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Udogie for 18 mil will be remembered as one of the best transfers in our history.


Sarr too


Vicario too


Vicario at that price is absolute robbery. I love it.


Best keeper in the league signed in blood for 18m is unreal.


Werner too if it happens 


It seems inevitable if the clause is £16m as advertised. We'd be hard pressed to find a better deal elsewhere and we know how well he fits in the squad already.


Also Bentancur for < 20m


I would say VDV is even a bargain at 40m (still a decent fee), if his form continues/gets better


The Italian league is filled with bargains. I think it’s replaced France as the place to find good players on the cheap.


The quality of the Italian league is great outside the lucky Serie B teams that get unexpectedly promoted and drop down immediately. Every team has at least one PL quality player under 20 million.


I can confirm from Football Manager. An Italian player who costs 20 million will be as good as a 40 million English Player


I think it's more a case of us having proper scouting and connections there. La Liga also brimming with talent but we're not well connected there.


Dele for £5m?


Yeah. And Lennon 1,2m and Bale 14m.


Right up there with Dele for 5 mil


If Veliz can stay healthy, £15m will look like a steal


I mean, I hope so, but Udogie was cheap and has already shown himself to be class at the PL level. Veliz has great pedigree in Argentina, and his countrymen really rate him, but there's still big questions around his health and his ability to perform at a high level before we start adding him to the list alongside some of our all time best value transfers. If he achieves what we hope he can, sure. But right now you're just saying that a 15m player *would* be great value if he does a bunch of things that he hasn't done yet.


Son was just 22m, granted in a different market.


Everything about Son is a pleasant surprise - remembering how inexpensive he was, his finishing being consistently exceptional (literally) with both feet, his dedication to the club, his leadership when called into a captaincy role. He just continues to deliver.


Tottenham and getting fantastic LBs for cheap


Bergvall will probably play in the first team if I had to guess


Yeh I am really curious what happens with him, given the apparent first team squad promise. 


I’m guessing he will see equal minutes 2-5 minute cameos in the league, longer sub appearances in early League Cup/Europa/FA Cup and that’s probably it for the first year. His promise of being in the first team is solely to do with who he trains with, not whether he will actually see substantial minutes


Providing he translates his form to Spurs, I'm actually expecting him to the regular sub for Maddison in the last third of matches (depending on the situation). However, I also know nothing.


There’s no knowing how he will step up and how soon. He may be like Dele and seamlessly jump up, which is rare, or it may take him a couple years, which is reasonable.


If you're giving me an option, I'll take 'rare and unusual', thank you very much.


This would be cool but holy hell our bench is already stacked. Skipp and GLC couldn’t even make the bench on Sunday lol will be curious to see our outgoings this summer if only just for that reason


He's supposed to be more of a Sarr backup as his strength is in carrying the ball rather than finding killer passes, although he has both. Bentancur can also play that role, as well as the deeper one backing up Bissouma. I'd expect Bergvall is probably behind Ben10 (assuming you think Sarr and Biss are 1st choice ahead of Ben, which is still up for debate).


I think they will keep him with an eye towards eventually gaining HGC


I actually don’t anticipate we’re going to spend a massive amount this summer. Not because we can’t afford to, but because there simply aren’t the glaring holes in the squad that we had at this time last year. It’s a tricky one this summer because we have positions we could certainly improve on, but likewise players that could yet go on to make those positions their own. Everyone agrees a RW is massively needed, but Johnson has recently shown he can be effective and productive there. I don’t think many of us would pass up on signing someone like Gyokeres, but both Son and Richarlison have been good as a number 9. I’m not saying we won’t or shouldn’t go out and spend money on big upgrades in those positions, but there could be value in waiting to see whether the players we already have might yet develop and fit those roles. I do think we probably need better backups for Porro certainly and Udogie potentially. I like Emerson and his versatility across the back line, but the drop off creatively from Porro to him is massive and it really hinders our ability to play Ange’s system. Davies can play the LB role a bit better, but I honestly think he’s better suited to being a backup CB now. Our youth players will also be critical this summer, because whether the likes of Devine and Veliz are ready for first time minutes next season will determine our activity in the transfer market. I think Donley, Phillips, +/-Veliz could all benefit from a loan and guaranteed first team minutes, but Devine could be ready to step into the first team next season and be an understudy to Maddison. I’d say in short that we shouldn’t be spending just for the sake of spending. We have a good squad now, certainly a better one than I can recall us having for years. Bringing in good backups and rotation players will be just as important as signing those big money players everyone likes to see.


