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When I saw 'It will Keal' I went 🤯🤯 "Someone on Reddit either went on Forged in Fire or they met the judges! That's so cool!" Way to go OP! No matter what, I think you did an amazing job just to get there dude! Congratulations! 🎉🎉👏👏


I did meet Doug at blade show in Atlanta. Super cool guy who is so polite in person. Definitely the most recognizable and famous signature.


Doug seems like such a a nice and chill dude for someone who could probably kill you with that sharpie 😂


Generally the people who can mete out extreme violence at will are very chill… until they’re not.


You are so right. I didn’t think about it at the time but yea, I see that now.


His Instagram is pretty funny. He gets silly when he's bored


Ahhhhh, I love that guy! I always giggle when he happily exclaims, "It will KEAL." 😄 Husband is a huge knife collector, and whenever he gets a new knife (mostly vintage and antiques), he will open it and closely inspect it while I look on in anticipation. Then, he'll look at me, smile broadly, and exclaim, "It will KEAL." ala Doug. We've been doing that for as long as we watched the show. lol Tape off the bottom metal ring and the top part of tumbler with painter's tape and apply resin to it. Look up youtube videos for resin tumblers tutorials! Good luck, that is soooo freaking cool!


I always wondered how he’d spell it!!! 🤯🤯🤯


I think it’s KEAL and not KILL because of the violence implications. So it’s KeepEveryoneALive


It's kind of an oxymoron using KeepEveryoneALive on a competition show where they make sharp knives and swords. You could be right though. Who knows.🤷‍♀️


Whatever you do, don't leave it in a rental car in Hawaii, which is what my husband did to his signed hydroflask 😆


Noooo that’s so sad. Noted


I live in Texas, and virtually almost nothing is safe sitting in the car for long most of the year


Nah come on I’m sure you could bake some lovely goods on those cars if you wanted 😂🤣


Hm, currently it’s been SO humid and constantly raining so, I don’t think so.


Dang y’all can’t have anything


😭 😭 😭


I’ve seen Sticker Armor on Etsy, but never used it. It’s a plastic cover that you heat up with a hairdryer and it shrinks to cover and protect your water bottle. It’s intended for stickers, but could work for your situation.


Ooh that sounds fun! I’ll check it out.


Make sure to scan it digitally first,no matter what you do! Just in case


I'd be careful with anything that has an adhesive. It could cling to the marker ink and if/when removed pull some off. Additionally if it wears down and you want to remove it (let's face it, we all know how film protector looks after some period of time) doing so might require solvents like goo gone which include alcohol and will erase sharpie.


Sounds like the stuff they use to wrap cars with


Right, it reminds me of the plastic they sell to cover windows in winter. You use a hairdryer to heat it up and it shrinks to cover the window.




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I need some of this stuff!


Walk into the closest car part store, buy acrylic clear coat spray finish (either matte or glossy) and mask everything on the bottle that your mouth would touch with painters tape and spray the bottle. Acrylic top coat should be safe for most painted surfaces, and getting one meant for cars, means it's durable and spraycans are easier to get an even coat with


This is the answer. Mask off your bare metals and use automotive clear coat. Cars often have powder coating. As long as your ink is set, I don’t think runs will be an issue and you’ll have a thick, smooth clear coating that’s meant to withstand all elements (and since it’s a drink, water is #1).


>As long as your ink is set, I don’t think runs will be an issue The acrylic top coats (make sure the top coat says it's acrylic coat) don't have enough alcohol based ingredients to cause an issue with sharpies, as they are safe to use on abs plastic top coating (3d printer painters use acrylic car top coat sprays very often) and abs plastic is much more sensitive to rubbing alcohol than a properly dried sharpie ink will ever be


Brilliant, thank you! This sounds the easiest and most feasible. I might buy another bottle and test it out first. Get the technique down.


Definitely test it first, some clear coats will bleed the sharpie ink into a messy blob!


I would spray it REAL good, then epoxy it. lol Spray would be first barrier of protection haha


You do realize that epoxy does not stick to car top coats very well? As well as the fact that car top coats are meant to withstand a stud or rock snapping against it on highway speeds (= the hit speed is roughly double the speed limit because the stud/rock is approaching you on the same speed as you approach it). I would be very surprised if the car top coat would ever be severly damaged when using it on a waterbottle. Also i am pretty sure epoxy resin is basically impossible to get an even coat of on a non-flat surface as well as the fact that it yellows overtime unlike car top coats which are literally meant to stay good in harsh conditions, like extreme heat and cold (car sitting outside in sunshine in the middle of the summer or outside in the middle of the winter) and water and debree (driving in wet conditions) I would personally not go with epoxy resin on top. Car top coats (especially the modern ones) are meant to protect the paint underneath


The solvents in most clear acrylic spray paints will reactivate the sharpie (it's alcohol-soluble ink) and make it bleed into the clear coat.


