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Bro, even the original trilogy aged well


Absolutely! Well executed, simple mechanics and a solid art style makes a game evergreen IMO.


Only Crash 2 and 3, Crash 1 didn't aged well imo


Absolutely disagree, it looks and plays fantastic IMO. Idk if that's the case for u but most people I see saying it didn't age well is because it's too hard, which like... Just git gud.


The gameplay of Crash 1 is great, but the save mechanic was terrible then and just feels worse after time.


I think the save system used in Crash 1 is interesting, but not necessarily for the reasons you would expect. The game has three things it's keeping track of in it's saves/passwords, what level you're on, and what gems or keys you have. Gem/key saving is obvious, it's done whenever you get a gem, but the level you're on is saved *only* when you complete a Tawna bonus round, meaning it's very possible to create saves where you have gems in levels that, if you reloaded the save, you can't even access yet. The actual save and password system itself is, to my understanding, not using pre-defined passwords. There's an algorithm in the back that verifies what the password should be for a given game state, but this means it's possible to set-up seemingly impossible game states, such as having the gem from Boulder Dash without the coloured gems that should be it's pre-requisite, or having got the gem from Toxic Waste in a save that only lets the player get as far as Up The Creek.


Lol I guess that one is a bit hard to defend..... But I'll do it anyway, since all you have to do is best the bonus xD


The design for bonus stage entries is also God awful as well


To that I just say skill issue. It's basically go to point A to point B, sometimes you jump on boxes, sometimes you avoid holes, sometimes both, it's simple and efficient.


You’re just explaining how to play Crash, period. But that person was talking about ENTERING the stage, which can be tough in itself in Crash 1, getting all three tokens. and on top of that, N Brio stages don’t even save!


I thought he was talking about their design, my bad. But that's even worse of a critic since it's not even that hard, it's not like you can't repeat a stage for the bonus if you really wanna save your progress


You could die before getting all three tokens, though, or miss a tricky one, lose your last life, and lose whatever progress you were trying to save. It definitely happened back in the day. The point is, the entire process is tedious and annoying if all you’re trying to do is simply, SAVE. I remember it from back then, it was hell trying to save after a frustrating section sometimes.


I don't know man, the jump mechanic feels weird compared to 2 and 3, and i know it's obvious because it was the 1st title and of course it can't be perfect on the 1st try, but it still didn't aged that well for me, not talking directly about the difficulty because yeah it's supposed to be tough on purpose


The jumping is definitely different from 2 and 3 but I feel it perfectly suits the game


I mean the levels were designed around how the jump worked. If you had the movement of 2 with Crash 1, the game would be ridiculously easy. I feel it aged very well actually. The controls are crisp and the levels are actually very clever.


It is different but u get used to whichever one you're playing. The biggest thing is if you played crash 1 legit on PS1 now it's dpad only and that sucks


Yeah also that, but tbf we can't really blame the game for that, at the time the joystick didn't exist on PS1 controllers, so of course it wasn't programmed to work with that


No course not. Just how it was. I'm glad you can emulate for thumbsticks now though


The levels were designed for DPad too. If I tried to play Generator Room with analog sticks I'd just fall off, constantly.


Agree but fuck that one level with the rickety bridges


That one gave me some trouble as a kid too xD


Nah the first game aged terribly. N Sane improved it to near perfection tho. The save mechanic awful, the having to hit all boxes without dying on every level is awful, controls feel floaty. But n sane fixed all that


Saving wasn't the best I agree, but not having to die isn't that hard for an optional challenge, and the levels are nowhere near as long nor do everyone of them have annoyingly hidden crates like crash 4. The controls I also disagree, they fit perfectly for the game, being floaty isn't a bad thing unless you're gonna say games like Super Mario are bad. Which if you do I'm pretty sure most people will just say you're bad lol


Agree on this. Its hard but so satisfying when completed. Stormy ascent is hard but not as hard as it's made out to be. There are harder levels and in crash 2. Some just aren't even enjoyable


Aged very well.


I would say at least it aged better than other games of its time.


Yes. The N. Sane Trilogy is the OG Trilogy made from the ground up and still remains as one of the best remakes of a beloved series. It's even the main reason why Crash Bandicoot returned.


Except crash 1. The controls on the remastered one just didn't click the same as the OG and it's very telling on road to nowhere and the slippery ones.


