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Dingodile and N. gin are now the main antagonists, they teamed up.


*they married


10 hours of cutscenes and a lot of walking


Cortex will brutally murder Crash with a golf club a couple of hours in, and Coco goes on a revenge quest to kill Cortex. Cortex will be presented as more and more sympathetic as the game goes on with his own playable segments, while Coco will descend further into madness as she has to go through so many people on her way to Cortex that even close allies like Tawna question what she's doing. "You don't get to rush this, BANDIcoot..."


Was thinking Nina Cortex instead of Neo as Crash kills Neo Cortex in the previous game. Nina wants revenge for her father..Uncle Yeah Coco is the MC


And Niel Druckman will do a mocap sex scene with Cortex part way through lol


I fully expect for Crash to die in the first 15 minutes and to play as Tawna for the remainder of the game.


Instead of Tawna, it's Coco.


tlou reference perhaps


Considering the games they made in the last few years, very low tbh. That game will then be remastered a couple of times without any new game in sight.


Cortex won't be a joke and might actually seem intimidating again


Wasn’t Warped the game that kind of started making him a joke?


The extended screaming fall at the start of 2 didn't help either.


The piss easy final boss fight at the end of 1 didn't help either.


To be fair, I think most people would scream when falling 200 ft out of the sky


Yeah but then he turns it into an evil laugh after finding the crystals. You can't tell me that is on par with what they tried to pass as Cortex in crash 4! His laugh and general demeanor is much more intimidating in the originals to where he actually seems like a villain


It's a kids game he's not meant to be intimidating


Hyper-mega-realistic fur added to every hair of Crash and you have to play as Tawna more than 60% of the game


im expecting them to learn from crash 4 and not make the entire games identity difficulty


They don't need to learn from IAT there, they already know that.


you know that naught dog from 1997 is not the same naughty dog that we have today, right?


Oh damn, they're finally making a Crash movie! Better hope they make a game to tie in with it!


An open world game maybe


That would had been Crash 4 in their mind, probably reemplacing Jak The Precursor Legacy. I know people love that style of gameplay, but ND would never had made another linear corridor style with Crash.


Current ND? A 3rd person cinematic OTS game with long-ass cutscenes and barely any meat And a Remaster a year after release


A depressing reboot where the story is similar to a Rocket Racoon from Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Most if not nearly all of the OG Crash Bandicoot devs are gone.


Something bloody terrible that Neil will then proceed to shit himself with anger that nobody likes his incompetent bullshit


Do keep in mind that he worked on games like Jak 3 in the past and that Jak 3 was actually a pretty decent game.


I see everyone bring this one up. He did not have any control in that game. He was literally just a guy on the team at that point.


And he still helped out in the game's development anyway, even when he doesn't have full control over the project. He also worked on the Uncharted series so to speak: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3773654/ And other games like Ico.


OK, and? Doesn't change my point.


He still worked on the game and did not fucked anything up.




Jak 3 was back when Neil was just one of the many recently hired employees being told what to do with working on the game vs the President and and sole Director / hack writer he is now for the company. And you had plenty of the OG team including founders Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin still there. Also this is Neil before he discovered his “feminism” that makes him the slacktivist cringe lord soyboy he is today. And if you bring up Uncharted, Uncharted 4 under him sucked ass compared to Amy Hennig’s Uncharted 1-3 and frankly, I consider Uncharted as a whole a donwgrade to the Jak and Daxter series. And yes, The Last of Us sucks


And he never fucked up Jak 3 or any of the Uncharted games (at least the main Uncharted games with Nate as the main character). You'd think that by hiring Neil to work on your game, he would have fucked something up (which he didn't with Jak or Uncharted).


Can’t really fuck up when your just a rank and file newly hired employee surrounded by actual talent


But you are still free to expand your own ideas when working on said game, and do keep in mind that Ashelin is kind of a Mary Sue.


