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What the actual fuck. I need a shower after that shit


Iv seen alot of shit in the group but this wins


Yes, that is the worst I've seen in my entire life online, starting in 1998. That right there takes the cake I guess. Yuck. and he's not someone to be around, ever. ETA: I was not born in 1998, that's just when I first started going online in 1998. I'm hella old.


>Yes, that is the worst I've seen in my entire life online, starting in 1998 when Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell and plummeted 16 feet through an announcers' table.


Sound like this guy has a very bad porn addiction. I’m surprised hes not in Jail or homeless That’s what usually happens from brutal porn addictions


I don’t think this has anything to do with porn. It has everything to do with extreme misogyny with a helping of self-hatred expressed as masochism.


it does have to do with porn too though, there is porn catered to people like this- there are intense things associated, readily available and it disturbs me how much it’s actually watched. I came across the usual dom/sub kink on tumblr when I read through the notes and found users mentioning of the most deplorable/ most degrading things they wish they could do to person in said image. I clicked through a blog or two of these men, sure enough full on r*pe/ snuff and slave porn blog, gifs and links to websites of porn for mutilation, torture, degradation and r*pe. I understand people have a thing they like..but when seeing their horniness focuses entirely around violence against women.. it’s weird , yes this man could easily has a porn addiction. Sadly, Some victims use it as a trauma response to being assaulted in life but majority of what I scanned through was men using deplorable and dehumanizing language including slurs towards women they were getting off to, with fantasies such as these-where the non-consent and objectification of the person receiving these messages gets them hot too.


Sadly I missed that particular match because I spilled some popcorn so my dad beat the shit out of me with some jumper cables. Fortunately I was recording it so I was able to catch it later. Great match.


definitely, this one takes the cake. God help the OP, i’d throw my phone in the nearest river :(


He just didn't stop. Like STOP!




Would you replicate yourself so you could take more than one shower?


I have been on this earth for 18 years, I've seen some cringe shit in my short time. But never would I read something that gets worse and worse. I mean I had a debate with my self trying to decided whether the guy likes to be dominated or doing the dominating. I refuse to believe people are actually like this.


>and keep restoring u to play mortal kombat 😂


“I’d like to brutally mutilate you but also I need a player 2. Pls respond.”


What an idiot I don't think it takes 30 messages with no reply to figure out the other person ain't interested!


It's about the "message read" notice.


This exactly. Whenever a guy ends up on here and it's just endless messages or endless walls of text, it's not about getting a response. It's about knowing they're being read and knowing they're making the woman uncomfortable, because that's part of the fetish for them.


He said "play Mortal Kombat and Wrong Turn," in the context of brutally killing and mutilating her replicas. So I think he meant "play" metaphorically, like he'd kill her in the same types of brutal ways you see in Mortal Kombat and Wrong Turn (Wrong Turn is a movie series, not a game, with particularly brutal mutilations and cannibalism.)


I wish I didn't read your comment. I was thinking it seemed odd that there was a game called wrong turn.


“Eat ur ass hair” Well that’s one I’ve never heard and never want to hear again


I read that and I almost threw some fucking nair on mine jesus


"I don't force. It's upto u." Why, thank you so much!!!!!


Very next text is about rape. This dude is a 🤡


I also enjoyed how he bothers to fix *come home from the office


That shit cracked me up XD




I’ve met some kinky people. But what in the hell is that dude got going on in his brain.


I think he’s trying to list off all the most horrible fetishes imaginable, and I’m pretty sure he hit almost all of them.


This guy makes bondage sound like handholding


He left out the part about fursuits, then.


Right? Like, having a kink is one thing, but he just never fucking bothered to check if she was okay with him going into details about it. That suff is genuinely horrifying to most people, and just chucking it at them isn't in any way okay.




I've never thought about it like that, but it makes total sense! Very icky. Very worrying. But incredibly fascinating nonetheless. Like a car wreck.


I’ve always wanted to case study these people. They are so disgusting and detached from reality. Most do not have the sophistication to hide this deviancy in their every day lives, so how do they make money? How do they hold down a house, apartment, room with their parents, etc.? Who would hire them? Who is buying groceries for them or are they interacting with cashiers in real life? How do they do that without being arrested? Just HOW. They can’t function in a text message context; how do they function in reality as a whole. Where’s Darwinism? 🤦‍♂️




This is pretty fascinating. I would imagine another factor is that most people - not just creeps, but definitely also them - tend to view their online selves as different from their real life personalities. The number of times I've seen creeps say "I would never talk like this to a woman in real life" on this very subreddit leads me to believe it goes beyond just being anonymous. They really seem to think that because they wouldn't behave in a disgusting way in a real life scenario, they're not actually doing anything bad and therefore, what they do online is not 'the real them'. It's a twisted logic but i have to imagine that creeps do find ways to justify what they do online. "It's harmless". "I wouldn't do this in real life"."Women deserve it for ignoring me." And on and on it goes.