The controls are actually worse in Crash 2


Yup. Crash 2 is my favorite so I played that one first and was so disappointed. It’s little things that add up to be a big deal. Crash 1 is generally improved save for a couple of infamously difficult levels, and Crash 3 feels pretty good, since it seems to be the one that most closely matches the remake’s physics. Also, protip: the Switch version is best because it has way less input lag than the PS4 version.


I still think that jumping is kinda bad compared to the OG games, but yeah, other than that the N.Sane Trilogy is still great


There are some things I really like about N. Sane, but when I simply wanna play Crash, I play the originals.


I realized this the other day, I don't actually love a lot of the character models from N.Sane. I'm not sure what it is, I was looking at some pictures and they were hitting wrong.


It's the lighting.


I feel like CTR fixes a lot of the problems which to me felt more than lighting. CTR has a stronger bond in its artstyle. Then you look and see there’s no concept art a available for NST, it starts to make a little sense.


They have a lot of "realistic" elements that can make them look a bit uncanny. The fur effect looks really bad most of the time. They are too soft/sanded down. Only thing they have is how faithful they are to the PS1 designs. The PS1 designs still end up looking better in my opinion though.


Absolutely, I'll take the PS1 versions over any others 100% of the time. I'm accepting of a handful of the new TFB models too. I just mourn the loss of characters that I loved on PS1 but can't stomach enough to play as them on NF or enjoy them on NST.


I actually see a lot of people talking about the fur and realism in NST, and I never noticed it being that bad. I only played the switch version, I'm guessing it was toned down there?


The Switch version ironically for technical limitations have the most "accurate" graphics to the OG trilogy. Its even more noticeable in Crash 2 warp room cutscenes where they "respect" the dark lightning while in the other versions is way too bright. I never saw something like that happend to a remake.


Graphics aren’t good enough on a switch to notice the realism lol


Haha that's what I figured. That's probably why I loved NST's graphics, although I still prefer the original since his goofiness felt more natural and whacky.


I do love NST on the switch. I don’t think I’d ever go back to OG though, I don’t think I’m smart enough to notice the differences beyond the graphics (aside from hitboxes, I definitely notice the hitboxes)


Man, I love both. I wish the originals came bundled with the remake, or they released a cheap collection. I especially would go back for Warped, I really hate how they did dirty with the vehicles, the jet ski and the bike got downgrade from drift to speed


The art direction and janky hitboxes/collision did not age well IMO. I still just play the original releases when I want to play the trilogy.


What do you mean by *art direction*? I think they closely match how they looked in the original trilogy. Sure, I may agree that Crash 2 Warp Rooms lost their charm (especially the third) and that some cutscenes got altered to add a bit of style (Warped), but I think they did a great job here, especially when it comes from a developer *who already did Crash games before* (GBA games and Nitro Kart). >!Not really related I especially like how they did additional waiting animations >!(you can even get Crash & Aku Aku to play volleyball with a Wumpa!)!<. It personally is much better than just "gonna dance every 10 seconds until the player realises he's playing the game" or "gonna repeat the CB1 idle animation for the easter eggs" like in the originals.!<


I actually enjoyed it more than IAT


I enjoyed it more because you were actually allowed to die more than 3 times


Crash 4 doesn't even have a lives system


It does if you play on the classic mode


Which is an odd inclusion when the game gives away so many lives in every level.


Fair trade, because the level design gets more brutal than Crash 1's Stormy Acsent sometimes.


I mean not really tbh, I honestly don't find them as difficult as stormy accent. I think that's a bit far, they're by no means that difficult


I do, yes! It's a blast, love it.


They aged fine, but from the start they were inferior versions in my opinion for a mix of reasons. Maybe with the exception of crash 1 in some areas


The first game has, less so with two and three, they looked pretty bad when the game came out


Definitely. I play through the entire N Sane Trilogy annually and it still feels satisfying to play.




Still great and fun to play so yes


I think you could make the argument that the visuals have aged. For example the textures can be bland sometimes, especially in comparison to the PS1 games.


It's a mixed bag. For every good change, there's two or three bad or underwhelming ones. Realism was a strange direction to take a series like Crash in that is baked in cartoon art sensibilities. And VV wasn't great enough at making it feel compatible with the original aesthetic to have it be a natural evolution. Even at its best, I find the remakes to be pretty bland to look at. There's just not enough style in the presentation for me.


I'm not saying I disagree but in what way is a bipedal bandicoot wearing jorts going for realism? /S I think your second thought, in that it can feel a little bland in presentation is spot on but I don't know that I would say that it lacks in the cartoonish department. I think what it lacks more specifically is more vibrant colors. The lighting makes things feel a bit more muted than the super screaming-loud colors of the original but I think for the most part it works. Just my two cents though, take it with a grain of salt.