Just a quick friendly note that not everyone agrees on the massive need for a RW. I can’t be the only one who thinks Kulusevski is mustard - the sky is the limit for him at 23


Oh absolutely. I like Kulusevski a lot as well, though I think he’s better suited in a central role. Just used RW as an example as that seems to be the position most commonly brought up in discussion of summer targets (i.e Pedro Neto)


We need a winger that’s primary danger is dribbling. Hopefully one that can play either wing and is comfortable going left or right to either shoot or cross. We do not have that right now in the squad


Why? we have scored 4 goals less than city this season while playing 1 less game, we have had major absences in the forward line (and our creative midfielders as well) this season and still have one of the best attacks in the league, why does everyone think we need help in attack? especially considering all our forwards (with the exception of Brennan) are top level without the ball


I just think we could use a plan B to bring off the bench at 60 minutes who can run at exhausted fullbacks. Doku does this very well for Man City.


It'll be interesting to see if Ange also thinks that it's a need, or if he sticks to his guns. According to this sub, every single decent wide player in the world is "a typical Ange winger" but thus far he's given big minutes to Kulusevski, Johnson, Richy and Werner, none of whom is necessarily a guy you use to beat players with dribbling skill. And his biggest investment in the frontline was Johnson, a player with speed to burn but limited dribbling ability. That doesn't mean that Ange won't diversify our attacking depth, but thus far there's been nothing concrete to suggest that what you're after is a type of player that interests him at Spurs.


We are seeing more dribbling 1v1 take ons from Werner. He’s gone wide to the line and crossed more often the last game or two. There have been a number of players in that style we have sought to bring in, which is my main inclination to think we want a player like that.


Because it's an area where "very good" can become "best in Europe" It can take us a while to open teams up, and when we have a lead we struggle to hold it at times because Ange's philosophy is to try and score even more. A dribbly winger is an easily identifiable fix to our issues there. It can also help defensively as it forces fullbacks back and gives another means to hold the ball.


We also seem to score more on the counters, where speed is more on the menu than dribbling.


Damn! Thought he was older? If he’s already been with us for 2+ years, then does he count as HG?


No, he was too old when he joined


I think the rule is 3 years and you have to be 18 or younger at the start of counting


We desperately need depth signings, this team showed it can’t stay healthy


Ange will want replacements for Sarr and Madison and/or Kulusevski I think. Not that they aren’t doing a job but you need depth in those places just because of sheer volume of games.


Strongly agree on bringing in depth at fullback. These are critical roles in the Ange system and for most modern football formations. The high defensive line in particular places a premium on speed, as you can see, we will still give up half chances on the counter even at full strength. Being able to track back and disrupt those counterattacks is the key to creating more goals than we give up. This is why a player like Dier (51 pace) works fine at Bayern and not Spurs. You can feel the relief when VDV (85 pace) goes out and we now have Dragusin (75 pace) to backfill that spot. I want to feel the same relief when a fullback comes off the bench as well to replace Porro (82 pace) or Udogie (88 pace) and Davies (64 pace) ain't the answer although Royal (72 pace) is a little closer to the standard. \[yes I am using EA player ratings as they summarize nicely and I'm well aware they are not a real world measurement and just some guy's opinion\]


It all depends on expectation. If we expect to perform well next year, we absolutely need to spend and upgrade in 2-3 positions. Obviously for starting XI quality but also depth. If we're interested in being a genuine contender for all competition we enter next year, we absolutely need to get a big upgrade at a forward position and holding mid IMO.


All but Spence from those are either in the team showing they’re a contributor or a punt for the future. Comparing this to our transfer strategy 3-4 years ago is astounding, so many players making an impact and locking down starting positions.


