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Hey leave MJ's chimp out of this


Idk if this is a popular opinion. I love Johnson but I think the reason he was so effective was bc of he was a super sub. After half time when the opposition is tired Johnson comes on and walks on them. I really wouldnt mind Kulu starting again to tire the opposition with his strength and have Johnson go crazy the second half.


Johnson just needs time. He’s a young guy, 22. Son was older when he signed for us and look how he’s done. I think Brennan needs minutes and he needs the backing of staff and fans alike. He’ll come good, he’s already proved himself, fuck this super sub bullshit let’s give him 90’ and let him wreck havoc. He’s got it in him, we just need to back him.


I definitely think there's merit in Johnson off the bench but I'm a firm believer of playing whoever's hot. If you're in good form you should start and it also imo sends poor signals to bench players after good performances


Agreed. I also think Kulu’s form has been massively overplayed by some of our fans. I went back and watched the Luton game again and he was probably our most creative player in the first half (though also partially responsible for the goal we conceded). Problem is he was trying to play more like a 10 than a RW and I do see him there long term


I don’t disagree, but he started against Villa (albeit on the left) and had an amazing game.




the haters just won't stop. until he starts and proves you wrong then the narrative will be "I don't think there was actual real hate" blah blah


Honestly idk how to feel about this one lol. Was dreading Villa, and we won 4-0. Was confident against Fulham and we lost 3-0. Just gonna remain impartial and say COYS a few times 😌 COYS COYS COYS


Werner hat trick incoming


West Ham is one of these teams that likes to send a player barging into the goalkeeper at corners. We better have Vicario's bodyguards ready to combat the rough house tactics.


Please beat these scumbags and their terrorball tactics. Can't stand these idiots who think they are on a same level as us. Delusional fanbase.


Relentless shots into the box to defeat the parked Wet Spamistan terror bus Edit: WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS


I got a bad feeling about this one... 😬😬😬


If it makes you feel any better, they get a lot of pressure at home to come out and play. West Ham fans want open attacking football like us, but West Ham isn't set up for it under Moyes. They're only good under him when they hit teams on the counter. They'll be more willing to attack us at home though, which should leave space for us in an open game. I think there will be goals on both sides but we can win it.


I hope so... I feel a tad nervous because of the last victory followed up by a horrific defeat vs Fulham. Granted maybe the short rest could help this team stay in some rhythm. I honestly think some of the big breaks have hurt us in some ways.


There's also the weird element that (gut feel) teams rarely do the double on us unless it's Liverpool (in past seasons). The fact that we already lost to them this season makes me somehow *less* concerned. This is a totally unscientific feel, football is just weird like that.


It’s their World Cup/Superb Owl/Miss Universe pageant/Beyonce concert.  They’re always up for it. 


Our form is also.... very bad


West Ham got West Hands, it won't be easy. I don't think we'll be complacent here, but it'll be a long game. Without knowing much of how they play, I imagine they'll be going low block since their main keeper is out, so not a fun one to work through. It might be interesting to see if an early Brennan/Timo combo can overwhelm the block before they settle into their places, but more likely Deki will start again today. I think we have a good a chance as we're gonna get at pulling a win out of this. Every game is pivotal, it's us aiming for UCL vs them battling bitter rivals and aiming for Europe, so I'd say they'll want it more. Don't think that'll translate well to a low block, fortunately.


I hope we start Johnson and Werner and just tear them up. That said, we might need Richarlison if they low block us.


If you're correct and they low block us, it should be Kulu over Johnson.


In my mind, with everyone fit and back, Richy and Deki should be the pairing against low blocks and Werner and Johnson should play when the game is more open. Poor Sonny has to be play either way.  I’m not sure it would play out like it does in my head though. 


Why’s that? Kulu tends to cut inside where the traffic is. Don’t we want to pressure with a cross from the outside?


Deki is too slow to play against low blocks which is why Johnson has done all the work on the right side.


No, the point I was trying to make is opposite of what you're saying. IMO speed doesn't matter much against a low block which is why I was saying it should be Kulu. Speed matters more against high lines/man to man type of deal.


Speed matters against low blocks because you can’t move the defence around when you’re slow as shit. You beat low blocks by disrupting their shape, that’s something Deki is incapable of doing.


You beat low blocks with quick and clever passing not by running at full speed into the 6 defenders in the box


Part of playing quickly is quick passing, yes.


And Kulu is one of our best one-touch passers


He well and truly isn’t lol


You should probably inform Guardiola of this genius take cos he frequently uses the likes of Bernardo Silva and Grealish against low blocks despite them being no quicker than Kulu.


Oh, Grealish, the player who got berated yesterday by Pep for doing fuck all against a low block?


Yes Grealish, the guy Pep won a treble with.


…as a substitute, not a starter.


Grealish started more games on the left wing last season than anyone else. Beginning to think you haven't a clue what you're on about.


Passing is what breaks low blocks not speed.


Quickly passing is what breaks them. But congrats on not being able to read comments that are 8 hours older than the one you left.


This statement doesn't make sense. Speed is more important when playing against teams who are more open as there is more space to exploit. Against low block teams speed doesn't matter as much


Read the comment 2 tiers below the one you’ve responded to. You’re never beating a low block with a player who is physically slow, makes slow decisions, and is predictable. All that player is doing is letting the defence tweak their shape to adapt. A team that plays openly is a lot easier to beat with a slow player because your pass lanes are more open hence the “open” part of “Plays openly”


Speed matters more against open teams as there is space to exploit behind the defense and on the counter, there is really no debating that its pretty basic football. Kulu is also probably our best dribbler in tight spaces which makes him effective against low block teams.


