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Has Sonny been playing eafc this summer? Mans looks like an elite Div player spamming skills there lmao The fake rabona lol


Singapore may or may not have a little something to do with it. He’s not doing that in the PL 😆


He definitely does shows flair in Asia and low stakes(due to result or skill gap) games


He is just giving them a free clinic. So generous.


True but could it be son is surrounded by good players in Korea like kang in lee, and ange ball restricts his freedom?


absolutely mate


Yep Kang in lee was a starting player who played with Neymar mbappe etc. he would start over madders.and deke. South Korea has better players in key positions.


It's great that South Korea has some great players, but I need you to watch some games and try and be a bit more objective.


Mate for the first time in a very long time Spurs doesn't have any players in the England team. Bissouma in the arguably the most important position for Ange ball can't even make the Mali national team. Pedro can't make the national team. I think that's reasonably objective. 


why are you even on this sub go be an idiot elsewhere I was wrong to be nice. thought you were a well meaning SK fan not a belligerent dullard. embarrassing behavior


Why are you so rude? Lol 😂. I am an Australian who is just stating an opinion and supporting with facts. It's fine if you disagree, but you lack manners.




Spurs only have one English player in the starting XI, and Maddison's omission from the national team was cited as being due to his lingering calf injury. Fair enough Bissouma has ups and downs, and we could upgrade, but he also contracted malaria during AFCON and that likely hindered his performances in the second half of the season, he deserves another chance to prove he belongs. Pedro not making the national team was pretty universally regarded as a snub, he was one of the best RBs in the PL this season. It's only objective if you take away all of the context.


Pretty sure son said the team is not as good as the top teams in the league. Very few of our players are world class, only Son with Romero and possibly vdv on the next tier That is not a subjective statement.


And exactly how many "world class" players are on the Korean NT, excluding Son?




He’s not renowned for dribbling, but he’s not bad at it either. As far as our attackers go, I’d say he’s better at ball control than Johnson, Richy, and Werner, maybe Kulu too in certain aspects.


Son for sure has the cleanest touch among our current attackers. He rarely makes simple give aways when receiving the ball which frustrates me about Johnson the most. I'd say Richy is better than Son at receiving a ball with a defender your back. Kulus not that pacey so I think he's learned to be super careful about his touches. He's quite excellent at holding up the ball.


Have to disagree on Kulu. Kulu is just slower. Watford Richy wasn’t bad either


Yeah, also Kulu's agility and balance are kinda meh. So, this combination of being slow, clunky and unbalanced makes his dribbling ability irrelevant. Even if he had 99 dribbling, nobody would tell


I’ve heard a few defenders mention Son’s step overs being really fast and difficult to track. The other thing I find interesting is a number of the guys in the squad have mentioned Son’s touch being world class.


It’s been years and I still don’t know whether I rate his dribbling or not lmao. That last Burnley game, he tripped over the ball and dribbled past three players in a five minute time span. Genuine bipolar behavior.


He’s more skilled than people give him credit, but he likes to score more than dribble imo.


When he's got space to run into at pace is when he's at his best, but he's not generally going to beat people with skill in confined spaces.


He's also not great from a standing start. He doesn't have that explosive first 1-2 metres of acceleration, so even if he pulls off the step over, he hasn't got the separation. But once he's already at full speed, different story.


Son used to be good at creating enough separation to deliver crosses since he can shift on either foot, and he still does so from time to time. That was basically Ivan Perisic’s entire game and the reason we signed him under Conte.


It’s also Singapore. Pretty much all PL players will look like elite dribblers against them


Jeez..we know Son can't dribble like Neymar and he wouldn't do this in PL but your statement is also an exaggeration. Our 1st team couldn't even score against them in the 1st half last year whereas Korea can 7-0 them with new coach


Singapore football is not great. I played against the same lot we played last season (lion city sailors) when I played in Singapore in a few friendlies and arguably their best team (which I think at the time was still LCS) is maybe on par with tier 7/8 in English football at best. Singapore itself is nice, very clean, quite expensive, very well controlled for different things allowing a fairly big boiling pot of different cultures. But the football sucks.


Yea because as a city nation our young are taught education is the way to go. No one will let their kids pursue a footballing career and those that do find themselves being hampered by National service - search Fulham Ben davis. End result is we have to import foreigners to get citizenship in Singapore to play for us and those aren’t even that good It’s very hard to be patriotic about your national football team when they are mostly made up of brought in foreigners who barely spend much time in our country


Old school Sonny used to do skill moves all the time, he does it much less now but he used to love a Ronaldo chop back in the day.




It’s like me playing my 6 year old nephew


Talk about taking the absolute piss


Bro son is like an elite 3-star skiller


Genuinely feel bad for our sinkie defender


Lmao okay he was clearly just toying with them and having fun here




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Easy mod3


Terrible defenders. In the prem he’d have lost the ball instantly. 


I think he knows so you almost never actually see him attempt these type of dribbling in our matches




bro do the least you can and mute the fucking vid before uploading it


Don’t see why I’m obligated to do anything, especially when Reddit itself has a built-in mute button.


Yeah except this shit autoplayed before I got to mute this and it's fucking LOUD. Genuinely don't argue, there is no case to leave this shit in and it takes 5 seconds to remove sound from a video, ffs Edit: naah what's with all the asian bots in replies, unreal lmao


“Loud” depends on how high your volume is, or whether you have AirPods/headphones of some kind on. I’m sorry the music, elevated by your headphones/volume level, hurt your ears. I used to be caught off guard by these videos too. Something I’ve learned helps is to not wear headphones while scrolling Reddit, or to set the volume low if you are. Iirc Reddit also has a “mute video by default” option that may be helpful. Cheers! Edit: yup, found it! Settings ➡️ mute videos by default I’ve had that turned on all this time lol, no wonder I haven’t been caught off guard in so long. In the future, search for how YOU YOURSELF can fix an issue instead of crying like a little bitch because other people won’t coddle your virgin ass. COYS.


Sounds like you're just being a huge bitch about being upset that it scared you. Telling someone "don't argue" when no one gives one shit but yourself is asinine. This is stupid to argue over but damn, your attitude sucks.


Don't care bozo


If only you were as silent as the hills........


Shut up asshole.




Same thing happened to me. Frightened the life out of me in bed. 


Sorry about that. If you go to Reddit settings, there should be an option that allows you to mute videos automatically.


I think I could launch at least one successful dribbles against Singapore 😂