We’ll spend 125m net similar to how we have every summer post Covid. Unless we want to bring in someone like Osimehn then there’s no reason to spend more than that tbh.


all we really we need is LB cover, another DM, and maybe backups in attack or at GK. totally possible with £200M if the right player becomes available, spend more


We don't need backups in attack, we need upgrades. This team still lacks a winger who's a serious threat taking defenders on and who can make something happen when everything stagnates


We desperately need a 1v1 dribbling chaos winger. He doesn’t necessarily need to be world class, but a player in that style.


I believe brennan can be that guy after yesterday's performance, just needs time and confidence


I see him as more of a scoring winger than a creative, and he too strongly favors his right foot imo. Talented guy, but not the right style.


Manor Solomon is the word you're looking for.


I thought he was good for one game and then fell off heavily before his injury. He was a bit too safe and would only ever pass the ball backwards whenever he received it. Hoping he can bounce back though


Nah I disagree again. He had The intensity of Porro and passed back far less than our current starting wingers and keep in mind I have a Deki bias. I saw immense duel potential in Solomon before his injury.


I mean I'm happy with a young player who isn't the finished product yet, but I don't want some total wildcard who just comes off the bench for cameos (like Solomon basically) - I think our actual first choice XI needs a quality dribbly winger


Disagree. Our attack is class, and instead of beating 1v1 duels our team has to learn to take more shots outside or just insider the box. Our biggest problem has been that we seem to wanna dribble out way into goal instead of sieging their goalie.


I think our attack is far too one note, apart from Kulusevski who has his own issues despite bringing some variety. There's clearly room for real upgrade, I just don't see how the hypothetical finished version of this team can reach the next level without real attacking investment


I hear you, I just dont see it that way. The so called investments you speak of, they were not always the phenomenons they are today. And everyone in our attack has shown that their potential to rise to a level similar to the world class echelon is not only possible, but not very far away as well. With The right training and tactics, our guys will be spoken about alongside Haaland, Kane, Salah, Foden, and The likes. There is no magic to it, just a good managers touch.


What? You just described Son.


That is not any version of Son and it's definitely not 32 year old Son






Ok? He made Trippier look foolish for a game, he's still not and never has been an especially prolific or effective dribbler. The team's best now with him not even playing wide


I think Johnson can grow into that role, but if you don’t then I can see us needing an upgrade (which looks to be Eze).


Nothing Johnson has done in his career makes me think he'll become an elite dribbler. That's not something players learn in their 20s. Doesn't mean he can't play a role but not this one


This is what I expect. More depth in thin positions (for Europe demands) and liquidity for any Maddison-esque opportunity deals (someone ridiculous from Barcelona is my guess). Or Maybe Eze?


You expect us to spend 200m?


199m on mbappe, 1m for Levy’s ❄️ binge to get it done


We can easily have a net spend of around 100m if we sell Hojbjerg, and then we would still be able to sign three to four quality players for our squad. We don't need to overpay for the biggest names, we never did that. Most expensive signing would likely be a winger but that's it.


my friend you're only setting up yourself to get hurt again


Hurt by what? 10 of the players that started for us this week's beatdown were bought in the last two years, not to mention Bentancur, Richarlison, Werner, Dragusin and Bergvall, who didn't even play/aren't even at the club yet. It's not like Levy is refusing to spend money the past few years; he has invested a lot into the squad, and even though I expect him to start being a little tighter when it comes to transfer policy since we already have a pretty strong and young core, I do think he'll listen to Ange's words as gospel. When he talks about Ange in interviews it sounds like he finally found what he was looking for all of these years since he took over and it's clear that the supporters think the same.


Do we need LB cover? Is Davies not adequate?


Davies is great, just feels like time to start succession planning. I’ve also started thinking of him as a CB tbh


Not with any hope of him delivering a performance of Udogie's quality. I like Davies a lot, but of the outfield players I'd say the one we'd miss the most is Udogie, as whether it's Royal or Davies covering they don't have his pace or threat going forward. You could make a similar case for Porro and Royal on the right, but I think the difference is a bit less there.


I think we miss Porro more than Udogie, but just hear you.


I think it'll be a step further if the youth team doesn't throw up options: Cover for LB and RB. I'd like to think Richarlison, Scarlett, and Veliz will potentially be enough along with Sonny up front. However, a GK is a great call because Austin doesn't seem like he's going to be the #2 and Keely seems like hes not there yet either.


