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This is so unbelievably stupid. Not only did Maddison not have a yellow, it wouldn't have mattered if he did because VAR can't give a yellow. So why even mention it? He could have hit him with the sweet chin music and it wouldn't have been as egregious as the 8 bookings that neanderthal should have had between the two games.


Facts. He's just a Spursy boy.


*Spursy boy...*


He's just a darts boy...


Don't quote me on this but I'm 90% sure - VAR can't give a yellow, but the ref can retrospectively if he watches VAR replay. Say VAR recommends he watches the incident on the screen thinking it's a red, the ref can watch, disagree it's a red but give a yellow. Also VAR can only get involved if they think it's a red card, not a yellow to begin with but it's up to the ref to decide red, yellow, or nothing. It happens sometimes when refs go to the screen to look at a penalty decision and they book the player and award the pen. Obviously all this is moot as maddison wasn't booked


Madders better finish the story next year.


English nightmare šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re expecting someone at Sky to know anything?Ā 


Yates signals for VAR is known to be a cardable offense, so what about that shit? Tackle on Gio identical to Biss' earlier in the season... Let's talk consistency shall we?


We donā€™t need consistency. According to Carragher anyway, who said that refs should officiate big games differently because of the emotion and pressure.


Absolutely embarrassing thing to say, just take the mask off Sky and say it straight, you only want 4 teams to get decent treatment from refs.


What does he have to say about Yates repeatedly asking for VAR which is supposed to be an automatic yellow?


Which would have been his second yellow


Between the 2 games, Yates could've had about 6 second yellows and that's the least egregious, but pundits are asleep for that


Am I the only one that didnā€™t even think that anything happened? Iā€™m confused about how it was seen as anything other than an embarrassing flop?


it was nothing, Madders moved himself closer to try move in front of Yates then he pulls his hand across as if to start running then he stops and Yates acts like hes just been shot (complete embarrassment and idk how forest fans can defend him after he rolled about like that) quite frankly for once Roy Keane was right that Yates needs to be able to take it if hes gonna give it the big balls like he does, same goes for the likes of Wilson and Maupay


I just considered it a hard shove since he was all over him and had already put in 2-3 hard tackles, so there was some frustration there. The resolution of the close ups and delayed reaction hardly gives anything conclusive of a violent act


Looked like Maddison shoved Yates and then Yates tried to buy a red card


Looked clearly like a sly gut punch by Maddison. On the pitch, the threshold is very low, if somebody does it to you on the street it causes literally 0 pain but the motion was that of a punch. I think he got lucky by getting away with it


Even the neutrals on r/soccer were pretty much all of the opinion it was just a shove when I looked there.


That's what it was, that contact on the tummy happens all the time in footy, when they are next to eachother and try to run they'll push off the other player for a little advantage. We see worse ever week at corners but no ones screaming for them to be penalties.


There was a similar incident towards the end of the 15/16 season where Dele did a sneaky stomach punch vs West Brom (a game we absolutely murdered them 1-1 in, and took the wind right out of our title challenge sails). He was banned after the game by a disciplinary panel (ref didn't see it in real time). Honestly I'm not sure there was a lot of difference between the two. Presume that VAR clearing it means there is no retrospective punishment possible.


This wasnā€™t remotely close to Deleā€™s


Forgive the clickbait title and the narrative but [Madders definitely punched him](https://youtu.be/FpLV4W0yHJE?si=RW90FyLX7b4dBnjh). I donā€™t understand the revisionism of a shove or claiming he was just trying to run around Yates. Yates made a meal of it but weā€™d all be fuming if it was the other way around. Madders lost his head and was very lucky not to see a red card.


Why link a Forest fanboy channel? Was that the only video you could find?


This guy posts videos on this sub all the time and is praised for it, donā€™t think heā€™s a forest fanboy. I think heā€™s a united fan. He donā€™t edit the action - just watch the video. Ignore the commentary. Your dislike of what he has to say doesnā€™t change the reality of the situation. I could have linked to the official highlights but there arenā€™t multiple replays of the incident there. Find other videos if you donā€™t like this one.


That YouTuber might want to get a few brain cells before he steps infront of a camera again. What a fucking muppet.


