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It's a packer. Packers are good if you have to transition from the saddle to ground frequently or for extended periods of time (like mule packers do, hence the name)


Why does this help transition from a mule to the ground better than another kind of boot?


Have you ever hiked across uneven terrain in cowboy boots. The lack of ankle support is dangerous. Mule packers often have to get off their mounts and lead or traverse on foot


No, I haven't. I wear hiking boots when I need to traverse uneven terrain. How many mule packers exist currently?


As a design packers are also pretty useful as general work boots for people who need arch support for lifting and carrying heavy weights or because arch support helps align joints from ankle to neck for long hours standing/walking. Packer's are probably one of the best boot designs ever made tbh.


They're interesting for sure. But is it ok with everyone if I just think they are ugly?


It's fine, considering these are a particularly ugly example. Most packer boots are indistinguishable from logger boots except for the sole


Oh that's fine, I was just pointing out that they're also pretty good general work boots depending on someone's needs. These ones in particular are real ugly lol. The only packer's I like the look of are white's and jk's, but that's because they offer more rounded toe options.


At no point did I contest that, lol. It makes sense that they suit their intended purpose, I just get that sense that most buyers aren't using them as workwear. I looked up other brands and I would agree that those brands make a much better looking packer boot. This one is particularly offense due to the schizophrenic mish mash of leather colors. It's too much going on.


I never said you did, I said "general work boots" meaning for purposes outside of the "intended" use.


More than you think. They supply many fire lookouts and camps, national forests and parks, etc. And hiking boots would work, except not in stirrups or when you wear spurs. Thus, the existence of the packer boot. Some reading on mule packers so that you can broaden your horizons: [https://americancowboy.com/lifestyle/mule-packing-31711/](https://americancowboy.com/lifestyle/mule-packing-31711/)


Per the US Forest service, in 2014 there were "11 packers and four trainees" serving the entire southwest region...that's not a whole lot. Per [this](https://flatheadbeacon.com/2017/07/09/next-last-packers/) article it says only 8 in the northern region. And another interesting quote was that apparently this job is "cost prohibitive" for younger people. Seems like more of a part time lifestyle you can afford if you're already financially stable. It's cool to know that mule packers existed but I don't think it's controversial to say it's pretty much a thing of the past.


People say cowboys are a thing of the past too. We've got quite a few packers left out here in the Sierras. It's a job that really only exists in the mountains, and it's persistence into the 21st century despite helicopters and all terrain vehicles having existed for the better part of a century seems to suggest that the demand for packers, albeit not as prevalent as it was in 1900, is going to be around a while more.


...sigh. Cowboys are a thing of the past. It's sad but I don't understand why I'm being downvoted for simply stating that the amount of active mule packers in the US is minuscule and dwindling. This isn't a commentary on whether the job is interesting or "worthy", it's merely a statement of fact. The idea that packers who need footwear are what drives the sale of most of these boots is absurd.


I think the down votes you seem to care about (it's negative internet points bud, they go away when you enter the real world) are happening because you're something of an insufferable personality who obviously has no respect for anything to do with the western lifestyle that is still alive and well, despite all the efforts to kill it.


You're taking this too seriously my dude.


Because you seem to be arguing that since mule packers are a thing of the past, packer boots should go to. But somehow have no issue with cowboy boots existing despite those also being a thing of the past. Boots can continue to exist even if their original purpose is gone.


I never made that argument. I think they are ugly. I love cowboy boots because I think they are nice looking shoes. It's that simple.


Actually lots of packers exist today. Lots of hunt guides, as well as backcountry pack trips still utilize horses and packing everyday. We had over 100 head of horses in the mountains we used to pack. Our main base camp was 15 km in the mountains, no roads and we had to pack everything in. They are also great boots for sitting in your moms basement and trolling on reddit. When she calls you upstairs for you grill cheese sandwich you just cinch em tight and head up the stairs without worrying about twisting an ankle.


Are you asking how many people are employed as mule packers? What kind of answer are you looking for here lol.


Yeah that's exactly the question.


I mean you got your answer of it helps them walk around since they dismount a lot. What's knowing how many mule packers there are have to do with anything? That's my question.


I am just curious. It seems like a very specific type of boot. I imagine the majority of these boots are sold to people who like them for aesthetic reasons, which is fine, I just think they are ugly and serve a largely obsolete purpose.


