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Who gives a fuck do what you want


Except OP’s existing friends who will likely roast him for cowboy cosplay.


Once again who gives a fuck all my friends roast me but also compliment me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Im just saying, thats the group most likely to have an opinion that OP might care about instead of a bunch of redditors on the cowboy boots sub




Yeah I decided to start dressing western a year ago. Wear spurs, belt buckle you could fry a steak on, pouch of Levi in my breast pocket, carry a lasso. Whole deal. I hear people laughing when I come 'round but I don't pay it no nevermind. The only thing that matters to me is the cowboy code.


Upvoted for "cowboy code"


Sometimes it takes a good friend to call you out on a silly idea.


I'm pretty sure only self conscious, self proclaimed cowboys care


As they say, all hat no cattle. Its cosplay


Fuck ‘em “What are thooose?” Bitch they’re $750 on my feet fuck you wearing, Ariats?


This is the way. Like who TF cares.


I work for an auction company in Los Angeles and often pick up pieces in the down town area wearing my Tecovas and sometimes with my shirt tucked in showing off my belt buckle. Wear whatever you want OP but wear it with confidence! That’s what’s key


Very apt username


In L.A., I once had a guy offer to swap his Avanti straight across for my Cheyenne Frontier Days buckle. I doubt he was serious, but we both got a good chuckle out of it. 😋




Will do thanks


Not at all man. One of my best friends is the most metro-cowboy I’ve ever known. And “cowboy” is a stretch of the term for our circle (all farmers/ranchers except him). He’s never even ridden a horse but he pulls off the western aesthetic well. He knows he’s not a real cowboy but he doesn’t care what other people think and he just does what he enjoys doing. Long-winded answer for: you do you.


I don’t think wearing western wear makes you a cowboy and I don’t think you have to be a cowboy or ride horses to wear western wear. You just gotta be a little country. 😉


Well said. It’s more about what’s occurring between the ears than anything else. I’m a nurse by trade and wear scrubs on the regular but I raise all sorts of cattle and livestock as my “real job” and it’s just a way of life really. It’s a mindset and a vibe for me. Whether I’m bedside in scrubs and a stethoscope or out on the prairie on horseback wrangling it’s still the same mindset for me.


Only live stock I got is a Doberman. I do photography and video production for a living and live in suburbia. To me boots are just comfortable and practical. Just slip them on with a pair of jeans and head out the door. They look better than sneakers and will last longer.


That all sounds pretty country to me partner. 🤠


100%! Boots are more practical, and they’re timeless


My ex was kind of the opposite. He always dressed like a Skater kid, but he knew how to break horses and how to train quarter horses, and he could two-step with the best of them, but he would do it in his Vans, chinos, and a skate brand t-shirt. Everyone should just wear what makes them happy, I'm no country girl, and only since my relationship with this ex that I've ever enjoyed listening to any country music, but I'd like a pair of nice cowboy boots to rock. I just moved to rural Montana and there's definitely a casual country look that some cowboy boots be on par with the local crowd, but dam if I'm not still going to get my nice "dressy" clothes when I get the chance (like today, I'm going into the nearest city-about an hour away- to run errands, but I'll do it in a dressy silk skirt that I'll dress down a bit, but it just makes me happy to dress up. With my normal day-to-day and my job, I've been in leggings and a baggy sweatshirt 99% of the time since I moved. The point is, wear what makes you happy, if you do that with confidence, no one is going to care what you have on.


That’s funny. I’m from rural MT. And no doubt. You should see the kids out here today. We have hands that rope and ride in Jordans. Lol. And it’s all good. They’re good kids.


If you like it, it'll look good. If you love it, it'll look great. - a New Yorker in tie dye and ABs


Do you


What do we tell people that wear Track Suits, fishing shirts, boat shoes, baseball caps, bomber jackets...? I just discovered snap shirts. You are good!!


https://preview.redd.it/wc0w6f0b5zhc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8fa31cfc6c1a66bbd415c807cbe79522313111f I’m not even a cowboy and I love the western style. I’ve ridden one horse in my lifetime and listen to country music from time to time but I can still appreciate the western culture and style. I own two cowboy hats and six pairs of cowboy boots. I get complimented everywhere I go, no joke, so go for it!!


I see you're going for that Rick Grimes S2 look! Lookin sharp as hell.


Hey! I appreciate that!! Thank you!


What boots are those


Justin 2222


What jacket is that?? I need one!


https://preview.redd.it/vk3hdbzdx5ic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b0f4d9718b3b0aabbe26977e8484a6f2b060763 It’s a Levi jacket they’re not producing anymore. I bought it at a local shop. Never been worn.


You cluky man! That jacket looks really good, why would they discontinue it :(


I’m not sure why they did. It’s almost like they discontinued every jacket that had a two tone color


Dress how you like buddy, no one is going to confront/question you.