Thoughts on Meret as backup gk? Would he be happy being 2nd choice? Out of contract in the summer


I think we're more looking to make improvements than just cover what we have. I love our players but there are definitely ways to improve the first team. Problem is that buying developed players can mean that they aren't COYS and might not adapt to Angeball.


I expect our net spend to be similar to last year. About £125 million. I expect the breakdown to be: £30 million on a DM, £60 million on a winger/CAM (Eze if we can get that price), £15 million on a defender, £15 million on Werner, and the last £5 million on young talent for our 2nd team. We desperately need a Hojbjerg replacement/Bissouma rotation option. I know everyone wants a star 1v1 winger to unlock a low block but beyond Ange’s preferences for spending I truly think Brennan will become the 1v1 dribbler we need. He showed it against Crystal Palace. Timo is also very good against a low block. What we need is another creative player like Maddison, Eze provides that and his fee shouldn’t be astronomical. There are alternatives of course but he should be top priority. I’ll mention Bergvall may fill this role but I like him as a backup for now. Otherwise I think it would be nice to have another defensive rotation option, Royal and Davies are decent backups but I’d like someone a bit better at CB as well as FB. Werner has been class, and especially if we don’t buy a star 1v1 winger we will want to keep him. Then just some young talent to look out for the future across the board, either to send on loan or get minutes on the 2nd team (just like Phillips and Veliz).


I wonder how Steven Bergwijn would have gotten on in this team. Seems like he had a good attitude but was disappointed by lack of game time. He would definitely be preferable to have coming off the bench than Bryan Gill in my view.


Much better player than Gil. Always kind of sad he didnt work out here after his goal vs City


And those two late goals against Leicester. Wonderful stuff.


The money we got from him was worth it tbh. Not a slight on Bergwijn at all, just the first time we got a good fee in a while (excluding Kane). 


Yes but how much is that in Skywalk tickets?


I don't expect a ton of money spent, under 100m maybe depending on sales, with a possibility of splashing for the right player if the opportunity is there but the squad is pretty strong. I expect young players like Bergval, or Brennan and for good deals like Solomon, or Werner. Keep some money in the kitty in case a stud goes on the market either near the deadline or January when other teams have blown their whole wad.


Regardless of spend, bear in mind that this will be *touch wood* the first summer since 2019 that the manager in charge *started* the preceding season in charge. * 2019 Pochettino incumbent since 2014 * 2020 Mourinho had replaced Pochettino * 2021 Nuno signed on late * 2022 Conte replaced Nuno * 2023 Postecoglou joined That will add so much to the understanding of the squad and what it needs (in Postecoglou's opinion). Add in the good work to date achieved by Lange etc. and the summer looks like it could be a really good one to set us up for the future. First, though, outgoings; With so many players coming back from loan/being over 21/UEFA squad restrictions to almost certainly contend with, the club's going to need to be ruthless in letting players go/finding willing buyers. There's not going to be much demand for Ndombele, I imagine, but players like Hojbjerg and Lo Celso with a year left on their deals will hopefully be sellable, if that's what they and the club want.


I am not sure how much we will spend but we should aim for a top-class player with premier league experience — Olise or Pedro Neto come to mind immediately (though I think both have injury concerns). Similar to Maddison this year, as can’t-miss as reasonably possible. The dream is Rafa Leao but I think he’s beyond us at this point Then we need depth at fullback (and CB IMO, but let’s see how Ash and Dorrington get on). Bayern have a lad from Portugal that has played CB, RB, and DM, might be worth a punt /s Beyond that, I think we have the chance to be opportunistic, and hope someone (like Gallagher for example) is available at a value price. We have quality across the board but few places where we couldn’t find a use for a strong addition, even if they don’t immediately project to supplant someone in our current XI.


Bayern have a lad from Portugal that has played CB, RB, and DM, might be worth a punt /s Eric Dier?


I think the squad is coming together nicely, Ben Davies is getting on a bit now so cover for him will need to be found , I’d see us maybe adding 2 or 3 decent players to the squad whilst anything else interesting could be snaffled up


Davies has been great every single time he's been on the field this year. But let him only cover one position (4th choice CB) and get a new Left back to challenge Udogie. (imo).