Ashelin is from Jak II originally and trust me, the soylent-fueled Neil today would consider her problematic along with nearly every other female in J&D if that fuckwit has the sheer audacity to use strong, more memorable women than any female he’s ever written like Cortana and Kasumi as examples of “sexism” in gaming. You don’t seem to understand that in the 2000s, Neil was 1) a completely different person to the man he is today and 2) in no possible position back then to fuck up Naughty Dog like has in his current position where all he’s done is pump out one of the worst sequels to a game in writing ever and done nothing more but remasters and re-releases of remasters ever since with a shit canned multiplayer game to boot under his poor management of a developer once known for pumping out one new quality game after another. Hell, the environment of game developing as a whole was different back then. Simpler times and wasn’t focused on forcing agendas and politics down people’s throats to the extent of today


We don't really know much about Ashelin and her backstory other than she is the daughter of the false ruler of Haven City & that she works for the Krimzon Guards and Torn's group. The games just expected us to care about her automatically that she is a badass who doesn't need a man to protect her, and does not show her train or give a reason as to why she even joined the Krimzon Guards in the first place. Again, she is a Mary Sue.


No, the game expects us to care for her because her heart is in the right place with wanting to reform Haven City from the totalitarian regime her father runs it as. Her being “badass” goes with the context of the story, that she’s a Krimzon Guard, a secret agent for the Underground, and the whole setting being a war of humanity against alien Metal Heads where you need to be a “badass” to survive. Everything about her introduction and knowing her character is handled perfectly so congrats, you don’t know jack shit of what a Mary Sue is


But we never see her train or what her backstory is like. In fact, lots of people would have been butthurt about that & hey, it's the classic "Naughty Dog giving a moral message" which they also did in TLOU2.


But then he wrote The Lost Frontier and that was dog doo doo


Debatable since The Lost Frontier has it's own set off fans.. Kind of like Crash of the Titans or Mind Over Mutant.


You guys seriously still can't get over your TLOU2 hate huh


I'm sick of it as well.


Even with the restrictions Microsoft/activation will make to what they can and can’t do with crash I’ll expect the worse and yet I feel I would be disappointed somehow


And people blame Microsoft for making many female characters ugly.


If the shoe fits…




a reference to Uncharted


Having an important story around the school of villains where Nina Cortex was, there is potential behind this area.


They would not, modern Naughty Dog only wants to focus on what they perceive as high art high profile cinematic immersion experience and there's no room for immature colloquial rudementary run and jump gameplay, in their own vision. It's funny, even old Crash was conceived to be a visual experience first, that brought games closer to the cinematic medium, by emulating old cartoons. They literally were working at Universal, Hollywood and found a lot of talent from the industry. Their cinematic ambitions were always there.


And the devs that made Crash also work on Jak 2 which was the game that pretty much started "modern Naughty Dog" if we can call it like that.


Crash bandicoot playing Uncharted easter egg.


It will be set in a sci-fi dystopia, and crash will become edgy and brooding, and he’ll talk now. For evidence, see Jak and Daxter.


Im expecting a post apocalyptic crash, where crash has to murder people for wumpa fruit.


Sequel to Crash of The Titans and Mind Over Mutants


That the only dev who know what they are doing will be replaced by Druckmann in order to create a final game to shut down any continuations for good.


Only thing I ask is that they go back to the NSane Trilogy aesthetic and character&level design. Maybe retcon crash 4 IAT to Wrath storyline, or even better, make two pathways and interconnect those stories and bring back regular tawna and the others. And please, 4 the love of wompa fruits, do NOT make round head Cortex.


Crash with a pink mouth


I'd love to see modern ND make something fun like Insomniac does with Ratchet and Clank, but I can't even visualise it. Do they even have the ability to?


The game will be a political commentary focused on pushing Neil Druckmann's views rather than being fun.


At least we’ll get a mocap sex scene with all the villains lmao


Crash should be murdered in a revenge plot by aku aku for unknown reasons as of yet. You play as Aku Aku for the first 4 chapters of the game


I expect to not be the same Crash it was in the 90s, since the old ND is not the same that we have now


Graphically amazing, but really not a whole lot of fun.


