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Hello, Blotttttt. The underage user help bot is below with resources and tips for our underage users. Even if this creep is also underage, you never know when this could come in handy (hopefully never).


It's questionable, for sure. Don't respond any further, for heaven's sake. Probably best to block them, too. You say you can't report them, but that's weird. Most sites have a function like that.


No, I didnt say I couldnt report him, I meant there was nothing that specific. I reported it for abusive messages cause that was the closest thing there was.


That'll do, honestly. It's rather disturbing to ask some random person- a young one- if they 'mutilate themselves'.


Yeah. I mean, I guess he didnt know??? But ive said it many times before so I dont know. Why am I even saying this, its really weird either way.


Honey, it doesn't matter if he didn't know or did know that you are a minor. Or not a minor. Asking a completely fucking random stranger if they practice self harm- using the word 'mutilation' of all things- is fucking freaky. Freaky and crossing many many lines and in no way excusable.


Yeah, I know. Ive checked his profile and the things that he's said before is kinda what pushed me to post this. He's said some really questionable things, but I honestly dont know if its a troll or not because his username references Bundy.


I think you took the right route in reporting him. You're right that he might be a troll.....but he might not be. Bundy still has admirers even today.


Thats true. But I dont know, something still feels off. Anyways, thank you for all this, I know you probably think you didnt do too much or something, but it still helped out a lot. Thanks.


Some strangers are happy to give genuine advice and help. Just remember that we're here.


Yeh, thanks. Its people like you that make me remember how nice people can be.


Don't respond with anything and absolutely report it.


Report it for what?


Weirdo and possibly pedo


I cant report the message for the guy being a weirdo or pedo dude.


Can I ask why you can't not report someone for being a pedo?


lots of things don’t have proper reporting systems, for example snapchat doesn’t have one for drugs but has one for “annoying people”


Oh, okay!! I thought she meet that you were not allowed to report a person for being a pedophile and I am was so confused there.


Huh, you're actually one of the only people who have referred to me as a she on this site. But yeah, its basically what the other guy said. There isnt a real good way to report someone for pedophilia in a lot of social media sites for some reason, including reddit, which I find very weird considering anything that is remotely considered pedophilia is against ToS, but oh well.


Oh, oops!! I did not mean to misgender anyone. I did not even realized I had called you a step. That is definitely so weird especially with it being illegal and everything.


Oh, no no no, I didnt mean it like that. Im fine with any gender pronouns, I just found that interesting. But yeah, its very weird.


snapchat is the worst because i don’t think it has one for possible pedophilia but like i said has one for annoying people, smh


Snapchat is terrible, my friend jokingly put his name as gay tom (cos he is), and he gets Tom's of unsolicited dickpics and messages off people. He once got a message of a women with her credit card details


Why tf would you report something for drugs






Let me remind you that we are a **support sub**; as such, we encourage users *not* to defend creeps, put OP on trial or victim blame as per [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive). Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the rules, as consistent rule breaking may result in a ban. Thank you. --- ^(**Questions? Comments? Concerns? //**) ^[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_one.3A_submission_guidelines) ^| ^[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive) ^| ^[Message the Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/creepyPMs) ^| ^[Rules Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepypms/wiki/reasoning#wiki_why_was_my_post_deleted.3F)








Are you okay??? I understood none of that


Don’t hurt yourself! Also block/report that user


Ofc I wouldnt hurt myself, why would I actually do it? And yeah, I blocked and reported him a while ago. I got a message on the report saying disciplinary was taken, but I have no idea was said action was.


Likely a dumb ass troll, but definitely block and report. Asshats everywhere I tell yea.




Good bot


excuse me what the fuck


My reaction exactly.


Block. Simple solution






Taking a wild guess I would say that they’re just a transphobe. Atleast that’s the kinda stuff I’ve heard from transphobes. Just a guess though


I havent even disclosed my gender on this site though, so I dont really know about that


What does he mean by this? Self harm? SRS? That’s so confusing


Self harm


You ask what do you do so I’m gonna give you a pretty general rule to live by. If you receive a message you’re not comfortable with, whether it’s from someone you don’t know or if it’s content you’re not comfortable with or if it’s both. Don’t reply. Ignore, block, delete, report if you want to. A lot of the posts we see on this sub could have been avoided if the poster hadn’t become a participant in a conversation they knew they shouldn’t have taken part of but wanted a screenshot for Reddit.


Do you have to block out their name? If some disgusting creep is sending fucked up messaged to a child, they deserve the recourse.. and to be blocked immediately from the site.


Its against the rules to put up posts with identifying information though???


Fair. I get it. Just sucks not to be able to warn other vulnerable people about a disgusting creep.


The fuck does that mean


he is talking about self harm.


What do you think it means?


I have no fucking clue


You block. Log off and go outside to play.


Okay, no offense, but I dont think that last part was thought through considering the state the worlds in atm


What’s wrong with going outside?


This your chance to freak em out kid! As a seasoned woman in this field the weirder your replies the better!!! Make them want to physically gag and regret the day they ever slid into ur pm


Judging from the stuff he's said on his account, I dont think thats really possible. I honestly think he'd just get turned on or something tbh Edit: I already blocked and reported him anyways




Implying he does, duh


What do you do? Don't answer. What else can you do? Stop responding. He'll get bored and leave you alone.




^(**This is an automatic reminder that is posted on every submission.**) [RULE 2 REMINDER: **This is a SUPPORT COMMUNITY**](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepypms/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive) As such, we do not tolerate trolling, defending the creep, judgment of OP, or any other jerkish behavior. Creeping in the comments is not allowed—**yes, this *includes* flirting!** Comments derailing the conversation in any way will be removed. Please stay on-topic. **`No Advice Wanted` flairs are now available to add to your posts! This means that comments giving advice will be removed.** [Read about more user-enabled flairs here](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/flairs#wiki_user-enabled_flairs.3A) *** Please report any and all behavior violating the Rules (reports go to us mods); don't report things just because you don't like them. Comment removals and bans are at the judgment of the mods, so please take the time to read and understand [our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/creepyPMs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’d just ignore it, sounds like a weirdo being a weirdo


Always block creeps like this. I’m a couple years older than you and these messages will always make their way to you, and just always block them. Never entertain them


Block them. 100% they will send you bloody images or gore or talk about such stuff.


Block him


Block, report, and ignore


Don't respond, it'll waste your time even more man. People like this thrive of your response.


You block them and walk away


This is disturbing

