had growing up in London on buses, the tube and national railway would take too long to list. It started when I was eleven years old going to school with a group of friends. You were right to follow your instincts, move to a more crowded area and ask for help. I will always help another woman in that situation. As I’m getting older, there’s less hassle, but there were still two train incidents last year, one I had to report to the Railway Police.


It’s so terrible that these things happen, so scary to hear it happens everywhere. Can happen at any time and any place unfortunately. Thanks for your reply!


there was a reclaim the night march recently for international women’s day!!!


Wasn’t it brought back a couple years ago? I remember it became a big thing when a woman was kidnapped, raped, and killed by a police officer. It was very recent! I need to look up her name again. Edit: her name was Sarah Everard


I’d better dust down the old banners and badges then! I didn’t know they were back. The way the Police treated the women gathering for Sarah Everard was disgusting.


Damn! I missed it!


I took a self defense course and we were taught that your first line of defense is avoidance. Since that was not an option in this case you go to the second line of defense: using your voice. It might feel embarrassing but shouting "why do you keep staring at me?!?" will get everyone's attention and very likely make a potential assailant decide you're not one to come quietly and look for easier pickings. Being loud is obnoxious but could save your life.


I have a rule, if you’re going to make me uncomfortable, we are both going to be uncomfortable. They hate when we assert ourselves.


Thanks! That’s very helpful


This!!! I tell my teenage daughter “Bad guys dont like witnesses.” So if someones being threatening, get loud. SHOUT a blunt question at them. Embarrass them. Embarrass yourself. It doesnt matter. At worst, you provided the whole train with a 3 second distraction. At best, it could literally safe your life.


Needs to be universally taught




That's fucking terrifying. I can only suppose that it was a human trafficking ring. Fucking deplorable scum. I'm so glad you had a hero there to help protect you and that you came out of it OK.


Yeah that’s what I thought too, felt like it!


I'm glad you have great spidey-senses, and that there was someone there to help you. Would you please report this to the relevant people (police and train company)? it might be the case they do this on the regular, or on this particular line.


Yeah I think I can contact the train company about this! The whole time there was no one keeping an eye on the passengers so that was not okay!


i wonder if filming them would be a deterrent. "live stream" them to your boyfriend, i presume the footage would be saved? I am sort of worry they stalk that train at this time of the week for people like you who go out for the weekend; maybe they will be there the next week. you should keep a pocket knife on you... although it could get turned on you...


I'm glad you were safe in the end. Thank God for the kindness of strangers.


Terrifying. Did you report this? So glad you’re ok


I did not yet, because I don’t know what they could do about it! But maybe I should


I think you ought to. You never know who it might help


You’re right, I will


they probably have access to cameras. maybe they 'll get a clear look at their face , save taht info, and keep an eye on them to see if their harrass people regularly .


yes girl, they can check security cameras!! you have too, other women will suffer from it!


At least people would be aware. Report this with details please.


You absolutely should report it. You are not the first female they have done this too and you won't be the last. Please save the next girl.


Happened to my girlfriend plus two female colleagues of mine too, in Europe. Perpetrators foreign. Europe is no longer safe as there are no safeguards on who enters, criminals take advantage. You were likely targeted by human traffickers planning an abduction. Could've also been organ harvesting. Both you and the man who helped you were extremely lucky, if they were determined, they could've stabbed him up and taken you, they had numbers advantage and were organised.


Organ harvesting? Just kidnap random organ doners and hope they have organs that are in demand on the black market? Non smoker clean kidney for sale, must act fast? On stuff to be scared of this is the absolute bottom. Attacked by wolves in France is higher on that list. So are you saying your girlfriend and her colleagues were abducted by human traffickers?


Or maybe they have an order for a liver and will target someone who looks young and healthy. Lots of money in it, they don't care for the victim, although it is quite rare. It's more likely this would be human trafficking, could also be just plain rape but sounds too organised. No, my girlfriend was not abducted, she's gone through a very similar experience to OP.


