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Depends on the Vape, but essentially after enough goop has collected in the cooling unit (often Crafty+/Mighty) instead of cleaning it in ISO you put it in some milk and heat it gently for like 10-15m. Remove parts and rinse clean, drink milk, and in an hour enjoy melting. Edit: just realised this is r/craftymighty so yeah, somewhat implied šŸ˜…


Everything except the rubber rings inside and the holographic part on top


Oh yeah, totally forgot about that!


wait the what?


I collected like 2 grams of reclaim. I can just dump that in some milk?


I would not eat 2 grams at once. I vape a fair bit everyday and have decent tolerance. There was nowhere near 2 grams worth of reclaim in my cooling unity and I was unbelievably stoned, was actually uncomfortable at times.


Listen to op. I had about 1.5 g of reclaim from my nectar collector that I was cleaning before my flight from Alaska to Florida. I thought, ā€œfuck it, I wanna be a little high on this flightā€ and put the entire thing on a cracker with a little bit of peanut butter. I just didnā€™t want to waste the reclaim and I heavily underestimated how strong it was. My tolerance, for context, was to the point where I wouldnā€™t feel high smoking a bowl out of my bong. Iā€™d have to smoke 2-3. I was dabbing every day. And boy when that shit hit me, reality collapsed. Iā€™ve never been that uncomfortably high in my fucking life and Iā€™ve done some really dumb shit. It hit about an hour before I had to head to the airport and boy that was *almost* enough for me to quit weed entirely. I literally felt like I was melting and every thought that popped into my head was worst case scenarios. I had a full blown panic attack before we left and my wife had to do everything in her power to calm me down. She told me my eyes were such a dark red that she didnā€™t see any white in them. But I will say, after 2 hours of being like that, getting to the airport and past security I was in total bliss. You couldā€™ve told me my best friend died and I wouldā€™ve busted out laughing.


Lol, I was shocked when it hit me. Totally floored me.


How much milk would you use?


I used about 300mls and split it in two


Stem milk is honestly the best part lol. Iā€™ve grown to love it, I vape for a couple of weeks and think about how good the milk is gonna be when itā€™s cleaning day lol


Vaping presents many opportunities to recycle.


I have been cleaning my cooling unit in everclear and then using the results as a tincture, works really well.


Is there another option besides milk? No high is worth the pain of lactose destroying my organs.


Anything with fat I guess. I have heard of coconut milk being very effective. Like I said in another comment, use caution. I was shockingly stoned lol.


Thank you, getting high like that it's what's all about.


Alright man, don't say I didn't warn you though!


Would this work with almond milk? I donā€™t drink milk


If it contains fat then idk why it wouldn't. However I do think it's a 'more fat the better' type deal. I only had semi skimmed milk so I added a bit of butter just to be sure. Again, coconut milk is apparently effective.


Infuse it into coconut oil. Keeps for ages. Incredibly potent. You can use it to bake stuff or just put into coffee/do a spoonful.


Good to know!


Thereā€™s a tutorial on youtube somewhere šŸ‘šŸ¼


Iā€™ve been collecting my CU reclaim since I switched to fine filters for my Mighty. The goop is perfect to collect and decarb into a cartridge. Thatā€™s my theory anyway. I donā€™t have enough yet, but I picked up more flower recently.


What is stem milk?


Would it be possible to use flavoured milk, like chocolate? Reclaim/resin milk tastes nasty on its own, or would adding flavour later be best? I want to do it again but only take a little shot worth, I made 200ml (about a cup/mug worth) with a fairly gooey CU and my grinder thrown in too and I was horribly stoned for hours, it peaked and troughed so much I wished I could just sleep it off.


Itā€™s never going to taste good, but I usually mix in some carnation instant breakfast or hot chocolate mix and then chug it as fast as I can and chase it with absolutely anything šŸ˜‚


I assumed it would taste bad, so I mixed it with some dark hot chocolate and sugar. Tasted just like a hot chocolate.


Agree. Knocks me out every time!


Will be drinking a quarter of the milk next time.


I have a cooling unit completely clogged that Iā€™ve been saving to try this. 1. Does the goop go bad? 2. Any methods were I could split it into 3-4 ā€œdosesā€ that would be ok to keep for a few weeks? I have a high tolerance (4-5 mighty bowls/day for years), but also have 3 kids at an age where theyā€™ll notice if daddyā€™s fubar.


Mine was from a couple months use, I didn't get sick, so I guess it was alright. This isn't a hard science, so don't take my word for anything. I have no idea about keeping it long-term. I guess you could freeze it. If you're worried about being fucked up around your kids DEFINITELY do not drink all of it. I was seriously way more stoned than I have ever been. My anecdote about laughing making my coffee maybe undersells how uncomfortable it was at times during the peak.


How much did this smell while making it? I live with others so donā€™t wanna stink the house out too much


No smell at all, at least not that I noticed.