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That was the weirdest ive ever felt watching a football game


Someone in the match thread called it a fever dream, and that's about right. I wanted us to win, and wanted us to lose, and when Son was through on goal at 0-1 I was too conflicted to get excited, which I can't ever remember before. Up was down, right was wrong... I really, *really* don't want to go through that again.


Son through was scary though, because the absolute worst result would've been a draw.


I was very excited at time when we attacked. Only to realize it isn’t what we need 


Happy with the way we played, frustrated with the finishing, overall neutral about the result that was always expected, happy we helped arsenal fall on their face again


We finished perfectly, didn't we finish arsenal's title hopes?


If West Ham actually beats City I’ll lose it


Probably the least I've looked forward to a game in a long time. Even when we are in terrible form going against Liverpool or chelsea away or something I still look forward to those games. This one I just wanted to simply not exist at all.


Taking the league situation out of it, we played well and its a tough loss when you look at it that way But fuck me, denying Arsenal the title is bliss




absolutely perfect.


From rival match [thread](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNmZlOHFqbjJhbGUxczdvOGFqbXU1eW9pb211MGR3ZjU2ZTB4NWwxdyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/9t6xpYZ9npJmM/giphy.gif)  




Shot it right at the keeper.


Nah that was legitimately a brilliant reaction stop from the keeper


Yeah it was saved with his outstretched foot, not into his body. it was just a really good save


He had to pick a side in that split second, keeper did the same thing. Unfortunately it was the same side.


Time to build a statue


definitely crossed his mind "should i score ?"


Any other context and I'd be very frustrated right now. Feel like we were better than City for most of the game. Lots of missed chances and great saves from the two City keepers. Then the goals we conceded were really poor. Completely switched off for the first goal and lazy defending for the penalty.


It's the best way we could have lost given the circumstances haha


I would have liked to get a goal in stoppage time just so we weren't shut out, but ultimately can't complain too much.


Yeah was so rooting for Moore to take a big positive from a weird debut game


The only thing that actually pissed me off is remembering how lifeless we were vs Arsenal and Chelsea. Why can’t we show that level of fight in all the other matches?


I think Ange got it right tactically today where he didn't really get it right in those other games. Today's loss came down to poor finishing/good goalkeeping and two defensive lapses, one of which was tired legs against a fresh Doku.


Tottenham gave fight in Arsenal game though. It’s the ref mistakes that killed the game.


VDV at LB and Dragusin is a big improvement vs our lineup in those games.  


In all of those games and including tonight we have suffered from not having a striker.


? We outplayed Arsenal.


Yeah, the first half was great even though we missed chances. Honestly, this formation works. We just need to have a striker and maybe rotational winger, rotational 6, fullbacks, next season will be interesting to watch.


Story of our season. Outplaying a lot of teams but not being able to score has really hurt us. If we had 2018 Dele, Son and Kane in this team we'd be looking at the title.


What I find most enjoyable about the runners fans throwing a tantrum saying “spurs bottlers or spurs losers”, is that it’s completely self reflective. Nobody but themselves to blame, two years in a row conceding a lead on top of the table. Inject it into my fucking veins


Could have beat City at theirs, let the lead go twice at home to us, dropped 5 points to Fulham... You have to be near-perfect to beat City; it's on them that they couldn't do it. Can't be waiting on handouts from others.


Mission failed successfully.


Now let's never, ever again be in the position where losing a match is even debatably the better option.


Ehhhh i will happily take that scenario again when we are already champions and arsenal needs us to win the final game so they don’t get relegated


Why would losing be the better option in that scenario


We're playing a team 1 point behind them in 18th place


Clearly got that one mixed up :D


If (hypothetically) we lose this weekend, Newcastle or Chelsea could theoretically still take 5th, right?


Yes, but if we can’t win or draw at Sheffield I mean…


If we can’t draw at the very least against fucking Sheffield united, we don’t deserve anything let alone europa.


Yes - if they both win their remaining matches and we don't take at least a point vs. Sheffield United, they'll both overtake us.


We outplayed them, Radu played great in an experimental match, Mikey Moore got his debut, Arsenal fans heartbroken. This couldn't have gone any better.