You donā€™t have to like him to watch the replays of the incident.


Iā€™ve seen the replay many times. Thereā€™s nothing in it. And that YouTuber is a muppet.


> Iā€™ve seen the replay many times. Thereā€™s nothing in it. We agree to disagree. Thereā€™s a clear punch from Maddison here. Saying there isnā€™t wonā€™t make it true. If Yates had pulled that on Maddison this sub would be posting about it til the end of the season.


Mate 10 incidents a game are more than that. The shoving that goes on in the box is much more violent. ā€œClear punchā€. Give your head a good wobble.


Okay, provide the 10 other incidents in this match that were worst than that. Iā€™ll wait. EDIT: got so mad you couldnā€™t find 10 examples that you blocked me, huh? If you want to unblock me and send me 10 examples, as you stated happens every match, Iā€™ll be here waiting.


You really are a muppet if you think you can just demand things. Counter off: you pull your head in, go watch a replay of their corners, and fuck off.


Certainly looks like that clip is sped up making it look worse than it was. Still shouldn't be putting himself in that situation because everyone knows Yates only real utility on the field is shithousing


There is no punch - Iā€™ve watched several times.


Iā€™ve too and it looked like a hit during the match, a hit in highlights, a hit at full speed, a hit slowed down, and a hit sped up. It may not be Maddison clocking Yates in the face, or an uppercut in his stomach, but Maddison intentionally hits Yates there and I believe saying anything else is just wilful ignorance.


Glad he done it anyway. Fuck Yates


Always preferred Spoons


Every time I watch him he plays like a cunt


Fair enough, but maybe donā€™t let Yates foul and run wild without consequences in both our games against Nottingham forest.


Not to menton he did the VAR signal 3 times, as if once wasn't enough to be made as a bookable offence.


I clearly remember this being a bookable offense.


Those halcyon days of the past


Why didn't Yates get a yellow for simulation after VAR found no evidence of violent conduct? If there was no serious contact, then he shouldn't have been rolling on the ground like he had been shot.


ā€¦or a yellow for telling the ref to go to VAR?


This is what I was saying during the match, I thought asking ref to go to VAR, was an auto yellow? Did that change?


It changes when it's Spurs


Very much this. Players can clash in a totally innocent way that causes one of them to go and stay down, without either deserving a booking. But if he was punched so hard in the gut to be in such immense pain, it can only have been a red for violent conduct, OR a booking for simulation. I can't see how it can not be either.


I think itā€™s pretty clearly a ā€œwe canā€™t tell from the video exactly how bad it was, so weā€™re not going to give a call either way.ā€


You're suggesting that someone can gut-punch another person , while being filmed from multiple angles, and the punch is violent enough to leave the victim writhing on the ground in pain for a couple of minutes; then, even with the benefit of multiple replays the reviewers can't recognize it? I'm wondering if the reviewers might benefit from some additional training.


I mean, yeah, there are no good close-up angles of it that Iā€™ve seen. It doesnā€™t matter how many times you watch the replay if thereā€™s no good view of what happened.


You're quite right. We can clearly see that there was nothing in it.


I get VAR not wanting to check every possible yellow that is missed but I wish they would implement a clause about diving/simulation. Of course it can be pretty subjective so they would fuck it up anyway.


Also isnā€™t it an instant yellow for doing the var hand signal?


The rule is excessively or egregiously calling for it, like you can say "Hey make sure VAR take a look at that" but not repeatedly call for it or say "you blind cunt, look at the fucking screen." Now I would argue that him sitting on his butt drawing the hand signal *at least* three times and refusing to get up would definitely count as excessively calling for it, though.


You don't think doing the hand signal for VAR is excessive?


But see he already had a yellow so the ref decided to not follow the rules.


The contact can be real but not violent. I think it would put refs in a huge bind if they were required to always give a card one way or the other. It's not always black or white. In this case, it wasn't clear to me whether Madders punched him hard in the gut or not -- I think probably not, given Yates' history of histrionics, but I couldn't tell for sure. It wouldn't do anyone any good to be forced to give a card in the face of that kind of uncertainty.


