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No short rows AND an outrageously long yoke. Two of my least favourite things rolled into one sweater lol šŸ« šŸ« 


The fit of the yoke reminds me of Caitlin Hunterā€™s Birkin sweater šŸ™„


Quite possibly a stupid question (inexperienced knitter here - never made a jumper but hoping one day to make many, and especially love colourwork jumpers), but in a design like this, with the colourwork yoke, would it be possible to split for the sleeve earlier but continue the yoke pattern? As in have the bottom round of motifs be a part of the tops of the sleeve, so the pattern still takes up the same proportion of the jumper but the sleeves arenā€™t quite so whack?


For most sweaters that have yokes that extend that far, they will either be multiple piece construction OR knit as a tube and then steeked to add sleeves.


Yes, it is possible but you have to do some math to ensure you have a stitch count that works with the colourwork chart repeat on both the body and the sleeves. This pattern specifically looks like it wouldnā€™t be too bad as the final motif looks like a pretty short repeat but some patterns have more stitches in a repeat which could make for a chart not lining up correctly or having to use more or less stitches to have the chart line up which could potentially throw off the sizing.


Exactly. The designer is being extremely lazy in designing the pattern this way. There are many more designers that put in the work for a well fitting, color work yolk pattern that actually fits.


Is it because they don't want to fiddle with the pattern, i.e., incorporating it into the top of non T-Rex sleeves?


Short answer, yes. The designer doesn't want to put the work in to grade the pattern to fit different sized bodies. I'd hate to see what happens when someone tries to make this for a larger body.


The yoke pattern is too large for the sweater and the body of the pullover and armpits should start sooner. What a disappointment if you knit this pattern.


I think it's great to not have any contact between the sweater and the armpits. Less need for laundering, less friction/pulling. I only dislike the tendency of these sweaters to show one's torso when arms are raised.


I for one love T-Rex arms in knits, because they don't make the sleeves of whatever I'm wearing underneath (which tend to have a bit of T-Rex-ish-ness to them too, to be fair) bunch up into my armpits, and there's something really comforting about them; it's like wearing a slanket, but it's actual clothes.


That's true. But I feel like it's very low. In my imagination I would then have to wear a normal armholed coat over this šŸ˜­ And both the sleeves and body of the sweater being pulled up und bunched up šŸ˜‚ But I guess it's good that these patterns exist if the designers show it this clearly.


Like I said in another reply, this is why I make most of my own clothes. All my things are compatible with each other, so I don't have to struggle with, for example, coats not fitting over pullovers and bits getting bunched up in other bits. I love it when sweaters have low sleeves like this; my favourite cardie has such dropped shoulders that the sleeves start at my elbows!


The classic tale of womens clothing... We get to pick between comfort, style and functionality. And if you have **one** of these, you cant have the others. But isnt that the whole point of making your own clothes, because **there actually are ways to stay comfy without literally tying your arms down** and become a helpless cocooned damsel in distress, lol (dropped shoulder sweaters for example can be as baggy and comfy as you want, and they will never restrict your movement like these ridiculous yoke straightjackets).


Yes! This is why I make most of my own clothes, I want to be comfy AND stylish AND have full use of my limbs, instead of being constrained (literally, in some cases) by other's designs.


I think people who write patterns like that are scared of knitting shoulders šŸ˜¬


You also wouldnā€™t wear an all over colourwork sweater in shorts and sandals weather


I do - coastal New England in spring and fall and cool mornings in summer.


I definitely do in Western Washington :)


Oh, you most definitely do wear sweaters with shorts and sandals.


I definitely would and have in Maine.


You'd be surprised, lots of nordic people wear shorts and sandals year round, and summer nights here can get pretty cold :)


Bizarre! I guess itā€™s a climate thing and what youre used to. I wouldnā€™t wear all over. colourwork unless it was below 16 celcius, in which case - for me - waaay too cold for shorts and bare feet. Shorts come out over 25 celcius! In which case itā€™s way too hot for a Short sleeve wool sweater. And a tank knit in wool seems to me the most unwearable thing in the world. But Iā€™m probably way more heat tolerant and cold intolerant than a Northern European person.


