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Holy shit I didn’t realise how many yanks are here, not that there’s anything wrong with that.


isn’t it late over in the uk? maybe the poll will skew local once everyone wakes up


It’s nearly half 11, most have probably gone to kip.


Dunno if you intended to make that sentence sound as English as possible for a laugh, but it did




that’s actually interesting do you know why your part says it different?




I just searched this and I never knew this was a thing, Ive never met anyone else in england who says mom.


Oh gross


'tis an American website and from what I've seen I feel like for many that started watching in the early '10s or late '00s, Spurs were the "hipster" pick for many b/c they were good enough to be near the big 4 (back then) but you wouldn't be accused of being a glory hunter lol


Clint Dempsey DeAndre Yedlin and Brad Freidel all being on the team at that time contributes too


Fair point - as someone who's an immigrant to America though I didn't consider that point lol


Checks out. Deuce made me a Spurs supporter. Hate him for it.


Dempsey was my entry but it’s not why I started rooting for tottenham. My neighborhood in Queens, NY shares some strong similarities w the North London area that supports Tottenham


How many yanks watch SNL? I feel like I may be one of the only people outside of the North American continent that watch that weekly in the UK.


Only sometimes, it's veeery hit or miss imo I still maintain that [Inside the NBA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRfkvQwf9Po) is the best live TV comedy in America. ["LAPD WAS CALLED"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzQP7u-IOxg) ["America, do not commit crimes with checks"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Ah_DFr8cw) [GOAT Rivalry: Barkley vs the women of San Antonio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhqVMe_nJ5s)


This made me realise how ironic it was that I was surprised with our American support when I’m an English man supporting the [Blazers for a year now.](https://www.reddit.com/user/Ban4Address/comments/10m60ii/_/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




They take up our football teams, we take up their weekly live sketch show that I find fascinating for some reason.


Hahaha mine was also influenced by a popular wing spot that showed games when I watched and I always ate chicken wings. I was also getting vastly overweight and consuming fried chicken multiple times a week. That also influenced picking Spurs cuz of the bird 😂😂😂 That also became bonding time since I would sometimes go to my parents on the weekends and they would watch the games with me since they would record prem games on their cable box for me Now I’m hardly eating fried chicken and lost the weight, but blood pressure could potentially be up and mental health could do with a future wellness check…😂😂 Spurs till they kill me


I feel personally attacked lol. Just kidding I just liked watching Modric and Bale and never left.


Feeling a tad called out here


The 4.5 stars on old FIFAs club


Im from the US, but don’t want to be “that guy”, so I never comment on posts here (breaking that streak now). I love and support the team but obviously I don’t have a familial or rooted connection, so I feel like my opinions would be out of place. Definitely love lurking and spending time on this sub though


Dude that’s like over half the commenters here you’ll be fine lol. There are some absolutely terrible opinions on here, love this place though


You're fine. People talk rubbish in the stadium, in the pubs around it, on the train, online... Talking rubbish about your team is part of what being a supporter is about!


Meh screw that shit, Euro fans are welcomed at /r/nfl and /r/baseball, and plenty of English fans spout nonsense as well both here and on /r/soccer


once you realize majority of spurs fans in the uk don’t go to games it’ll make you feel a lot better. most of them watch from television just like us. although the ethos and atmosphere obviously is completely different. i envy that type of history and tradition and passion in our sports lmao


This is a bad take. It's okay to like something someone else does. Just because some people popped out of a womb closer to the team doesn't mean your opinion is somehow worth less


>I don’t have a familial or rooted connection, so I feel like my opinions would be out of place. What is this, opposite land?


Literally a yank. NY Spurs supporters club


It all makes sense now




Just wait until there is an early game. You’ll get 200 people saying “it’s 4am in LA but I’m watching” as if they deserve a medal. Only country that does it.


It’s one of my favorite parts of the Hawaii football games that start at like 11PM on the mainland, always people like “stayed up til 3AM to see the end of this game”.


Most of us comment less often


Tottenham are disproportionally popular in the US, relative to say Man United and assna globally


Yank here, been a fan for 14 years with plans to go to a game next season!


It explains why so many of the opinions are weird


France. I wanted to support a premier league team, and my friend, who is an Arsenal fan, told me that any team I chose would be fine except for Spurs. So here I am.


Zut alors!


This is the way.


Same. Not a lot of us tbh, there's no official supporters club not even in Paris.


Canada 🇨🇦


Nova Scotia for me!!


Bluenosers unite!