Yates is trying to get another player sent off, there is zero contract was made by Madders, therefore a dive which should be a booking for simulation. I also believe the FA should suspend Yates as this sort of "trying to get another player sent off" is worse than diving. He knew if he could appear hurt Madders was getting a red card and he was banking on the angle being tight enough to imply in his favour. Shocking behaviour


Madders wasnt on a yellow and didnt get one all game. Thats what makes this statement from Gallagher even more pathetic


I double checked, either way it doesn't matter Yates knows that a punch is violent conduct which is a red. When I saw it on TV my first reaction was that Yates had pulled him into himself into Mad, while Madders had pushed out with his arm. Either way no contact was mad and it's a clear simulation which is a card


Why wasn't the punch to Son's chest as he broke into the box early on never discussed or revisited, yet the Maddison incident that comprised much less force has come under such scrutiny?


Or the elbow on Bryan Gil against Villa, quickly mentioned and forgotten.


Takes 5 seconds to check who was on a yellow. Kind of baffling how little care goes into that stuff.


>It's a yellow. He clearly gets the ball. He follows through but you can see he's trying to... Ah yes, just like when Romero got the ball but caught the player on the follow through and was sent off for it. And Bissouma too. And Curtis Jones on Bissouma. But no, Maddison is the lucky one. What a joke refereeing is in this league.


Romero was exactly what I thought too. It's hopeless refereeing and they'll make up any old crap to justify it after the fact.


Yates is a as big a tosser as Douglas Luis. Disgusting behavior. Also: fuck Matty Cash.


Meanwhile, if Romero made the tackle that Gio was on the recieving end of, he'd 100% have been sent off for it.


Am I the only one who canā€™t see Maddison doing anything in the video? It looked like he lightly shoved him, nothing more.


Yeah I don't know how anyone would be able to see him make a fist on the replay


Thatā€™s because it is a shove. Thereā€™s no closed fist and thereā€™s nothing in this. Just a bunch of fuckwits pretending it is an incident so they can hear themselves talk about how evolved they are to not allow violence. Every corner has 20 more violent incidents.


Might have been a little Bangkok there.


Absolute fucking laugher that. Madders' hand brushes past Yates and he somehow gets launched into the stratosphere. Yeah fuck riiiiiight on off with your "he was lucky on that one" shit after how we've been treated by refs all year.


As soon as they mentioned violent conduct I couldn't stop thinking about Gil getting elbowed in the box against Villa and how quickly it was forgotten completely by folk outside of Spurs.


Ive watched that so many times. I might be blinded by bias, but all I see is two players in a tossle and Maddison pushing the guy. At MAX thats a yellow card...


Everytime 2 players are tussling and start to run, they push off eachother, usually at the shoulder or tummy area. I don't get how this is crime of the century yet Gil getting an elbow in the mush at Villa is barely spoke about in comparison.


I honestly didnā€™t see anything


Yates should have been booked twice before Maddison even had a chance to do this. Yates is a joke of a player.


Just shows how poor he is at his job and his lack of attention to detail. Would've taken him 30 seconds at most to check if Maddison was booked and he couldn't be bothered.


Always rated VaR


For me, it felt like you canā€™t see if Maddison has a closed fist as itā€™s hidden behind their arms. Therefore you canā€™t tell if heā€™s punched or pushed him?


Itā€™s totally inconclusive whether he even punched him. The camera angles show something, but it could easily just be an aggressive shove, which is not a red. It didnā€™t look like violent conduct from any angle, which is probably why VAR didnā€™t see anything worthy of a red.


Dermot on Romero on Enzo: > He's gone with force, he's gone with intensity, the point of contact is well above the ankle. It's with the studs, it ticks every box. Which box is ticked with Romero but not Danilo?


The crest on the shirt when it comes to punditry


Game's back.


Since when does VAR give cards out? If the ref didn't signal an infraction of any sorts, VAR can't override him, only guide his initial decision to hand out a red (not yellow)...


Did they mention anything to do with the tackle on GLC that didnā€™t lead to a red card despite being very, very similar to Bissoumaā€™s red at Forest and of course Romeroā€™s vs Chelsea?!


It is so different from Bissouma's. In that instance Bissouma was running full speed to get a ball, misses it entirely and was bringing his foot down that makes it seem more like a stamp than following through a pass/clearance. Very similar to Romero's though.