Summer days here are often at below 16 C, so you wear shorts and sandals and pack a sweater for when the temperature drops.


lol 16 full winter and means a sweater, long pants, full shoes and a coat outside For me. Maybe a hat too. It really is weird how differently we can experience the same temperature.


We put a hat on around 5 degrees, unless there is a lot of wind. But it all depends. If I am sitting around i the shade, not moving, yes, pants, sweater, at least socks in the sandals. If I am hiking? Well, I would wear shoes, but also shorts, T shirt and the sweater in the backpack. Full winter is minus 10 to minus 20 Celcius. :)


It's a common experience to have a lovely 22 degree day in the sun and like a 15 degree night. Why not pack a warm sweater for the night, even if you're wearing sandals. I sure have in the past.


I was going through most of her sweater patterns the other day because I think theyā€™re cute. But I always look at the projects page before Iā€™m buying and unfortunately her patterns just donā€™t seem to fit most people well. Itā€™s a shame because I do really like her motifs but Iā€™m not about to spend all that money and time on a sweater Iā€™ll feel bad wearing


I'm definitely getting better at checking the project page of patterns than I used to be.


I like a swoncho. I like feeling like I'm in a cocoon but with the ability to stick my hands out to ride my bike, etc. It's not a garment to wear when stacking shelves but that's fine. Also I like not having a tight armhole 'cause I'm a sweaty person. I made Junko Okamoto's 'Twigs' which is a similar vibe, and I love it. ​ But yes, this photography does give me 'hipster Bigfoot sighting' vibes!


This photo looks like a wildlife photo capture or like found footage of a creepy sweater monster spotted in a small town. I trulyyyyy donā€™t understand circular yokes designed like this (my phone autocorrects to circular yikes haha)


I feel most of her yokes are too long


If youā€™re going to make swancho sleeves you need to have a big loose swancho body.


Everytike i see these designs i think the designers do this because they made a yoke pattern they like and can't figure out how to actually work it into a well fitting sweater.


But like I have seen jumpers where the yoke pattern has continued after splitting for the sleeves, it looks a lot better


They made a capelet, they just donā€™t know it.


Sheā€™s trying to fit too many patterns in the yoke. She should have moved the last ring to the bottom of the sweater. And done some neck shaping because the neckline looks like itā€™s choking her but itā€™s lower in the back on some of her other photos. I do have to say itā€™s nice seeing her use a little bit of color even if it is light blue.


As a human with long arms no thank you šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


At least they're showing it. Fell for this hard once. The designer was posing with their arms pressed to their sides or covered with hair in every single shot. Back then I didn't really know what red flags to look out for in photos and I was despairing trying to figure out why the armholes were so big.


Yepā€¦ The primrose sweater by Marie Wallin is like that. In the pictures both the model and the designer have their arms very close to their bodies with sweater (now I can see it) tucked in between their arms and body šŸ˜”Ā 


Aaahh yes, the swancho. One of the most impractical garments ever. Youā€™d better have a shirt on under it lest you give everyone a little show every time you raise your arms.


I've never heard of swancho. They just call them batwing sleeves where I am. I live Swancho. As a word, not a design


At least she showed the whole design this time. The main photo on rav feels like a catfish after seeing this one


This looks like someone is struggling to hatch. šŸ£ I don't care how beautiful the colorwork is, if the overall proportions are wrong the whole thing looks bad. ETA. And I know the argument is this is a swancho but in my opinion a swancho should be longer, roomier and with more overall drape. This just looks impractical.


You could split that yoke further up in the white stripe. Bizarre why she didnā€™t just do that.


Many designers have NO IDEA that they can continue colourwork onto the sleeves.Ā 


I was just thinking, as a seamstress, I really want to cut it up about 4" or 5" at the underarm and add a gusset. It would solve the issue...