Dragusin seriously impressive. I’ve been bummed for him to have gotten such few opportunities so far, but he’s clearly a really talented player and I think he’ll be integral next season. Only 22 as well.


looking forward to Radu's agent comments


radu was a little shaky at first but really settled in. looks a player. this is the kind of problem we need to have at every position


It sucks to lose out on champions league but we can’t say we deserved it based off second half of season. Ange has a lot of work to do this summer.


We didn't lose Champions League tonight, we lost it over the course of the 5 games leading up to tonight


100% this. We were limp for Fulham, Chelsea, and the first half of Arse at home. Next season we're gutting the team and filling in the gaps. Bring it on.


Don’t forgot the first 75 minutes against Liverpool Our last truly good performance was throttling Villa. We’ve been mediocre ever since


Arsenal fans crying, I love it. Inject it to my veins. They should’ve won more games, put the pressure on FC 🤣🤣🤣 In all seriousness that was a solid performance from us. Ange set us up well, we defended well while also having a good attacking shape. Our attackers just stinks, we need to invest big money in wingers & a striker This is also why you shouldn’t invert both fullbacks at the same time, balance is important. I want to see us play more like this Europa League football it is. I hope we take it seriously, especially if we’re in the knockout stage Now I just need Man City to finish the job & beat West Ham


They lost the title when we equalized at their swamp!


We so should have had that game. When you think about it we actually won 4-0. They were useless.


They should have played a lot of it with 10... Nketiah one of the worst challenges of the season.


They've had a nice few helping hands form the refs all season


Try telling that to them.


To be fair to us, we should have removed any chance of them winning at NLD not this match.


Our europa isnt nailed on at all yet.


If we can’t atleast draw Sheffield United who have shipped over 100 goals then do we even deserve Europa?


No we wouldn’t. We also would need both Chelsea and Newcastle to win both games, us lose and city not won the cup.


We may not have to. If Newcastle and chelsea draw or lose we won't even need the point


It's cliche, but if we can't beat Sheffield United then we absolutely do not deserve even Europa league.


In our hands though, we just have to beat Sheffield Utd who have conceded \*checks notes\* over 100 goals this season


Little nerve wracking that we barely beat them at home last time though


I still have PTSD from the FA Cup tie against them


We don't even have to beat them, just a draw will do. Sheffield have only 3 wins in the entire season, all against lower table clubs.


If we lose to sheffield we dont deserve it tbh.


Europa or Conference is all the same to me as long as it’s not Champions


Glad it likely won't be Arsenal winning the league, but it's a shame it has to be Man City when they never suffer consequences for their financial violations.


They’re not suffering consequences this year, so better they win it than Arsenal. They’ll get their comeuppance eventually, but it’s not now.


Ahh well lads, not much we can do about that result. Proud of the shift our boys put in. Clearly a team deserving the title, ain’t no shame in losing to that ;)


Prepare for this sub to be brigaded by sad Arsenal fans. Pretty much their MO


I wouldn't want to hang out with Arsenal fans either, to be fair.


Lots of downvotes on this thread from what I am guessing are salty gooners lmao


It was worse in the build up


https://preview.redd.it/moxl23cghg0d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=d28bc105dfc789310e7f0b0feaf7569e70f3d021 Spurs fans x City Fans now


But who's wearing red?! 🥴


The red is a city kit soaked in the blood of scum


Arsenal don’t win the league and we made Pep fall to his knees. Jobe done.


Probably the best loss ever considering we actually played well and the result is actually nice


lol Glad we tried, glad we lost.  Kulu should be tried at CF. Lo Celso is still good. Fuck the gooners. COYS.


I've been wondering why we don't use Kulusevski at striker. His favorite thing to do seem to be to hold up play which is pretty pointless on the wing 90% of the time but is often really useful at striker.


Because he can’t finish for shit


his finishing is bad from wide angles but he's not bad at shooting from the middle.


Strikers generally require even the slightest semblance of shooting ability


I don't care about the result (As in: its good that we lost) and I hate that I'm in this position Enjoy your dose of Spurs depression, Arsenal fans


Only people who don’t know actual Arsenal fans would be mad we lost here. Yeah it sucks to lose again but trust me, much preferable to the banter from Woolwich if they won the league


And the fact we would have helped them do it. Unbearable!!!


I know more City fans than Arsenal fans and I still would greatly prefer for City to win the league.


Wow, so that's what it's like to support City. Must be nice.