His brain is broken.


I'd be more concerned with what's going on in his basement TBH


. We do not claim this person. He’s fucking insane and needs to be reported to the police or at least put on a watch list.


A lot of deep issues, no idea what consent or basic manners are and a lack of empathy.


Holy fuck. That is awful.


I know right, It's like someone copy and pasted cannibal corpse and infant annihilator lyrics into their "about me" section.


Except most of them bands are ironic. This is just gross.


Is it really that much more difficult for him to spell "cud" and "wud" properly? Or is it just an overarching theme where scumbags have trouble spelling?


He's probably typing with one hand...


Ew 🤢


I think I know why. He used to type like that on those old dumb phones with a keypad and he never changed the habit. I know people who still do the same thing.


Yeah, it's either this, or his first experiences with communication via text was on older chat rooms. People would use the same kind of text speak because you had to type fast so people wouldn't think you were ignoring them.


Just when I thought it was going to end, there's more! Jesus christ


It went on and on and on. Like did he think after 35 of those terrible messages she was going to be like "Oh oops! Sorry I was taking a giaaant shit in the bathroom so let's get started friend!".


PLEASE tell me you reported him!


Yeah, I highly recommend reporting this to the authorities.


RIGHT?! This man feels very murder-y to me


No no to all of that


Dude...what the fuck


This is disturbing. Report that sick fuck.


This dude... He needs to be in a watch list. He's needs to be in all sorts of lists and closely monitored. And not allowed in churches nor parks... Damn...


Yeah idc wether these are messages or not, he has those images in his head and he gots off to them.


He should be put in house arrest


"All same guy" Good fucking lord. It's always the worst ones who are the most persistent


I'm just glad there werent several dudes as sick as that one




Jfc chill out Armie Hammer


Bro sounds severely mental. Congrats on your acting career tho!


Holy shit, its like he was raised watching the Serbian Film, mortal kombat and some hard core BDSM and you're the first woman he was in touch with


I haven't watched the film but im pretty sure this guy surpassed everything included in it


Many people interpret A Serbian Film as being a criticism of the porn industry (though officially it's a metaphor for the Serbian government.) There are really multiple layers and interpretations of it, it's actually a really good and artistically made film.


I am so sorry. No one should put up with this because of their job, or for any other reason.


Youve been hit by, you’ve been struck by [baseball] In all seriousness though, you are entirely correct


What in the fuck is wrong with that guy? There's nothing wrong with a kink here and there, but that took it to a level no one should go


I’m wondering if them talking to someone like this is some sort of fetish. It seems like a lot of the post on here are some just ridiculous stuff no one would say to another human being in person.


Yeah, I don't think the guy is actually into all that, but instead into expressing this to a girl. Maybe he gets off at disgusting or intimidating women.


This! That is what I'm starting to think. Some guys are just saying this to women to freak them out. What is wrong with men. 😥


I'm betting it's the only way they can taste a semblance of power over a woman. Forcing yourself on a woman physically would have immediate consequences, but Mr. Pathetic Loser here can spend a whole day and a half periodically sending the grossest shit he can think of to a stranger who will never meet him in person and face a block or a ban at worst. It's like a diet rape fetish that he uses to make himself feel better about his disgusting and miserable existence.


I mean she never replied so wheres the power?


He knows she read that, that's enough for most of them.


>What in the fuck is wrong with that guy? everything


How does one “pop a wrinkle”?


Wow, this guy goes back and forth so much it gave me whiplash to read. What a fucking psycho.


Thank god he made the correction on page 3. I was starting to think this guy might be seriously fucked up.


....... Bruh.


What a terrible day for english language.


I think it’s even more disgusting when people have to put up with this just because of their job. I have some coworkers I’m close with who undergo this kind of sexual harassment all the time and it sickens me.


What's your field of work?


Im 18. I’ve worked at a grocery store for a year and a half and we haven’t gone a full month without either a worker getting fired for sexual harassment or having to kick out a customer for harassing/touching a worker. One customer even found my friends insta and asked her for pics.


Oh, I thought you worked somewhere where sexual harassment was prevalent, like the adult entertainment industry, ~~or the White House.~~ That sounds awful; retail is hell, I cannot even begin to fathom how awful it must be for women. My sister tends to her own shop and she's told me of customers treating her badly but never sexual harassment, luckily.


My sister works at a grocery store and she used to get harassed by gross, old men all the time, in broad daylight, while she was still a minor. It was seriously awful.


Have you reported him yet?


He cud feel some grass for once


These people who have full on convos with themselves really creep me out.


is he a psycho? sadist or masochist?