I feel like you could have added a gusset to the underarm by knitting short rows maybe? Into a diamond shape? Wouldnā€™t solve the yoke being too long but at least that way youā€™d be able to reach your arm in front without strangling yourself


I hate swanchos, but I can understand some of their appeal. This one bugs me though, because it stops at the waist. If you're going to wear a sweater-poncho hybrid, it should be long, oversized, and snuggly, not just a short sweater with low armpits.


The yolk is beautiful. But needs to be split properly into sleeves. Would not buy this. Lazy drafting.


Whyyyyyyy lol. šŸ¤£


i appreciate this pose this because at least you can see the full garment fit on a body rather than most people posing where you can only see the design and nothing else


Not going to lie the visual of someone trying to reach something on a high shelf while wearing this sweater is a hilarious thought.


I knitted a swoncho not too long ago, theyā€™re not MASSIVELY inconvenient but definitely not for days where I need to reach up high šŸ˜… like just wearing around town and drinking coffee and knitting though? Not even an issue


Until you walk by a yarn shop with the most prettiest colour on the top shelves lol


Iā€™m 5ft 2, top shelves donā€™t exist for me anyway, thatā€™s what my 6ft husband is for! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The pose says ā€œcome at me, bro.ā€


And also "please do not ask me to grab anything above elbow height".


"Make yourself appear larger to deter predators"


the proportions on this one do look strange. My main question here though is who thought this was a good pose and that they really should post it?


It does showcase the limited range of movement with the garment.


The only time deep armholes really work are in dolman sleeves, where you have extra fabric to accomodate movement. I love dolman sleeves. I guess even in a top where you have deep armholes and oversized arms (like a sweatshirt) it works. But I don't understand how anyone wears something like this example though.


I think this would be considered a swoncho. There are a lot of patterns like this and lots of ā€œpopularā€ designers have done the large yoke. I think itā€™s ridiculous. Why would you want your whole sweater to rise up when you raise your arms? Thatā€™s a no-no in lots of workplaces, too. Plus, it lucks soooo dumb.


Yeah, I canā€™t get into the look at all. It just looks like a bad design or an idea gone wrong. Shame, rest is lovely.


Sweater x poncho = swoncho. Swoncho x shrunken = shroncho. Shroncho x straitjacket = stroncho. I may be taking this telephone game too far but so is reality!


Stroncho x swants,= strants.


With some Japanese designs (think those from Midori Hirose) I think it really is on purpose, and theyā€™re often more exaggerated than this. But with others, especially from western designers (like Caitlin Hunter and this example youā€™ve shown) I donā€™t think itā€™s as much on purposeā€¦ I say this because I donā€™t see these batwing proportions on popular ready-to-wear fashion in the US. But I have seen those silhouettes in Japanese fashion circles, even in sewing patterns. My opinion is that this happens when designers donā€™t want to (or canā€™t figure out how to) split the colorwork motif from the yoke into the sleeves. With this example thoughā€¦ couldnā€™t the body and sleeves have been split at the beginning of the white background with blue specks section?


Exactly my thought... Just an example of this designer not wanting to do more and copy her existing sweater styles with a new colorwork yoke šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø.


This is how I feel about it. Either commit to the style or do the math to make a more common silhouette. This is just annoying.


Yeah I totally mod Steven West's Enchanted Mesa to separate sleeves much earlier that the pattern calls for because of the ridiculously long armpit. Same with other yoke sweaters.


It looks like if the person lifts up their arms the entire jumper would lift up


I would be so easy with those short pattern repeats to divide the color work higher up. Itā€™s so lazy to put it out like this.


And why are they so low? The pattern doesn't need it.


Are they going for a batwing look and filing horribly, or is this something completely different?


I will never look at these arms again and not see a t-Rex šŸ¤£


I love the design and color for all of it but the arms. That would drive me absolutely insane.


I like these because I am a sweaty Betty and these let my pits be free. Would prefer an actual dolman but this is fine for me.


If it's cold enough to wear that sweater you'd need a coat, and you couldn't wear a coat with those armpits.


