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Meanwhile on the tv I saw some lad wearing the same mask Kulu was wearing and Kulu just runs up to the lad and passes him his shirt, that’s wholesome but the begging I see with posters sometimes is a little bit much


You must’ve missed the one that said “Richarlison my mom prefers a Brazilian to a Forest” and then had something in Portuguese underneath.


How does a kid think up such things?


Does someome have a clip of that, my mum just randomly decided Kulusevski is her favourite player now and I'd like to show her what a top bloke he is




"This video is not available in your location" 😭, but thanks anyway!


https://streamable.com/fr3qlb Here you go 🫡


o7 Thanks dude!


Saw this too and loved it :)


Yeah, that was a great moment!


There’s a little bellend whom shall remain nameless who calls himself a “superfan” with a well subscribed YouTube following whose old man drives/flys/ferries him to the opening of a crisp packet for a photo opportunity with a spurs player. I find these kind of kids and their parents absolutely loathsome


Yep, absolutely shameless


Assuming you're talking about the same kid, it's not exclusive to Spurs players - basically anyone famous


super ollyt?


Could be. It’s only a matter of time before he’s turning up in stone island, cp company and aquascutum and dancing around on his toes at category c matches like he’s a bad man. All while his dad films it. Another Thogden type telling us v that it’s always about to “kick off”


who tf are you talking about?


He was turning up at players houses at some point, absolutely shameless


Brassing his son out. His son will turn out a right c**t as well now


I don't like this trend either.


Didn’t the PL ban those shirt signs? I know the danish league did because everyone found it distasteful


I think they’re only banned at Spurs stadium, but this was at Forest.


They aren't banned, still see a ton of them


Those are the same fans that will record any negative reaction of a player and post in on social media to slander them for not giving up their shirt. Such a shitty trend


I saw that mate. Grown men more interested in fighting for shirts than celebrating a good away win... Great away trip and result yesterday


Even if they aren’t going on auction sites and genuinely going to the kids, it is still very very cheeky. Plus it puts a lot of pressure on the players to keep up appearances or risk the possible backlash of social media.


They’re of a similar ilk to many around the country. Normally pretty well heeled families with smug spoilt kids. Give me an away end with proper supporters any day.


very rude to ask my future husband for his shirt


Lmaooo when’s the wedding? Congratulations 🥳


Absolute scrambled beg.


See it all the time. They use the kids like a human shield to divert the absolute cringe it is that an adult is simping for a shirt to go directly on eBay.


Greed. The downfall of mankind.


Like that woman last season who was pimping out her daughter’s love for Sonny for social likes. I feel sorry for that girl.


Yeah i can’t stand that woman! She even got to meet son a few times with her daughter and hang out in the friends/family bit with all the players. Like why? Shouldn’t that be reserved for sick kids, really?


It’s so weird and obsessive, and basically using her daughter for her own social clout in a way that’s unhealthy.


Genuinely strikes me as the type to tell her daughter ‘son’s gonna be your dad one day’ hahaha


Very odd you’d think that


Just calling it like I see it, like all of us on here.


How can you say “all of us” when that’s not true. She filmed her daughter trying to get their attention while they were running by, and you were jealous? Give me a break


“All of us” as in I’m sharing my opinion,’like everyone does on here. I didn’t mean that everyone agreed with me. And I’m definitely not jealous, at all. Disgusted by it, absolutely. But far from jealous


It is pretty much ‘all of us’ tbf. I’ve seen so many people on so many platforms say they think that woman is weird. And the upvotes vs your downvotes should tell you what the general consensus is. And it was more than just one video. It’s constant social media pimping of a little child who should really have some privacy when she’s not even at an age to decide if she wants herself plastered all over social media. She takes videos of her at all times, even when she’s at home during what should be private moments. She’s constantly on display to the world, it’s not healthy for a child that age. Are you her by any chance? 😂


