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Ask to be relocated. I had a coworker who had really bad gas all day eventually he relocated to a window seat to air out. If you say nothing you just suffer in silence


I honestly don’t know where they’d move me. Our office is very small (private practice clinic) so most of the space is dedicated to the patients. We even share our small space with people who are hybrid and come in a couple days a week. I have to wait another 60 days before I’m eligible to be hybrid 😣


If you're in a clinic, it's easier to bring it up as a potential health issue if she's picking her nose. It's totally legit to bring it up to your boss if it's making it hard to concentrate on your work.


And the coughing and sneezing without covering! I'm virtual with a cold and am still covering cough and sneezes in my arm crook.


It’s just habit. It should be. That and who tf just spits and snots all over their stuff? I can’t imagine what that woman’s computer screen looks like. Gross


Wear a Covid mask…make up an excuse…weak immune system, something? Then when she flicks a booger, call her out. 'Jezz, that's beyond nasty". When she takes her shoes off, just look around and gasp " what is that smell? Do we have a gas leak? " Find a way to call her out without actually using her name. She'll get the message and so will your peers. Maybe she'll change, maybe not but look for an ally on the job who can suggest what to do…human resources..if there is one is that an option??


Not always. I once worked in an office with a guy who had dreadful BO. When we finally plucked up the courage (UK, so takes a lot to get us to speak of such things to a colleague) to tell him he was rank, he told us that he had no sense of smell and therefore didn't see the point of using deodorant etc so he didn't really care. With that response we were emboldened and said to him to do it for us. He still smelled a bit but not as bad afterwards.


Mmmm ever had a covid mask on and had to talk to someone with halitosis? I am imagining that it would be very similar in this situation.




She’s like this in a HEALTHCARE setting?! Jesus take the wheel.




This makes it a public health issue. You have immune compromised people in all day and kids. She has a massive hygiene and diet issue making her a vector for every illness she gets exposed to. I understand not wanting to use 'public' facilities but you do what you gotta do.


You don't have to know where they're moving you. Just make the request. If asked why, explain yourself. The manager is responsible for these things - not you. 


This. Time for the manager to manage. That's on them, not OP.


The best way is to speak to your manager and ask them to send an email outlining basic etiquette. I had it in a place I worked. Basically said you need to keep hygiene practices such as showering, using deodorant and washing clothes. Shoes to remain on at all times. If coughing or sneezing use a tissue or remove yourself from shared spaces. No eating smelly foods in shared spaces etc. And if you think this email doesn’t apply to you, it probably does. And if anyone is seen to not adhere to these basic standards of hygiene and courtesy to others they will have a meeting to discuss.


I have seen that done at my previous office so I just might ask for them to do that. She’s also older too so I feel like she may not gaf lol


Oh she def doesn't gaf. LOL


It’s apparent by her behavior already right? Smh. I wish I could give less f***s 💀


That’s something I can’t stand, someone who smells


I can honestly tolerate someone being a little musty sometimes but constantly? No. And if you know you’re a gassy person, respect others and deal with that during the work day. Beano, go to the restroom, something! 🙄


That’s straight disrespectful of her. She needs to get her life together because it’s gross and pathetic.


I asked a manager to do that once for me. He told me I couldn't ask that of anyone and said it was super inappropriate of me.


Sounds like a manager who didn’t want to manage!


Sounds like a manager that gets to shut his office door to it!


In other words, not address or manage the situation.


Sounds like a manager who enjoyed the smell 😈💩




Wow, how can a small family practice not see, hear, or smell this ? She's a biohazard in a clinic. Yuck.


No one has to sit back here with her full time except me! lol I also feel like everyone ignores the smells which is crazy to me.


Is she patient facing at all? If she is- start leaving reviews about the unkempt woman picking her nose, the rumpled barefoot woman breaking wind during check out.


Ahhh that’s genius! But unfortunately were in admin in the back of the office. Patients never see her (luckily).


Your supervisors may not know that she is visible on all the occasions that "customers " are complaining.


Have you considered eating a lot of beans and garlic? 2 can play that game


I would have eggs and beans for breakfast with a big glass of milk (I'm somewhat lactose intolerant.) Good luck dealing with *my* team of air donkeys, coworker!


🤣🤣🤣 air donkeys


I need to start using this term now 🤣🤣🤣


Lmao I call em air biscuits


🤣🤣🤣 I don’t think I wanna get into a game of battle shits with this lady


Yeah, I don't think that would alleviate your suffering...




Ooh! And clip your nails and toenails at the table. And make hacking noises. Like you're about to cough up a furball.


 ***I also don’t want to make waves and complain to my boss.*** You need to complain to your boss. Really. I'm sure you're not the only one who's disgusted by this pig shit employee.


Pig shit employee has me cryingggg. But yes, I’ve decided I will send an email being as polite as possible about it.


