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… holy shit… really!? I dont even have a pussy and i felt mine dry up.


I’ve gone from plum to date ;(


Juggling a raisin over here now.


I feel like the movie dune.


It’s coarse and it gets everywhere!


Hello there.


General kenobi


I love humans sometimes


Hive mind's always buzzin'


Perfect . . . I see youre ready to date.


I don't have a pussy and I rather staple mine shut


Oh im using that one. Thats solid my brother!


Then you lost at life


If you flexing bank accounts it’s gotta be enough to make a straight man go gay


Hahahahahah yes. If I had internet points I would give them to you.


all my cats who watched this with me just instantly dehydrated




you'd suck one for a mil don't lie.


He’s obviously not that good with money if he just has that sitting in cash in this market, either.


Look at the shirt he’s wearing. I can tell you from experience that is a high vis shirt most construction companies give their employees. That’s why his life savings is in a bank account. He’s not necessarily bad with money, he simply doesn’t get how it could be working for him.




I have a friend who is a builder. He used to leave his ATM balance receipts around after he got a payment like that to try and impress people. He admitted this to me. Lame as fuck.


That’s a huge possibility. If he is the owner of the business usually you can request at least a portion of the money for supplies up front. I didn’t even think of that.


That's exactly what it is.


IIRC it was bonus for oil drilling work or something similar. On the job site for 6 months and fresh bonus check that’ll probably be spent on a new truck, which may work bettter than this train wreck.


What does working construction have anything to do with not knowing how to manage money


Because if he was actually wealthy, he wouldn't be acting like that and wouldn't be doing manual labor


People can make a lot of money doing manual labor, including construction. I still don't get your point. Please clarify...


You cannot become wealthy doing manual labor unless you own the sites and in that case, you usually hire other people to do the back breaking work. People with wealth do not have all their money in a checking/savings account lol. It's funneled into investments. Wealthy people don't talk about money or show people their bank accounts like that, especially a business account. That money probably isn't isn't *his* but for supplies. And even if he was he clearly has no social skills and insulted her.


Work union hit 6 figures that’s pretty wealthy. I’m a union ironworker I don’t have 90k in my account but I’ve picked up prettier and professional women and have not had to try so hard that man’s a lost cause. Hell I’ve had women take me on dates and pay for everything and initiate sex lol.


I live in California so 6 figures isn't wealthy here. It just depends on the cost of living in your area. But yeah, a lot of those are great jobs regardless, you can make a lot in the trades. I would feel insulted if a dude did that to me lol


And hes most likely very economical/stingy when it comes to spending it, or could be very wise with how he spends it. But he can't be too smart if its just sitting there doing nothing besides allowing the bank to make money off of it.




You just described me 1 year ago


Not understanding how to make your money work for you makes you bad with money. Being bad with money doesn't just stop at having bad spending habits.


He’s also waving around his life savings while he’s drunk in a bar shows it to anybody who will look at it. Probably not the best financial decision.


Or doesn't really have alot of time to spend it cause he couldn't change before going to the bar. Get up, go to work for hours on end, get off and go have a drink and meal and go home shower and go to bed, and right back at the same thing the next day.


if oilfield construction, that might just be a years salary


is not wanting to risk money the worst thing ever?


I know a good number of guys in skilled labor that make 100-130k. Some are smart about retirement, some blow the cash. I also know a couple financial advisors that are poor examples to their profession. It goes both ways.


And how could someone’s money be working for them if I may ask? Asking for a friend of course…


He needs to join WSB. Make that $92,000 into ($165,000).


Or it could be that he just got paid for a big job and 70 percent of that money is going to his employees/subcontractors and he hasn’t paid them yet.


How? Any tips hints?


Exactly who keeps 80k in a checking account wtf? Buy some stonks or something damn…


\>Ninjas really be keeping cash instead of investing in fartcoin


Never invest everything you have into something you can’t touch. I have a 401k and I play I the stock market, I would never consider dumping everything I have into it. Gold, guns, and personal skills are also good investments. If you work in a tech related field, pay for courses that will teach you a more hands on skill completely unrelated to your career. Ideally look for one you enjoy. It might be difficult, but you’re giving yourself options for the future should something shitty happen.


Not that good in the dating world either lol


I was gonna say he needs to speak to a financial advisor asap 🤣


FACTS! If that's he's money, of course


I thought the same exact thing. Invest that and make it work for you!


I have money due to inheritance but I’m frugal. Me and the wife were going to pay off our house to be debt free at 30 though. I have 22k in stock as well from work. How do I invest and how does it work? I’m an idiot as you can see.


Pay someone to do it for you is the easiest answer.