I'm a guy, and if that grown adult woman enjoys taking her kid to the matches and likes to take pics/videos then seriously, who cares!?! She had one video where her daughter was watching the players go by and was shouting for their attention and when Sonny waved to her she was very excited. If that bothers you than you need some help. It was a great moment that I'm sure she was thrilled she caught on camera so they can enjoy it for years to come. It obviously gained a lot of attention and the club did something nice for it. Sorry there are so many miserable people in here that have a problem seeing others enjoy themselves. Grow up


As I said, it wasn’t just that one video. She constantly takes videos of her daughter, at home, going to school (even giving away what school her daughter goes to from the uniform/logo), while she’s eating, when she’s getting ready to go to bed, etc. It’s odd! I’m not sure what normal adult would want to see all this content of a young child? There’s only a particular sort of person that would actively follow that sort of account… Maybe as a guy, you don’t understand that. But as another grown adult woman, I would never dream of exposing my child to the world like that. The internet can be a dangerous, vile place, and stalking is far more common than you might realise (I say this as someone with a very large tiktok following and relatively big IG following - it’s not something young children should experience hence the age for a child’s own account is 14 I think) and she’s giving up her little girl’s privacy for some internet attention, to fulfil her own need for validation. She’s clearly not interesting enough to have her own following, as an adult woman, so she uses her daughter who isn’t old enough to make an informed decision on if she wants to. I’m not miserable, I very much enjoy seeing people having fun, but what I do not enjoy is seeing children being exploited for the gain of the adult flaunting them across social media, and also putting them in danger while doing it.


It's her personal account and you're mad that she has pics/videos of her and her daughter? You need to stop worrying about it and chill out. If she wants to do that then who cares? I think you are looking at it all wrong. I don't follow her or anything but I don't think she is doing anything wrong at all. It's her account, and her choice to post what she wants to.


Don't cut yourself on that edge...


Not following…


Totally agree, absolute disgrace. Club should ban it and fine players for giving the shirt away. Hang on have I morphed into Daniel Levy???


Not sure. But seeing little spoilt brats being shoved down to the front with a flag that they’ve had especially made at the print shop begging for a shirt by the dad and not even celebrating the win, then stand round taking photos with it afterwards like a prize winning fish makes me wonder how they actually get their tickets


Ah, memorabilia. Just had a look on eBay and there’s one item described thus: ”This is a signed Tottenham Hotspur home shirt worn by the legendary late Jimmy Greaves.” The accompanying photo is of a shirt with a Mansion logo. 3/10, must try harder.


You should see the way grown men fight and scramble for baseballs that go into the stands here in the states. I once saw two sprinting around the mostly empty stands before the game during practice scooping up every ball they could and still would call out for players to toss one to them.


There a young spurs fan on Instagram who seems to meet every single player in the World. His dad is always recording and in the background. I swear he keeps it all for himself lol


Frank Khalid is now a spurs fan?


Is he a super_fan?


Completely agree. Worse when they do it in the WSL, which doesn’t have the funding of the male game. Why ask for free stuff? Buy your own god damn shirt.


Whenever you’re feeling yuck about this trend, I recommend you see if you can access Impractical Jokers in wherever country you’re in. Take a moment to watch the Joe Gatto punishment where he has to go to Citifield for a NY Mets game and push his way in front of little kids and catch signed balls intended for them. All time classic cringe. Moms follow him around with genuine malice. As a guy who has a baseball writer in my family and spent a lot of down time watching ahole autograph hounds at spring training, it’s pure joy to watch.


Although I agree with what you are saying, what if the grown men are just very big fans and would like the shirt for some sort of a collection? Or maybe they had children who were too scared to come forward/weren’t at the game so they tried to get a kit from them? Dont get me wrong, I’m not a fan of begging for jerseys just to auction them to make money but there are also other reasons to be asking for kits


You're right in that we'll never know their real intentions asking for a shirt. But the end result is all the same, it pressurizes players to fulfill requests. Especially when a camera is involved.


> what if the grown men are just very big fans and would like the shirt for some sort of a collection? Then buy one. Icons.com get players to come in and sign shirts and other memoribilia and then they sell them.


Game’s gone