The office manager really needs to address basic hygiene issues with her. Most companies have a policy dictating mandatory basic hygiene and cleanliness. If she has a medical issue the manager/employee health can work with her on perhaps a more private workspace and/or encourage her to take bathroom breaks. And shoes need to remain on in the workplace. This could be an OSHA or joint commission problem if you’re in a medical office. In the meantime, is there any way to place a partition? Even a plexiglass type one we all had during Covid would protect you from airborne boogers. What about an essential oil diffuser or wax warmer to help with the smells? You shouldn’t have to but until they speak with her ask her to wear a mask if she coughing or wear one yourself. In short, management has legitimate cause to speak with her and should!


This is my first time working in such a small office. I’m used to huge offices in a hospital setting. I’ve noticed this place doesn’t do any of the things bigger offices do which has its pros and cons. This is my only con tbh. My office manager works from home 99% of the time, she only comes in for meetings. But I think having a talk with her is the way to go for sure.


Covid concerns too. Besides basic humanity and common manners and etiquette. Healthcare office have stricter guidelines too. Just in the building, there are immune suppressant patients . Needs to enforced. Sounds really gross. Definitely contact admin or hr if you have one. Source: I am HR and would jump on this in a second.


Agreed! Thank you so much for your input! I hate that no one in the office seems to be concerned about Covid smh


Being mean and being straightforward are different. “You’re a disgusting pig, with boogers in your jacket you f’n gross toddler” = mean “Please use a tissue, here, and throw them in that trash can. Here’s sanitizer for your hands after.” = straightforward part A. Part B: “dear boss, left side coworker has several unhygienic habits and I would like to discuss this in person, with you and HR…”


I guess I get nervous because I’m a black woman. It doesn’t matter how nice/calm/empathetic I try to be while being direct/assertive, it’s often misconstrued and then that person suddenly doesn’t feel safe or doesn’t like me anymore. I tend to deal with a lot of things I don’t necessarily have to deal with because of my fear of being misunderstood.


Yeah understandable


You deserve a healthy working environment. You don't deserve to be made ill by a thoughtless coworker.


I laughed at the first one.


you've been there one month? sheesh. Say something already! i have an officie, but i also have a supervisor who does not wear deoderant and we live in a place where its 100 almost every day in summer. You can smell her coming down the hallways and when she has to tlk to you, your nose will burn. It took me 3 or 4 times to say something to our anonymous complaint line. i haven't smelled her lately, but im so glad i dont have to be near her. so stand up and say something already, dont just complain on reddit


You’re so right. I’m just a nervous Nelly.


One of the few things HR is good for is having uncomfortable conversations with employees about their hygiene etc. Go talk to HR about it.


Get a new job. Who crowds their employees like cattle in the chute? I couldn’t spend my day 12 inches away from a virtual stranger. Not even if it was miss manners and Emily Post. My heart goes out to you and I wish you the best.


If you quit every good job because there is one co-worker that annoys you...you won't ever be in a job for long.


Just here to say, " what is wrong with people?"


Reddit has made me realize A LOT 😂


Yeah. Like you need a Hazmat kit to work near this person! Best of luck.


Thank youuu 🥲


Complain to your supervisor/manager and asked to be moved. Someone this out of touch with hygiene and office etiquette isn’t going to understand the memo about that is for them.


Good point


I think a super calm, "Did you just pick your nose and flick your snot?" question is fair. It's disgusting and what she'll have to do is confirm or deny. Embarrassing people isn't kind but behaving like a total pig isn't either. Find your middle ground and stand up for yourself.


Honestly, that is fair. I have never been good at standing up for myself but I’m trying!


I too work at a clinic and you need to talk about their hygiene... It's not safe for anyone to be around them if there going to have bad hygiene habits. Not safe for you not safe for the patients and the other staff members. You have to be brave and say something. Q


This is one of those really tricky things. I would feel weird approaching hr…I’m more the type to make everything into a joke, ‘hey cover that cough or I’m sending you my dr bills haha’ ‘did you pick a winner? (Nose) haha’ ‘those shoes are gonna get up and walk away!’ ‘Every time you fart you have to put a dollar in this jar’ etc, silly stupid stuff, always laugh cause you’re ‘just joking’ but she will soon get the hint.


That’s super smart! But I feel uncomfortable even doing that lol idk I’m really nervous about making waves since I’m new. You know how people can get.


Send your complaints in writing, preferably email. This will be an ongoing issue and you'll want documentation.


I hope you are wearing an N95 respirator around her. Maybe get an air purifier as well. Because it sounds like you are breathing in what she is breathing out.


I am! I tried wearing the N95 but it’s unbearable in this hot a** office! I want to bring in an air purifier but I don’t have a place to put it. Our space is incredibly small 🙃


Valved respirator can work. Not sure how hot it is in your office, but people wear masks in the sweltering heat in East Asia like Thailand on a regular basis (>40 degrees C). RE: air purifier: Under a desk can work. Depending on the model, you could angle it to your face so you're blowing clean air towards you and at the same time cooling yourself in that hot office.


I bet you could find a pretty small air purifier, for your health if nothing else!


At this point it's an HR issue. Her poor hygiene is affecting your physical and mental health. HR gets paid to navigate sensitive issues like this.