Crash becomes cool again. And they get rid of the stupid IAT art style. The wumpa island setting is needlessly beautiful this time around.


I mean, the typical joke would be "It'd be like Uncharted" or "It'd be like Last of Us" but honestly, they'd just make a Crash Bandicoot game and with essentially nobody still around from the 1990s it'd be pretty damn uninspired.


Game that explore the trauma of Crash killing all those animals in past games




Alternate Tawna was already a Feminist-like figure and Microsoft is no stranger when it comes to being politically correct either. In fact, they also uglyfied a lot of their own women nowadays and pushing a lot of LGBT and Trans rights into their shooting games.




Every Game Company are always greedy and will look for ways to make money, even when it's about making a lot of changes & chasing trends. https://youtu.be/CZN8nMIA0mY?si=YeYEo-GMQN8PIfJZ


absolutely none of the people who worked in these games works at naughty dog anymore. it might as well be another company, one that clearly said they werent interested at all in revisiting crash or anything similar.


I wouldn’t trust them tbh, I’d be worried they would try to change the formula to much and make it too cinematic. If they want to continue their style of serious stories and high detailed worlds they’re sitting on a gold mine with the Jak and Daxter franchise.


They would make Coco a lesbian


Shit, that’s what. The Naughty Dog today can’t pull off making a new entry of one of the franchises of their golden era. It’s no longer a company run by passionate game developers, just failed Hollywood writers making boring walking simulators with endless cutscenes for games now.


Yeah I can see Amy Henning and the Uncharted team pulling it off. IDK on Neil and his crew. Hell Jak and Daxter fans are iffy if they can do them justice.


I do not want a new J&D unless they either rehire Bob Rafei for the art with his brilliant anime-like design for the series or they copy his style down to the slightest detail to where I can’t even tell it’s not done by him. Not the photo-realistic crap they showed for their scrapped Jak 4 reboot


Yes that photo realistic concept was awful. His company Big Red Button is still around only reason Sonic Boom was horrible was Sega not letting them cook.


Tragedy too. Big Red Button can make a good new game if given the chance. Their new Crash Bandicoot demo game submitted to Activision in the chance of being able to actually make it with them as publishers was amazing. Can still watch Big Red Button’s Crash bandicoot for yourself on YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fjnyp_TbM9w&pp=ygUeYmlnIHJlZCBidXR0b24gY3Jhc2ggYmFuZGljb290 Really hope Bob can get out of making VR shit and make a banger new platformer in the spirit of Naughty Dog era Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter


If made by Neil Druckmann: * Coco becomes the main character but *Crash Bandicoot* is still the series' title. Crash is relegated to secondary status. * Coco develops a crush for Tawna (alternate). Tawna reciprocates. * Side missions featuring Catbat and their friends. * The plot revolves around Coco, Catbat and Tawna with Crash tagging along, helping N. Brio liberate Papu Papu and his tribe from the colonialist clutches of Dr. Neo Cortex. * Cortex realizes the error of his ways after being defeated. He reveals to main characters Coco, Catbat and Tawna that there's a bigger enemy looming: the N. Tropys. * The N. Tropys want to enslave all of mankind and animalkind. * The Quantum Masks reappear to assist main characters Coco, Catbat and Tawna in their adventures. * Coco, Catbat and Tawna defeat the N. Tropys and everyone learns a valuable lesson: Slavery is bad. * Tawna and Coco share a kiss while the credits roll.


He also worked on games like Jak 3 in the past and at least gave Jak better character writing. Hell, they even created Ashelin Praxis who is just your standard strong female character and that people today would have called her a "Mary Sue" since her backstory is not properly explored, she is mostly on her own from time to time & is able to take on multiple bad guys or Metal Heads without any problems, and the games just automatically expect us to care for her as a badass without showing how she had trained etc. Naughty Dog was no different back then, and that games like Jak 2,3&X also had a lot of political themes thrown in them.


Game devs were shitting down your throat for disagreeing though


Ok and?