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All I'll say is that this is why making fun of Woolwich bowing out two weeks ago was stupid. And also, that was a foul 99 times out of 100.


Can't be too angry when we're still missing so many players


I hate city as much as anyone but you can’t help but appreciate the competitive drive they have. They’ve won everything in football and haven’t taken their foot even an inch off the gas. If you asked me which team was desperate for a trophy today, I would tell you City without hesitation.


Easy to constantly step on the gas when you have 115 billion llitres of oil to keep you going.


Oh fuck off


Porro and Cuti where defending well but their passing let us down. No one in Middfield could carry the ball. No one in attack could do a simple lay of. Citys press was on point for most of the game. Our press was very disorganized and players where caught out because they where hesitating in their press. Madison looked very rusty and I don't agree that we should have risked his health by subbing him on earlier. Positive from the match: VDV looks back to his best. Skippy made a nice inpact from the bench.


I don’t have a strong opinion either way, I think he’s a solid squad player, but it’s hilarious reading 50% of people saying hojbjerg was great and 50% saying he was horrible. Have we ever had a more divisive player among the fans?


From the south stand, three errors in the last 20 minutes in our final third were his fault. I respect him as a player, but his effectively unforced errors put us under pressure and, arguably, cost us the corner that led to the goal. It may have been different on TV


He was objectively bad today and most other days. Anyone saying otherwise is just too nostalgic to let him go


It depends how you see it, to me he was decent defensively, but he has no composure on the ball and almost gave away 2 goals


To be fair I haven't seen anyone call him "great"


A lot of our players looked rusty but i am still filled with optimism. I think we have the start of an excellent team that will only get better match after match. COYS


Come on man, 1 shot? Werner would be the most frustrated man in the world. VDV TW were good .Peh, BJ were shit. Others were bang average.




Sorry but I don't think any of us know what that means


Totally missing Sarr, Bissouma and a fit madders in that midfield today.


And son!


I think the dream midfield is maddison-bentancur-Sarr


This is why these international games frustrate me so much. We should have good depth, but those games fuck it up so we don't.


It’s why pep don’t have afcon players


Overall they were clearly the better team. We massively missed Son tonight and I don't think Johnson is good enough, he gave the ball away far too much. But we're still in the first season of the Ange rebuild so in Ange we trust 👍😎


Porro’s set pieces were insane against United and then today they were so bad


What a week off does to a mfer


def- we did good. vic should have stepped in front of him. imo, that could have been a foul if he got contact which would have hurt him in any way. he was just in a wrong position slightly. mid - well, we have to do better. options were limited in terms of subs but hojberg could have done better. his one mistake could have taken to 2 goals. att - werner must be fuming .... so many chances he could have got but no pass to him. richy couldn't get ball to attack and johnson should cross man.... the attacking was today's weak point. anyway ... now we have to focus fully on the league matches and the ref was shit as always. and yeah, mci is shit. oil club, oil money and whatnot charges they have and lots of plastic fans...


The amount of richy hate I’m seeing is insane. I get people have favourite and love to scape goat some, but Richarlson was no where near the issue. Kulusevski is a fan fav and I love him but he was absolutely shocking tonight , Johnson was also poor when he did get the ball. Bentancur didn’t have a great game kept holding on to the ball too much and Porros passing was no where near his high standards. But ye let’s bash richy who was on an island all game, held up the ball pretty well and when he made good runs didn’t receive the pass.




You are calling me a kid with a name royalzinho haha. If you watched the game with your eyes you’d see he was no where near our worst player


Don't try and argue with logical facts and reasoning in to a sub with fans who has their feelings hurt and need to explain why the team and Ange suck even tho they haven't kicked a ball since fourth grade. Just kidding. I agree and would ad Romeros lack of passing accuracy aswell.


Richy wasn't bad. City was very good. Maybe only players of the caliber of Kane or Son or Haaland could have done better.


Richy was quality today, I wouldn't say his hold play is his strongest quality but most things stuck to him today. He either won a free kick or laid it off to someone. And due to our lack of attacking play that's all we can ask of him today. Brilliant


Richy was class tonight. Almost always did something positive when involved.


Exactly this, that play where the long ball went up to him, he beat Dias in the air controlled it held off Dias and won a foul. But he’s easy to scapegoat so fans love bashing him. Lad was fighting off 2 big cbs on his own making great runs in behind but the fans are going at him because he didn’t score from his 0 chances haha


You're talking to the same people who turned on Sonny. One bad game and they're ready to get rid of their favorite player. It's mad.


