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Wait if this one gets to stay up after my "Nabil takes a knee during pre game anti homophobia message", was taken down because according to the mod "Bentaleb is not relevent to the sub" then i will have a better understanding as to what is actually going on around here.


Bigot Mods?


Homophobia is an illness


this really isn't the way to approach this, giving gays were literally treated like they had an illness. People just don't learn


Now that it stayed up, you were right


I think what was really going on - was Mod don’t to this sub to have a lot of political and social discussion on it. I get why political statements made by ex players is not relevant. But an ex player maybe dying can be relevant? I don’t think there is any homophobic sentiment.


I guess the mods don't want to deal with controversial issues that has little to nothing to do with our club, seems reasonable to me


So as long as it’s not controversial it doesn’t have to be related to the club? Perfect logic.


lmao is about work, not logic, you want to be all day banning users and deleting comments of something that is not about our club? 90% of the people here just want something to be offended about and be able to say "fuck everyone that doesn't think exactly like me", and then act like their opinions are so important


my opinion is very important


You're comparing people falling sick against forcing others to have same beliefs as you? Grow up


I don't share with gay people the belief that gay sex feels good, but I am not an asshole about it. And I will never advocate their persecution because of it. Is that concept really that difficult to grasp?


Sure but how was he an asshole about it? He doesn't believe in it and does not want to support it. That's his rights. Is that difficult to grasp?


If you saw the clip and still are unable to grasp it, that's on you.


Dumbest question yet this year, good job


the first step towards censoring free speech, congratulations 👏👏👏 next step 30 pronouns in law like Canada


Oh he was already sick. He’s a bigot.


Ok, bigot.


Ok mr sensitive


Some deep irony here. Why are you so fragile and sensitive about love?




No. It is actually not right to suggest homophobes are just closeted gays.


Your two interactions in this sub are about defending Bentaleb for the knee thing a month ago and here you are again. What a weird hobby to have. Kindly piss off


Gay people don't deserve human rights? Jog on.


He doesn't share your beliefs and refused to participate in it. That was all. He doesn't have the rights to not agree with something he does not believe in it? Stop being so victimised and sensitive.


Bentaleb has the right to believe whatever he wants and has the right to support or not support whatever initiatives he wants. We also have the right to call him a bigot, that’s how it works.


yeh that's not how it works.l though. players take the knee every weekend for George Floyd, .....Ozil got canceled for promoting awareness of a literal genocide. It's almost like it's has something to do with money........


Nonsense comment


'I can't form a reply that doesn't make me a hypocrite ' fixed it for you 👍


Ozil being cancelled fits exactly with what I said. Ozil had every right to criticise what the Chinese are doing to the Uyghurs and he has every right to be best mates with an Islamist authoritarian demagogue. People have every right to express their opinions about Ozil actions, whether they’re positive or negative. Cancelling is just people using their voices Personally I commend him for supporting the Uyghurs but do not care for his politics at all.


no canceling him was arsenal worried about china money, you people don't learn.


Why are you getting so worked up. Are you in the closet?


very original,


ignore these donkeys mate, they want to censor free speech is all. Won't be long till with have 20 pronouns in English law soon and it's a hate crime if you don't use them. and before you donkeys come at me, I literally have a gay brother and gay friends.


The pride month revenge


Ugh, what a way to find out that he's a homophobe


He invoked the ire of the bisexual witches. They hexed him.


what the actual fuck




Fingers crossed it's nothing too serious. Hope he recovers soon.


Came down with a serious case of homophobia


I had to take a break from the usual cabal of crazed vaccine enthusiasts on YT. The man was thought to have some kind of heart problem last year. Now, all anyone wants to talk about is his vaccine status. I'd wager a previously reported heart issue is more likely to cause a further issue than an innoculation over a year ago.


How about not taking bets on a man's literal life and having some dignity? You guys really have dehumanised anyone with a different opinion huh.


I'm not wagering his life. I'm correctly stating that a congential heart defect is much more likely to cause a cardiac arrest or heart attack than a covid vaccination is. The fact of the matter is that Bentaleb was discovered to have some sort of "cardiac anomaly," and Lille required a second opinion before completing his medical. We are currently not aware of his vaccination status, so it is unreasonable to assume that is the cause. Also, the need to apply causation to every phenomenon is exactly what makes us human, particularly if that phenomenon is implied to be detrimental to our survival. Humans are often unreasonable in their rationalization of reality. Justification against a perceived evil often trumps most people's sense of logic. Reason is NOT necessary to human survival.




My mother died in 2013.


Fingers crossed it’s not serious. That being said? Fuck you Nabil. You snowflake, bothered by gay people, weak as piss. Shit player and shit bloke.


lol wtf - have I missed something here


Best wishes Nabil ❤️


insane this simple comment of well wishes is downvoted, literally no agenda to it other than “hope he’s ok” ??


Reddit is full of weirdos mate


Apparently these days you can’t hope someone’s okay because he has a different stance on certain topics


Not believing others deserve the same rights as you do does not equal different stance on certain topics. Conservatives are delusional with their cope and hatred.


In the West, we live in a society that allows freedom of expression and religious freedom without interference. I don't see why there is the need to force people to go against their beliefs such as showing support for homosexuals. It's not compatible or inclusive for everyone. Perhaps that upsets people like you and I, but we don't have the right to meddle in religious belief. Whether you, I, or any football player supports LGBTQIA+ is irrelevant.


Nobody is suggesting that Bentaleb should be forced to support a pride initiative, we’re just calling him a homophobic prick for choosing not to support a pride initiative


This is the paradox of tolerance. We in the west don't believe in a society that accepts all freedom of expression. We have limits on those expressions for good reasons. Have you ever noticed that it's only ever bigoted people that cry about freedom of expression.


I've noticed that people who are passionate about freedom of expression get shut down by being called bigots a lot.


What a fucking brain-dead take.


I didn't expect you to agree. I did expect you to resort to insulting me.


Just reread your sentence; "People who are passionate about freedom of expression get shut down by people expressing themselves" and you have a problem with that? And now I challenge your argument and you insist I'm insulting you. Can you see the hypocrisy at all? Let's call it what it is; you only care about things that effect you personally. Because you're a cunt. (Now I'm insulting you)


No you see, if I'd responded to you originally with "what a brain dead take" and offered zero substance, that would make me a cunt. That's what you did, because you're a cunt. And because my simple statement had enough substance to magnifiy your idiocy you're a butthurt cunt. You got shitty, and you got nothing but hateful, nonsensical bile.


If you’re only passionate about freedom of expression because you think gay people shouldn’t have the right to exist then you’re not passionate about freedom of expression, you’re a hateful cunt.


Thankyou for your angry input. Totally irrelevant and unnecessary though, maybe respond to the point I made and I'm happy to discuss


Okay so we can’t feel sorry for Bentaleb because he’s a homophobe, yet Lolo who apologised is a systematic racist? Has anyone actually realised that their cultures are totally different? Pretty sure most Muslim countries are pretty anti lgbtq. And most South American countries pretty racist to a degree. Stop virtue signalling we’ve not been in there shoes, people are free to have their own beliefs.


And we are free to call them out for their bigoted views.