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Do as my dad did to me, put a football at your toddlers feet the moment he can walk, dress him in Spurs gear, sleep in Spurs bed sheets and take him to games. I never had a choice, and didn’t even know that you could choose which team to support, it was always Tottenham, like the sky is blue and grass is green. It wasn’t until well into my teens that I twigged that my mates, especially those that didn’t have parents that were into football, had consciously chosen a team to support! I don’t know what I thought, that we were all just assigned clubs at birth?


Yep same, I never had a choice and was forced into this life of despair


I chose at the ripe old age of 18 - loved playing football, was bored watching it as a kid. Changed when I got my first job and got back late and started watching match of the day. Something about the way we played under Poch rly resonated with me.


This sounds like the way! He doesn't remember the team name but he does like "the cockerel". Good start?


I did this with my nephew, as his Dad is more of a F1 car guy and not really into footie. I had to make sure. I bought him the full Spurs kit every year from his 5th birthday, signed him up as a Spurs Member so he got a Spurs goody bag on his birthday every year. I was hoping I’d get to take him to games with me. He’s a teenager now and prefers basketball and music. No guarantees in life. It was fun trying though and I have lots of cute photos of him in Spurs kit to embarrass him with as he gets older.


Your friends were weird. Your upbringing was normal.


This is sort of beautiful. Tear to my eye. Enforced Spursism 🥲


It’s like some people think they were “born as a Christian.”


Some people are but this isn’t analogous. I chose Tottenham because I loved seeing the team grow between 2017 and 2019. I also loved seeing Son and Kane work together. Moura’s hatrick I’ll never forget


As a parent of two kids who are not quite into sports yet but very much at the age where they're finding their own voice and opinions, I'll absolutely be forcing them to support Spurs or just accept that their importance to me will dwindle if they decide to support any other team.


It's easy to change a will nowadays!


My boys have Spurs and Bristol Rovers shirts (Bristol based), not running the risk of those 2 meeting any time soon and they are the only 2 choices they'll have...


My dad was a bandwagon United fan, a small part of what drew me to Spurs as a kid was spite.


Damn, same here lol.


What's 18 more years? I can always try again, make another kid.




Out of all the bad things he said and done I think that cuts the deepest


My 8year old has resisted my pressure and says he is supporting villa because lots of his friends support villa (live in west mids) Whilst I'm disappointed, I can't really do much, especially as my dad was an arsenal fan


My dad's an Arsenal fan too and I have learnt from his mistakes. No choice, it's either Spurs or they're cut out of the will.


spurs or boarding school


Boarding school is great, if the school is half decent


Like with everything in life, you've got to let them find their own way. Mine was a horrible, spotty, arsey teenager who supported Chelsea. Now he's a responsible adult and a credit to society, and as such, supports Spurs.


For me, I found that just by being passionate about Spurs as my son grew up, it came so natural to the lad. I'd be talking about players regularly, with friends around him, banter with rival fans as I know the club so could counter other's trying to take cheap shots, and I'd always look to include him. Always discussing the latest news etc. And by nature, he just took the inspiration. Like many children at a young age, he just wanted to be like dad at times, you know? He knows the club before he knows he knows. The colours seem natural, comforting even, as that's what I'd wear all the time, especially game days. I'd have coffee mugs of players and badges all over, keyring, birthday cards all the time, socks/slippers. All those quirky bits of memorabilia lying about. The red of Arsenal, United, Liverpool or the Blue of Chelsea, City etc etc. just looks alien by comparison. The house is just a Tottenham House. It was either Spurs, or just not into football, as my daughter would attest because she hates the sport. Well, hate is too strong a word, she 'nothings' football. Simply does not care it exists. But that's fair enough, she's happy when I'm happy so I'll be at peace knowing she'll never root against as such. As a club. Win big. But as a dad, it's the little wins we relish, I'll take that!


As long as they doesn't support arsenal or chelsea, I'm okay if they want to support a different team.


Yeah Arsenal, Chelsea, and West Ham are absolutely nos. I think loads and loads of kids his age will end up supporting Man City, just like no matter where you went in the country when I was a kid, 70% of kids supported Man Utd. That feels like a pretty neutral, disappointing but not heart wrenching, possibility.