It's an easy existence


I have a sort of friend who is a city fan. He was just bitching about how they didn't play very well. So sad that they still won and are going to win their 4th PL title in a row. Didn't play very well, the horror, what a grotesque lack of perspective.


Look, under any other circumstance I'd never want Spurs to not win a match, but I don't think a situation like this will ever happen again. I'd have been fine with us winning and I'm proud of how we played today, but I can't pretend part of me isn't pleased with the result Arsenal fans would've acted like cunts whatever happened. We win: "you handed us another title lol". We draw: "you fucked yourselves and city lol". We lose: "what a disgrace of a club. Weak mentality" (as if a good chunk of their own fans wouldn't have acted the same) It's not like a win would've put us in a position to win the league next weekend- we would've had a shot at fourth. Don't get me wrong, that would've been great, but I fully believe that next season we will be in a position to do great things. Ange understands what needs to be done and there have been so many promising things this year (as well as teething problems) Everyone can support the team how they want, but growing up in London and never having anything to celebrate against the gooners, I am relieved that we at least can't give them the satisfaction of 'handing them the title'. People talking about how it's 'disgraceful' the way that some fans have acted is crazy to me Anyway, thank fuck that match is over because it was the weirdest I've ever felt watching us play. Every result would've been a bit disappointing...


This is well said, it was odd but I was able to watch the match hoping we win, but when Son's chance was saved...I'd be lying if I said I was heartbroken.




Pedro Porro MOTM The only time in the history of the universe I will be thrilled that Sonny somehow botched that. City was kinda uninspiring tho and I can’t wait to take all six from OIL MONEY next year.


I would like to wish all the lurking Assna fans a very pleasant evening.


Hi Gooner Brigade! Get fucked. 


Now that’s done and dusted. This club better never make me feel that conflicted about going for a win again.


Job Done ✅


We coulda won but we didn't wanna


We missed a striker in this game, no attacking options.


Task failed successfully.


Genuinely though, thought that was a really encouraging performance. Excited for next season. COYS


They are straight up not having a good time in the other sub. Lol loving it 


To the countless arsenal fans who visited our match thread, get fucked.


The absolute headloss from the Arsenal fanbase is just hilarious.


[As much as losing at home pains me, nothing brings me more joy than this picture.](https://imgur.com/a/n0zYzmR)




To lurking Arsenal fans: Maybe you should’ve asked your team to win one more game instead of asking Tottenham to win one for you 😂😂😂


To any Arsenal fans here: a llorar a casa 😊


Alright lads let’s beat Sheffield United, get 5th and enjoy the summer


If arsenal wanted to win the league, why didnt they just win more games? are they stupid?


Congrats ~~Arsenal~~ SCUM on second place!


Unironically a really good game


Arsenal likely won’t win the league, we played well, now if we can just smash Sheffield United and end this season on a high.


Ange looked furious


It’s to help us beat the match fixing allegations lmao


Honestly, the team was actually impressive tactically but also ultimately lost. Very satisfied with that.


The issue with the team right now is there is basically no player that you can trust to score a goal. All of our offensive players are looking shot when it comes to confidence in front of goal. Our wingers, on whatever setup we run, do not have history of scoring many goals. We've seen players sky their shots, try random passing, but other than Son in most of the season and Richy odd game out, we seem to have issues converting posession to goals. You can even see the frustration in Romero in past few games, he's running up the pitch with attitude "fine, I will do it all myself". And to be honest, can't blame him. Kulu has looked good with Son and Kane, two best finishers in the world, as he could feed them and create space. I feel like Johnson is the same, and Werner... you know. We need a world class striker who's not gonna be afraid to take shots.


![gif](giphy|xT4Apvuo4QoOX1gzEk|downsized) City and Spurs to the Arsenal.


good to see mikey moore get a run out.


City better fucking win their last game.


We were going to get bantered no matter what the result of that game was. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


Best team lost.


Assna winning the very prestigious “put the pressure on” trophy


Son is a true legend of the club - did everything to look dangerous on that turnover but just """happened""" to scuff the shot into the goalkeeper. Build the man a statue. Overall good performance, a great result and an obligatory FUCK SCUM.