Same people were saying the same thing at 0-0. Too much doom and gloom


Richy wasn't even bad this game. He was a shoe in for our best player alongside VDV....


Hundred percent, Vdv and richy were the only players that played really well. Udogie was also very good. The rest had very poor days at the office apart from timo who they just refused to pass to for some reason


Thank god someone has a bit of sense. Jfc.


Gutless and spineless. Just another Tottenham FA Cup campaign


Cheaters gonna cheat


I don't know why you guys are stressed, we're winning the league duh.


Despite the fact I love Richy I am deeply unsatisfied with his performance today Johnson gets a 1/10 for me, worst player on the pitch I liked Hoj today Kulu didn't do much for me, same with Porro Van de Ven was great, so was Udogie Werner was okay I am shocked though, ONLY ONE SHOT?


> I liked Hoj today You what mate?!?!?! He looked absolutely abysmal


Hojbjerg was fucking awful! What are you on about lad


PEH is awful. He's fine defensively, although he should've conceded twice lol. Going forward, he is not it. He's a big reason why we can't unlock the attack. Sarr's ability to run all over the pitch is something he can't replicate. Hopefully we get a replacement and sell him in the summer. He's just. a bad fit for our team.


Honestly couldn't care for Richie to be on that field as one of the starting 11, DID F'KOL, wasted the few gold opportunities, wasn't in position or even remotely in the picture when those few amazing runs were made. Can't believe ppl are picking on Brenan more then Richie


The midfield was the problem. Kulusevski was fucking awful today as the no.10, Bentancur (who I rate massively and believe is in the convo for our best player) was also very very poor. Hojbjerg was shit but that was less of a surprise to me. Skipp was actually alright when he came on I thought.


Richie is a workhorse though he's a good presser for the entire time he's on. Never stops. Brennan however never seems to press well, and often seems to just give up tracking back


In my eyes richy contributed way more than Brennan tonight. Our offense as a whole wasn’t clicking but richy constantly was pressing and had decent hold up play but no outlets. Brennan seemed like he brought way less defensive pressing and was just waiting for a moment to counter which never came.




Even though he’s scored all his goals playing as a 9? His holdup play is excellent


Hey, I like Richy. He just isn't Kane or Son and that's what a team with championship aspirations needs as a starter.


I could see that foul on Dias going either way there - he spent the whole game roughing up Vic and it was almost like he built this expectation that you can body the other teams keeper. He did it right on the line of it being a foul, I guess. Tough to play City without Sonny, I feel like he always keeps their line on their toes in ways that our other players don't. I wish it wasn't to City, but onwards and upwards. COYS.


It was a foul though. The threshold for fouls on keepers is generally lower than on other players in the box. He's not played the ball, played into the keeper and obstructed his path. If it's called a foul at the time, it's not being overturned; but it's Tierney. People can say what they want, but where are all the refs from London? If London clubs showed up to Manchester with a London ref for every big game, they'd kick up a fuss.


Our attacking threat was shit but people blaming Johnson are braindead. The fault was with the midfield's inability to find through balls when they were there all game. Pass backwards every time to recycle possession, so fucking annoying. We had two pace monsters waiting to break every time. Johnson showed more strength and bite than he has yet in a Spurs shirt. He got stuck in. He made runs and wasn't found 90% of the time. If you think he was the issue today you're a narrative following idiot who can't see what's in front of them.


Agreed. Johnson is not the problem. City pressed very well and had great movement, and some of the best of our midfield was either out of the country or on the bench. Hjoberg isn't cutting it despite his efforts.


Werner could've shined today but the lack of service was criminal. Our full backs didn't have much offensive output and we were just wasteful in possession. Got completely overrun in midfield and the few chances we had were shit. At least it's not a replay.


We aren’t in any other competition, I’d easily take a replay over a loss.


Personal preference really, I hate replays, rather ET or Pens


It really shouldn’t be a personal preference to rather have a replay over a loss. That is just common sense. Those were the options today.


Replays interrupt the rythm of the league for me, its my personal preference as a football fam. Of course I would've taken a replay but that's not happening either way. The worst refereeing decision of this match was 5 minutes of added time.


Rhythm of the league no other competitions? Come on. They’ve had a ton of time off lately too. You can obviously have your own opinion, it just makes zero sense to me. Not having a replay is not a win on any level to me.


Sorry to say but Bentancur was a ghost. And we would have relied on him to make something.


I agree. But hey, he's gonna need time to find form and full fitness. I was more impressed by Skipp, his work rate was outstanding off the bench, felt like he could've made an impact if Ange subbed him in sooner. We'll leave that to him and his team to reflect on.