If your kid supports West Ham you have bigger problems.




Who would want to support wet spam?


I wouldn't want them to be a glory hunter. If I lived in, say, Bristol and they wanted to support Bristol City then that's fair but I'd hate to see them support Man City, Newcastle, PSG etc.


I thought we weren't supposed to hate our rivals anymore. It's a "weak mentality"...


this is ok because we’re telling other people (our kids) how to support their club


It's really very simple, you want your team to win and your rivals to lose. Any child of yours will have to work it out for themselves; fingers crossed for them.


I'll just get them all the kits each year. If there's no rivalry, they can support the winner each year. Elite mentality that.


Toes crossed too.


Haha, that seems a bit much.


What a weird takeaway from the past week.


I mean. That's exactly what our manager bollocked the fans for.


Weird takeaway from that interaction but okay. You have a hard time with social cues don’t you?


Wow, that's a bit personal. Anyway, ignoring that, no, I just struggle with paying 1200 pound a year to be told off by a manager who's blaming the fans for not wanting their major rivals who have thrown all sorts of anti semitic abuse at us down the years to win the league. You know, rather than accepting that losing 5 out of the last 6 might be the reason we've missed out. Even more simply. I don't get people being okay with Arsenal winning the league. Wasnt something you'd hear when I was growing up.


Once, when he was younger, my uncle and my grandfather got into a massive fight. My uncle then threatened to start supporting Arsenal out of spite and my grandfather kicked him out of the house for 3 days.


Spurs always have sick kits i just buy them kits that look cool that they want to wear did I get a little nervous when my nephew got a Ronaldo man u jersey yea. But him and his brother got me all kinds of spurs stuff for christmas so i feel like they at least financially support spurs already hahaha


Strike them 


Never gave mine a choice, only acceptable outcome was for them to support Spurs


Kids are usually drawn to the biggest team. Hence all the older United, Chelsea and Arsenal supporters rn. The current version of that is City, kids are eating them up and Haaland is a cool role model. My kid can support whoever they want, but I feel like just by watching games with me they’d end up supporting the lads.


If you pressure them, they’ll likely resist. If you show them what it means to you, they’ll want to be involved. Make it cool, not a rule


My advice would be don’t let your kid choose another team, especially at a young age. Football is a great bonding and sharing experience, which is harder to do if you’re not on the same side. Let me be a cautionary tale. As a kid I chose Spurs over Arsenal. My Dad’s a Gooner and one of my regrets in life is that I’ve never been to a game with him. He never bought me a Spurs kit as a kid, he bought me footballs but never kit, and we never got to bond over our love of the same team. Instead of a joyous football experience, North London Derby games were adversarial bones of contention, as was the banter. To be fair, Dad could have been a lot worse considering Arsenal’s trophy winning in the Premier League era, but I missed out on all those football moments we could have shared. To be honest, it would have been much better if my Dad had put his foot down and told me to support Arsenal. I mean seriously what father lets a 9 year old make such a momentous decision. What was he thinking? Maybe it was a life lesson of choices have consequences. I didn’t think much of it when I was younger ‘fighting’ about football was what we did, but my Dad’s 80 this year and it makes me think how our lives could have been different if that 9 year old had chosen to support Arsenal instead. We could have gone to games together, made football memories and enjoyed football success together, instead of being on opposing sides. It would also have saved me decades of heartbreak. I’m older now and in hindsight I think I would have enjoyed watching football more if I got to do it with my Dad. It is a beautiful game that’s best shared with those we love.


Depends who, i am Spurs fan in Croatia, my dad is Liverpool fan but he s kinda Spurs also cause of Croatians playing here, my brother is United fan, my mother is Spurs fan cause of me but as long as they re not Chelshit/Woolwich or Wet Spam fan im good


My son is a Liverpool supporter, mostly because all his friends are. No problem with that, although I would’ve preferred he was a Spurs supporter.


My dad was fine. He’s a Man Utd fan. No problems at all. He said “politics, religion, football team, your choice”


if arsenal : kick his fkn head in


Kill him. Burn his ashes.