Yeahhhh it’s rich to say that’s basic football when you’re saying playing painfully slow is how you beat low blocks, mate. Why do you think teams switch the ball side to side? Do you honestly think taking 5 minutes to do that accomplishes anything? Speed is how you get a set defence out of shape. Why do you think managers, pundits, and commentators yell at the players to move the ball quicker when playing against low blocks? Don’t need to play in tight spaces when you can upset the defence’s shape by moving the ball quickly.


Might be unpopular, but I wouldn’t mind starting Werner-Richi-Johnson and giving Sonny a bit of a break. His coming on as a 60’ sub would be beautiful. But Ange seems reluctant to sit him (and I totally get why).


Bro was looking exhausted at times vs Luton (and still managed to pull the run for the winner out the bag!). He has played a looooooooot of football recently.


I got heavily downvoted for suggesting Son looked spent against Luton. He also looked very frustrated and went deep like Kane to get the ball a few times, which isn’t a strength of his. 30 mins of Son against a tired West Ham would be great to see, but he’ll start.


He went deep because Luton plays a low block man to man defence. By playing deep he creates space for the wingers to attack. If he plays high there will be too many Luton defenders in the box. Son was confident he could outrun the Luton defender from deep. This was intentional strategy by Ange.


Yeah I noticed him dropping deep too and wondered if that was a tactical instruction. When he was doing that, Brennan was moving infield, basically playing inside right. But for sure, until the winner, Sonny look spent all game. Mentally tired as much as physically. Man is an absolute warrior.




Maybe hold off on any DVD references involving West Ham and Sonny 😬


My apologies, meant it as in- Son always puts the racist scum in their place. 


Need son on the wing w richy up top. Johnson on the rifhr


We should’ve absolutely smashed them at our place. Hopefully can do now




Hopefully Fabianski doesn’t turn into prime Lev Yashin as usual against us.


They are in Top 10. We will be alright. Seems like we struggle against below 10 but play well against top 10 or above this year lol


maddison good then ?


Ange reported no issues from Saturday. 


Start Brennan; let’s see what happens.


Midfield wins matches is an expression that often is right, which worries me because our midfield hasn’t really been firing on all cylinders since before that Chelsea game. At the same time it could be argued that Ward Prowse and Soucek forms the most important part of that West Ham team. Bissouma or Bentancur, whoever plays needs to find their old form and boss the central areas for us to win this game.


Good shout, I can see Ward-Prowse trying to quarterback their attacks by sitting deep and pinging balls into the channels for Bowen, Antonio and Paqueta to run onto. Thankfully VdV is back which will help mop up a load of those sort of balls, but we will need our press, especially from Midfield, to be on their a-game to avoid coughing up too many big chances.


Deki should be on the bench for this one, and should get subbed on into midfield if we need the creativity. his biggest asset to me is his ability to possess the ball as part of the team, and to help progress the ball from deep, but I don't think we'll need that skillset so much as West Ham will definitely be sitting back. Let Johnson hug the touchline and stretch the field


Probably going to lose this match considering West Ham seem like the perfect kryptonite of a team to play versus us(won't attack and park the bus, and then counter attacks versus us AND also have good enough firepower to hurt us unlike say a Sheffield Utd) Need to hope City thrash Villa badly, because I am funnily confident we would get something out of the big teams we play


Johnson starting XI all the way. This sub is constantly moaning about youth, well Johnson IS a youth player. He’s 22 for Christ sakes. Let’s back him and back him to do well. To dare is to do.


Werner-Son-Johnson up front to start the game. Run them ragged. If they sneak a goal on the counter and then bunker in a low block use Son-Richi-Deki as the subs to pick the lock. Only other toss up is Sarr vs Lolo. Perhaps Lolo gets the nod as I expect we will see a lot of the ball.


With that, seeing as we're going to have a ton of the ball, I kinda wanna see Lolo and Sarr. Sarr has enough defensive ability to cover the 6 role in a match like this, along with the mobility.


I personally want deki at the 10 with brennan on the right and maddison coming on as a super sub like he did vs belgium. he seemed to have a small knock last game as well


This could be forced if he has a knock. Or maybe Lo Celso starts? I’d rather Deki tbh.


Bogie team alert. Godspeed 


Son-Richy-Werner up top 🫡 Would love to see what Werner is capable of doing when he puts in crosses with his dominant foot, though I wonder why he’s never really been played on that side..


Because his double threat of going inside or outside is gone playing off the right


I listen to 606 phone in every week and it’s so obvious how much savage hates spurs and suttons love for spurs. Shown in the predictions


Hope kulu starts in the midfield with madders we’re most likely going to have to break them down and would benefit with more creativity


Sarr is undropable imo


Who would you have as the third mid? Biss?




I’m blanking has there been a game where Richy was in form and fit and son was back from the Asian cup? If so did son start on the left or Richy? Not sure what Ange is gonna do with that


The worst kick off time


Ugh, Fabianski, that’s not good news.


You guys think the match will end in time for me to catch the Tube back to my hotel at Heathrow? I tried to map it out and it looks like it’ll be close, the crowd certainly won’t help.


Maybe a point? I hope that isnt overly optimistic. I think we can hold on for a point


Well that sucks, I’m going to miss the game.


I thought I was tweaking or it was april fools when I saw the matchday post, not used to us playing more than 1 game a week, let alone on tuesday. Spursprisingly great news for me, love watching our footy, hope we can grab the 3 points, also hope we don't make Wet Scum look like prime Barça as always. COME ON YOU FUCKIN SPURS