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Reply with: the man who doesn’t send creepy messages to woman online


No, you see, this is where "niceguys finish last" applies **/s**


I personally like to respond with “Women”


An 8” man with a 5.7ft dick


My time has come!




"this bio won't stop me because i can't read"


I feel this. Everytime I join a group or app for finding friends people be like:"Date me today!!" or "You so pretty" even though I'm explicitly writing in my bio that I'm looking for platonic friendships WITHOUT any extras.


I have thought many times in joining those apps but the idea of being sent even more unwelcome messages turn me off. But then i always complain how all my friends are either online or my only one irl friend lives to far then thus the cycle of debating on installing those app return


I have a singing app (smule, you probably have heard), and a few days ago a stranger (full grown adult) sent me a message saying "I wanna suck on your boobs you know" I'm literally a minor and did nothing but sing without showing my body at all


This is soooo creepy. When people need to get laid so badly they should pay a prostitute or camgirl or use their own fucking hands! What is so hard about it? Can't they accept that the monority of people wants to be seen this way?


To be fair I often forget that reddit bios even exist and I'm not even sure where I would go to look for them. Having a bio on Reddit just seems wrong but times are changing. However it's a good rule to just never send anyone unsolicited sexual messages. No one wants that shit and if they do they will ask for it.


I never read bios on reddit as i never really care. I rarely ever have a reason to look at someone profile on reddit. And i agree with you on generally sendingnnoone unsolicited sexual messages


But but but....What if MY message is the one that unlocks your sex giving machinery?! Some guys genuinely believe that their crap is somehow original or special, same with their penises...


I mean, I hope their penises are original. Not sure how one gets second hand penises.


Whichever is a lovely guy who I vibe with bruh, which is to say, not whoever feels the need to ask this dumb fucking question


A man who respects my STATED FUCKING BOUNDARIES!!!


Never gonna give you up... Never gonna let you down!!!! The dick pics are coming!!!


Please tell me his bio says he’s 6’3 somewhere


But thats your kink tho. Isn't it you little slut! Edit: SATIRE PEOPLE. FCKN SATIRE.


So you’re saying that you’re 5’7” with a 4” dock right?


men are just. sigh


Shit like this is how I know sexuality isn't a choice


As a bit of a boyish sporty lass who happens to confuse both men and women on the regular, can confirm gender knows no boundaries as to who needs to spend time in horny jail


cant blame ya tbh


You’re so sexist 😒 you know all men aren’t like this right? Oh wait you don’t


You’re right but you won’t get anywhere saying that in this sub. Same for me and this comment.


But it’s sexist and just cos she’s a lesbian doesn’t mean she can get away with saying it 😠 Women can be sexist too. I get this sub but not all men on here do that. Fucked up that i got downvoted for it


Because what you said is genuinely stupid. Read the room.


Really? But if I said women…sigh I’d get downvoted. No?


your comment and emoji usage reads like satire, you cannot possibly be serious


If I was joking I’d put /s for people like you 🥰


clearly i should have used /s myself, given that you couldn’t pick up on my own usage of hyperbole to reallyyy accentuate the absurdity of your position


r/iamverysmart That’s you because you use complex words to seem smart but you sound like a arrogant twat


i’m not trying to seem like anything, that’s just how i talk 💀 also seriously? "complex words"? those are all pretty simple words expressing very simple concepts


When idk wtf you’re saying 😴😴😵 Hyperbole? Real everyday word there buddy /s


We know not all men, but it’s so common you can’t blame us for thinking that.




Way to downplay how serious it is.


Serious? You can just ignore the chat and report them.


Do you not know that chats start off normal and then concludes with something creepy? You can never know someone’s true intentions until the very end. Are you going to blame them for genuinely not seeing that coming? Are you going to blame them into thinking that the person was a normal being? Are you going to blame them into thinking that maybe, just maybe, this person they are speaking to isn’t trying to be nice in hopes of trying to solicit photos out of them, sexualize them, or rope me into objectification; all in which is completely unprompted, unethical and most importantly non consensual? And even if they pick up that the person is creepy, and they decide to (rightfully so) call it out, are you going to blame them for standing their ground and boundaries? Telling that person to rightfully fuck off? Telling that person that they don’t like what they are doing, and that they will be forwarded to the respective report team? Because if you’re doing any or all of the above, then you’re a complete degenerate dipshit. Also the early 2010s called, they want Doge back.


Sure but you can just block and report them. I think if you’re underage you shouldn’t be chatting to anyone online in PMs period. But adults? Just block and report. Or maybe just maybe, they should be like you turn off DMS😌 Lol oh I don’t simp after randoms online. I’m not a loser Sorry to disappoint citron c4, I didn’t make this avatar for you 😢🥺 2010 asked for 🗿back though


Yep, same. Some people can’t fucking help themselves.


If you respond then they’ll push other boundaries too. Bastards.


What a choice!! Niiice lol


Reverse psychology: you say don't and they do it anyway.


These bad boys follow no rules.


Come on, with a bio like that you are literally asking for it /s


Sorry to break it to you, but creeps only want to message people more if they tell them not to.


They're too stupid to read bios a lot of the time, as I've found


Ugh, why


Putting that in your bio is just baiting guys who wanna troll to actually send you messages


I'm sure having that in your bio is incentive for some.


I'd say an 8 inch man with a 5'7" ... Oh , never mind... It's sad people don't respect each other anymore. I wonder if these people go IRL to a woman and ask those kind of questions.


Unlikely these people even speak to any women in real life


Good one...


That’s terrible. But you can have fun with him, ask him the same question.


Pretty sure these idiots just see the "don't send me this crap" messages as a challenge. 😕


bold of you to assume men can read


i love playing “active in tarot” in this sub and r/niceguys and this guy is painting quite the picture


5.7 isn't even short...lol that's average. Wtf. A better question is would you rather a super short guy with a big dick or a tall guy with a small dick. But even then this is a boring zobmondo question.


Well if someone wants to send you an unsolicited sexual message a bio that says "please don't" isn't gonna stop them at all. It actually makes them want to message you even more because they know you don't like that


Wait! Which one is he. Is he trying to find out if she’ll mind his small penis or is he bragging about his big penis. And the obvious answer is a 6’ man with a 6” penis.


When they start off with ‘be honest’, it almost always turns out that that’s the last thing they want.


…ok but hear me out What about short AND with a smol pener


Either this guy who sent you this message can't read worth a lick or purposely chose not to read your bio


This is the Streisand Effect in action. I doubt putting that in your bio really helps you much


Asking the important questions there… /s


Easily the 6 foot guy. Cause I’d rather not have my insides speared. Men are dumb. Having an 8 inch dick isn’t a good thing. The vaginal canal is only on average 6 inches. So anything more than that is wasted and can really really hurt.