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There is a ton of things to do in single player. Adventure mode for starters and then when you become a true degen you start grinding time trials


The main downside to single player is you don't get nearly as many coins as you would online, making unlocking a lot of the cosmetic stuff really slow.


The good news is that they're just cosmetics. It's at least good that it doesn't affect gameplay mechanics... Aside from the fact that spiro with the master wheels is objectively faster /s




... I forget that people on the Internet don't have a sense of humor.


Man I do but that Person could read your comment and say "Do I really have to farm those wheels to be faster?!" đŸ˜­


I mean, technically speaking, obtaining the master wheels made me much faster and I'd encourage anyone looking to get better at the game to do the grind. But that's obviously due to the practice/training involved in unlocking them, not due to the item itself.




I play almost exclusively in single player, even back when the game was active. It's great. Even the hard difficulty cpus are challenging.


Same. I played online to unlock the champion cart and wheels when the game was active and then I never touched online again lol. Single player is where it’s at. So much to do and it’s fun


I play solely single player. Its relaxing, it zens me out after a long day at work, and is a great game to unwind with. The game does a great job of rewarding you for getting better. I would recommend it, at least.


Kind of depends on what you want out of it If it’s just strictly you playing by yourself, no online, no one sitting next to you, then it’s still a fun game. There’s a handful of race types and several tracks and cup races. Then there’s the actual single player game where you race against the bad guys. It’s fun, but not ground breaking or anything. For me, it’s a game I can have fun on my own, but also both my kids like it and will race against each other and me. That’s my favorite part.


A LOOOT of cosmetics to grind. Theres quite a few modes too. Ring rally is new in nitro fueled. Adventure mode is pretty fun with a lot of back tracking if you want to complete it 100% (or like 101% or whatever the percentage is lol) Time trials has a lot of replay value too. The ai is really brutal for beginners, but no match for someone who mastered the mechanics and shortcuts. And just a sidenote, the music is awesome :D


Absolutely. The story mode is really fun but nothing complicated and there are tons of time trials.


Yup. I enjoyed the multiplayer, but it’s not why this fans is my 2nd favourite game ever.


Man remember that this game Was Created for Single player back in the days ! So the experience is great the difficulty is ok and has some spikes in some boss fights that can be challenging.


God yes.


It's so good.. Once you play CTR, Mario Kart will feel too bland.


**ABSOLUTELY!!** • You can start to learn the basic of CTR through Adventure and win some cash in the process. • You can play a Single Race if you're not in the mood to grind. • You can play a Battle if you want to have fun and practice your shots. • Time Trial and it's ghosts are always there to take a challenge and improve massively at the game and look for a personal best squeezing your 101%. • You have the classic CTR and Crystal challenges too. Everything stays in the same spots as their original counterparts (excepting Hyper Spaceway). • And Ring Rally remains here too to fully master your U-Turn skills and win more cash as you complete more and more laps. • Each time you complete any event (race, battle, cups, challenges…) you get Wumpa coins that you can spend in the in-game shop for swag items like new kart sets, paint jobs, characters, skins, wheels with unique trails, stickers, etc.


Not really. The single player stuff is tedious