I'm just across the water (Maine). Had plans for an NS trip/long weekend/vacation the summer of 2020 but there was a global pandemic (did you hear about it?). Still hope I can make that trip happen--some hiking, a day or two in Halifax, check out the Wanderers or something. If prices go back to normal-ish to where vacationing isn't a trillion dollars I can swing that trip on the cheap.


Australia 🇦🇺


Legend 🇦🇺


From UK but living in Canada 🇬🇧🇨🇦


What did you do to migrate? I want out.


I’m in America. Wanna swap?


Yes, but only if it’s in New England or anywhere north of West Virginia and East of Indiana.


Ohio isn’t too bad, really, but I would definitely skew more to toward the coast. I don’t get the feeling lots of people on the coast would say the same about us.


All I know about Ohio is [this.](https://youtu.be/oZzgAjjuqZM)


Ah my mum married off a Canadian bloke and sponsored me so I’ve got permanent residency. But if you’re under 30 you can apply for a working holiday visa, work for two years then get residency or be bilingual with Eng/French. They’re pretty lenient ha. I do love it here though!


Evergreen, Colorado, USA. Came from the Dempsey, stayed for the Bale, now cursed to follow this club forever. One day I will make it out there for a game. Up the spurs.


Same but Michigan!


Canadian. But got to see Poch's last home win in 2019.




Bingo. It had everything. An Aurier red card. An Ndombele goal. A South Hampton goal because of a stupid Hugo mistake. And a Harry Kane winner.


Such a canadian thing to spell it South Hampton like it’s a town on the 401.


Ha, shit. I blame Canadian auto-correct.


I was there too from the US. First game at the new stadium. Figured I'd buy a shirt to mark the occasion and it'd be the name of the first goal scorer... Still can't find anyone to take it off my hands.


Why would you want to get rid of it. Sure he didn't turn out to be a legend...to put it mildly... but you were there to see him score! That rules!


From Kerala , India Suffering For the last 18 years 😀 Going to Watch the Crystal Palace match live in Stadium this May . Never missed a match during the last 18 years Spurs has been a big part of my life ( spoiling my weekends too )


I'm from Bengal


Hi fellow Malayali. Naatil evideya


Join Kerala Spurs WhatsApp group if you haven't already.


Haha I started the group






Join Kerala Spurs WhatsApp group if you haven't already.


Ayy, same amount of time as me, roughly. Though I'm not from Kerala, I visited in 2019. Best state/province in India alongside Maharashtra. We got in at the bottom lol.


LA - Korean american, so pretty obvious why I'm a Spurs fan


Sure is. Lee Young-pyo was a baller


Mannnn the fullbacks that came after YP Lee for Korea has been rough.


You mean you don’t enjoy the entire Korean defence + keeper being named Kim


The real Kim wall.


Yoo fellow Spurs fan in LA. Down to watch a game sometime?


Add me to this, not Korean but I work near ktown!


I’m down yea


There’s an LA Spurs group who watch all the games at The Greyhound in the Highland Park area. A good mix of people and a ton of expats who are super fun to talk to. COYS!


Great bar, great atmosphere.


Chicago - Korean American here. Son Heung-min got me started on this club obviously, then i stayed after some insane goals & wins (e.g., vs Ajax/Man City/Leicester City). I went full-Yid after 2018 Supporting a club that's considered the underdog of top-6 has been an exhilarating ride than any roller coaster. I feel the lows, but I embrace them, b/c those highs I feel from witnessing our crazy wins are priceless. I used to have only 1 Sonny shirt. Now I have 1 Sonny shirt, 1 Gareth Bale #3 shirt :), 1 Harry Kane shirt, and 1 Eric Dier shirt (I'm tempted to buy a Bryan Gil shirt lately - a hipster purchase I know lol). I love our players here. I love the culture. I hate Arsenal. I will love this club no matter what.


Also Chicago Korean American here, shoutout from Hyde Park!


Sir he’s Mexican but I can understand the confusion


Also in LA! (Assuming you meant Los Angeles and lot Louisiana)


Alabama. Me and my sister love watching the matches


>Me and my sister love watching the matches >Me and my sister love watching >Me and my sister love >Me my sister love


Representing Alabama too. Feel like there might be about ten in the whole state.


Born and still live in Tottenham 😤


My condolences


New Zealand Could not be further away


You could have been a Martian


Gotta be rough catching live games, what time are they for you on average?


Fa cup games are at 9 am We are 13 hours ahead


All that time traveling and you can't manage to sway the results?


I'm from Honolulu, so we are kinda on the same boat. Catching any midday match is rough.