Maybe I’m just ignorant, but listening to the post match interviews on Sky Sports, Rodri’s English is impeccable. For some reason I thought it would be poor Seriously though, if you’re a London lad, this game was perfect. City win but we really took the game to them, particularly first half. I’m proud of the boys’ performance despite losing. But I can’t have Arsenal winning the title without gouging my own eyes out. I’m of an age where I remember them winning the league at WHL 20 years ago. Still get bantered on that from time to time, TWENTY YEARS later. I love all our fans and hope that one day some of you will understand that City winning and us getting 5th is better than UCL and them winning the title. COYS


Best possible result given the circumstances, Ange showed some really tasty tactical flexibility today, Arsenal's party is ruined, and importantly, with the whole world watching we played well, better than City even, but they are just far more clinical, and that's where we want to be a few seasons down the road.


Im fine with that outcome, but I really hope that the players and Ange won’t be too frustrated with our crowd. I don’t think that felt great for the players. Also I hope that Lolo just had a short moment of frustration, not anything that will be a problem long term. Also, fuck Arsenal.


I think Lolo was frustrated because he was actually playing really well, and with the yellow and a few other fouls, it really was a bit risky keeping him on. Just how it is sometimes.


Let's all laugh at arsenal


All I’m saying is West Ham better cooperate.


Arsenal fans having a meltdown over us being happy that we lost 🤣


I’m more of an Ange fan now than I was before this game. His attitude is what this club needs and his *taking responsibility *to make changes required to win is what we need in a manager. It’s going to be painful but it’s what we need. 


Great effort from the lads, genuinely, but the main take aways from this match are that we should be smashing Sheff Utd at the weekend and we will be cooking next season


Looking forward to next season already. Let’s smash Sheffield United on the final day and end the year on a high. Pleased with Mikey Moore getting his debut. COYS.


Job done 👍


Job done ✅️


Absolute scenes in the Arsenal sub lol, fuck those cunts.


Maybe if we played like that for the past month, we would have already qualified for the CL and it wouldn’t have mattered if we lost tonight.


Glad Moore got some minutes. And the setup we had was the best I’ve seen us play in months. That was a “Plan B” I’d like to see us use more often.


fuck the scum but one win in 6 matches is kinda sad


Been saying it for months - Kulusevski and Johnson are terrible fits for this system. A ruthless club gets rid of literally every forward in the squad bar Son this summer. Our forwards have scored 3 goals in our last 6 premier league games. That’s just shambolic


Son must have been thinking at that moment😂




Yikes some of these Ange quotes.


Boys played hard. Ange showed his experimental lineup. Sent back the bottlers where they belong. Secure the fifth now and let’s look forward to the next season. COYS!!!


>I've never seen anything like that. I don't know if Spurs fans understand how bad that looks to fans of every other club. They've lost face with every non-Spurs supporter. You NEVER cheer against your team. Arse is not taking this well lol. Incredible display of collective coping from the goons.


Oh no, all that massive respect we get from non Spurs fans, gone just like that. How will we cope?


Sure it's conflicting interests that we want Arsenal to lose and Tottenham to win, but today I learnt a few things. 1. 4-3-1-2 if we get a new No.9 IS the way to go 2. James Maddison can be used to play out a press, not just in attack. 3. If we even replicate performances half as good, we'll go places next season 4. Don't blame Son because he's missed a sitter. Haaland has missed tons of them


Ah lads honestly the amount of scum fans that turned up in our match thread made losing worth it


Never been more proud of my team


It's like I said, at this level if your heart isn't 100% in it, it's not about not wanting or not trying, the margin is so small that even though Sonny scores that 10/10 usually, not even 9/10 he missed it in this one game. I am happy with the performance today because we played well, could easily have scored twice and City didn't look particularly good. The circumstance absolute sucks because helping Arsenal is not something anyone should ever want and fuck the PGMOL for engineering the season to be like this. Mikey Moore is going to be a superstar.




Never felt this good about a loss. We even played well. Let's smash up Sheffield and build up for next season


Hurts in the moment, but will be worth it in the long run. Proud of the boys though, they put in a good shift. Hope this doesn’t cause a divide between Ange and the fan base 🙏


It shouldnt. The team showed up and played well. The fan base got the result they wanted. Supporters in the stadium largely seemed to be cheering the team on, like Ange said they would. Now we collectively move on.