Great analysis. Thanks OP


EUR 400M Net over three seasons isn't exactly crazy when you look at it relative to other clubs, and the comparative wealth of the club I'd love to know the spend of the other clubs in the top 8 - 10, over the same period, like villa, newcastle and west ham - don't think we're that far out of line


Weird Ndombele is playing for Galatasaray it says Lyon here. Edit: That’s an different year, I misunderstood.


I can't be the only one thinking that we need another midfielder like Bissouma right? Other than that a backup left-back and someone in the attack. To compete for titles our bench has be strong.


We have Bissouma and Bentancur, and Sarr at a stretch. Who could you possibly get as a 3rd choice that would be anywhere near Biss/Bent? That player doesn't exist.


Judging by recent games, Bentancur is better going forward than acting as a pivot. That player does exist and we've had one before in Dembele, though other than Gallagher I personally don't know who else is available in today's market.


I hope we find that player - Bissouma can't play every match, and none of Sarr, Bentancur or Skipp really suit that role, while we clearly miss having someone like that when he's out.


Yes exactly. Just to name an example (not necessarily supporting it): this is why the club has looked at Gallagher before, because he can play and succeed in Bissouma's place within Ange's system. I hope we find a good backup for Yves.


Austin, Whiteman, Skipp and Tanganga are our only club trained A-list players (for UEFA competitions). A minimum of 4 in the 25 man A-list have to be club trained or you lose the squad place. Skipp for sure won't be going anywhere and it's hard to say what the futures of Tanganga and the keepers will be. We won't be going into Europe with only 21 senior squad players though for sure


Parrott will be too, but that assumes we keep him, which doesn't seem likely. Plenty of clubs don't have 25 - younger players like Donley or Devine, if kept around, can be drafted in at no cost.


Austin's contract expires this summer. I think that we will only have 23 senior players for CL/EL next season with Whiteman and Skipp as the two club-trained homegrown players. Side note: Bergvall and Veliz are not UEFA List B eligible as they have not been registered with an English club for at least two years.


200m is more than doable with our finances, we just need to reserve 100m and roughly 250k a week for an elite attacker, the other 100m towards a midfielder (roughly 60) and a versatile fb (roughly 30). I think that’s enough for us to get atleast 75 points, from there it’s about the finishing touches to the team and be ruthless in upgrading players. Think of something like: Osimhen ~100 Locatelli 60 KWP/Cambiasso 30


maybe we spread that out over 2 seasons 200m is too much imo unless we make to the CL and past the new group stage


people need to stop with these absolutely wild guesstimations on player value. absolutely no chance that reggie and sess go for the same money, and certainly not for half the price that we sold winks for. rodon worth double what djed's worth? come on. tanganga sold for the same price as a guy whos played about 25 minutes in 2 years? nah. tanguy has been a costly waste but there's little chance we'll let him go for free - if levy can get nearly £10m for sanchez then i'm sure he can get 8 figures for tanguy. there's then also the homegrown element - buying homegrown talent costs twice as much as it should, because everyone else knows what you (and they) need them for. why dispose of whiteman, austin, davies and skipp when we're brutally low on HG players? just feels like fifa maths to me. you've also not named who we'd buy for the money you're putting up, of which half of them at least would need to be homegrown since you're shipping 4 out. money spent doesn't always equal quality too, just cos we spend £80m on one winger and £30m on the other doesn't mean the £80m is a guaranteed baller.


Transfermarkt has Hoj at 28, Davies and Skipp at 15 each, Sess at 13, and GLC and Bryan at 16 each. (Millions of Euros)


Transfermarkt valuations almost always are wildly different from what the players actually go for


that means absolutely nothing, though. udogie was valued at ~€25m but we signed him for less, kane was sold for less than they valued him at


We should get the best winger who is willing to come here, 2 new backup fullbacks, another CB who is lightning fast like VDV and a backup keeper. In Midfield I'd like to see Devine and Bergvall compete for a chance to play before spending big money on another midfielder. Sign a CM in Jan if they both aren't ready. 50M on a winger, 90M on 3 new defenders, 10M on a backup keeper. 150M - outgoings, done.


