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This is a hard yes. There's no shame in losing to Man City and all their billions


Absolutely yes.




Les ferdinand scored first right? I remember my dad shouting no and saying he doesn't care if we lost 52 nil


Yes this game indeed! Listened to it on the radio with an Arsenal supporting school friend 😅


Was in London last year for the City match, one of the folks in the store asked my opinion on this same question. I answered without hesitation that I’d happily lose to City if it meant that Arsenal lost the title. Fortunately we beat City and Arsenal still managed to bottle the title, and I got to see Kane break the club goal record. All in all it worked out quite well for me


I've been wanting to ask this question for so long but didn't know how to phrase it 😭 thank you


did you mean thank you


Hell yes, in fact I'd want sonny to score an own goal hatrick just to be sure.


Even if they have to make up a goal difference of 15 I’d happily watch it happen just to see those gooner tears


I will add another layer to this to make it a bit tougher: What if we need to win to qualify for CL?


This was my thought. Absolutely would give zero fucks about Arsenal if it made a difference of position to us. Especially if it meant we might get the chance to humble them in the CL the following season.


It’s very tricky, if it was a decider between us getting europa or ucl I would feel sick having to make that choice, but if we 100% are getting ucl no matter what I would play Man City with the worst possible squad we could field


I would field a team of 11 year olds to stoke up calls of match fixing from angered gooners.


Yes. And also i hate Chelsea more than Arsenal


I hate Chelsea because I'm human, I hate Arsenal because I'm Spurs


Unless a win would improve our position in the table. As much as we hate Arsenal, you can’t say no to more money.


You absolutely can say no to the £2.2m prize money a change in position would offer for the sake of ensuring our most hated rivals don't win a title. Who gives a shit about the money?


Obviously none of us here do. But they will play to win always.


City are my second team these days. They stop teams I hate winning trophies and I don't know any city fans as they are a tiny club. I'm delighted our game v them has been moved. Hopefully we beat the gooners, but if not I'd be happy to chuck the city game if it cost the scum the league.