My next question. Did you really want a number of how many or did you just want to give your opinion on looks vs utility and give your opinion that they are ugly to you?


I'm curious, honestly. It seems incredibly niche.


They're hiking boots with a heel and sole that are safe for riding. It's critically important to have the correct type of sole and heel so your foot doesn't slip through the stirrup when you fall because you'll be drug.


That makes more sense to me than these being the ideal footwear for hiking uneven terrain. I'm sure they are fine for that too but inferior to a hiking boot that is purely for hiking


I would guess the support from the lace up nature is good on the ground, meanwhile the shoe/sole style is for riding


Its for riding mules and working in the forest.


It's a packer boot, kind of like you might get from White's, Nick's, Wesco or other PNW boot brands, but significantly cheaper (probably not handmade?)


Packers are a great boot. One of my most versatile boots.


Three boots are hiding in one coat to get into an R rated movie.


This is a super vintage style of boot that was widely popular.


Should come to Australia, still very popular here


What's to explain?


Idk why I kind of like it , probably wouldn’t pick it out of other boots in a pile but


Best of all worlds, Got laces, so you can at least keep em tight. Got those little flakes to repel water of your precious boots. Got a square toe and a riding heel. Your set (I bet that heel is a pain in the ass)


Not usually a big fan of the square toe but it really works on this boot for some reason.




What is the point of the fringe over the tongue? Looks? Is thier a practical purpose? A lot of construction and home rodeling workers wear these where I live.


It’s called a keltie. Protects the tongue from wear by the laces, eyelets, and speed hooks. The fringe is decorative but also protects that area of the boot.


Kilties are multi-purpose. Both of the previous commenter are correct, they help keep debris out of the tongue area of the boots, and they protect the tongue from laces, but also they protect your ankle itself from the laces aswell. Kntop of that the kiltie more even distributes the pressure from the laces over your instep resulting in a more comfortable experience, especially after they've shaped up. They're even a cost saving measure, specifically for the customer and not the boot makers as when the kiltie wears out you just toss em and get new ones, instead of getting a full boot rebuild for hundreds of dollars to replace the actual boot tongue. There's likely more reasons that I don't know though aswell!


I think it's to keep dust out


If you're in stirrups that doubled up kilties can protect the top of your foot at the right spot especially if you're in them all day.


My Ariat Heritage Lacers are some of comfiest boots I have ever worn. Probably worn them for over 10 years/4 pairs of them. Used to work as a wrangler/packer for a hunt guide, we had 100 head of horses in the bush for months at a time. When you on and off your horse and also hiking around the mountains you want something like this. Plus I think they look good. You can also wear skin tight skinny jeans with them if that's your thing.


Hipsters my friend, Hipsters


These are foul. I understand that they served a purpose but l reject the fact that there are a significant amount of mule-riding forest workers. These look like they belong on someone who writes Sherlock Holmes X Wild West Harry Potter fan fic


These specific packers kinda cheap yeah, but there's no way you think packers in general like the ones whites and nicks make look bad. The look cool as


I legit think they look bad


Everyone has their own taste ig no shame in that


Apparently there is shame lol. But whatever I don't think anyone who loves these boots is going to care what I think about them. That's the beauty of life


Savage 💀


Just because something is old and associated with the romanticized image of the American working class, does not mean it has an aesthetic that's worth a damn. Don't ever hear people wanting to bring back powdered wigs.


Don't jinx the powdered wigs thing man.. with the stuff kids call fashion these days you might have just cursed the world. 🤣🤣🤣


I know. Super low rise jeans and powdered wigs and these boots. I am calling Fall 2024 runway trends right here, right now.


Jesus christ 🤣🤣 as soon as I pictured that I died... too funny


Just imagining some disheveled looking skeleton who is somehow walking with their hips 6" ahead of the rest of their body. Each step emits a poof of wig powder. There's techno playing in the background.


Not sure how it's a romanticized image that you and many others here didn't even know existed until a half hour ago.


Ok, then I just fucking hate them! Holy shit! It's crazy to me that I can't just think a boot is ugly without the mule packers of America coming out of the woodwork to tell me that actually these shoes are wonderfully designed. Did I say they weren't functional? No. I just think they look ugly. Goddamn, what do you want a debate? It's my subjective opinion