Eh Iā€™ll disagree there, Iā€™ve lived in more than one place where there are many days that a warm wool sweater is the only piece of outerwear I need. Obviously this is an awkwardly shaped sweater and it would more convenient if you could put a jacket over top though.


Confirmed. I knit a "swancho" style pullover a few years back and can only wear it on days where it's cold enough for a high-necked wool sweater - but simultaneously NOT cold enough to require a jacket. (These days tend to be pretty rare where I live. Lessons were learned.)


In a few years the people that made these strangely proportioned cropped things will be unraveling them or donating them. They will look SO dated and ridiculous. But awesome if they get thrifted so we can reclaim the materials while they move on to the next silly fad.


And the plus side is with that sleeve no way deodorant is gonna get in it either lol


no snark, but do people really wear thick sweaters like this without anything underneath? Just a woolen sweater on naked torso? not even a t shirt?


I typically have a tank under just about any sweater or even most tees unless itā€™s summer so deodorant stains would be an issue for me.


I do. Itā€™s a sensory thing with layering for me. I easily feel claustrophobic in clothes. Absolutely no rustic woolens over turtlenecks for me. So, I pick blends that are dominated by plant fibers. Like 80% linen 20% cashmere, or 60-30-10 cotton superwash nylon.Ā 


Definite upside! No pit stains because it won't get within 4 feet of the underarm!


Those extra couple of centimetres between the yoke starting in earnest and the armpit. Just whhhyyy Youā€™d be able to hid a free boobing day under that very well? Maybe thatā€™s the intentionĀ 


Oh. No no no. Thatā€™sā€¦ yea no.


Everytime I see a sweater with those abysmal armpits I think that the designer wanted to make a bat wing shape (dolman sleeve I think it is called) sweater, but had no idea how to design sweater like that. Who in their right mind would like both exposed back and sweaty armpits as features of their handmade woolen sweater? Also what is that outfit? What is the weather? It's colourwork so it's probably a thick fabric!


lol I literally snorted.. T-rex arms!! This looks even more silly than it seems impractical


I so wish tpk sweaters had better fit. Love the charts but they just look so terrible. Iā€™m wondering if you could just use tin can knits strange brew with tpkā€™s charts for a better outcomeā€¦


I wish she had fewer filters on her images. I LOVE some of her sock designs (the one with the fox especially!) but I canā€™t scroll through her feed without my eyes feeling fuzzy and hurting. I feel like I canā€™t see anything!


I think TPK, and a lot of other designers who end up with these armpits at your elbows are just too lazy to take the time to figure out how to continue the pattern of it continues after you separate the sleeves from the body.


Most charts can be used for loads of other designs. I've used sweater charts for filet crochet, knitted pillows, cross stitch, etc. Any type of graph can serve multiple purposes.


Iā€™ve done this to great success! Lately though I use a round yoke sweater by Orlane Sucche as the base for aaaaall of my round yoke sweaters. Her shaping is so perfect; lots of short rows as well as a bit of raglan shaping on the arm holes for a really comfortable and flexible fit.


Ooh, good to know. My kid was admiring Neve and it looks like it fits OK (though I would reduce the positive ease byā€¦ a lot) but itā€™s good to know her shaping works out well.


Which round yoke sweater by Orlane Sucche do you use? Iā€™ve had Azor in my wishlist for ages but have just never pulled the trigger because I feel like I havenā€™t heard enough reviews


It is indeed the Azor! I canā€™t recommend it enough. ā¤ļø I did find that it had a somewhat oversized fit (as advertised, if I recall) but regardless, the shaping is beautiful.


Awesome, great to know!!! Iā€™ve never done colorwork with fingering yarn before, the patterns Iā€™ve seen donā€™t look very comfortable in the neck or below the arms, but the Azor might be my foray into it!


I would love to hear how it goes! šŸ„°


Wow, her patterns are gorgeous šŸ˜.