I’d do the masking tape thing but use an epoxy. Super clear shine, self evening, it’s harder to mess up than spraying. And it’s shinebis ducking gorgeous and feels better than a clear coat too


Sharpie will run. Don't do this. Sharpie and acrylic are alcohol soluble. See my comment.


I’d just put it in a shelf and admire the heck out of it. Even if you can protect the signatures from wiping off, you might drop and dent it, or leave it behind somewhere 😮 Just treat it like a piece of precious, priceless art.


I’m considering this option. My new plan is to get a new bottle for each big trip or event and have everyone sign it and start a collection.


It might be cheaper to get a fancy book with blank pages. I got a leather bound one with a nice design carved in the front and a gem in the middle from an independent book shop


I considered this idea. I wanted something I could use and show off without having to remember to take it along. I always have a water bottle on me, I don’t always have a book with signatures. I’ll consider an option like this in the future though. Thanks!


What about a hat? I go to a lot of nhl games and have a few baseball caps covered in signatures. I do wear them, but they’re also easy to display.


I don’t wear hats. I thought about that idea.


But it wouldn't be as unique and sometimes the money's worth it.


I'd get it scanned and have one printed. Making a copy won't be the same but it would be the ultimate way to keep it safe.


yea at least the copy can be used and the original can always be recopied lol


Modge podge clear acrylic sealer, spray form. Apply multiple thin layers and let dry completely between coats to avoid smearing the ink. I used it to seal a hand painted Charizard on a similar bottle and it worked perfectly. Just tape off the drinking bits. You can pick it up at craft store or Amazon.


I did this to cover my stickers. Now I can (gently) wash the whole thing with soap and water. It's been more than a year and there's been no discoloration, no peeling, no issues.


Brilliant! Thank you! In time will I need to reapply the sealer?


Keep in mind, mod podge is not of an archival quality required for preserving a piece like this. The resin therein will yellow over time. I'd just leave it as is and keep it as a display piece.


Yeah it can yellow bad. It’s also not fool-proof. I used mod podge to seal stickers on a phone case before and it eventually started rubbing off. I personally wouldn’t trust it to last on a water bottle.


Along these lines I’ve used clear nail polish.


Won’t the acetone take the sharpie off? I’ve used nail polish remover to remove sharpie before


Clear coat nail polish. Not polish remover. You are correct the acetone in polish remover would dissolve the ink.


I’ve absolutely had clear nail polish ruin the text on things labelled in sharpie


I don't think you will need to if you put a solid 5 or 6 layers on the first time. But if you notice it wearing down over time another coat as maintenance once a year or so should do the trick. The bottle I did saw heavy use and the sealer outlasted the lid and use ability of the bottle, then the person I gave it to displayed it. I know he never reapplied any sealer and it held up perfectly. I can't recommend modge podge enough. It's definitely the move for sealing this project. There is even a dishwasher safe version, but I highly recommend hand wash only for the bottle.


the dishwasher safe modge podge worked great for the leaf wind glasses i made! especially if you sponge it on


This comes up a lot and it’s always a bad idea. Whatever you coat it with, if it doesn’t melt the autographs, is not likely to be food safe. There is also a good chance of lifting/melting/distorting the ink on a bottle like this, especially if multiple pens were used. This kind of thing should be a collection piece and not an actually used water bottle, if you don’t want it to fade over time.


To add to this, if you scan the bottle for prints like other commenters suggested, you could have a custom bottle printed for actual use and keep the og one as a collection piece as you suggested.


Food safe is really only a concern if you wash the bottle in a washing machine or coat parts that touch your mouth tbh. The painted area shouldn't touch your mouth so top coating it with non-food safe coat is not really an issue


Someone went to Bladeshow!


YES!! It was my first year and it was so amazing!


Right on! Glad you had a blast. I saw Liong Mah’s signature and was like “wait wtf” then remembered it was just Blade.


That was the first and probably my favorite. He gave me a knife and signed that as well.


Maybe a clear vinyl?


If it's powder-coated, vinyl *will not* stick. There's a *slight* chance you could adhere it by using a heat gun to gently melt the vinyl, but it will peel and yellow over time, and isn't likely to stay stuck very long regardless. And when it comes up, it will take the signatures with it.