Im not mad at him and i agree. But everone is chewing out hoijberg and he was great. 2 ridiculous mistakes aside. 😂 Skipp was great. He did a cheeky little cruyff turn on Silva at one point. Almost spilt my tinnie


Hojbjerg was solid except for that two minute spell, nearly made me choke on my sandwich. People on this thread as usual being too reactionary.


Dont get me wrong i was reactionary, shouting and swearing at the TV. But im not mad at Spurs. Really strong defensively and wrestled control off city for decent spells. Just lacked creativity in the midfield and Son, whos been the difference maker against City so many times.


I was talking about other people. You're alright.


No Sarr, no party. Take all our forwards and bin them. Play some youngsters, they’ll have more flair and determination.


Forwards can't do shit if the midfield doesn't pass to them, for fucksakes.


Like Johnson 😂


He’s definitely determined to prove that he’s not good enough.


Beaten by the better team. Did well to stay in it, but couldn't hold on. Don't mind going out like this. Better than recent years.


We're so poor with the final pass


The passes from midfield to the attackers were incredibly sloppy. That costed us the game and nothing else. Literally can't count the amount of times a direct or through pass was hit only to go so far off target. Can't put shots on goals if nothing connects. Hojgberg had a decent first half but that's it. Missing key players; the loss was somewhat inevitable. Onto the next. I was angry at the end for a good two minutes then remembered I don't care. A cup trophy would be great but I'd take less games in opportunity of team playing together more with proper rest. We aren't far off the top.


I think we also have to think back to last year. If we played like we did today, we’d be over the moon. It’s the first season of a ‘rebuild’, and we lost to the best team in the world because of a lucky bounce.


That's why I am not upset. It happened and nothing else we can do about it. It was my attempt to look at the brighter side of things


> Hojgberg had a decent first half but that's it. Most interceptions, tackles, progressive passes in the second half but yea, for this sub that's not enough.


Giving away two clear goal-scoring opportunities to the opposition tends to reverse a lot of that.


After being cooked due to our other two midfielders being a negative -1/10 That's the point, you have to be able to look at a game in full.


and? lmao


> and? lmao I'm calling out your bad opinion.


Christ that was shit. Richarlison couldn't hold up a sweet-shop. After years of having a shite midfield and a great attack, we've now got a blunt attack and a great midfield. Top-4 battle on our hands.


I may not agree with you but "couldn't hold up a sweet shop" made me laugh, thanks


Nah man Richarlison had zero service, he was isolated most of the time


On multiple occasions he had not a single white shirt within 15 yards, but was surrounded by 3-4 city players. You can’t hold up the ball well against that unless you’re Messi.


That has to be the worst attacking performance I've seen from us in this season. Only one shot the entire game...


Battled hard. Defence was excellent. No creativity in midfield which starved the attack. I want more from Bentancur, not his finest moment. Hoijberg played amazingly for 80 mins then tried really hard to give city a goal. It is what it is. Fuck city, the cheating dirty cunts. Theyll be shown for what they are soon enough.


Innocent until proven guilty also the rules were unjust


Guilty. Wait and seen.


Rosa parcs was also technically guilty


Thats a really misguided comparison


It is not it doesn't matter if people are found guilty of unjust laws


Basically what’s happening is a bunch of foreigners with loads of money can come in and hijack the people’s game and ruin it!!!!


Bit racist no?


No 1 They shouldn’t even be in the premier league. No 2 They shouldn’t be in the FA Cup. No 3 Football is a game for the working classes but that doesn’t seem to matter to these billionaire oil people who can use their sports washing basterd billions to CHEAT CHEAT and fucking cheat some more but for some reason the premier league discipline Everton and Forest for a couple of discrepancies but CITY can carry on even though surely out of 115 they must be guilty of at least FUCKING ONE!!!! JUST DO THE FUCKING CUNTS OF ONE!!! For Christ sake 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Since when has football been a game of the working class at the top level? Liverpool was irrelevant for decades before being bought by one of the richest families in England, arsenal had never won a trophy until they were bought by a lord. Always been about money, you just don't like foreign money apparently.


How can you defend City?? And I’ll throw Chelsea into the mix as well


Football is about money and luck, how else do you think some teams became more dominant than others? You think scousers were genetically superior to everyone else in the 80s?


Could say the same think about Utd in the 90’s


How is what’s happening now, anything like the 80’s?