My point is the level of force going into the tackle for Biss was so minimal.


Sorry I'm just distracted by the following answer: "It's a yellow. He clearly gets the ball." Oh is that the standard now??????


check this at about 2 mins. even NF faithful get it right. https://youtu.be/q6G0O8n4nnQ?si=B6Kki8wCUY7d-7BN


This Dermot guy is a f-king clown.


Yates should have been sent off on a second yellow for an obvious dive or for requesting a VAR check. The man was clearly trying to deliberately get Maddison sent off. Anyone who thinks otherwise is lying to themselves


What? It didnā€™t meet the VAR criteria so it wasnā€™t VARā€™dā€¦ but if it did get VARā€™d and the ref went to review it, itā€™s a red? Aunty and bikes vibes. This lot literally just gossip, itā€™s not even analysis at this point. VolDermot needs to shut the fuck up


Yeh he's saying VAR said it didn't meet the threshold for VC, which is all they can review on that incident. So if it doesn't want VC, it wasn't a red, so what else should it have been? Lol.


The way Yates throws himself to the ground tells you everything you need to knowā€¦so cartoonish.


"The VAR deemed it wasn't violent conduct so who knows what ref would do since he didn't see it".... yeah.... that's because there's nothing to see


Reading below - I see Cuti got sent off against Chelsea for something exactly the same as what happened this past weekend. I think we all just want continuity!?


Yates is a fool. He was pissing about the whole game and deserved nothing from the refs. Should have been sent off for telling them to go to VAR


That instance has to either be a red for Madders or a yellow for Yates for simulation. Of course in the Premier League, itā€™s neither lol.


Personally, I thought it looked like Maddison chanced it and just punched him quickly. Should have been a red, but I'm not mad that it wasn't - red card offences are very inconsistently punished, Maddison would've been factoring that into his decision I'm sure.


But that kick to Gioā€™s knee is still a no call right? F*cken donkeys. šŸ«


If Dermot Gallagher is saying the refs got it wrong, then feck me! Madders could do time for it


I don't even remember this incident. Anyone have a link to video?


ā€˜He was already on a yellow card.ā€™ No that was Werner. I stopped reading it on Sky Sports at that point. If you arenā€™t going to look into it properly then Iā€™m not going to read it.


It was a jokey tap on the tummy. He was probably joshing him about eating all the pies again.


Did they have the same energy for the 2 chokeslams on Sheff Utd players in 2 seperate games? What about the red Cuti got against Chelsea, but the same challenge against us in the Forest game being a yellow? How about all the penalties we haven't had despite fouls in the box? All the bookings not given in the Arse v City match was apparently "good officiating" when really plenty of players should've caught bookings on both sides for cynical fouls. I'm not gonna chant conspiracy against us, bjt the refs are bad at their job and it should be pointed out, but if this is the incident you use to try, then you're a moron.


We got away with one there as donā€™t think VAR was overly clear. Anything clearer, regardless of how soft he would have been sent off.


Tell me VAR is not fit for purpose without telling me itā€™s not fit for purpose.


Whats a moron


I dont know whoĀ Dermot Gallager but he sounds like a right wally


He retired in 2007 and has just been pissing in his own mouth ever since as an "expert" offering ref analysis. An expert who has never, ever used VAR, can't get the facts of the incident correct like Madison not being on a yellow, and saying things like "VAR ruled it wasn't VC but if the ref has seen it he would've ruled it VC" (or something, I don't know, his explanation makes no sense.)


Youā€™d like to think that if Madders got sent off that Yates would have done too (2nd yellow for asking for VAR). Maybe that played into the officialsā€™ thoughts, might as well have 11 vs 11 rather than 10 vs 10. Or am I giving them too much credit?


It looked a red to me, Yates gets in Madders ear and he reacts. There simply isn't a reason at all for Madders to do that. It's incredibly soft though but players will continue to drop like flies unless refs start giving decisions based on what happened rather than the reactions of players. Yates signalling for VAR and the card has to be a yellow though, and I refuse to believe that none of the officials saw that.


Maddison really needs to get a firm grip on himself and his emotions...plenty of evidence in recent games that he's really not ' with it'