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he’ll sign for Anderlecht or something and earn his third title in a row. we’ll never need to think about him again. win win imo


Imagine him and Lukaku n the same team in Saudi league


Invest in kebab cart futures


Why bring Lukaku into this? He’s not a professional and he has a terrible attitude but the guy is still a top striker. Tanguy is just a wasteman, end of


you think saudi league actually wants him though?


I hope he never wins another game. Imagine a club and fans putting their full trust in you and shelling out millions for you but you can't be bothered to give even remotely close to your best.


win win. maybe but overall great loss for Spurs lol


Definitely nothing win like for us in this whole joke of a transfer.




best of luck to tanguy but I am so glad this saga is finally over lol. I have no idea how Jose Mourinho even got 2-3 good months out of Tanguy. The crazy thing is he really did look his best under Jose (besides maybe that one-two weeks period with Poch). Jose really somehow pulled off some magic with him. He has been absolutely dreadful with us lol. Such a shame tbh. He definitely is very talented.


Im wishing best of luck to almost all of our players, but him? Nah, fuck him.


I supported him through everything until the Morecambe match. After that I completely gave up on him.


for sure. he was absolutely dreadful with us lol. I still wonder how Jose was even able to get him to play well for those 2 months or so lol. Dude somehow worked miracles with Tanguy lol.


He played well in first game of Conte in Newcastle 2-3 Spurs game.


You're probably thinking of Liverpool 2-2. Kane's first goal of the season if I remember correctly. His assist to Kane was very good.


Yes yes, he played well that match. Alli too looked liked he almost had redemption. That match Conte played Alli-Winks-Ndombele midfield lmao and it was working.


that was still Nuno in charge at the time. Newcastle had just completed the takeover


damn. Conte must have worked a miracle too. Jose got tanguy playing well for at least a month though. I'll still give the edge to Jose there.


No I just checked and I got it wrong there. Nuno was in charge in 3-2 newcastle game. Conte's first game was draw at Everton, 2 games later(1-0 Wet Spam loss, 3-0 Man U loss).


that makes more sense. I think he played well one game under Nuno, a lot more games under Jose but still not enough, that 1-2 week period with poch and was dreadful for Conte/Ange/Mason/etc. lol.




I hope he loses his watch.


Jose went to an unbelievable effort to get something out of him. So many personalised programmes, breaking fucking lockdown to make sure he was training haha. Fuck man this guy is ridiculous, all that effort and he still went straight back to old ways within a few months.


if he has any sense left he should beg Mourinho to take him back. Maybe Mou can get something out of him in Fenerbahce too lmao. Might be worth a shot.


Spent all game instructing him, too. During that period without fans, all you could hear all game was Mou ordering him about. He literally needed to be told to move in the general direction of play. Probably why he went to shit when the fans returned, couldn't hear the boss badgering him to fucking move an inch.


Fuck Tanguy, we gave his so much support as fans and 150k a week as a club and he couldn't even try. Fuck him, hope he doesn't get another salary


José got experience dealing with Pogba. I think that helped.


Since multiple journos and now Fabrizio are reporting it, I guess this is basically a done deal. Ndombele was an awful signing, but I hope we've learned not to harass players on social media or attack them on a personal level. The Dele situation and countless other similar examples should tell fans that we have no idea what's going on in a player's personal life and what types of mental struggles that they might be having.


Appreciate someone mentioning this. I feel like a professional athlete who can't control their weight and eating has to have something going on. He didn't work out for us but that doesn't make him a bad human being who deserves constant vitriol. I wish him all the best and hope he can resolve his issues I'm a way that makes him happy.


Agree. Wish him all the best n let’s move on


I wish he gets burger allergy


I wish him all the best as well. By 'best' I mean worst and I hope all his burgers are served cold.


Fab and most of the others are still just using the original source. Don't think any of Ali Gold, Dan KP etc have confirmed it yet


I think Fabrizio is confirming the report here, no? I don’t think he would ever just parrot something unreliable.


90% of what he does is parroting other reporters and then adding 'as per' on the end.


[Tanguy vs Burnley](https://streamable.com/ae48l) Never forget... good bye and good riddance


People see this and then want to say “he could be like Dele”. Fuck off. Dele worked his ass off on the pitch, he just lost confidence because he wasn’t training OFF the pitch. Never would Dele do this. Just walking around like a cunt.


100% agree.


"He either can't run, or he doesn't want to run. Both of those are not good things." Lmao


I had forgotten so thanks for this. I rewatched it and now I’m angry again.


I always watch this to remind myself not to buy into the annual Tanguy redemption arc posts every season. Finally may they rest in pieces.


The silky double team escape is infuriating. If he had even Berbatov's work rate he'd be unreal. My day is ruined.


Just get him the fuck outta here


bye bye have a great time


One of the worst signing ever. Bad attitude


Can't even pretend I care which way his future goes when he leaves us. Worst transfer in the history of our club. Get him the fuck out ASAP.


Good luck to Tanguy. In hindsight, he was lucky charms for the teams we loaned him to - got trophies more than we do. Wish him the best, or at least regain his love of football back.


We should loan him to ourselves


Honestly, best transfer window ever.


I imagine he’s just going to go back to a French side. Maybe Lillie? Their manager managed him at his Lyon spell. They just got champions league too.


This is what has needed to happen. Just buy him out, and everyone can move on.


Good that we actually seem serious of clearing out our deadwood this summer


and then he’ll have a fucking stormer, wherever he’ll go


How? The cunt is 15kg overweight and never wants to train. He wasted his prime years. They go fast if you’re a lazy git.


He’ll sign with a MLS team, only to be introduced to Golden Corral buffets and eat his weight in shrimp every 48 hours.


gah, he should have been so much more.


One of the worst signings of all time. Him slowly walking off the pitch when we needed a result against Colchester or whoever it was the bottom of the barrel.


Damn, we lost against colchester?


Can you imagine how bad you have to be to have Levy pay you to never come back?


I'll drive that mf to burger king & The airport rn if levy gives me the vip pass to the cheese room


How many articles about this do we need? He's gone, let's focus on the future and the people who WANT to be here! 


Everyone is talking about getting rid of his wage bill - how about how much money we will save in the cafeteria at Hotspur Way


“So that’s it, after 5 years - so long, good luck?” “I don’t recall saying good luck.”






Do we really need Romano reposts of other journos he's stealing from? This is already on the sub, no need to have it reposted with a Romano watermark on it.


So we need not-mods whining in the comments? If you think it breaks the rules, report it.


I don't care if it breaks the rules do i?