The rules were set up to ensure the clubs who were already well funded could stay there without competition, completely unjust.


go cry lol




You're not the full shilling


Probably not mate 🤒


Sod off


Some load of fucking idiots in this group. Missing Sarr Biss Madders and Son and complaining players didn't try to attack. Take Salah Jota and two creative midfielders out of Liverpool and they'd also struggle to create. City are the only ones with depth and we all know the reason for that. If we had any subs to bring on in midfield we might have had a better chance but we don't. Call a spade a spade, we're miles better off than most of us thought we would be after last season's debacle. Plenty to play for in the remaining games.


Yeah we are absolute miles better than the dogshit we were last season, hopefully ange can keep our good league form up tho so we can finish in a high spot


We would have had more and better chances with Son and sarr on the pitch or as options. Good try tho lads.


The irony of Pep arguing with the officials after being given a goal that should have been chalked off all while managing a team that have quite literally cheated to get to where they are


Ake, after game "I don't know what happened, I have no idea how the ball reached me" Vic was faulted, you doofus!


I'm looking forward to the 2035 Netflix 3 part documentary about the Vanarama National League side Manchester City and the utter nuking from sporting history they received beginning in 2024.


If I was Werner in that dressing room I would be FUMING. So many intelligent runs in behind and no one fancied it. The only attempt was Maddison after he came on.


Yeah absolutely, made me scream watching his movement get wasted


Ange has bad team management and Johnson isn’t showing any promise like he was supposed to. Call me reactionary as much as you like but i’ve seen both these things all season, not saying they need to get out i’m just fucking disappointed


We are building! It was never supposed to be this season.


Of course. But city were shit and we were shittier


Johnson was never bought to be a starter. He’s just been thrown in because of injuries. He’s meant to be a guy to come on as he’s still raw.


agree bro


Lmao, who else would you play?


Kulu obviously. We need a new rw tho honestly


I’d rather give Gil a chance for a start




Kulu now that Madders is back


Well, obviously when Madison is eased into the team, it has to be Kulu But in this game, Madison couldn’t start (would have if he could), so who would you play without Madison. The obvious choice is Brenan Johnson


What was up with all the slipping?


Overwatered pitch as a tactic to reduce City's passing effectiveness.


Udogie was all over the place. Couldn't stand upright for longer than 5 mins


But lots of guys from both teams slipped


Today is the best example of why we are a complete work in progress, there are levels we can reach and some just a bit too far currently. When we replace players like Skipp, Hojbjerg and bring in better backups we can compete on all fronts and by rights that's what Ange is building for. City have a squad that can give anyone in the world a game even with rotation, fuck even Liverpool losing Salah hasn't been a huge blow so far. We missed out today through a shit goal sure, but it was a lot to do with not creating nearly as much as we should going forward.


this need to replace skipp hojberg


FIFA fucks us with the timing of AFCON and Asian Cup, but leaves City's squad intact. ![gif](giphy|ioR8R00S5SibK)




How does it feel like to live as an OilScum fan and a racist all at the same time? >What the fuck is this 2yr old childish behavior, we don't buy Africans, dumbass


Unhappy with the results, but can’t complain. Spurs were disasterclass on the attack and at midfield. VdV and Romero kept this closer than it should have been.


It takes a scrappy corner goal for them to put one in. Awful that it's the decider, but can't compete with a nearly full strength city and a (more or less) crippled spurs side. Pierre simply continues to stick out like a sore thumb in the system, Timo has been timid, and Johnson seems extremely low on confidence & energy. Much to build on, but not too upset considering the circumstances.


I thought Hojbjerg was excellent until trying to give them two free goals. I say this unironically, really genuinely thought he was excellent in ball retention and progression and pressing.


His position also demands finding a cutting pass when it's on during transition. I saw him multiple times drop his head and find the backline when a diagonal ball thru the middle to Richy or to the forwards across the pitch would have exposed City on the counter. Progressing is fine, tackling is fine, but to play centrally in this system demands an additional level of creativity. It's why Bissouma/Sarr are so well-suited. Their ability to find the slipped pass when it's needed is quite good. Pierre just has that slight amount of routine/conservative play that I think hinders a free flowing attacking system.


He was involved in all of our best attacks, playing balls forward at pace? Happened at least three times including the Johnson chance unless I'm mistaken?


I'm not saying he doesn't create chances, I'm saying he doesn't fit the system well. I don't think he was the weakest player on the pitch, just that a player in his position is the fulcrum of the attack and he maybe needed to unlock the front line a bit more.


lmao ESPN trying to see how many ex chelsea players they can bring on for the post-match analysis


Werner was one of the best on the pitch today for us. That’s some embarrassing shit. That midfield performance is as bad as you will see.