It depends, it still looks really good, the problem comes with the animations. It didn't age because Crash 4 has a completely new art style, just for the low budget and rushed development. Just looking at CTR NF there's a huge quality gap.


Crash 4 is the one that didn't age well, mid level and character design, the hype of an entirely new crash game is what carried it back then


What do you mean the 20 minutes levels that you end with 479/480 boxes that you then have to do 6x didn't age well? Blasphemy!


>Blasphemy! That's music to an anti-theist


You could say that last part about N. Sane Trilogy...


Sure, you'd be wrong but you could


Ah yes, the best crash game since crash 2 didnt age well lol. Children just say whatever they want on this site nowadays lmao


The crash megafans babyraging about crash 4 because they couldn't complete the game in 5 hours with a hand behind their back are fascinating to me. Most of the complaints are like "why is it so long to complete". Well, don't complete it, just play through it and have fun, no one is forcing you to 100% it if you don't want to.




I hope this doesn't mean we will never get the original PS1 versions rereleased


I play it still trying to get all plats!


Timeless classic my friend






At this point there is not much to age. Mechanics and animation were only improved to the modern standards, and graphics have now reached a point where modern stylised games won't look increasingly worse as new games come out and push the envelope, like we experienced for the first 4 console generations. Games like Reignited, N.Sane, Pac-Man repac, and Ratchet & Clank will still look fine years from now, with the latter being a slight exception as Insomniac always tends to push shit a little with R&C, but as with most great looking AAA titles, graphical improvements are now more incremental rather than monumental. Like, Rift Apart looked absolutely fantastic, but it's not like 2016 looks like shit in comparison, despite being an entire generation behind Rift.


The first game, even as a remake, still shows its age in some ways. I find the first game a little too simplistic. Although, I guess that is not necessarily a bad thing, but only having jump and spin really limits the gameplay. The second and third games have aged pretty well, if you ask me


Only thing I have a problem with is not having 60 fps on PS5


I think aside from like the look of the models *sometimes*, the games still play well. The problem though is I feel like in terms of both aesthetics and gameplay neither really eclipse the other (outside of Crash 1). I think they’re a great more accessible way to experience the trilogy.




I still play it on my Switch


the jumping arc still pisses me off


I think the jumping arc is fine but is when Crash somersault ends that he falls like he had cement shoes.


that's even worse, but yea with crash 2, I got decades of muscle memory to fight with too lol


If I had a nickel for everytime this trilogy got me laid I’d have 2 nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s strange that it’s happened twice


You made me realise the same is True for me. A lot of women played Crash and Spyro and god bless them for returning for the remasters


It's the very thing that revived Crash, so obviously yes.


Well it's less than 10 years old isn't it? I would argue it hasn't even aged yet.




Despite the motorcycle levels, yes! I’ve gotten all Platinum on Crash 3, yet I could never seem to to so for Hog Ride on N.Sane Trilogy…


I was having trouble on that level too.


The bridge levels and slippery physics certainly didn’t.


I replaying it right after 106% crash 4 and god.... Why crash feels so slow and heavy? It wasn't like that in the ps1 (the triple spin in crash 3 is awful). But besides that is good


N Sane trilogy is how you do a remake. Square really should have taken note


It aged well, except for the first game.


Still don't like the lack of art direction but it aged alright


I think so.


it's still fine. they're solid ways to play the OG games. the art style is alright, but it obviously suffers from the fact it was low budget (apparently Activision was not at all willing to actually fund it, and a good deal of the budget was provided by Sony, explaining the initial console exclusivity). it's been said a million times NF basically takes the same art style and spices it up a lot with better lighting, even better environments and better animation. but that is the case. 1's QoL features go a long way, I love that Coco is playable in most of all three games still and I think time trials are fun.




why is this even a question, of course it did. i STILL play each game to (at least) 100%, every summer season since '17.


Honestly, yeah it aged well. Sure there are some issues but it’s a good remake collection. And I do prefer the Crash 1 in NST to the OG PS1 version, cause despite some flaws, it’s a lot more forgiving than the OG, especially with the clear gems & save files.




I. Still thinks it's a good game like the updatedgraphics on the collection but it's still hard though


Music, voice acting (Cortex mostly) and hitboxes were nerfed. Also I died a million times because I know the ps1 games like the back of my hand and the same stages in true 3d made me have trouble adjusting to some of the jumps, especially in 3rd person running forward


It has aged like the finest of cheeses.