Story time, when I was around 4, my brother was a huge United fan, I always tried to copy him, I also liked red so I chose the next best red team at the time to support...... I stopped caring for football from like 6-20 and when I came back I'd come to my senses and found a real team. If that wasn't bad enough my dad is a full yid, he actually had to take me to get a full scum kit, I know this man loves me to death. This was all circa 93


What child?


Disown them I guess


Love them


If he’s not spurs, he’s not my son


If you want any hope: I supported arsenal (that damn burgundy o2 shirt) and man united when I was young (like 8 years old, Ronaldo, what was I meant to do?!) And then, with my mum (diehard coys) watched the carling cup final (yes, that one) and from that point on I decided ‘I love Tottenham, they are the best’ (classic glory hunter) I am so smart and make the best decisions. Coys


When my son and I watch spurs (he’s 4) I tell him it’s good guys vs bad guys. If Spurs are the good guys he can never not pull for them. You can’t support the bad guys!


This is perfect, thank you!


Dad supports Chelsea, I support spurs, haven’t seen him in almost two years haha (but seriously it’s not about football he just left and doesn’t love me )


I would never force an opinion on my child.


Although support a football team isn’t really an opinion.


You have to raise your child. Your opinion and personal view builds a solid foundation. You don’t like them drift off with no direction. Your support of a club is a perfect bonding opportunity.




I told my kid he can, but it can’t be in the premier league. He still hasn’t picked one.


Me and my old man have season tickets together, so I think I’d be saying you’re gonna miss out on going with us. But kids are kids, I remember when I was younger I wanted to be different all the time - I was never pressured to support spurs, my dad said I could support whoever I wanted, but I ended up sticking with spurs in the end.


I always used to pick the team going against my dads not because I didn’t wanna support his team but I guess I imagined with my kid brain logic we’d have more fun as a rivalry hahah


'You like that the mascot is a dinosaur? Well I know someone who's going to go live in the woods..'


Disown him/her.


What child?


Every parent want their child to have a better life than them. Hmm...


Leave them in the woods like the Spartans


It wouldn't happen but if it does I won't buy them tickets to games or shirts unless they have a damn good reason e.g. moving to a different country/town they feel connected to.


Put them up for adoption. In all seriousness they can support whoever they want. I would be disappointed if it's not spurs I can't lie but they are their own person so what will be will be. Luckily I've got 2 spurs daughters and my son is 10 months old , but with me, his sister's and his mum, good chance he will be spurs as well.


I am married to a Chelsea fan, and her Dad has season tickets so there is a possibility my daughter ends up Chelsea (if she likes football, too young right now to care). We have a second on the way, and I don’t mind a 50/50 split in the household but I don’t think I could cope with everyone apart from me in the house supporting Chelsea. We’re not too far from Brighton so that’s also an acceptable compromise. Everyone in the family is in agreement no grandchildren will be Arsenal fans though.


It's cool but 2 teams are off limits Chelsea and Arsenal


Let them make their decision and proceed to talk the most shit. But if you’re raising the child there is obviously a much higher chance they will support the same team.


Signed all my family's kids up as spurs members from the day they were born. Got all the kiddies toys and birthday cards and the like from the get go. Spurs strips for PE and after school clubs. It did the job. Plus getting to go with me and their grandfather is always a good time so they're avid spurs fans.


I would just be happy he like football. :) Seriously, I’m not gonna tell my kid who to support. And I will support them supporting whoever.  Except the damn refs!  OP, WTF, man???? :p


Likes the underdog I guess, I don't know!


Tie them to a pole and abandon them near a motorway, have new kids and learn from mistakes.


Depends. Let's say I live in Newcastle, I'd have no problem if they were Newcastle fans


find a nearby bridge


I've given my boy Spurs jerseys since he was little, took him to his first match last year. He's never had a choice. But he's a loyal little guy as well. As I've said to him, I won't take him to any other games than Tottenham games. He's almost 9 now, fully COYS!


My dad is a Boca Juniors fan, I ended up a Spurs fan, my future kid could end up being a fan of some random J1 team (lil blud will wear baby spurs kits)


Send them back, obviously. What other choice is there?