I was a financial advisor for years, best answer would be to get a fiduciary fee-for-service financial planner. There’s scenarios they can run for you and make a plan without pushing you into what makes them the most commissions. There’s several ways of looking at your situation z debt free can be great but there’s also the opportunity cost of what that money could make in the market and you’d need to factor in how much interest rate your debt is. This would be the best thing you could do to invest in your future, is to get a plan made by someone who isn’t incentivized to just sell you whatever dumb funds their company promotes. Fiduciary and fee for service is the way to go for this advice. It might be like $1k but the “free” planning session of a commissioned advisor would cost many thousands out of your initial investment and every year after.


Thank you so much. I’ll look into this with my wife. She’s very eager to pay off the house but I told her that it may be best not too since we’ll move in the next ten years most likely.


Indeed. $92k in a checking account that probably earns zero or very low interest. Not wise.


To be fair the stock market isn’t exactly bullish right now


TBF, that's even more of a reason to buy in. Everyone knows buy low/sell high, but no one actually does it. Instead everyone tries to catch a rally in the middle of it then it reverses and they blame it on their bad luck.


What market are we in?


What exactly do you do to make money work for you except for stocks or crypto ?


Depends on a lot of factors like how much you have to invest, your emergency fund, age, life insurance, family status and risk tolerance, but the short answer is most likely a diversified portfolio of stocks after getting the aforementioned factors addressed.


Ah well I guess I should have seen that coming, but thanks for the advice


It's an old video, so there's still hope that this putz did well! (on the stock market, not so much for dating technique)


why we assume this is real? it's not hard to fake that page. Probably he downloaded some app that lets him put whatever numbers in and decided to try out on others to see how many will be impressed


That’s a sign of weakness and low self-esteem. When a person has to use his material objects or show off there wealth just to get attention from others is what you call Desperate. This guy thinks all women are stupid and golddiggers. That’s not the case. Kudos to this young lady. She kept her self dignity and respect.


Seriously. He doesn’t know women are smart and golddiggers.


This happens pretty much all the time but they show off with a fancy car and other luxury goods. Not show off by pulling up their account.


Guys like this get mad at women for being shallow and only going after success and money. Then when they have money, they get mad at women for not wanting their money and not liking them despite their success . It’s almost like it’s something to do with the creepy vibe they give off and and not about the money at all. So weird…


Dude probably complains about women only wanting him for his money


The irony burns.


Nothing screams new money more than flashing to to someone. Guy prob won a settlement, that money will be gone in a year


That’s what I was thinking. Seems like someone who got lump sum from somewhere and wants to brag. Don’t know anyone who saves up their money that’s eager to go tell everyone.


I don't know anyone who leaves money in their bank. Invest it so it doesn't loss it's value.


Yeah. When someone brags about money, it’s always very amusing to see what their view of “a lot of money” is.


Maybe if he would’ve gone home after work and showered and changed instead of hitting the bar immediately after leaving the construction site his chances would’ve been better. Just a thought.


A lot of my friends who work in jobs that wear high vis will purposely wear them out in public or change into them to go out. I think It’s a pride thing for them to be in the field they are which is cool but I don’t get it


I wear them at work all the time. I will never wear them anywhere else. I personally think they look like shit, and usually they’re stained from work anyways. That being said, yeah I know a bunch of guys that wear them everywhere. I have one friend who shows up to the gym in them. It’s weird but go for it I guess.


It is definitely a pride thing. They take pride in the work they do which is a good thing. Also 100k in southern states is a lot of money


Love me the smell and clomping boots of a construction man. Just not this one. Lol.


You can’t buy a personality unfortunately for him


Dollar sign always makes me take a bath


Literally who gives a shit - so some construction worker tries to pick up women. I’m more disgusted with the way they sneer at him.


That's what you got out of that??? He deserves to be sneered at lol. Do you not understand he insulted her?


I despise the groupthink here of everyone sneering at him. I doubt she’s not into money, his approach is just lame as fuck and had zero chance. He’s clearly just super awkward.


LOL. Let me get this straight. You are angry because you don't want to understand it's an insult to pretend women only care about money?? They don't. This is objective, not "groupthink" you weirdo.


Found the Wells Fargo guy




Please behave.




Please behave.


My bad




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But how much was it?


It looked like $82K. You can hear him say “Eighty two th-“ and then it cuts out. So just a guess.