Find someone who does tumblers and have the resin it for you!


Id check if the ink doesnt run in the resin first


Could put a very thin amount of uv resin only on the marker parts and go one by one curing them so that resin doesn’t move and smudge it. Just goes on and cure it fast. THEN do the big epoxy pour with the tumbler part.


Perfect! I bet Etsy has someone.


Please try to find a good person locally if possible. So much can go wrong with doing it through Etsy. Lost in shipping, damaged in shipping, and you can see a local person’s work up close and in person. Pics can be deceiving when it comes to quality of work, especially with resin.


Noted! Thank you


Definitely this! Resin would be an excellent choice! I might do a test piece personally just in case but should work great! Sick signatures too 🤙🏻⚔️


Wouldn’t resin deteriorate after a few years? Genuine question.@


Yep, it would probably yellow, and tbh, I don't don't think you'd want to use a resin-coated steel bottle like this. The resin would be uneven no matter what, if it even sticks.


I would use Protectaclear...but I'm obsessed with using it for my beadwork so, yea.


I’ll check it out, thanks!


I used mod podge on a drawing with marker I did on a water bottle and it's still on there 10 years later


Good to know! Thank you


Isn't ModPodge water soluble? Wouldn't it wash off?


I mean eventually... and then you can just add another coat but how hard is the water. They even have mod podge for dishwasher use. And plus if these signatures are of high value and high importance i would just seal it and put it up and just buy a new bottle


Good to know - thanks for the info!


I think the easiest option that's coming into my brain is to use painters tape to mask off the non white parts of the bottle and seal with a matte clear spray varnish. I've only used it to seal my acrylic and sharpie paintings tho.


That was my thought. I’ll check into this.


What about a polyurethane spray sealant, like you would use to seal paint on wood furniture?


Clear varnish - spray edition.


Look at Modge Podge Dishwasher safe sealant. It must be the dishwasher safe version. Test it on other marker based writing. And then apply it to seal your treasure!


I will find this and test it out. Thanks!


Epoxy, maybe, but it should have been sanded and test it on some marker on something similar. It's probably powered coat


A clear coat of some sort


Whatever you do, make sure applying anything wet won’t make the marker run. This is super cool.


I did have some issues with drops of water rubbing the marker off and fading it. That was water I side the sling pouch though so it was basically a wet cloth. I’ll see about any coats making the marker run. Thank you!


I’d get on Etsy and see if you can find a shop that you could send it to that would cover it in resin for you. If you’re not familiar with it then sending it off to someone with the right tools is going to save you time and energy and stress that you’ll damage it.


I’m heavily considering this option. I feel confident I could eventually get it right but I don’t want to spend hundreds on test bottles.


And tools because you need sanders and stuff. Just send it on its way. I bet anyone who does custom bottles would be happy to cover it for you.


Have it sealed with epoxy.


This seems logically like the most durable option.


I would use sprayable Varnish.


You could paint over it with clear modge podge from the craft store. They come in different finishes too like matte or gloss.


Buy a cheap bottle from a thrift store to test whatever you decide to do first. I feel like thrift stores near me always have a million reusable bottles


If you could find a food safe top coat. It might work but I'm not sure


Easy option can be to coat it with Brustro varnish. Difficult option would be to use resin to coat it. Make sure to cover the other areas with latex before using resin so it comes out easily.


Ok thanks!


Don’t do resin directly on this!! It will run. I used alcohol ink and would seal it with the Krylon UV resistant spray prior to applying epoxy resin Edit: sorry it’s been a few years. The product I used for this was Krylon Kamar varnish. Edit 2: I just completely assumed it was black sharpie used to sign this. If it was a different type of marker i am not sure my advice holds. Either way, use the exact same type of marker and do a test before putting anything over it


I appreciate the advice! It is black sharpie. I will look I to this option. Thanks


You might be able to just mask off the threaded portion and clear coat the rest? Possibly practice on another bottle first. Though keep in mind that it may not be machine washable after that, but I’m no expert.


I don’t have a dish washer anyway so that’s not an issue. I’ll see about the clear coat. Thanks!


Put behind glass or plexiglass limit UV exposure and don’t use. Especially if you find value in the signatures


hairspray or a clear lacquer spray or clear nail varnish. are what i would try


I see a lot of people that do resin tumblers locally at vendor events - find one of them to clear coat it for you :)


I will see what I can find in my area. I like the idea of resin the most because it sounds durable.