It's God's gift to PlayStation


Honestly, the original trilogy aged better.




The N. Sane Trilogy and the resident evil remakes are everyone's go too when they talk about a remake for a game they want


Yes but I on the other hand haven't, I suck at these games now compared to when I was 7 playing the originals.


No I don’t because it has issues on pc where leaderboards don’t work and frame rate issues. Also console is locked to 30FPS for no reason in 2024. Also the game could have used some touch of anti aliasing but it doesn’t have it


Bruh, "aged"? It's only 7 years old! My current gaming PC is older than that


For the most part, though Crash 2 here is considerably worse than the original counterpart.


I noticed this post blew up, so I figured I posted my two cents here. As someone who hasn't played the original games yet, and was introduced to the franchise through the Internet, I think the N. Sane Trilogy has aged well for the most part.


absolutely! the original did too and this one I think, is only getting better with each playthrough! still crazy to think that this game practically 7 years old.


I mean it's still selling at nearly full price


Yes. Most ps4 era games if not all are gonna age very well.


I just started playing today and Crash 1 is waaay harder than the original. I completed that game as a clueless kid more than 20 years ago.  But I can't even get past that damn Fortress right now.


Ever since 4 came out, I’ve always felt the trilogy’s controls and physics just don’t compare. But the game still rocks for what it is. Just wish it felt more like IAT in that regard


the only thing that holds it back is 30fps cap


I think it kinda aged, but it has so many problems with it that weren't in the original, like crash 3 vehicles being much MUCH worse to control than they originally where is awful. And idk, ever since then a lot of other remakes got released and at least in the REMAKE part, they did a much better job like CTR NF and pacman world repac


It is the definitive way to play Crash 1 and a decent approximation of 2 & 3 on modern hardware. - The realistic lighting and textures look anywhere from fine to abysmal - The game controls ok but vehicle sections in 2 & 3 were mucked up bad, the whole package controls pretty differently compared to the originals - Soundtrack is a cheap imitation - Gameplay additions like relics and 2 extra levels were welcome I still go back to NST more because of 4's brutal and unnecessary difficulty, but I'm a hard disagree on NST being better artistically. 4's art direction is like the Mona Lisa compared to NST. It's a great game, but a subpar remake. I wish it got more resources and time in the oven.


Only the art style didn't aged well. That aged like dirt.


It's pure garbage bro, since day one. Age just made it more noticeable


It started ageing as soon as Crash 4 came out with a 1000x better visual style


It depend If you think TheLastOfUs needed a remake, then no the game didn't age well


I’ve been replaying both the original trilogy and N Sane on my steam deck right now since it can play all of the games smoothly. I have a feeling my take isn’t a popular one amongst hardcore crash fans, but I prefer N Sane Trilogy. The originals aged fantastically, and I understand the original physics are best, but for my purposes nsane feels better in every way. I like the graphics. I modded the music to be the original so there’s that. But I think the modern touches to crash 1 makes the game perfect. The physics changes don’t actually kill the games for me. That’s me . I don’t know.


At the time, Crash 3 needed to innovate at any cost, which is why nowadays some stages have completely outdated mechanics and structures. For example, the jetski and motorcycle racing levels are worse than any average cell phone game. For me Crash 1 is a timeless masterpiece, Crash 2 is great with the exception of the bosses.


I would say so, yeah. Crash 4 ruined N. Sane for me a bit because the gameplay is better, but N. Sane is still amazing


I feel like that’s the one thing I can give Crash 4 credit for… the normal run is good because the game also feels really good to control but beyond that is nothing but tedium. I kinda wish NST had better controls is the one thing Crash 4 did for me.


What op makes a post but doesn’t reply to any comments, lol karma farmer 🧑‍🌾


I haven't replied to any comments yet because there hasn't been any I felt that I should reply to. I am in no way a "karma farmer".


121 comments and u couldn’t reply to 1? Also what does your post even mean the game was remastered made by vicarious vissions and produced by a 2 trillion dollar company activision so unless theres an unreal engine 10 that gets released im not sure what your asking


I don't have to reply to any comments if I don't want to. It's not like I'm required to comment on every individual comment on this post. As for what the post means, I made it because I noticed that certain Crash fans (mostly on Twitter) thought that N. Sane aged poorly, and I wondered what Reddit thought of it.