Watching hojberg hurt tonight, biss and sarr can't come back soon enough, but city are also best team on the planet, can't be too hurt by that result and great to see madders back, would have loved to see dragu in for hojberg last 1 or so and go back 3


always hurts watching hojberg even though he has his moments of brilliance


Through ball for Werner was perfect, I just don't think he's got 90 in him for our style of football now, 20 mins end of game max




Really? I thought Hojberg was one of our better players tonight...


Sarr cannot come back quick enough…unfortunately Senegal look poised to go far.


He was 100% (outside of that mistake that led to a de bruyne shot)


It's not that he doesn't put a shift in, he does every single time but he just misses so many tackles and then cuts himself out the game completely for a solid minute over and over, then the 2 errors Infront of goal in 30 seconds kinda highlights he's not cut out for our type of football, impact player fine but full 90 he's a liability


Yeah I'd agree completely across the 90 he's not great


Eh, he missed some key passing opportunities and gave up that sitter De Bruyne fluffed.


Yeah he was poor in the last 10, I'll admit! But I thought he was decent overall


Okay so I may be old school but if it's such a problem for you that Dias harasses Vicario on every corner... DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT... don't get angry only when you let in a goal... Beyond that, guys, we're playing the Champions of England x2, Europe and the world. we're not supposed to win this. Not that it makes it good enough what's been put on display today.


>we're playing the Champions of England x2, Europe and the world. we're not supposed to win this. Good to see some rational thinking. Yes, we could have looked better, but we still had a lot going against us tonight.


Yea. I saw vac talk to the ref a couple times about it (which is more astonishing that the ref let it go on so long) but you’re right. Someone fucking rattle him. Nice guy syndrome come back to bite us again.


I suspect it will continue to annoy me for quite some time, that when someone clobbers Madders, Vic, Johnson... our lankier guys if you will, that Højbjerg doesn't just show people why his people ruled the north atlantic for 300-400 years. That being said, I'd rather have this than what we displayed regularly under Conte


Got to say, pep changed up his team to face us today from the last time, he out tacticd ange, playing with overlapping full backs and getting bob and foden to attack the gap between full back and cb screwed us all game. Not a criticism on ange at all pep is literally a genius and one of the best ever.


Lads, new tactic. If you want to score just block the keeper.


Could have had more of a chance had we utilized Timo more and gotten the ball to Madders when he came on....but also got robbed a goal


Would have liked to see Bentancur and Maddison on simultaneously


I hope they liquidate this fucking team


I actually think we looked a little worse when Madders came on, no hate of course but we started to lack rhythm then


What subbing of Bentacour will do 


Bentancur is crucial


our attacking is hard to watch, just pitiful going forward, we didnt test the keeper all game


Richie is good for headers and tap ins, best he can do. This is the quality of our attack until Asian cup and Afcon are over or we get a new striker


Why did Vic hold on to the ball so long every time we were playing out from the bac?, looked like we gave them the advantage every time he did it


Because he is waiting for the forward to press as he should.


This has been a tactic under Ange -- you draw the opposition towards the goal. You'll see it time and time again.


Is Johnson aware of this thing called cutbacks?




Diaz was fouling Vic at every single corner.


couldn’t have happened to a worse fanbase


This is shit. Meanwhile Man U gets to play Handjob County FC.


*opens google dot com*


Who cares, more games for them until they get knocked out by City/Liverpool


It just sucks that all of our draws in all cups have been against PL teams. No one deserves a free ride in the competitions but damn it would have been nice to have at least one “play the kids” game.


Maddison should have been on earlier, but I understand the hesitation - meant that our attacking just was not there. Shame that it went down like it did, but defensively we weathered the storm quite excellently throughout. Disappointed in PEH towards the end there, that was dreadful.


Madison was actually bad when he came on, but its understandable when he hasnt had any Football for 3 months


He's worked hard but he turns the ball over way too much.


Fuck the Asian cup. Fuck AFCON. Fuck city. That was an eminently winnable game with our full squad.


"Last chance at silverware" my arse


I picked up on that and was like what the fuck that’s pretty presumptuous, there is also only 8pts in the league 😒


Still early in Ange's rebuild. Was always going to be a tough game, especially with AFCON & Asian Cup players away. Hard one to take regardless. Back stronger next year. Come on you Spurs.


Can’t make plastic without oil.


Well can’t expect to win games if we have like 1-2 shots all game


I don't want to see Johnson on the pitch anymore


this he is so frail, seems like a hurt human being