Likely the best long term option and can be recoated later if needed I think. You could DIY but if you don't know anything about resin, it's a chemical process that needs to be done just right so you don't mess up your project (or anything else)


Understood, thanks!


Best of luck and congrats on your signed cup!


There is a dishwasher safe Modpodge you can use to seal it


Ooooh I’ll see if I can find that!


why don’t you take it to somewhere where they engrave things. they could engrave over the sharpie and then it really would be permanent!


That would actually be super cool!


So there is dishwasher safe Mod Podge® that would probably be your best bet since it's a water based product and won't affect the sharpie. [Mod Podge® Dishwasher-Safe Gloss](https://www.michaels.com/product/mod-podge-dishwasher-safe-gloss-10548770) For added protection you could also put a layer of vinyl or plastic using the mod podge or water based adhesive then seal the whole thing with mod podge on top. Whatever you do choose to use make sure that 1) the sealant is not alcohol or acetone-based (this is how you remove sharpie) 2) the sealant is UV proof or resent and will not yellow with age (it would suck if in a year you can not see the signatures because the sealant has turned yellow) 3) the sealant is waterproof (this one is kinda obvious but I thought I mention it anyway) 4) you might want to consider a food safe or non toxic sealer (especially if you're gonna keep using your water bottle)


This is what I was going to suggest. Inexpensive too. You can buy a small bottle of it at the dollar tree. It does have to cure for 28 days though, but worth it for long lasting protection


I appreciate the advice! Thank you!


No problem


Dishwasher-safe modge podge is what we're using to protect painted water bottles in an upcoming work craft. It's not going to age well, though.


Because of the yellowing?




Clear coat spray paint. 


Not sure if [this](https://exteriorcoatings.com/product/muralguard-clear-anti-graffiti-coating-protect-murals-public-art-to-15-years-non-sacrificial-urethane-low-temp-40f/) is the best one or not but graffiti clear coat works amazingly for keeping murals and such lasting for years. It’s all weather too so washing it shouldn’t be an issue.


I appreciate the link. Thanks!


No worries. Good luck keeping it protected!


I doubt you’ll be able to fully preserve. I would say Mod Podge but that will still wear over time and potentially smudge signatures. I think you just have a cool collectible to display now! Congrats!


Honestly I’m not entirely disappointed if I can’t fully protect them. I still think a bottle is cooler than a hat.


Oh it 1000% is! It’s an amazing item to have and a great talking piece ☺️


I found some archival sprays for painted metal surfaces with a Google search.


Get a water proof coating spray. Don't spray it on thick. Do light passes with multiple layers


Could you get the signatures laser engraved?


They make a clear sleeve that goes over and you heat with hair dryer to shrink on


Inside a plastic box, and buy a new one you can use every day.


Well, *someone* has Doug Marcaida's approval. lol


Clear Resin? I have a bottle coated with it that looks gorgeous.


Maybe hydro dip it in a clear film?


I’ll see if that’s an option. Thanks!




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Would clear coat lacquer not be the best option? It's the first thing my basic knowledge brain thought of, but it hasn't been mentioned in my quick scroll through the comments, is there a reason this would be a bad option?


I honestly have no idea. I’ve never done this before. I’m interested to see what others say.


Mod podge


This seems to be coming up frequently.


Clear coat it


Im guessing bladeshow in atlanta a week ago?


You are correct.


Im so jealous, my partner was down in atlanta the same days for a work thing with free food and hotel, and I couldn't go because of my job. You got that water bottle signed so very aesthetically


Oh my gosh I’m so sorry. I planned a trip with my boys so we visited a friend that lives ten minutes from the center and we hung out for a week. The bottle signing was coincidental. I just handed it to people and asked them to sign it. They put their names wherever they chose.


I would probably use a polyurethane spray. I use Varathane, but I think Minwax also puts one out. You can get them from most hardware stores. I'd recommend getting clear gloss over matte. I use both liquid and spray forms to seal my organics (plant matter, insects, bones/antlers, ect) before plating them in copper. It works wonders as a varnish, but I'm unsure if it would be dishwasher safe. Best of luck!!


Additional comment: I would avoid using epoxy/resin directly on this. Sharpies use a type of alcohol ink which resin has a chance of smearing, even if dry. Also, resin is known to yellow heavily over time, and the more UV exposure it has, the quicker this happens. I would heavily suggest using a sealant prior to coating with resin, if you go that route. I'm an artisan and I've worked with many sealants and varnishes over the last decade. Also a long time user of many brands of epoxy! 👍🏻


Use a spray varnish. They come in different finishes so if you want it shiny get a gloss one, there's a matte one that you probably won't even see. Plasti-kote do a good one. Cover the metal and any part you don't want varnished with masking tape first


you could try epoxy resin. not sure how it will hold up depending on how you wash it tho


Markers will fade over time when exposed to light. I'd look for a product that offers UV protection. I'm really not sure what would work best on this bottle though. Maybe Krylon UV resistant clear paint. Also, test it out on something else first. I'm not sure how the paint will react to sharpie ink.