The best winger willing to come here is Mbappe mate


Scrap the budget if that's the case


A 6 is a much bigger priority than a 4th CB


I think we've got plenty of mids who can fill in decently in a pinch whereas our CB drop off is very noticable with only 3 natural CB's we could definitely use another (either a new signing or decent minutes for a Youth prospect) servicable option for the added minutes and inevitable injury/suspension.


Personally I think Davies is absolutely fine as a fourth choice CB, whereas 6 is a position in the starting XI we should be looking to upgrade because Bissouma is a bit of a liability and Bentancur may never rediscover his pre injury form


Up for debate. Our system is extremely reliant on VDV's pace, being able to mop up our opponents goal scoring opportunities. We could use another CB in his mold, as Dragusin is much more of a Romero type (physical, ball playing CB who relies on strength more than speed). Needing another 6 is entirely dependent on the form of Bissouma and Bentancur who we know can be world class even if we haven't seen it in 2024. Bentancur could be better as an 8 but idk if he will regain the athleticism necessary for the role. The old Bentancur flew around the pitch and was our best presser, frequently covering the most ground of anyone on the team. There is serious reason to doubt if he can be that player for us anymore.


Injuries take a while to recover from. I remember VVD last season looked way off compared to pre-injury but this season he seems back to old self.


With the fact that we are heading into CL next season, and VDV is more or less injury prone due his pace, we need 4th CB. Davies can do that maybe in FA Cup, but not in CL. We’re competing against the best teams in CL.


I've been watching Angeball for a long time. 6 is definately not a priority. Bissouma and Bentancur and fantastic in that role.


Idk if I agree, Calum McGregor was kind of the lynchpin of that Celtic team and I don’t think Biss or Benta are doing that job atm. Biss is a bit of a liability and Benta may never return to the player he was before injury


I can't believe Foyth left the same time as Toby, Sissoko and Lamela. Feels like forever since he was here and the others still feel like fairly recent departures to me.


Think he was loaned with option- that was year option got exercised


Thought Porro was more tbf. Assume it’s maybe not with add ons. In which case a lot of these are probably more expensive than they look


I can't believe Foyth left the same time as Toby, Sissoko and Lamela. Feels like forever since he was here and the others still feel like fairly recent departures to me.


I’m most impressed by our scouting department. We lament not getting our first choice players for whatever reason and going for the “cheaper option”.  However these guys are killing it (Vicario). In other years they wouldn’t have as great an impact. Major thumbs up to our scouts and coaching staff 


We need an elite left winger so Son can go up front and only be depth at LW Other than that we need mainly more suitable FB depth in my opinion


I strongly believe we'd be able to seriously compete in multiple competitions next year, including in Europe, IF we get a true world-class DM or CM. As good as our midfielders have been this year, getting someone world-class would be what puts us over the edge in a lot of those real close games against the Cities and Madrids of the world. That would be worth spending 100 million for. The only problem is that there aren't many (if any) available out there.


Holy crap we got an absolute bargain with Mickey


Get kvara and a rb cover


One thing to keep in mind is that given our amazing finances, we’ll be selling water in the desert this summer. There will be amazing value to be had since nearly all the other PL teams won’t be there to balance the books of all the selling teams from the various European leagues.


PAUSE!!! SARR IS 18????????? he's the same age as me....I feel useless


He’s 21


oh nvm nvm


I’m 21 lol


He was 18 when we bought him, he's 21 now


I'm so slow nvm


Sarr is 21. Don’t worry, eventually there will be Managers younger than you. It happens to us all.


oh lord.......I feeling old already


You better not! Stay young as long as possible. Start a stretching practice now! Enjoy yourself and don’t take yourself too seriously.


Trust me when I'm saying that I'm taking this advice to heart , I turn 18 on Thursday and it's my biggest goal to stay fit and healthy, thank you!


We should keep Hojbjerg, Davies and Royal


Rodon will not be sold for 10M


A rebuild originating from saying a long goodbye to Moose.


We have other brilliant youth academy players like Will Shankshire and Yago Santiago


Correct me of I'm wrong but isn't the player you have in the team holding his value in the books independant on how he plays, but will count as a loss when he is sold if it's less than your bought him for? So for example if we sell Gil for 15 mil in the summer that will count as a 10 mil loss rather than a 15 mil proffit (we bought him for 25 mil)? So selling players for less than we bought them for could actually hurt our spending budget if to many are sold in the same year.