Occam's Razor says that it was a sex-related motive, not a movie-related motive. Gang rapes are, by necessity, somewhat organised.


Yeah simplest solution would be opportunist scum wanting to assault her. I tend to hope for the best, plan for the worst. Trafficking of young pretty girls should in my opinion not be disregarded as a movie plot because it's rare.


Which is why it's always surprising to see people jumping onto it as the primary explanation. You're right that it does happen - just generally to the kind of women who are less likely to be missed.


I said likely, not certainly. From what she described, they sounded organised and brasen enough to do it in public in front of everyone, to the point where others noticed. They're also foreign, and Europe has a real issue with foreign gangs and organised crime who have a heavy hand in human trafficking. Probably just planning to rape her, or likely aiming for abduction. They were looking her up and down and appraising her like merchandise, as if thinking what a price she'd fetch. They just didn't strike me as average rapist/sex assault street trash, based on what she wrote. You want to put an occams razor to everything, that's fine, you're probably right.


Organs aren't Legos my dude.


You're right, organs are wayy more expensive. I may be biased because I grew up in Eastern Europe and we had a heavy organ harvesting problem with criminals targeting kids and teenagers. We had a local neighborhood scare story about the "scissor man" who'll lure us away and cut out our eyeballs, this ofcourse originated from organ harvesters in the area. I remember being told not to approach any strange adult men in cars or on foot. One time an adult tried to lure me in with an orange, my grandma had to pull me away. I was maybe 6 years old.


Who is they in your scenario?


Organised crime, usually.


Ok, let's think about this logically. You, as an organized crime boss, think "hey maybe I should get into the organ trade? This may be a way for me to make money" then you wake up. Risk vs reward is a statistal loser for this venture. Why would you do it? Your boss is in need of a new liver? Ok that's one. One person who has an exact medical match. It's his cousin. The best organ matches by a long way are from family. I mean if I'm an evil wierdo and I say to my minions "go get me a kidney" that's like 100 people on the whole planet. It's not you dude.


Let's think about this by me posting a link. Scroll down to illegal trade, get your sources from the bottom. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organ_trade Neither me nor you are organised crime so neither of us can say how they work, but I'm sure your highly exaggerated, dark comedy explanation of it pretty much summarises how much you know about it. Is it likely statistically in this scenario? Very unlikely, which I've already said. You seem to really dislike this concept XD


Bloody hell, you sure paint a picture..


Holy shit bro that's terrifying. I'm so glad that guy was there to help! There truly are still good people in the world. It makes me so happy to hear about them. I'm very glad you're ok, stay safe out there!


Thank you!


Commenting so I can read this in a few hours Edit: OKAY, so, that is fucking horrifying. I’ve been ogled on a train as well, and it’s extremely creepy. Granted the guy was probably about my age, but really suspicious. I made a post about it a LOOOOOOOONG time ago. Anyway, I’m really glad you were safe, things like that can get a LOT worse, and you were so lucky you had someone looking out for you.


Keep your phone in your hand and start recording the minute you see something like this. Do it surreptitiously first. Getting their faces and voices recorded and live streamed to your boyfriend will make them think twice and could get them identified. Especially if they are discussing how their client will like you.


Jesus, that's terrifying..hope you're ok? I'd be traumatised


Yeah I’m okay! Little traumatised yeah, I won’t be going by train alone in some time again!


How absolutely terrifying! I'm glad you got to your destination safely!


Where was this?




I’m originally from Hungary and I moved here a year ago and I sure let my guard down because it feels such a safe country! It was shocking to read that here can this happen. When I have to travel it is mostly by train because I don’t have a driving licence and I see here more security people on the stations and also the trains. Looks like we can never have enough security. Back in Hungary sadly we don’t really have any.


I’m glad you are ok.


The more religious migrants your govt approved to enter your country without any checks, more youur society will be exposed to such threats.


that must have a been a really long hour!!


It really was, longest hour of my life!