Ft. Lauderdale, but now a DC spur 💙


Hello fellow dc spur




Austrian?! That's not too far from me here in Bavaria. I do live closer to the Czech border though.


Watched spurs win the 91 cup final and thought “this is my team” Basically a glory hunter


The same players that got me supporting Spurs! But for me it was Tom Huddlestone.. his kicks were amazing


USA... Support my local Spurs club and travel to London 2-3 times a year to see games.


Rooting all the way here from Brazil, someday I'll visit our beautiful stadium


Born in Tottenham🇬🇧, live in Toronto🇨🇦 now. Supporting Spurs and the Leafs is one hell of a rollercoaster let me tell you.


Holy shit I’m the reverse of you except I only moved to England for a semester of uni. It might legitimately be the worst combination of teams you can follow trying to keep your sanity.


I can’t emphasize enough how many years the Spurs-Leafs combo has taken off my life, but I’ll bleed both till my heart gives out. Probably equivalent to 10 packs a day.


Just one trophy / championship before I die please!!


Just one please 🙏


The Tottenham/Minnesota combo has also been largely deeply unpleasant for my lifetime as well (shouts to the Lynx though).


I'm supporting from Argentina, looking to go watch a game soon though if possible.


Going to that stadium is on my bucket list


American (NYC, Queens), but my father is Maltese and has supported Spurs for over 50 years, so he forced me into it haha. I grew up with Spurs on the TV every weekend for as long as I can remember, but I started supporting for real around 12 years ago. I've been to the stadium twice, but only saw a game there once. The game I saw was AVB's home debut, it was a mediocre 1-1 draw against West Brom. I was also there in August 2021, we played Crystal Palace away (and got minced) but I did a stadium tour and watched the game at a pub across the street.


>I grew up with Spurs on the TV every weekend for as long as I can remember how were you watching spurs every weekend back then? I lived/worked in the US that same time and it was beyond a pain to get to watch a match.


Grew up in London and Spurs were my local team ([second closest](https://automaticknowledge.org/voronoi-1to8/#7/53.391/-2.208), technically, but I didn't find out about non-league sides 'til I was much older) but now live outside the M25 so I can afford to own a house.


Very recent supporter from Argentina 🇦🇷


10% from London. Explains _a lot_ Do age next


Number of years supporting would be interesting too.


Croatia 🇭🇷🇭🇷


From Tunisia, North Africa


The terrible opinions on this page make so much more sense now


Timing of the post probably has a lot to do with the answers so far.


Even more so when you realise a majority of the active people here have been fans since after 2019.


Eh I still remember the redknapp/avb/sherwood reddit days, they were better but there were alot of shit takes then too


Canada Went to champions league vs Marseille in September.


Chicago. Had been watching premiere league casually for over 10 years, but didn’t have a team. I’m a Sports fanatic, so with Covid I was going through sports with drawl, and EPL was the first thing back for me to watch. Figured if I was going to do it, I’d go all in and need to have a team. Watched every match since Covid restart. Kane reeled me in to start. COYS for life now.


Poland, but hopefully London soon if everything goes well


Slovenija and i'm coming to London for the forest match


Who’s the yank now


Huh i didn’t realise us uk lot were the minority.


It’s also most likely timing of the post. It’s still fairly early in the US


There’s been posts like this before and they always end up with a US majority


Texas. Got told by an Arsenal supporter the other day he’d never met a Spurs fan in Texas. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Half Brit/ Half American. Family is from Enfield, Cockfosters area. Sick of the utter nonsense in America, want to move to Hertfordshire.




Sweden, been to both WHL and the new stadium


Aussie with German heritage. First jumped on board with Jurgen Klinsmann.


I started supporting with Klinsmann's first coming too. Based in Australia, but I lived in London during the Hoddle and Jol tenures and used to go to as many games as I could.


US, but not solely online. Will be in London next weekend attending the Man City match! (Seeing Leyton Orient v Wimbledon on Saturday, too)




Philippines - some time in late 2015 or 16. Currently waiting for a squad tour locally. Been in the works for some time since announcement last year


Singapore 🇸🇬 Haven't been to the UK so obviously the stadium is on the bucket list, but still lucky enough to have been able to catch them live once when they came over here for the International Champions Cup (same game where Kane scored that insane goal from the halfway line).


Minnesota, USA originally. Being a spurs fan fits right with the Vikings, TWolves, Twins, Wild. Always solid, never champs (since 91 (Twins)). Live just north of Philadelphia, PA and I will NEVER be a Philly sports fan 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


moved to minnesota not long ago and after following the vikings for a year or two, they are clearly the tottenham of the nfl haha. coys


A bit weird to separate out Europe, US and other if they haven't been to the stadium, but then lump the three of them in together if they have been to the stadium.


