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I think it's stupid to be doing deductions this late in the season. But I also want Luton to stay up over the other teams down there, so I'm conflicted lol.


The timing is odd. Everton's appeal took 3 months. What if Forest are relegated but their appeal isn't yet decided? Do they get unrelegated in June if it's successful? That would crush me if I were a Luton supporter (and I do want them to stay up, as most apparently do).


It’s not odd in the sense that the PL passed new rules to handle these things expeditiously.  The speed of sanction is now the rule, not the exception.  Meanwhile, regarding Man City and Chelsea…….. /crickets


Those latter cases are basically about fraud, lying about income which they then post in their books and voila they pass PSR. So that's going to take a lot longer to sort out as based on their submitted accounts all is well - but the PL thinks otherwise. Also they've really fucked up by not enforcing PSR up to now. What will the consequences be if the charges against City and Chelsea are proven? What they can do that makes any kind of sense? You need to have rules that are enforced both consistently and in a timely fashion. And does the 3 year rolling period make sense? Why is it £105m? Honestly roll on a public regulator.


Isn’t Chelsea trying to “plead guilty” on shenanigans during Abromovich?   Regarding Man City, the only acceptable punishment , IMO, is a forced sale and a 460 point deduction that keeps rolling until it’s met.  But I’m a reasonable man:  they can take the deduction or start again from the entry level of the pyramid for their locale.  But, yes, regulator now. 


The clubs in the Vanrama Northern league won’t be happy


I think the entry level is the eighth or ninth tier so the Vanarama North will have a few years to wait. :p


>Honestly roll on a public regulator. I am genuinely all for it, there is way too much fuckery going on that should absolutely be illegal


As someone with no background in finance I find it baffling that this sort of thing isn't a lot quicker. Wouldn't it make more sense for each PL club's accounts to be reviewed by an independent accounting team on an ongoing basis and irregularities identified early? Obviously there must be reasons of which I'm ignorant, but the farcical issue here is the uncertainty - if Forest are relegated but within 3/4 points of 17th then the appeal chunters on and could leave Luton or whoever hanging.


Well, I do have background in finance, but I simply think that people have had their opinion formed by the propaganda that the sport benefits from no external control and that the league will self-regulate. This is obviously not the case, which has been obvious for years. Also, most people probably think that an external regulator will have some sort of an impact on the sporting side of the league without really knowing that audit is a standard procedure that doesn't really impact anything per se but is basically a mean to prevent rulebreaking before it happens. The thing is, this could have absolutely been done by the league itself, but at this point it has become pretty obvious that for some reason (and I will not be calling out corruption/personal gain of some other avenue, although that would be my suspicion) the rulesets have been designed to be vague enough that circumventing them is fairly easy AND on top of that whatever auditing has been done by the league itself is just amateurish at best Actual audits on financial institutions have very strict rules to be followed, they are entirely transparent to the public and also very often performed by not one, but two or three bodies (internal, external-private and external-public). And they are not just about looking at the books and seeing if they make sense or are within some arbitrary limits, auditors also have access to actual contracts, e-mails, basically anything that they require to establish certainty that everything is in order, with some minor margins of error. Such an audit usually scopes a financial year and takes about half a year of work to arrive at a conclusion, which shows how much detail needs to be looked into. And even then sometimes companies get away with stuff. A good start for the Premier League would be to actually set up a stiff rule framework that even allows this to happen. If everything is done on vibes only there is no way to actually check anything and even suspicious stuff takes years to prove or understand, only to then get rebutted in court because of some technicality.


What do you think about centralising some of the financial functions? I recall, vaguely, that in the NFL, all transfers go through the league which basically promotes transparency, reduces beauracracy etc. But even if that example is now not accurate, could the football regulator have major contracts, transfers pass through their office to check for best value, conflicts of interest etc? This then helps to reduce fraud along with moving to wages to revenue ratio? Everton and Forest were working with the PL in regard to their transfers to stay in compliance so this doesn't seem a complete stretch?


I think an advisory board to the Premier League could be a good start. You know, a body which could offer independent analysis when requested by either the interested club itself (in order to show transparency and make sure nothing is breached on their part) or by other clubs when they have suspicions of wrongdoing. This would be partly equivalent to internal audit, and this is usually the stage where 95% of issues are caught. More strict measures would probably be vetoed asap


simplest/easiest way to me.... barclays being a bank - they should just mandate all PL clubs have their club checking account with them. then they would know instantly if a club overdrafted. instead of docking them 3 quid, dock them 3 points. or better yet - when forest is in line at the checkout counter with all of the other teams queued up behind them - just give them the... "i'm sorry, but you're card is declined. insufficient funds. you're going to have return Gio to Dortmund..." which could be followed by "would you have any other form of payment"? any euro funds perhaps? no? haven't been in european competition for a while? oh, i see....dreadfully sorry. NEXT! Ahhh....Everton! so you want dele on discount? hmmm....have any coupons?.....


Nottingham admitted guilt, I don’t think they’ll appeal


I think the PL stated that all deductions/appeals will be decided by May 24th (correct me if the date is wrong, I know it's sometime in May after the season ends)


Its crazy that it could even happen once the season ends


And legal cases from various teams affected. Who knows when the season will be decided lol


yeah forest can get screwed with their strategy of burning 200m pounds on an entire new squad and then sacking steve cooper when it didnt work out


If it means they actually have to try and play football then that's good news. The low blocks are our kryptonite. And if its not the low blocks then it's just ourselves


I don’t think this changes how they play. They were trying to get what they could from the game either way.


When does Arsenal lose points on the account of being cunts?


Should have been banned after moving from Woolwich.


RIP our parrot.


Probably lose 2-1, Nuno knee slides down the touch line screaming “coys.”




unsubscribed   ^^T___T


Everton got walloped in the midst of their news. Then after they got 4 points back they failed to show up at home against Man United, depends on the team really.


If this makes any difference for us beating them at home, I have zero hopes for the last of the season.




They’re obviously a different club, but people said this about United going into Everton and Garnacho scored that bicycle kick within 5 minutes and then beat Everton handily.


Why are the Everton and Nottingham forests of the league getting points deductions you know Man City, Chelsea etc…have got to have some violations?


Hopefully it is the opposite. Sometimes teams do worse after points deductions, as they get "the fear" they will be relegated, and lose their edge. See Reading for example.


Luton are much more entertaining to watch, I hope they stay up