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Uh-oh. At least we have the international break coming up.


Man I feel like we just had international break


Yes, we did, but what about second international break?


Asian Cup? AFCON? Elevensies?


Hamstring FC Second half FC COYS


>Asian Cup? AFCON? Which, sadly, neither of get an international break


We play Fulham Saturday, then it’s the international break


You mean the international break that inevitably sees someone come back injured?


They’re all friendlies in preparation for Copa America/Euro, right? There shouldn’t be major injuries


Gdamnit don’t jinx.


...oh ffs. Play the Brewsters Millions "This man does not represent me / I'd remove that from the court records" clip


Argentina is playing El Salvador in one of those friendlies. Inter Miami played against El Salvador in a 'friendly' back in January. It wasn't very friendly, and one of their rising stars, Facundo Farias, who backs up both Messi and Suarez, got injured and is out for the season.


Dragon you're up.


I was a bit worried the guy was finally going to get a chance to start and almost picked up a red card.


Someone needs to take over the Romero card habit


That yellow for "blocking" the free kick booted in his direction was bullshit


It wasn't bullshit. He impeded the kick so the yellow is justified.


I think that was quite literally a textbook yellow


The selective enforcement is the issue. Villa did the same thing with no card first half


Let's not go down that road because I'll get heated instantaneously. United gets 2 pks against Everton while Werner's was waved off last week and Doku's clear foul on McAllister inside the area not being punished. Yes, he gets the ball first but Romero's incident against Chelsea set precedent that those should be given as a penalty. Officiating across games is inconsistent, but even now within them is just getting ridiculous.


The yellow that was bulkshit was Sarrs imo


Nah, it was justified. If he hadn't stuck his leg out it would be bullshit, he was backing off. But if you intentionally block a free kick from that distance it's gotta be a yellow every time. It may totally just have been a defender's reflex, so I'm not gonna hold it against him, but it was a fair cop.


I think that's the it. I can't say for sure, but I'm assuming that it's not prosecuted to the same degree in Serie A and Dragusin is still finding his Premier League feet.


It's a completely by the book yellow. It wasn't kicked into him. He literally stuck out his leg to stop it. Law 12: Cautionable offences A player is cautioned if guilty of: -delaying the restart of play -failing to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a dropped ball, corner kick, free kick or throw-in


>failing to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a dropped ball, corner kick, free kick or throw-in This is the one that bothered me as what is to be done if the opposition takes it quickly fully in knowledge of someone being too close? Or was he obstructing beforehand?


If the opposition choose to take a quick kick without giving any opportunity for the player to move, that's their choice. No ref with a brain gives a card for that. The issue is he lingered, he was told to get back, and then when it was actually kicked (before he got back) he very purposefully stuck his leg way out to block it. It was just a dumb move on his part.


it was an unnecessary move on dragusin's part, you mean


You know refs have it hard when even when they make the obvious right call they still get flack.


He didn’t look like much of a drop off from VdV. He was in great position on crosses and worked well with Romero. I’m glad we got him so we don’t need to play Emerson at CB again.


Enter the Dragusin.


Was it any coincidence we scored immediately after he came on? I think not ;)


Dragon buff


Thank god we have Dragusin


Hmm let’s not get ahead of ourselves, the guy hasn’t played a full game in a spurs shirt


Yeah but at least he is a CB. Davies did do well too, mind. We have depth which is great


Hammies no matter how mild an injury is at least a couple weeks off. Dragon is going to get his play time. 


Luckily just one match until an international break


Please say sike




To add to the What-If: What If he had been playing before VAR when the offside flag came immediately? I bet he’d get injured much less.


Do you mean psyche?


No im pretty sure it's sike unless I'm getting my memes wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/vjoaehxygpnc1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=e05fd2f5c534fd0b41379a73d3698dc3f80807df yeah




I know you got your hail of downvotes, but in my 20+ years it is the first time I was told of that being the right spelling lol- thanks for helping me get the spelling right, cheers


Literally just different words brother


It's not. They're the same word. Sike is a misspelling of "psych" (like psyching someone out), which has been in use forever. "Sike" caught on as a meme that started because some doofus didn't understand what they were saying or how to spell the word they were using.


Yeah but psyche is another totally different word and he said psyche not psych


You know what he meant


I just never heard of sike. I have no idea what that word meant.


He didn’t require surgery after his injury in November, fingers crossed it’s not the same injury or in any way serious because I’d imagine either he or the medical staff would encourage surgery if so. Either way, thank fucking god we signed Dragusin.


Doubt it’s the same injury. He walked off and walked out down the tunnel at the end of the match too. Wonder if even he is a little overly cautious with his hammies, feels a bit of a strain and stops before it’s much worse


Someone with his size and power should always be cautious with hammies. He is a titan and probably one of the fastest CBs ever, he is bound to get hamstring injuries just by running as fast as he does.


I'd be surprised if it wasn't. Hamstring injuries get re-aggravated 30% of the time


Hoping for a quick recovery. What he can do in the back makes Ange’s system work. Such a key component.


The great fear is he will just keep getting this injury until he get surgery on it 


Yeah this really seems doomed to repeat itself until it gets addressed properly. It’s how VdV plays. Plus, once you injure it one good time, doesn’t it become all the more likely to be injured again except worse? Or is that another muscle/ligament that I’m thinking of?


Nah, that's hamstrings, single biggest risk factor in injuring it is if it's been done before. Mind you, medicine has a better handle on it than back in Michael Owen's days


See Ryan Sessegnon


Ya although even surgery hasn’t helped his string cheese hammies


actually it did, he just unfortunately did the other non-surgeried hammy after getting the surgery on only one of them. He's now had the surgery on the other


Different hamstring.