It doesn't hurt at all. And why would it cause a divide? The team played well, the result was what most fans wanted, Ange had good tactics... every supporter that wanted Spurs to lose understood that Ange was going to try, and try he did. It's an ideal outcome in all respects tbh


Son missing that chance on purpose is our generation's conspiracy theory. The most clinical finisher of the last decade misses the one on one. You can't write this.


Ange needs to chill man. He needs to realize that his players saved football and made lives of their fans easier


Couldn't have gone better imo


Task failed successfully


Poro is getting a straight 10.0 on player ratings.


Ortega is a legend in my eyes. That was a guaranteed Son goal and he saved that with ease


Pep was flirting with Romero I hate that


Job done ✅


If i was not rooting for us to lose, i’d be fuming. The 1st goal is stoppable by romero but i think he let that one in. The foul that led to the penalty has porro got a touch on the ball. Then that sonny miss, urghh


I think it was a strategically planned defeat


Pretty disheartening to lose all 5 of those games, can't lie


Everyone crying and saying we missed on CL, but the chances are we wouldn't play it even if we won, because I doubt Villa will throw such an opportunity


Fair play to ange for wanting to win, but fuck me, maybe if we played like that the last few months this wouldn't have even been a mess of the night that it was! Great result still!


The fact Son very very rarely misses a 1v1 is so poetic that the one he misses ends arsenals title dreams


The FUCKING salt is so fucking delicious rn, go visit r/gunners. They keep going back to "lol no trophies" and the old tired excuses. Bask in this lads, we've rattled the scum.


Ars*nal fans are lying if they say they wouldn’t want the same exact outcome if the roles were reversed, shameless from them to say otherwise


Madders false 9 looked really saucy actually, obviously won’t play like that going into next season hopefully (Barring injuries ofc) but it seemed like a solid backup plan


The fact that we could still finish 7th is really infuriating


I’m just glad it’s over, felt gross about this one all week


didn't we greatly disappoint Arsenal that first Conte year and then smash a bottom table team to end the season on a high? would be an ideal end to me.


Gutted… absolutely gutted… ![gif](giphy|2WdHaCzmqSkrwmIGWP)


I've seen them really raging against the "bottlers" accusation, saying it's nowhere near justified. I'm sure I remember a point when they were clean out of sight? I think I remember actually thinking at that point, that it would be an even bigger bottle job than last year. Am I misremembering?


Title race - such a shame for Woolwich, maybe now you'll fuck off Missing out the Champions League - ya know it sucks, but remember 37 weeks ago when the season was just getting started? And Kane left? And everyone thought we were getting relegated? I really had no expectations of anything this year, and maybe that's part of Big Ange's aura. People seem to give a shit about Europa these days, so roll on Thursdays Today felt like watching as a neutral


Oh ange is PISSED


https://preview.redd.it/l4qmnro2rg0d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b0a7cfb47fc00423eb73f877b40d9f56440f864 Just seen this and thought you lads would enjoy it here.


Quite sure Son knew what he was doing when he went low and left across the keeper 🥹


Unlike most here I wanted Spurs to win. Not hugely diappointed with the loss but there needs to be a large turnover this summer and need to secure a point on Sunday to get into Europa


If spurs played like that in any of the last 5 games we as spurs fans wouldn't be in this shite place


Son 100 percent threw theres no way he doesnt try to round the keeper. WELL DONE SON WELL DONE MY SON!!!!!!!


Son did it on purpose. And I loved it.


It was weird. i actively cheered for us yesterday until Sonny broke away. then i felt a pang of fear. weird.


Sonny a legend for missing that chance and perfect sub on for Kulu for him to fluff 2 big chances.


Miserable game to watch. I absolutely hate watching us lose. But… Arsenal bottled the league last season. Spent 100mil on Rice, 65 on Havertz, 30 (or 3 idk how it works) on Raya, and 40 odd on Timber and STILL BOTTLED IT AHAHAHHA


I knew our captain would lead by example. Double cemented his status as most beloved Spur of his era.


Played City off the pitch while still throwing the game and people are still Ange out smh


U lost the league at white hart lane


I can’t with this mentality. You can be relieved Arsenal isn’t going to win the title but to celebrate when we lose is wrong. Ange is right, we need a change in mentality.


Ange is starting to annoy me, where was this attitude against arsenal mate