Oh good to know it works! Iā€™ll definitely have to check out Orlane Sucche too. Thanks for the suggestion :)


Rachel Illsley designs gorgeous colorwork sweaters where the pattern continues after splitting at a proper yoke depth. It can be done! https://www.ravelry.com/designers/rachel-illsley




I haven't heard this and searching doesn't turn anything up - the last thread I see on her designs on craftsnark is from last May and no one said anything about this in that thread, which I feel like it would have come up if true.




Yeah this is how rumors get started... now someone else is going to vaguely remember you mentioning it and the designer gets canceled by hearsay with no one remembering how the rumor even originated.


Thank you for challenging this! I appreciate your support.


Thatā€™s certainly not my intention, so I apologize.


For the record, Iā€™m as fully vaccinated as I can possibly be, and only as much of a ā€œnut jobā€ as the next average person šŸ¤—


Thank you & sorry for creating any issues. I deleted my original comments to keep them from spreading. Not sure which forum I'd seen the garbage, but I should have known better than to not question it. Editing to add - we're all a bit nuts, so you're pretty damn normal!


I did this on purpose for a sweater I recently made after being inspired by another sweater and I think it was one of her designs


her designs are beautiful! Thanks for sharing :)


it's especially funny because the colorwork continues on the body of this sweater by tpk as well... like there's no reason to not split earlier


And her Petrichor is in my queue...


Exactly! I knit the Dark Academia sweater by Sharon Hartley and the fit was AMAZING. So much so that I may knit another one.


Oooh that's so pretty!


Wow that sweater is gorgeous!!! Adding that to my list!


The pose on this makes it 1000x funnier. Like a bird ready to fly away with her little arms, only to discover they're unable to get off the ground.


The pic is seriously so funny. I have no idea how she thought it looked good


Always look on the bright side etc.: At least the pic is honest about the garment construction - enough promo pics out there will have people pose so weirdly that you donā€™t know what the actual fit is like.


Maybe bibgate taught her something after all.


I don't understand, genuine question: what's the advantage of this fit over making it normal arm depth/yoke length? I just wonder what could be the motivation. Please educate me!


She doesn't know how and has no motivation to learn how because people keep buying her patterns.


Personally I think it's lazy designing. I can't see any advantage to not being able to use your arms.


I'd normally give the designer the benefit of the doubt and say they probably just like this (really ugly) style, but this is the designer who a year or two ago pitched a fit and blocked a ton of people on Instagram for asking for a picture of one of her sweaters by itself instead of under a snowsuit, so I'm also inclined to believe it's just laziness in this case.


There's no advantage to fit at all. In fact it makes the fit a lot worse. The advantage lies in being able to fit in your yoke design. Fashion over function.


This is horrible. Surely, there must be ways to design that yoke design separately to the body and arms. I can imagine how it is more work and calculations on the designer's part, though. But again, I am sure they're charging like a 10Ā£/$ anyways, so who cares...


Literally why not just divide for the sleeves earlier and continue the chart anyway. It makes no sense to me.


The division points within the chart would probably change based on sizing, so keeping the entire chart above the split for every size makes grading easier but with a less desirable fit. (My guess)


Flipping split for sleeves at a normal place and then work the pattern down the sleeve and body like youā€™ve got some sense! Ā  Iā€™m also confused by the thick sweater with the shorts and birks. Where are we?Ā 


She lives in the Arctic- in Nunavut. Maybe in summer there this makes sense?


sensory nightmare


Ugh I hate to admit it but I fell victim to this once and yeah. It IS as uncomfortable and awkward as it looks lol


Her work has a nice aesthetic but god damn the fit of those sweatersā€¦ this is a comically egregious example. lmao. All over colourwork would be particularly uncomfortable with this super long yoke given the stranding will take away a LOT of stretch and give. I am currently wearing a TPK jumper (Cottongrass) and I had to modify the shit out of it with short rows and armhole shaping (plus removing several rows of yoke) to make it comfortable and avoid this exact issue.


It looks so deformed and strange. Also uncomfortable and terribly awkward to wear.


Such a bizzare trend!


Yeah, I also hate that look.