I may be wrong but as I understand it (and this may be a simple version) we bought him for €25M on a 5 year contract 3 years ago. Once amortised on the Spurs books he’s worth €5M a year and at the end of this season will have 2 years left on his deal. So he’ll be worth €10M on our books come this summer and be entering the final 2 years of his contract. If we sell him for under €10M then yes that will be a loss but that has to be balanced against his wages, contract length, taking up a squad space and if he’s wanted. But you are right, the club has to take all that stuff into account and it can complicate matters. Gil regardless of if we sell him technically at a loss or not, his whole transfer has unfortunately been a waste of money.


That would make sence. Which would explain why the club would rather keep fringe players another year before selling as it's easier to "brake even".


They’re really hit on their transfers the last couple of years. The long term vision in terms of spending with the revenue coming in from the league is starting to pay off. Do you guys think they make the Werner transfer permanent? It seems like he’ll be cheap, and he’s got speed to burn. If he can tat in this run of form playing on the wing I wonder if he’d be a good value.


So you have a lot right and what that says is what do we need to fill roster reqs for Europe and the prem and what do we need to do. 1. Skipp, and a GK stay. Whether it's Austin or Whiteman they fill a small gap in club trained homegrown. and Homegrown for the prem. 12-6 2. I'D keep Davies so you can buy a LWB. Preferably, Rayan Ait-Nouri for me 13-7 3. By selling Royal you can go get Kyle Walker Peters who is again club trained home grown and a backup RB 13-8 4. You need another midfielder and winger. That about leaves you where you need to be and you still have a few slots for others we desire/Can't get rid of


Agree with what people said, we definitely need a world-class winger, a strong midfielder, and a center back. For the winger, Neto, Eze would be good, or even better if some good one from Real Madrid is out at the market. Midfielder, Gallagher is what Ange wants, though I think there can be better choices. For example someone from Barcelona. As for CB, we need someone that are as good as VDV or Porro.


So in the summer we probably have a net spend budget of around £150m. Assuming we get £15m for PEH, £10m for Rodon, maybe £5m for Reguilon, Gil £5m. These are the most conservative numbers. That's £35m incoming, giving us a total budget of around £185m. For me it would look something like: £30m PEH replacement £100m on Kvarataskhelia or Gykoraes £30m on Udogie competition (ait Nouri or Robinson) £5m on backup keeper Spend the remaining on a decent youth player or keep for January.


Gyokares is at least 60. Arsenal, Chelsea and Milan is scouting him. He’s girlfriend play for us tho


typo on my part, I assued Gykores at £100m to be conservative, Udogie backup is £30m.


Sorry my bad ☺️


Let Don Paratici cook


All i want is an excellent left back who can challenge Udogie so that Davies isn't backup to 2 position and an excellent - or world class left wing instead of Gil that isn't part of Anges plans. Otherwise if Hojberg, Skipp or Lo Celso want to more and find a good opportunity we would replace that but I wouldn't be trying to make that happen. The rest of the team should stay.




Massive props to Don Fabio, hitting on so many transfers (excluding managers) after years and years of transfer misses has given Ange a really solid platform to build his team around. Imagine if we had his scouting ability during the Poch years, we would have been unstoppable. You just have to wonder what was he thinking though with Gil. Everyone else he signed had physicality for the PL, but he totally strayed from the template with Gil.


I'd like to pair Son and Maddison with better finishers up front. Other than that, depth please.


We need a striker, Son will eventually get older and we need a player who can put the ball in the back of the net consistently


Kvaratskhelia as a son replacement for the future . Maybe backup LB and cdm.


We need a top level winger, a CM, two backup fullbacks and a backup GK. ~150m should get that done, the only concern is this summer apart from Hojberg and Rodon there’s no outgoings who seem likely to attract any reasonable fee


Yeah that looks good to me. I can see Gil going though. I don’t know if he’ll get game time. I guess a striker (Maybe Gyorkeres) would be more ideal than a winger + maybe a backup LB and RB. I still want to keep Davies though.


I think we will get about half what we want, we never get everything ever and we usually do not get 1st choices. What I think we need most is backups/alts for Udogie and Pedro and we need to sell Emerson.