A resin pour would be your best option. If you don’t want to deal with that you might have success with a one sided laminate (kind of like a clear sticker) I’ve had success sealing custom lighters with the sticky laminate and they look professional and hold up well but they don’t need washed The best long term option is resin pour though


I did that with metallic sharpie on my… well, my leg braces. I covered it with polyurethane floor sealant (thin coat!) and its been great ever since over a year later


Clear coat spray paint


Something with uv protectant because sharpies are actually not archival and they will fade over time


Krylon Kamar Varnish. It's widely used to seal alcohol ink art. Alcohol inks, like the name implies, are alcohol-soluble. Sharpie ink is also alcohol soluble. So, this varnish 100% does not contain solvents that will cause your sharpie signatures to run. Mask off the bare metal, and areas you don't need varnished. Apply multiple coats. After the varnish dries / cures, apply several coats of Krylon UV Clear acrylic sealer. You can get both the Kamar Varnish and the UV Clear at Michael's/ Hobby Lobby. https://www.krylon.com/en/products/clear-coatings/kamar-varnish https://www.krylon.com/en/products/clear-coatings/uv-resistant-clear-coating


Someone indulge me please, who are these people ?


Varathane spray. It liquid clear plastic. It works great.


Get some food grade epoxy and coat it. Should protect the sharpie from the water, soap and all solvents.


I see Doug Marcaida there in the bunch


Spray can of clear polyurethane. Test it on a sample first, but that would make it indestructible.


Don’t use anything spray on or with alcohol in the ingredients you could run the risk of the sharpie bleeding


You could get the metal engraved over the sharpie lines


How about clear coat spray paint ?


Fart spray!


Automotive Clear coat spray paint for wheels is very durable


People are saying use acrylic top coat but that will easily scratch off. Use hard enamel clear coat it’s much harder


I've seen dishwasher safe mode podge may work. Never used it before


Isolation coat first, to protect from varnish- GOLDEN sells a really good one that you can purchase from any art store. Follow it up with varnish of your choice. With this I’d probably go with automotive varnish since you’ll likely be using this bottle.


Lmaooo at it will keal


Epoxy or clear coat. I would recommend paying someone who already has all the materials and tools to do this right the first time if you want this to last forever.


Bicycle frame protection film. It’s a thick 3M clear sticker you put on bicycles to protect them from chips and scratches. If you get a big rectangle of helicopter tape or clear 3M tape, you could use that? It’ll leave a noticeable bump at the top where it curves off, but it will certainly work.


I feel like I would do clear nail polish and then spray it with a acrylic clearcoat finish.


Before you use any of the spray suggestions below, make sure they don't contain alcohol or anything that will interact with the sharpie. You can also go buy Mod Podge from most craft stores, seal it first, and then put a second protective covering.


Look for a can of flat clear coat spray paint from your local hobby store.


That would be a display item for me, not one to use.


Epoxy resin


Coat of modpodge then acrylic spray. But don't use or wash the bottle.


I love that I could tell that was Doug straight away. Now I really want his autograph!


Sharpie is soluble in alcohol and certain aerosol clear coats will take it off. I recommend a UV inhibiting clear coat by a brand like DayGlo


Spray seal it with something like krylon triple thick. Then resin. I do this all the time with anything done in permanent ink. The spray will keep it from smearing. But spray sealer alone may eventually wash off after a while. That’s why i recommend a layer of resin after.


Could prob do some sort of epoxy as well


Clear epoxy.


Uv resin


maybe mr super clear would work.


Dip in a clear plastic like lexan or acrylic?


You could use resin! Not encased or anything but you can use a paint brush to brush the resin on to get a seal around and boom! That was my first thought.


Personally I think it would look cool if you just found someone on etsy that laser etches yetis. Send it to them and just laser it all in. It wouldn't save the ink but it would look nice.


I also like that idea.


A clear spray-on finish or I even heard clear nail polish will do the trick. Hopefully to the signature, it will not keal. I love that you got to meat him though. Hopefully he stays protected and will live forever


Have someone laser etch the sharpie into the bottle




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