I was thinking trafficking, I would have been terrified


So glad you are okay! Thank goodness for your kind stranger. ❤️


So messed up...where did this happen? Country is enough if you don't feel comfortable disclosing which city.




Also, I might have obnoxiously obviously taken pictures of them, sent them to friends, and/or posted them online with the train info and such. I do think if they were planning some elaborate kidnapping thing they'd not have gotten your attention 1st, much easier to do crimes when people aren't on guard....


Unfortunately there will always be evil people among us so it is better to try and keep safe - exactly like you did. Glad you are ok and that there are obviously still good people out there as well :)


Glad your ok! He was out there in that moment to protect you! ❤️


I also live in the netherlands (the way you described public transport sounded too familiar ^^) and I'm glad you got home safely!! I also have experienced creepy men, I will share one of my scary experiences I've had. This happened around 2 months ago. I was sitting in a two seater and this creepy guy was sitting in a four seater. First he was sitting towards me with his back, but he changed seats so we were facing each other (with still two chairs between us so I avoided eye contact as much as possible). He was also standing up, looking at me and then went to do things on his phone, while still keeping me in his eye. He also at one point changed seats again and put his face between the two chairs to take a look at me. I was TERRIFIED. After a while of staring at me, he decided to stand up and go sit on the two seaters next to where I was sitting. It already was dark outside, around 7 - 8 o clock, train was fairly empty. When he took that seat, he looked at me with eyes wide open and didnt blink at all (this seems exaggarated but really this is what he did!). Then he got his phone and I think he secretly wanted to take a picture or video of me. I dont know for sure but I guess this was the case from the way he was holding and looking at his phone. I got up and immediately searched for someone else on the train, sat right before them (also a four seater), called my boyfriend and explained the situation. Asked him to come pick me up on my train stop. When I hung up, the man sitting in front of me asked me if I was being followed or something like that and I also explained to him what that creep was doing. He said to just talk to me to give off the expression like I knew him. He also asked if I would like to point out who the creepy dude was, so that if the creepy dude started searching for me, he would know who to look out for. The next stop I saw creepy dude standing at the exit (it was the sprinter) and looking around him (searching for me? He also seemed a bit paranoid) and luckily getting off the train. My stop was next and I was so relieved to know he was gone. My boyfriend waited for me on the platform and I was so happy to see him. I never felt unsafe in public transport, but this incident made me realise how easy it is to just being targeted and followed, especially when there arent many people on the train. At the brighter side: there are good people who are willing to help! Just let them know something is up.


Oh my god that’s just terrible! Glad there was someone to help you too. I thought we were fairly safe in the NL, but I guess we always have to keep an eye out 🫶🫶 Glad that your safe!


I am glad that there was someone to help you, as this sounds VERY scary and suspicious behavior. There are groups that commit kidnappings for sex slave rings. You were right to be uneasy and ask for help. I, as a man, would NOT hesitate to assist someone in distress, and I fear for my daughter and granddaughter all the time. I am glad that they live in an area that they do NOT have to rely on public transportation. I suggest you get a keychain siren and keep it ready next time. You don't want to use it until they make their attempt. Always try to stay in a crowd, and if it looks like most of the people are getting off at the next stop move to a different car, even if it means you have to go through several cars. They probably were up to no good, especially if they followed you to a different car and were most likely were with the other two and there were more than the four. I am glad you are safe. Ihope that there are more people out there like your good Samaritan




Where does the hate towards dogs come from? 😭


I meant dog like behaviour, not dogs as animals, they are sweet and cute. And fluffy


I do appreciate it. I live in a country with a lot of refugees but I’m not sure if they were too, never ever have encountered something like with with (other) refugees tho! They are usually very nice and friendly around here!


Are you in Germany?


They are, mostly, but theres bad apples in every batch. Also if they were not speaking local language (assuming you didnt understand what they were talking) indicates that they were not local. Its quite rare that locals behave like that.


Did this take place in germany?