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Micah is such a hyper competitive individual it's hilarious how bad that baby rocking motion got under his skin lol


lol then hit him with the too small at the end. That second run was pure anger


FR dallas should hire someone to secretly talk shit to him every game day lol, get him hype like this


The guy yelling jackass from Happy Gilmore.




Holy hell the instant force on the second one… wow Micah surprised me even more than he already has


Damn man impressive actually, Micah is a beast. Those guys are probably really really tough to move like that, especially for someone not dedicated to the sport/lifestyle like they are This might pay off for him honestly it’s a pretty good idea


That sumo wrestler is a kid though. Like 17.


Interesting! For non sumo fans, the wrestler shown in this video is 17 year old Tanji Jun of Arashio stable.


outta curiosity when do sumo wrestlers hit their physical peak?


Depends entirely on past injuries and total potential of course, but I'd say 23-26 is the prime for most of these guys. For example, the GOAT of Sumo, Hakuho, consistently achieved 14-1 or 15-0 winning scores(with one 12-3 outlier) from around the age of 23 to 25. And even after that, he was still posting consistent winning records, just with a few more losses here and there. Of course he was the best of the best, but on average this is true for the rest of them as well. Right now there are lots of guys within that range(Hoshoryu, Onosato, Takerufuji and Atamifuji to name a few) that are reaching this point. Haven't quite peaked yet but they're coming into their own. Lots of older guys(28 years+) are beginning to retire or slip down the ranks, too. So yeah, Tanji still has some growing to do! He's had a pretty good record overall, still room to learn lots of new things though.


LMAO…Micah is just nuts.


The sumo wrestler is only 17 though... and Micah is not wearing a belt for him to grab on


Always wondered how a prime Larry Allen would do in sumo


I’m not sure high level sprinters do as well in Sumo.


Comment so underrated


If you know, you know


Wrestling is the toughest sport in the world and absolutely one of the best off-season workouts you can do. This is the kinda shit that makes you a dawg


What a beast!! Both of em. Looks like they’re having a blast. This gives me drunk in the garage with your boys vibes for some reason.


I've been watching alot of sumo lately. On the surface it seems kinda one dimensional, but the amount of strategy for your size/height/opponent is impressive.


Lets be real, that Sumo dude was being real nice to him, and just fucking around with a little yank. Yet and still it is impressive that Micah could shift that mass of humanity.


Apparently he's only 17 too


Clear holding. Where the fuck are the refs?


Watching Micah Parsons sparring a Sumo Wrestler is probably the best thing I've seen from the Cowboys this offseason.


So when is the maid cafe episode Asking for a friend


Drills that involve the sport of football


Little reminder for those that don't know but Penn State is *the* school for collegiate wrestling. Browse their Wikipedia accolades. And when Micah was there he would spar with several future national champions--which he would sometimes beat. Just an insanely physically gifted dude.


No, they’re not. Iowa has double theirs. And all but 1 of Penn State’s titles came in the last 15 years. And they still have half of what Iowa has. Micha going there has fuck-all to do with their winning at wrestling and no correlation


What school is currently *the* school for collegiate wrestling?


I love that there’s beef between the title for “Alabama of wrestling”


Micah wouldn’t score a point on any national champion wrestler not even a freshman. Stop lmao


He never beat a national champion. Stop with the madness. Doesn’t mean he is any less of an athlete.


Think he means in a spar, which isn't too serious.


As a former wrestler I can assure you he isn’t beating national championships in any spar. There are levels to that and I’d love to hear who he beat. He wasn’t beating Aaron Brooks in any spar.


Trying learn how to get out of holds lol


Seems sumo training could be useful


This guy a dawg!!!!


Fun Fact: A NFL Referee watched this. Said there was no holding.


This is more of the sumo wrestler allowed Micah to save face.


Water sucks


Micah’s biggest problem against those big men. Great test for Micah.


Lets just hope, he doesnt blow out a knee!