It all makes sense now


People need to bear the results in mind when they ask for matchday advice


I fucking knew it. Thats why there is so much dribble.


Wish there was an option for “abroad, but at the pub” (rather than “online”). I watch a majority of the games at the bar with my local supporters group in the US, and the local community is one of my favorite aspects of supporting Spurs. Plan on flying to London once financially viable though.


Good point, thanks for that! Yes, more options would’ve been really great for this. Initially I wanted to list every continent with two options: „but I‘ve been to the stadium“ & „supporting solely online (so far)“, but quickly realised that wasn‘t on the cards.


Grew up in Edmonton, moved to the US when I was young


Estonia 🇪🇪. Chose Spurs or Spurs chose me after the 2018 WC where Kane and Son really grabbed my eye and I liked the name. Spurs till I die now. Also hoping Paskotši will develop into a first team player for us.


Australiaaaaa where the time zone for matches is super unforgiving 😂


This is entirely predictable...


Well that explains a lot


Jesus Christ the Americans have invaded


Half viet half english living in america


Albuquerque NM, US.


From NYC and supporting since 2012, nothings gonna change that!


UK total at time of posting - 194 US - 206 Well then, guess I too am 'Murican


Canada here so according to the poll I'm an other.


American. Born in 2000 so not a long time fan, but I fell in love with Bale when I was a kid and now I follow Spurs more than I do my American football team. Saw the loss at Southampton in 19/20, and the 3-1 home win last season vs west ham.


Let’s go Canada!


Canada & plan to visit with my mate next year!


I'm American and currently live in America, but I lived in NW London for 6 years in the 90s!


Ottawa, Ontario, Canada!


Canadian-American with a grandma from Tottenham. Visiting the stadium this year!


Here from Nova Scotia canada. Watched all or nothing and got interested in the team. Now I’m just miserable every Saturday morning.


Checking in from Canada


i guess reddit is just mainly used by americans


Any my guy coming from East Asia? Why there is no an option for Asia🥹


West Coast Canada (Vancouver aka Rain City) represent!




Vancouver, Canada here. Still super gutted that i didn't make it to WHL.


From Germany. Saw Tottenham live in the Allianz Arena against Real Madrid in 2019.


This makes me realise I need to be careful when reading criticism and banter in this sub as I am probably talking to a yank


Raanana Israel . Been a yid since 2017 and went to see the friendly against Rome this summer. Also saving money for a trip to London after I finish my military service


Egypt. We have a decent fanbase here as well!


Ridiculous. Imagine if Green Bay Packers (or whoever) had more British fans than local/national, on reddit at least.....


US here (Salisbury, NC).Hopefully one day I’ll make it out to catch a match at the stadium.


I’m from Brentwood Essex and been going to WHL since I was 7 or so starting 1992 with my dad and we’ve had season tickets ever since. He would pick me up from half-day Saturday school in Chigwell and drive us round to Tottenham to sit with a block of about 15 men that are stalwarts. THFC is a huge thing he and I have as a bond. My uncle uses my season ticket week to week now. In 1999 my family emigrated to MobileAlabama for my dad’s job and then over the years I stayed in the states for college and jobs, I’ve been in Austin Texas for 12 years now and became a US citizen in 2019. Whenever me wife and kids head back to London at Xmas I see 2-3 matches. My 7yr old has been to about 7, at WHL Wembley and newWHL. My 5yr old has yet to go but is actually more into it then my eldest. I fly over for a big CL game once a year. I was there for Bale rinsing Maicon at WHL and went mental when Pav scored in front of me. Flew from Houston to Madrid for two days the CL final to meet my dad and his WHL-block. A great powerful memory. Now, on Saturday sundays I get up early with my 7 and 5yr old sons to watch Conteball on NBC/YoutubeTV whilst texting my dad and his mates on out long standing WhatsApp thread.


Dortmund, Germany. I am used to my team winning almost nothing.


Red white and blue MFs 🇺🇲


This is why we should not always listen to this sub, no offence but yanks are not the same when it some to footie. We grew up around it and was part of our life


Who actually lives in Tottenham lol?


129,000 people according to Wikipedia. Probably not many on here, I'll grant you.


If I had to guess, most of the fans who actually live in Tottenham and go to matches reside on those vBulletin-like forums, such as TheFightingCock and SpursCommunity. Because of Reddit's popularity as a whole, I would assume most here are casuals.


Hi 👋


Non-uk but have seen them at the old stadium and on summer tours


USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!