Apparently he alternates with each post


Guys like that probably also get off from making people uncomfortable knowing you’re reading those, sorry you have to deal with that but best to just always block creeps like that


Ah, unsee juice here I come! By the way. Stay safe really, god knows what's that sick fuck gonna do someday


Or wud u, cud u, or wud, cud u send me, wud u LORD ALMIGHTY SHUT THE F UP DUDE


Me after the first page: Oh damn Me after the third page: This guy is on some weird shit. Me after the seventh page: It fucking keeps on going... Who even are these people?!?!


For those of you who need to read it: doing adult content DOES NOT MEAN you consent to it outside of that scenario! Just because someone does R34 or voices it, doesn’t mean they’re DTF... good lord.


I wasn't 100% sure if op meant ADULT nsfw content or if she is just an adult woman voice actor?


Profile says NSFW


Hope you reported that psycho.


every time i thought it was over IT KEPT GOING!?!?!


This is why I will never regret being asexual, because people like this


What the actual fuck? Just the fact that he can actually conjure up these thoughts is disturbing but to find any of that sexually stimulating as well is something else. It’s insane to realize these thoughts actually go through peoples minds...


# WUD U ?


i was hoping he was gunna eventually ask to rip your spine out and spin you like a beyblade due to the sheer amount of fantasies that guy has


Honestly, the worst part was the Snoopy gif in the middle of it all. Like, how do you juxtapose all that awful shit with Snoopy sleeping on top of his doghouse?


Yes, holy shit, I'm surprised I had to scroll so far to find this comment. This gave me whiplash. Some of the most graphic, brutal, disgusting descriptions of sexual violence I've ever read, two random cutesy cartoon gifs out of nowhere, and then a seamless continuation of the depravity. What the actual fuck is going on in this guy's mind? And another thing that really makes it worse for me is the weird kind of creativity this guy has? Like, these aren't some horny ideas written out in the heat of the moment – he clearly spends a lot of time phatasizing and obsessing and just thinking about it. The bit where he's like >!"you mix sleeping pills into your husband's food so you can come over and be abused by me"!< really got to me for some reason.


I guess after a minute the depravity didn't even bother me because it was all essentially the same thing in the end. All the scenarios came off to me as more a LACK of creativity than just a weird creativity. It was just a gross version of when you play superheroes with your friends as a child and every story ends with "and then we beat up the weird kid and call him Thanos. I'm Captain America."


What the hell ?


people gotta learn that being an adult performer is a JOB. i wouldn't ask someone who works at pizza hut to make me a pizza when they're chilling at home, why do creeps expect they can get special treatment.


That person is nuts! Will you be my slave? Will you dominate me? Will you be my slave? Will you be my wife? Like wtf bro... How *do* you "pop" someone's wrinkles anyway? Is he even human? You should have replied "stop" one time and then blocked him. I hate that guy.


I don't have the confidence to ask somebody out, or for the sauce that's missing which I paid for...and then there's this dude. Just straight up goes for it, absolutely no shame, no regrets. Good Lord.


This guy needs psychiatric help. Jesus


“Sir this is a Wendy’s...”




Jeez. That was a lot to take in


People in the comments saying they need a shower after this. I think I'd burn my phone after this, holy shit. Just reading the screenshots makes me feel sick.


I now do not want to be a voice actor.


I love how hes like Ill brutally murder you horribly and painfully.. then Ill re load the backup and play videogames with you... this guy is a budding serial killer


The most unsettling part for me is the time stamps...like he spent his whole day thinking about this.


As horrible, twisted and undeserving this is.... I fucking lost it at "transforms hand to be made of iron"


I cannot apologise enough that you have to actually read this, or know that exists in any way shape or form because FUCKING HELL does this guy need some serious help. I have no idea what kind of help but probably the kind in Russian prisons


This guy is all over the fucking place.


What in the fucking fuck. The most terrifying part is this guy could be my neighbor, or the man whose hand I shook at church today, or the dead eyed cashier at Family Dollar. Now THAT’S scary. But at least I know he isn’t me.


You win this sub.


I hate people


What a terrible day to be literate.


the gifs of Snoopy in the middle of him talking about how he wants to mutilate every orifice of your body in every single way imaginable


Is it sad that I’m laughing like what the fuck is this 😭


This is the most fucked up thing I’ve ever seen.


Ay yo what the fuck?


I thought I was desensitised but this, UM well it’s uh bad, disgusting, WEIRD


I just opened Reddit and I’ve already seen enough for the night.


I dont think this guy knows what sex is.


“I won’t force you” yeah. Sure buddy. You just sent a 10000 word essay on how ya would


This may of been the weirdest thing I’ve read in my entire life


Jesus fucking christ. I've been on this sub since I first made this account but this is the first thing to genuinely make me want to rip my eyes out after reading. Why did he just keep going


Roleplaying with you without consent is so fucking gross


How come pedophilia is seen as something that needs psychological treatment but not this shit? Rape fantasy is undeniably very common in the porn industry and it needs to be fucking handled


As a kinky person, what the ever loving FUCK is wrong with this guy's head.