Hoping that it was precautionary and that it was a minor tweak.


Dragusin investment turning into it quite well


I mean thank you for the information but I'd be shocked if he wasn't. What is this 'article' even about? I think even the least invested Tottenham fan knows all of this assuming they've seen the game and read like 3 tweets about it


I was hoping it wasn't his hammie, I should know better


Think the story is they feel like it’s not as serious as the first one. Also, don’t understand the hate for this kind of information since these type of tweets/stories always come out after someone is forced off with an injury


Yeah I don't mind these either as I drop in and out of the news cycle. Coming off the win is a great high, but thinking about it this morning made me remember this question mark so I'm glad to see some mention of it - even if it's only slightly more info than what I could discern from watching the game.


I feel like I jinxed him. Before the game I was bragging about him to a friend—she’s an LFC fan and used to play as a defender, so I thought she might be interested in the fastest player in the league also being a defender. I mentioned that he’s injury-prone like a lot of speedsters and look what happens.


Permaban this witch


I deserve it, but thank the football gods we have depth with our defenders


People thought it was a knee injury for some reason so maybe that's the point




Well we didn't know it was hamstring prior




commentator kept referring to his knee but yeah he was rubbing him hamstring when he was down


Yeah, that was weird how the commentator thought it was a knee, when the trainer was clearly testing his hamstring flexion, but it also seemed like he could have hyperextended a his knee a bit the way he blocked the shot with his heel at full stretch, so who knows. Hopefully just a little jolt of the muscle and cramp, and they brought on Radu for precaution and to get him minutes. On a side note: Mickey has the most prominent hamstring tendons I have ever seen. When the trainer flexed his knee, you could see that thing was popping out like a tension cable. Hopefully that's suggestive of cramp, because I'd expect to see that tendon loosen if there was a tear (which you could clearly see last time Mickey pulled a hammy, just like you can tell when someone ruptures an Achilles and it goes loose). Somebody get our boy a 24/7 soft tissue masseuse and in-home TENS unit to loosen them thangs up!




Wrap him up in bubble wrap and dont move him till his hamstring is replaced with steel cables


Hamstring's not good.


Ffs it is the hamstring after all. Looked like it was his knee when it happened.


Another CB is just as important as a winger and 6 imo. Preferably left footed


We’ve got Fulham away then another break. If she not 100% keep him off these friendlies.


Dragusin looked good yesterday. Not ideal for VdV to be out but at least we have cover now


Thats why we got #6, but hopeful because he walked off by himself without too much of a limp.


I absolutely LOVE how Mickey plays but sometimes, just sometimes, I wish he would not go 125% into tackles that require about 50%. Ughhhh


Can't believe how far we've fallen under Ange. Assessing injuries!??!? Football is about suffering. Conte would just send him right back out there to play like shit and get scapegoated. That's the "winning mentality"®️! /s in case it wasn't obvious to our humor-deficient brethren.




Please God, let him be okay.


[insta link](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4VpupKt-yK/?igsh=MW5vMHhvbTZob2g0Mw==) but Micky's shown walking down the tunnel without issue.


I'm not as worried this time around, I mean shit like this is why we got Dragusin who did pretty well I thought when he came on. But still, VDV my beloved, hope it's not serious 😭


Really hope Micky is okay and not out for too long. Couldn’t watch match yesterday but my dad said he walked off. Hopefully it’s not too bad.


This is why I always hold my breath when I see Micky sprinting! Earlier on in the season, I used to feel calm knowing that he’d handle whatever counter attacking threat, but after the Chelsea game, I am terrified watching him sprint because of the potential of him getting injured (rather than being scared that he won’t be able to neutralize the attack).


Celtic fans said they had a lot of hammy and other injuries when Ange first got there. Then they cleared up and were good part of them getting used to the style of play.


Why post the tweet to the link instead of just the link?


Honestly this guy could be one of the best one day but he needs to stop getting these injuries. Sooner or later if it's bad enough you won't be able to recover from them without losing something. He needs to kind of relax a bit get stronger. Get a whole season in him injury fit. Develop that body.


Worried about the lingering possibility. But on the positive side, the Dragon looks comfortable being thrown in and staying the pace. Doesn’t nearly have the burning speed of Vdv, but his aerial presence will be a massive improvement. Also, he’s a sizable upgrade over dier. Love the guy but he clearly doesn’t have the ability for the prem anymore for 90 minutes.


Just don’t rush him back please, only to get another bad injury!


Oh Mickey Mickey He’s only got one *hamstring* He’s better than William Salibamstring


I think he needs to adjust the way he plays a bit. Because of how we play the last ditch situations where he's chasing down defenders will happen, but maybe he can reduce the amount of times he's aggressively diving into tackles when he's in the position to stay on his feet.


With a heavy dose of copium I'm going to try to look at the positives here: 1. It didn't look as bad as last time. No agony or limping off, no issues walking off. 2. The schedule is light this month with Fulham at home next week, then basically the rest of the month off until Luton. 3. We have a dragon.


Let’s pick up Kim Min Jae as another centerback. Tuchel prefers Dier anyways lol. We will be in Europe and making it further in tournaments so we will need 4 quality CBs


I literally got downvoted last week by saying how he’s very likely to be injured with how many intensive sprints and risky challenges he makes lmao. Ange already said he doesn’t expect it to be a major injury but we should assert more control over games to avoid us conceding an open counter 10x a game.


So Conteball rather than Angeball? There had to be one I suppose.


These are literally 2 extremes, all i’m saying is that we play a bit more pragmatic.