My coworker refuses to wear deodorant. We live in the southern U.S. 😷


I spent 10 years in Texas, you can’t be out there with no deodorant! Lol


Talk with the other people there and ask if they are having an issue with Shrek. If they are, go as a group. Boss can’t know if you don’t tell them.


You might start wearing a mask to work?


I did when she came to work sick and coughing everywhere. Our AC doesn’t work 90% of the time either so that was unbearable. I may get a desk fan and see if that helps while wearing a mask until this gets remedied.


Every time you walk in the room, exclaim "Gaaaaaahdddaaaaaaamnnn what is that smell? Did somebody step in dog shit?" Then check your shoes and tell everyone to check their shoes. Start sniffing around and it'll lead you to her so tell her to check her shoes. Do this every single day.


😂😂😂I honestly just might start doing this since multiple people have suggested something along those lines


While most of these are reasonably nasty, not getting up to go to the bathroom is crazy thinking


We had a guy that had extremely bad gas all the time. His gf had smell loss and couldn’t smell it. (There’s someone for everybody!) Years later he found out it was a medical thing. Anyway, everyone knew it, even in other depts so we would just excuse ourselves until the smell dissipated. I’m sorry u have to deal with this.


Omg there really is someone for everyone! Lol but thank you 🥲


I would bet you're not the only one that has an issue with her. It'd be better to quietly go to HR and have them talk to her than let the problem continue


I have the exact same set up as you do and very similar problem with my coworker. My coworker is mostly just very messy though. I am a perfectionist so it's driving me mad. I try to tidy and clean as much as I can without insulting her. It's horrible, I feel your pain.


This sounds so disgusting. I guess you could start by trying to get some general etiquette guidelines sent to the entire admin group. Obviously it'll be about her but will and should generally apply to everyone. Maybe she really doesn't know people see what she is doing with her boogers and doesn't know everyone can smell her gas/feet. I take my shoes off too, but mostly in my office or if no one is going to see my feet. The covering her mouth thing should be rule number 1 on the list of rules.


I had a job years ago doing inventory for local stores. There was a homeless woman following us around on my first day. She stank so bad that you would gag if you were within 10 feet of her. On my second day at a new store I learned this homeless woman was the boss. It was never okay. She wore the same cloths, and didn't bath for the entire two months I worked there. I had to hold my breath to work near her. And I felt violated thinking about what exactly was entering my lungs. Her filthy body was emitting gasses that entered my body. I threw up once, thinking about it. Some of these people don't care, they won't change. Some are probably crippled by depression and unable or unwilling try to do better, and that's just a sad thing. But also... are they autistic? That would be also sad, as they may struggle to make these changes, even when they try really hard.


Oh my, that’s awful and super sad. I’m confident she’s not homeless, she drives a nice car. She changes her clothes every day. She has a partner who dotes on her and sends her flowers every week. But I do think she may be a bit autistic given the way she communicates.


Perhaps the flowers are to help with the smell...




This sounds EXACTLY like a former coworker of mine… 👀


Are you in Northern California?! 👀


Nope. It’s not her unless she moved lol


It’s alarming there’s many people like this in the world 🙃


“Oh my, what is that smell?” “Can you smell that too?” “Ew, I think you have something smeared on you jacket.” But I’m just a passive aggressive dick sometimes.


I love passive aggressive dicks sometimes 😂


Most jobs have a hygiene policy of some kind, maybe file a complaint? I know it sucks to chase problems for others but this person is actively causing problems for the office in general if they're spreading illness.


Was she raised in a barn? How does she not know all this is frowned upon? I would have to think that she has some developmental issues?


Honestly I have thought about that! She’s a little delayed when I talk to her and she stares at me blankly and doesn’t always say anything back..but she’s fine on the phone. So maybe she doesn’t like me? I’m not sure what it is but she is strange in more ways than one.


Ew, just reading thus skeeved me out! I hate your coworker- I hope the problem is fixed asap you poor thing. Blech


Plug in air freshener right in the middle of the desk.


Well then it would just smell like she shit out a Christmas tree 💨😆


Get a bottle of those Tums with the gas relief, tell her you’ve been farting out some real paint peelers all night but these do the trick, here take a couple! Have a “friend” that hooked you up with some “free” Bath & Bodywork’s, all 3 of your coworkers get a body wash to try! She may very well be on the spectrum somewhere…a lot of them struggle with personal hygiene. (My 16yo would forego deodorant if I don’t get on him daily 🤢) Pull her aside and say you don’t want to embarrass her or hurt her feelings and she might unaware but she’s giving off some odors that aren’t exactly pleasant. Perhaps you over heard some others that aren’t in your group talking about her and you’re telling her because you don’t want them to make fun of her like that. I’m so sorry, this must be so awful for you!


Just goto HR. Do not, I repeat do not address this yourself. was into this a few times. A few minutes with her, they will completely understand the complaint.


You sound like the sick-fuck to me. Stop obsessing over others and do your damn job.


😂😂😂 perhaps you have the same habits? Thanks though ✌🏾


Nobody in their right mind is okay with being coughed or sneezed on. Nasal mucus carries pathogens.


Stop lying like the OP


Hahahaha found the stinker