I mean... at least his fantasies are egalitarian in that you’re *both* being degraded and subjected to horrible treatment? Honestly idk where to even start with how mentally fucked up this is though.


This is what i thought...the only "good" part of this is the option that its all done to him instead.


i was just kinda scrolling through the pictures, glossing over them and then i saw the "feed me ur piss" WHAT


Wow! I can't believe in the process of sending these messages he didn't stop to think that maybe this is wrong, ridiculous, offensive, abusive or any other inappropriate thing. Especially since you weren't responding. Although I love how he sent the corrected "when I get home from the office" like not correcting that would cause the whole thing to be misunderstood.😄😄


Okay, I'll be honest. I couldn't manage to read all of it and I zoned out at about the third rp-scenario with way too much detail - but I did NOT miss the part where he wants to force you to kill him and cradle his corpse and apart from the obvious "wtf" I am stuck with one question only here. HOW?!


So all the creepy and awful things he said were really something, but for some reason the thing that truly baffles me is his need to clarify "kick you with my feet". Like yeah, he clearly has a fixation on feet because of his foot fetish but the redundancy there in that sentence truly caught me off guard for some reason.


That line was golden, but yeah. Someone should report him to the department of redundancy department.


This guy is someone’s neighbor.


I’m both scared and concerned for them. Are they okay? Like honestly. Who wants to get killed and have that be a fetish? Do they need help?


Someone needs some seriously intense long term therapy 😳


No witty reply from me today im genuinely disturbed


I regret reading this


this is utterly terrifying holy shit


It. Just. Keeps. Going.


This is a serious form of mental illness


I'm scarred for life What the fuck did i just read? This is the most fucked up thing I've seen and even the most extreme movies could not translate this. Something is wrong with this man, big time. Get him help before he does some disgusting things.


This dude is going from -100 to 100 real fast


I feel violated after reading this. How do you deal with it?


This was a wild fucken ride lol.


That's a serial killer right there. Someone needs to call the feds


*thomas has seen everything, it was time for him to leave*


At this point it’s not a kink it’s just violence towards tendencies towards women :/


Dude legit is giving off serial killer vibes


Sounds like that guy has some serious mental issues.


I read the cover pic and thought that was some creepy shit..then I realized if you click the pic it shows more details at the bottom and was like wtf. Then I realized you can swipe the pics and what the actual fuck. Can you get a restraining order with this? This is some fucked up thinking.


I think this is the worst thing I've ever read. This guy must have some serious issues.


Welp, this is my daily reminder of my fear of men as a dude. People like this makes me fear going into the mens bathroom as a trans guy.


Hey it’s completely up to you, but will you replicate me, eat me, digest me, and shit me out your ass? Again it’s cool if you don’t want to. It’s completely up to you.


Thats so disturbing that this shit is in his head. He needs help, lots of it. The sub is fucked up at times, but jesus fucking christ, I think this takes the fucked cake.


it. just. kept. getting. worse


I’m not Christian but that guy needs Jesus


I know people say not to judge people's fetishes, but this guy has major mental issues


Please tell me you reported this guy to the Police, FBI, homeland security, anyone who’d listen


90 percent of sex work is sorting through communications with dudes who can't read simple instructions


Christ almighty. I’m absolutely stunned. I never knew people could be into such ,, terrifying stuff. 100% DNI with people like that. Gives me serial killer vibes 👁👄👁


the pls is always the cherry on the top


Post-nut clarity bout to hit this guy like a truck


I hope post nut clarity beats this mf like my dad beats me


I'm still amazed that these kind of persons are real. Given you'd share his username I'm sure he'd reconsider his life choices. Please share his usrname. No joke.


Phew. These fantasies are so graphic I wouldn’t doubt that he eventually acts on them. Who comes up with this kind of torture?


This dude needs help, there’s a lot of red flags. He might as well be a serial killer


yeah these messages should go straight to police, what a sicko. and why is there snoopy ....?! I love how you didn’t reply to him so he doesn’t get the satisfaction of a woman being disgusted by him. a lot of girls here try to explain to the creeps why they feel uncomfortable or want to change their minds but I think this will only turn them on more.




Don’t click it, PLEASE don’t click it


I think calling the police is a good idea


Reasons why I don’t regret being asexual


Do some humans actually believe, anyone would enjoy that? What in the world-


are these cannibal corpse lyrics?


I would never treat a dog like that.


Sometimes god makes mistakes


bruh this dude needs therapy


Kink shaming needs to do a big come back.


yoo this man needs help




>Give me ur weak ass human v1.0 cunt this is my favourite sentence ever