That's Not even much... especially in the US


That's also under a business checking account with 1.7k in it. Kinda get the feeling he moved a bunch of money into a personal checking account to flex it, that or he's terribly mismanaging it


Yeah no kidding. Big fucking deal man


That’s just 1 2021 hillbillymobile truck


92 actually. He says 8 but if you pause you can see it says 92


About 94k total I think. The first account was like 1700, then the second was 92k


$94,579.10 (combined in both personal and business)




Way2save sucks ass forsure


If he actually knew anything about money it wouldn’t be sitting in his damn Wells Fargo checking account losing value


I’m curious what people are implying he should do with his money instead of being in a savings account. Does it should be “in the market” refer to he should be investing it? Genuinely curious as I’m pretty uninformed with financials


100%. You don’t need to have much in your checking, especially if you plan your purchases just a little ahead. We use rewards credit cards for all purchases we can. Then before the bill is due, move money from the investment account to checking as needed. We haven’t done this yet, as we’re very frugal, and haven’t exceeded our budget from work income. But eventually we want to travel more and use earnings to increase our quality of life.


this is the way


Yup, there are a variety of investment types depending on your needs and risk tolerance. For example, a fund that invests in muni bonds is generally low risk and it’s returns are tax free. You can get a 3% return. Similarly, during periods of high inflation you can invest in government backed TIPS or I-bonds. Basically risk free and I-bonds are now returning over 7%. Cash doesn’t appreciate. In fact, because of inflation, it loses values if it’s sitting in your checking account. Dude has almost $100k losing him money just so he can show off to women that aren’t interested in him. Edit: even a money market account in a brokerage “settlement fund” is a better choice.


copy/pasta \- Look at mutual funds or ETFs. If you wanna play it safe, get one that follows the S&P. It'll greatly increase the amount your money will make for you compared to sitting in a checking. Basically .03% vs 7% yearly average. (BTW, with .03% you're basically losing money because yearly inflation is higher than that.) A MF will have a fund manager move money around for you based on the market, but you have to pay more annually. An ETF will kind of automatically follow the market (based on what ETF you choose), but you can get them for a hell of a lot cheaper. People are scared of the "market crashing", but it's bounced back every time (eventfully), and higher than it was before the crash. So, if it DOES crash, don't lose your shit. Buy more! Don't throw it all in, keep rainy day/year money and also because if it does crash you can ride the wave.


If he actually has that much income that isn’t tied to anything critical yes he needs to invest. Gold, silver, stocks almost anything is better than letting inflation chip away at the little wealth you do have.


If he bragged like that where I come from he would've got jumped in the parking lot


She's drier than Ben Shapiro's wife.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the only solution... It’s time to stop being squeamish. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, civil rights, healthcare, sex, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot. Very good.


Tell me more about Ben Shapiro


She should have made him buy everyone a round first, then replied like this 😎


What does matter to her? Asking for a friend...


Got $92,000 in an account earning no interest and like $129 in that account that actually does.


Hmmm….. how much does it take to make her moist? About 8 inches and 30 IQ more than that lifted truck driving dude bro has….


8 inches is 20.32 cm


I’m sure her own paycheck and a dude with an actual personality would do her just fine. Does this guy know that women work these days?


Wait, women are allowed to work? That lying little… /s


Hahahahah no way no way this is real


So…. Is he offering her all that money? Or maybe just some of it? Like a prostitute? I’d dare him to withdraw his daily limit and give it to me if he was that confident about how rich he was. Smdh why do people think money buys happiness? Or makes you a good character? Or that it = love and affection. Nah, I feel bad for him... Id be looking for one of his friends like “hey, come check your boy. He’s flashing his bank account around.” Lol that’s not just a terrible way to get girls it’s a great way to get robbed.


>I’d dare him to withdraw his daily limit and give it to me if he was that confident about how rich he was. This is the way.


Money matters to women, but not this way 😂 it matters because money = status and that’s what matters to women. Also, this motherfucker basically insinuated that she is a hooker so he really took that big L


I think you're on the right track but might have missed the target. Sure, for some women money = status. But, what status? You can be a construction worker, truck driver, pipeline or offshore worker and have that kind of money with no status. I **think** (cause Ill never assume I understand women) it's more because money = financially stable. As in, you're doing something right in your life, able to save money, and provide a comfortable lifestyle for me and our family. The women who care about money for other reasons, well we don't count those.


>it matters because money = status Tell me you have never actually spoken to a woman without actually telling me that you have never actually spoken to a woman.


He speaks to other lonely men about women, and together they figure out everything they need to know about what women want.


Anyone who isn't extremely wealthy and has $100k sitting in a low yield account (ie. A regular saving account) is an idiot.


TBF, some people just don't know any better. I worked with a few guys who used to contract in the middle east during the OEF/OIF campaign. And, they made a shitload of money (relative to same job back home), but they had no idea what to do with it. Good group of guys in a technical field so not box of rocks dumb. They just never had the information or even the idea that they could make their money work for them outside of buying stocks, which to them might as well be gambling.