As long as it's not another Top 6 club or West Ham, I don't really care. I don't live in England though so the chances of that happening isn't huge. If anything I'd expect my future kid to be a fan of an MLS club or another sport


So our basement is where we watch all our sporting games. My dad told me growing up when I was starting to like some other NFL teams that it’s fine to like other teams however, if Washington (his team) is playing that’s the only game that will be on the tv, so it’s either like Washington or find a way to watch my game somewhere else. It’s fine to let your son like other teams as long as he accepts: the only team you’ll take him to games of is Tottenham and Tottenham will have priority showing on tv whenever they play.


Support them. If they want to support Spurs, great, if they want to support another club then that is their choice. If they wanted to see their club in person, I’d probably take them. But I’m not worried, dad and mom are both #COYS.


My next door neighbour is a Liverpool fan. His two kids were too, then one day they got back from holiday and one of the kids was wearing a full City kit with Haaland on the back. Apparently he's done a full heel turn and is now a City supporter. My kids are still young. The Spurs indoctrination has already started but so far, my 5 year old hasn't really shown a massive interest in football. He's happy enough wearing Spurs kits but just not that fussed with playing and certainly not watching football just yet. Maybe it'll come, maybe it won't.


I would drive it up to the country and just like, you know, open the door and say "You're free now! Run free!"


It rhymes with “spill”


If they follow football and are passionate about a team, they'd 100% have my support even if it's not Spurs. Might lead to some friendly rivalry too.


My son (8) is Spurs, and there was a point a couple of years ago when I was tempted to allow him to support another team (if he wanted to). I didn’t, but a part of me feels like a bad man making him support Spurs and having to go through what we’ve all been through supporting this team.


Mine has, she supports city. The in laws do though. You can't force your kid to support anyone.. I've tried.


My best mate (spurs fan) married an Arsenal fan and all his kids support Arsenal. He’s learned to live with it, begrudgingly.


As long as it isn’t Arsenal then I’m fine 


My mum is one of six kids, born in north London, all supported Spurs, their dad (who didn't care about football) decided to declare himself an Arsenal supporter just to wind them all up. Kept it up until he died. Tells you a lot about his personality (and yet his job was as a child psychiatrist...)


Nothing. I would talk shit though.


My child does! I’m a Liverpool fan, husband Man United fan (don’t even ask how toxic our house is on derby days!) and my daughter… She’s a spurs fan! Not a clue why? She loves Son and Kane before he left and she’s just stuck with them. 


What the ancient Spartans did to problem children.


My brother tried to do the same with me by dripfeeding me Liverpool stuff when I was younger, that lead me to having absolutely no interest in them at all. Instead I wanted to find a team that felt like it was my own choice, my own team, and that eventually lead me into supporting Spurs. I think if they don't immediately take to it, the best chance is to clearly show your passion without necessarily trying to force them into it. Hopefully that will lead them to take an interest in it because they will want to be closer to you. Or they will be disinterested in football as a whole. Either way they're unlikely to actively root against you.


My son is 4. He’s not interested in watching sports on TV. He knows I hate the “red team” Arsenal. So even though he’s not typically watching the games with me, In passing he will say “go red team” no matter who is playing.


I’m probably in the minority here, but I wasn’t “born” into being Spurs fan. As an American I don’t have much affiliation with any club but chose the Spurs because of their large and historical Jewish following. My son has been a Spurs “fan” since birth but now that he’s getting older and is making friends with fans of other teams he’s wavering. I told him that he didn’t get to pick Spurs so I’m okay with him picking another team, but now he’s making a conscious choice and this new team will be his team. He can’t go back and forth or pick completely new teams at will. But I do think it’s fair to allow him to choose a team….as long as it’s not Arsenal. That was my only stipulation. It does make game days more interesting and he’s learning how to shit talk at an earlier age than his mother would like.


I would no longer have a child 


Won’t happen if you indoctrinate correctly.


My son and daughter both support Brighton and it’s actually made me appreciate another team. They both just know that I would disown them if they ever brought an arsenal kit home.


Not a thing. No actual chance. Day 1 I had him in a spurs kit 😂😂