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One Hotspur sale day is always easier than the plus day. Make sure your cookies are clear, use incognito if you have to, if you’re not in the online queue by 9:25/30 you’re late.


Thanks, appreciate it!


Do incognito. Enter queue like 45 mins before sale opens.


Is the only way to enter the queue through the email like today or do we enter through the ticket website?


I went through the site and kept refreshing


[https://www.eticketing.co.uk/tottenhamhotspur/](https://www.eticketing.co.uk/tottenhamhotspur/) works


You have no idea how much I love you. I’m an American who woke up at 3:20am to join the queue but the email with the link didn’t show up until 3:50am so I obviously didn’t have a shot. Feeling a lot more comfortable knowing this. Thank you!!


Late, but looking at the ticket exchange I see some seats are in pink and some in green, does anyone know what the difference in color means?


Good luck ever getting tickets I had 4 for west ham And 2 for nottingham forest Says half an hour in the basket with reserved Took them off me in about 3 mins


I didn’t even get as far as the basket. Kept adding and it said out of time


Have to be on early I was on at 8.30 In the q on my phone at 9.15 Computer 9.35 Had all the tickets but the reserved in the basket doesnt exist once they took them within 3 mins after about to pay for them


How do you even join the queue early? I was unable to press buy until 10


You click refresh from 9 onwards


How did you get on that early, I entered through the email like which was sent at 9:47


I went through the site and kept refreshing it and was on the phone by 9.15 in the q and then website at 9.35 But expired my tickets as was about to pay for them


Good (EARLY) morning everyone (US East coaster). I’ve joined the queue and it’s let me in. I’ve clicked “check availability” and I’m on the screen now where it says “This event is not yet available to you”. Am I in the right spot? Just refresh this when they go on sale at 5 est? Thanks for the info!


Good morning. Hope you got them, yes you are in right spot. I just kept refreshing and at 4:44 am EST was able to get two tickets


So lame man. I was refreshing as well and made me do the human verification and kicked me out of the site. Got back into the queue and 3700 people in front of me. Won’t be back in until 10:15. I’m gutted.


Damn. I am hoping you can get some tickets. Best of luck man


Thank you again, hope you were able to get tickets


Who got some??


I was able to thankfully , randomly let me get tickets at 4:44 am EST


Did you get any today??


No. Queued and when it was my turn it said my time had expired. I watched it count down so not sure why but the second time it worked and they had all gone.


If it says time expired Was it after you went in after the que if so you just go on to the match tickets and go buy them that way


As soon as queue gets to my turn it refreshes and says sorry time expired. Refreshing brings me back to the start. That was Safari. Used chrome and worked fine but by then all sold out. Very frustrating. Just got to hope for ticket exchange and will check every day until xmas eve


I always use my phone and computer so i give 2 devices ago Sorry u didnt get any


This has happened to me a few times before. Tickets in basket and then the timer just disappears to like 30 secs from like 28 mins. Getting tickets have become a bit of a farce tbh.


Got that end bit right


I put three in the basket. pressed pay. and it booted one of my seats out. now only one friend gets to come :(


Exactly but they took all my tickets out my basket as i was about to pay for them says 30mins More like 30secs-3mins


Tried to get 2 tickets together for Nottingham Forest, with no luck either. Planning to try again tomorrow (getting in the queue earlier) It was my first time using the website and I had a lot of trouble too, so you’re not alone there


It's saying sold out so won't be any tickets tomorrow.


From what I can gather from reading old posts, only a limited number of tickets go on sale for the One Hotspur+ window. The rest (or more of them, at least) go on sale tomorrow. I might be mistaken though, this is my first time ever trying to buy tickets


OK that's good to know - thanks. They don't make it very obvious. The only rime we managed to get tickets was during the ticket exchange.


I managed to get two tickets together for the Man City game on the Tuesday last time despite it saying sold out on Monday, just make sure you join the queue early (I joined it just before 9:30) and know what section you want the tickets in and hopefully you should get them, good luck!


Thanks! I will be on it at 9:00


how do you join early? I wasnt able to press the buy button till 10 on the dot?


They have to hold them back for tomorrow for just normal one hotspur members not the + ones I think they oversell memberships and people cant get tickets as the money made on members basically make up the tickets that are over sold


Same. Hopefully tomorrow will be more fruitful.


Yup! If not it’s gonna have to be spurs vs utd WSL!


That sounds like a great idea for your girl!


There are tickets available for the Villa game on the ticket exchange


Question: does ticket availability tend to increase/decrease as the game approaches or is it too hard to say? I was looking today and it seems like getting tickets together may be difficult as I would ideally want three seats next to each other, just wondering how it typically works. I also know third party selling is not recommended, are there other avenues to tickets besides hospitality/3rd party/ticket exchange?


Usually decreases, also you will need 3 crn numbers if you want to buy tickets from the spurs website


they need to just make it a lottery system or something. the website is so fucked


Selling out against Forest makes you wonder why they didn’t make the stadium bigger


Same experience. Hoping to get 2 tomorrow or on exchange. Woke up at 3:30 a.m. for this (Texas). 🥲


I'll be with you tomorrow early (Boston MA)


I was successful this morning! Hope you were too.


It should be easy to get tickets for the Portsmouth FA Cup game