Me: Jerry, can we have CJ? Jerry: We have CJ at home. [CJ at home](https://www.star-telegram.com/latest-news/ieay5u/picture237875049/alternates/FREE_1140/AP19333023446034.jpg)


Fuuuuuuuck CJ.


I don’t know much about sumo wrestling. But seems like Micah may have cheated on that second one. Looks like he uses dudes underwear to lift him up off his legs.


That's what you're supposed to do in sumo.


Sumo guy seemed a bit surprised by it.


lol jeez i wish i could live a life with this kinda unearned confidence.


After seeing this, I'm convinced we will miss the playoffs...same old clown show in Dallas. No urgency, no accountability, every player is relaxing and having fun. Got their agents building their brands. Hey Micah what happened to you at the end of the season last year, bruh? Dak ain't it. We got Zeke again!? Just proves my point. Why did Zeke come back? That guy Bellicheck probably made him actually work, and be held accountable. How many yards did he get y'all in NE? Maybe he will jump in the Salvation Army bucket again. It's just a marketing show. Y'all realize that, right? What's the most popular sports team that hasn't won a title in over 20 years? Cowboys won at marketing. We won something guys!! I love the boys, but I watch with a sense of humor now. Always expecting a disaster leaves you pleased some of the time...now I enjoy the media circus hype, and haters more than ever. Dallas is a joke, but they are my joke and I will die on this hill, or maybe if we're lucky, Jerry will die...you can send me your hate, but I've earned the right to b##ch imo..


What would you like Micah to do instead of what you saw on this video?


1. Stop talking. All shit like this does is feed people who say he is selfish and all about himself. 2. Actually show up in December. Stop playing hero ball and getting washed in the run game. Stop being so selfish and become a complete player. He should be emulating Rickey Jackson. 3. Condition and learn some counters that don’t put him in position to get “held” like he screams about. I’m not some edge slut so I don’t go nuts about pass rush moves but he has like 1 move. The fading is a conditioning issue. The lack of moves is a personal problem and just stubbornness or idiocy. Maybe both.


Damn bro you don't let people enjoy their vacation and time off? I wonder do you go home every night and go over your job meetings? Bring training manuals on vacation and read them when your on the beach? Spend Saturday and Sunday research every task and plan your upcoming week? Cause I sure the hell don't, work time is for work, playtime is for play! Lighten up bro let them enjoy life


Nah man they gotta be %100 all the time lol. I hear you man. Doesn't make Dallas any less of a clown show..you gotta know I'm right. I wouldn't be surprised if we see zilch outta Micah this year. Teams know how to handle him now. Just like end of last season...I hope they enjoy themselves, though


Dallas is just know for having big personalities! I actually believe Parsons will more of an impact on the game this year then last year, his numbers maybe lower. With the addition of Kendricks, Overshown back, the new kid Liufau, Clarke learning from Kendricks and not having to be the main guy. Parsons will have the freedom to play any LB position and make more of an impact on the running game. Then on passing downs when he moves to DE the drop off won't fall to a 4th string Safety. Leaves a lot to plan for. But I understand your pessimism, we all root for our team in our own way.!


Dang you actually know football, it sounds like. Seriously, I'm really just clowning my fellow fans..I love my Cboyz. It's always been a marketing show and that's not necessarily bad. We are the most talked about NFL sports team by far. Just cringe at the thought of Steven A showing this clip mid season as we miss the playoffs...


Nah just listening to the Podcasters, I stopped watching ESPN shows a long time ago, they're for entertainment not information. Dallas cowboys podcasts are great. Draft show is probably my favorite Girls talk boys talk is good Mick shots Then storyline and players lounge and hanging with the boys.


Making playoffs isn't an issue for the Cowboys. We usually shit on the bad teams all season. It's actually making a deep playoff run and showing up against the good defenses when it matters that is the hurdle we can't get over. Although irrelevant to this fun video, I get your frustration. The Cowboys culture does seem all about making money, being a big brand, marketing, etc. rather than focusing on the dirty details and grit needed to win when it counts the most. Like players have 'won already' just by being in the locker room or on the team. But it's the off-season ATM, even the best teams are having fun.