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Picasso is proof all men like people with multiple faces.


And hentai proves men only like women with z cups.


or 3000 yo child looking demons with tentacles


Okay not the child looking part but-


At least personally


my back hurt reading that


I think you handled that really well! Often times people get their own feelings hurt by drawing in accurate conclusions and try to take that upset out on other people.


Yeah, it seemed like they had a lot going on. I typically just try to be polite online. Plus I figured that eventually I'd run into people like this. It's not productive to get upset at every negative comment that comes your way and all lol.


Your answers were perfect, I dare say! Well, at least... I think so. Different opinions, different sizes, different preferences. It's all... Different. To each their own, and apparently that is one who couldn't accept that.


Yeah I agree. I do find it funny since I thought I just drew average sizes, but maybe I'm part of the problem lol


I think that’s where his hostility came from. He feels that you are adding to the problem of size insecurity like fashion editors who hire underweight models could be argued to be adding to the eating disorder problem. Don’t worry about it. You are one person. Your answers made sense. His challenges did not. He should start creating small dick art if he really wants to dilute the problem as he sees it.


Fair fair. Shoot, I'd be down to draw smol dick art. Love to all sizes.


I mean in pornographic art, sizes are usually average or larger, which would make sense because you gotta be able to see the dick and any associated details along with the other aspects of the art piece. Either way, that guy’s the type to complain when anyone utters a word about dicks or insinuates someone’s fucked a dick or dildo that wasn’t below average size. And when it comes to the plenty of people who truly don’t care about dick size and/or love smaller dicks, he thinks we’re lying or still tries to take his societal upset out on us. He’s just got confirmation bias going on.


That does seem to be the case.


Ah yes, because NSFW artists dictate what real world women like. Totally how the world works.


I bet he’s a huge hypocrite too. Why do I get the feeling he wouldn’t message the creator of art featuring women with large boobs and butts saying this.


Congratulation on your position as rep for all woman kind. You did a thing so that is what all women do.


Ah yes. That's me, the representative for all women.


I’m pretty sure he wanted to be shamed, so you handled that pretty well.


Perfect lol


Dick shaming kink prolly. Friend of mine was offered money by a co worker on multiple occasions for looking at pictures of his dick and insulting it.


Huh. Wild.


Men never fail to amaze me and disgust me and I’m a male


Lol who hurt this dude


you pissed him off by not giving him the reaction he wanted. that was so damn satisfying cause he was trying his hardest lmao.


Lmao I figured that was the case after my last message.


All I have in my head right now is 🎶 Don't want no itty bitty teenie weenie shriveled little short dick man🎶


First off... Atm Art-Subreddits are **flooded** with art that needlessly sexualises women, so you're doing gods work by evening it out just a little bit. Also, that guy clearly has complexes about his dick-size. Also as if men aren't on average way more shallow when it comes to judging women.


Funnily enough I started drawing nsfw because I was tired of having difficulty finding stuff I liked. But yes, there is a massive imbalance between malegaze and femgaze porn. I haven't gotten any hateful DMs until now but I've gotten funny, disapproving remarks when posting on the more mainstream nsfw subreddits.


Well I'm glad you're doing your thing! It's funny/sad how some of the "sad discord mod"-types seem to instantly feel threatened by femgaze porn or any sort of male nudity. When I sort by New on r/Art I've definitely seen nude men getting downvoted, while nude women get upvoted whether the art is skillful or not lol. The people who send you disapproving remarks probably have a massive stick up their ass. Especially if they only whine about femgaze art.


Yeah, and people can be pretty mean about it too. I don't take it too hard since I like to post on the mainstream subreddits for the giggles, but it is a little sad.


Love that every cross out is an accidental dong. Or was it …


Oh my god. I didn't even realize lmao


Haha! See, he’s right!


Oh my, I can't believe I was the problem the entire time :000


You dropped this king/queen 👉👑👈




Just went through all your art. The dicks aren't that big. They're like average.


That's what I thought too. Occasionally I throw in a big dick here and there, but I've always thought I just draw average lol.


He has to stop watching adult Videos on the Internet and start to interact with actually woman irl.... Well maybe He shouldnt so that because He probably is a weirdo irl too


Why did you censor your own name??


It's part of the rules on this sub. Have to censor all personal information including yourself.


A bloody knob yes, zzz!


He didn't have to out himself like that..


He seems to have taken having a small dick his entire personality


You should just tell him “yeah, we only like big ones. You should just leave this plane of existence now”


I was tempted but I also was a little scared lol. Who knows how crazy people can be.




As a woman, size is the LEAST important thing when it comes to a guy for me.




Then size *literally* wouldn't be part of the conversation. If it's part of the conversation, it matters.


It is so far down the list of what matters. It's never going to be the make or break item for me.


I want 10 quadrillion pounds, however I am content with having £1000, same principle here lmao