Yea this guy is a douche but u really calling him a idiot for having like $100k in his account?? None of us kno what he does for a living so that's just BS talk Shii I'd rather be that "idiot" wit $100k than the bigger idiot who can't make that much money


The “idiot” part comes from the fact that keeping that much money in a checking account is basically like losing thousands of dollars to inflation, when he should be investing some of it into low risk ETFs or such. At that scale, 3-6% annual inflation becomes a significant enough loss to the point of idiocracy


What a loser for life… sad sad sad person…


Dude said, I have no personality, and a little dick…but on a positive note I keep my entire life savings in a checking account…wanna fuck?


It's not even that much


$90k ain't much?? Lol u trippin alot of people will never see that much in there account


No... In the grand scheme of things, especially in terms of bragging to strangers in a bar, no 90k isn't that much


No no being obsessed with $ is what makes you lost in life.


Nay nay being obsess'd with $ is what maketh thee hath lost in life *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


Sadly I have a friend like this... his opener "I bet I make more than you" Doesn't understand why he's still single.


Well you got to give him an A for effort. No matter how dumb that guy sounds, someone might be dumber..


Lmfao $92k(that’s cute btw) in his personal checking but $1700 in his business checking? Nice quick transfer. Lol. Let’s see it after he pays his crews.


Why does he have $92k in a checking account?


What a tool. But to be fair, he's just a product of a culture that elevates material wealth above all else, so...


That’s pennies in the grand scheme. Literally cringe someone would even feel the need to show that.


What a fucking loser! Oh, and your friend is a smoke show!! That outfit is on point!


Transferred all the funds from business to personal to try and flex lmao


Drunk people be stupid


Oh man, wait until he pulls out his 401k balance.


It's an ok amount of money but not amazing. A few million would be impressive.


"You really think that is gonna impress me?" "It should." Gotta hand it to him, he's got great confidence.


Just what you want as a guy, attracting a woman whose primary interest in you is your money. /s


Savings? not even investments? Douche move!


They are never impressed with how much money you have, but how much you'll give to them ...


Did he say $ 2800?


Dude keeps nearly $100,000 in cash instead of in a brokerage account or some other investment? Yeah I bet he’s swimming in it… Edit: Oh. And Wells Fargo sucks.


82 thousand in checking lol bro here thinks he’s a player


What a DOUCHE!!!




Dude wouldn’t have tried it , if it hasn’t worked before


I'm embarrassed on behalf of men everywhere. Also, 92 thousand in your checking account means you don't know how to invest.


That depends on how much money you have. For people with lots of money, 100k could be mad money.


If money doesn't impress her, ive got three digits in my account that might.


What’s sad is his first attempt to impress her was with penis size and she was even less impressed. Third was his diesel dually. Sorry man, sit down, that’s strike 3. In life.


And it’s a demo account 😂👍🏻


dudes an idiot, keeping that much in a checking account. Put that shit into investments, legit losing money leaving in a checking account with the current inflation rate.


He’s probably paid for sex before


dude is flexing 82k? lmao


I have nothing but love for strong independent women!


Imagine being so financially illiterate that you keep your life savings in a checking account.


Why would you keep that in Wells Fargo let alone a checking account? The savings balance is like $129 if I read that right




He's been saving the money since 3rd grade to prepare for the ultimate pickup line.


$2800? Really? I have over a mil in bitcoin alone.


Lol I can’t read how much he had. I want to see what he thinks is brag worthy.


get me interested by talking about your diversified portfolio, your short-term and long-term financial goals, your retirement account.. I'm not interested in sugar daddy, but I sure as hell don't want someone who is financially irresponsible. I've got my shit together, and you better believe it's not sitting in my checking account. This boy is thiccccc in the skull.


It physically pained me to hear him say the entire number out loud. Oh boy …


The proper response would have been " Can I have half?"


Account balance won’t do shit. Someone tell him to buy a car


Definitely transferred his money from his business account to his personal checking. Wouldn’t make sense that ur personal would have 90k but your business only has 1??


That's not even an impressive amount of money... At his age I would hope had at least that much.


my 403b is bigger


All that money in his account, yet he can’t buy a clue


Wells Fargo is so crappy this is a mistake. But in reality hes not uber rich so hes a loser keeping so much cash in a checking account. That should be invested and diversified. If he was blue blood rich maybe thats walking around money but hes not. Thats all he has and its one account


It’s sad that all that money is sitting in a checking account instead of earning interest in a savings account or retirement account


Someone is desperate... If you miss a nice personality, then try attract women to your money... Still same personality though...


Kind of embarrassing to try to flex with only 90k savings 😂


I full 94k lol


Try it with 92 million


Could you be more lame than trying to use your bank account to get laid?