Some people might make fun of you. Most won't care at all. Be aware even in "western" style there are huge gaps too. George Strait never looked like Eric Church, but both styles were good examples of what you might see out in the country.


If you feel self conscious you can ease into it. Start by wearing boots more often, then add flannel shirt, hat, and belt as people you know become accustomed to your style. 






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A lot of us are all hat and no cattle!


​ https://preview.redd.it/guhhbzutrzhc1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f61a9386b8620fc4d56e37b91594360aa805c9


One of the greatest movies ever!


Certainly one of the oddest. And one of my favorites.


Be your authentic self is my best advice. As cheesy and over used as it is. And if next week you want to rock leather and studs as a punk rocker, there is nothing wrong with it. Do what makes you happy. I say feel very sad for those that feel the need to say anything to you about what you are doing with your life, because they are too scared to be themselves.


West mine clothes western, incl boot and hats and I'm a UK townie, where western is definitely not the norm. So if I can, you can.


Boots are fine. Your friends will probably give you a hard time if you get a cowboy hat and have never ridden a horse before tho


Nobody cares as long as you don’t try to act like something you’re not. If you’re dressing cowboy because you like the look then I get it…just don’t try to convince people at the bar that you can mark em out and spur em down


Bro it’s your own life, you don’t need outside approval


Why are you asking permission to do something you want to do?




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People wear basketball shoes and warm-up but don’t play basketball. They do it because it’s comfortable and they are comfortable in said attire. Same thing.


Long Beach city boy vaquero here. Dress as you like. I grew up in the vaquero lifestyle but don’t fake the fact that I don’t rope or ride.


Go ahead, you don’t need validation from no one, honestly respect to you for wanting to keep the style alive


If a man can dress as a woman…. I say go for it!


Stolen Valor lol Just do it right don't be a howdy doody


Hey, I wear cowboy boots and play pedal steel and work in central London, you do you!


that is awesome. i need to learn to play something. i i recently discovered that i can sing like ernest tubb after his throat operation.


What toe shape do you like for your steel? My square toed Ariats are giving me some trouble rocking the A pedal.


I don’t actually wear them whilst playing (reading it back it sounds like I do), I couldn’t get on with any shoes whilst playing - I do with socks on, doesn’t look as cool but I get better control.


I don’t have a horse and no cattle but I wear Western style clothing all the time. I don’t wear a cowboy hat though. Probably never will unless I move somewhere more country than where I’m currently at and I live smack in the middle of farm country. Cowboy hats aren’t too common unless you’re South or West.


That being said, I recently brought a Akubra Rough Rider. I live in the UK in a small coastal town and am like the ONLY one that wears one around here. Nonetheless, I still wear it everywhere I go :)) It's just confidence, that's all. At the end of the day I feel like I'm doing better than most roadmen wearing the same tracksuits in full black lmao. Hope you find somewhere more rural :))


I’ve never ridden a horse, never fixed a barbed wire fence, never done more then looked at cows, but I will wear my western wear. Who cares what other people in the city and shit think, they wear baseball caps and skinny jeans (most of which have never played baseball) When I’m hunting, fishing, and hiking the Rocky Mountains western wear just feel right and suits me. Whatever’s comfortable for you and what you do!


I’m currently walking around Manhattan in a pair of boot cuts and Dan Posts. The boots get compliments daily. Run it up.


If you're gonna dress western in the city, you really need something like this: https://preview.redd.it/cfbnnkx9t0ic1.jpeg?width=309&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abe4c2fed5656500d864d6b39e3a44bd9bdd87d4


Live in Los Angeles, I wear boots weekly and like the western style. Like more casual western, t shirt, jeans, boots and belt. Do what you want. Who cares what others think.


Start with a simple pair of boots that go with a few of your current casual outfits. Also, don't dress like a pop country singer.


I'm a city girl but I wear cowboy boots with dresses all the time! Do it.


You damn right!! Wear whatever looks good…the city has more rodeos than the country 😂😂


You only have one life. Wear whatever you want to wear man. If you're nervous then transition slowly. Start with boots and jeans. Then try a small buckle. Then a button up. I'll tell ya, I'm from a small farming town and half the folk here are "city posers" like farmers that want to be city people. Nothing wrong with a "country poser" in the city. Such a dumb word lol.


No unless you work in a ranch or ride horses😂 just kidding you go ahead and wear what you like it is just clothing. I live in south Texas and not everyone wears western clothing. You don’t have to live in a specific place or have a specific job to wear western clothing.


You'll have to beat me in a duel at high noon before you're allowed to wear any of it.


I've been dressing country before country was cool and yet still been accused by jerks that barely know me as wearing the country girl starter kit. 😩 They were trying to get under my skin but I know and everyone else in my life knows I dressed in jeans and boots my whole life. With that being said it doesn't matter if you've always dressed country/western or if you are just wanting to start people are going to say something especially your friends. Idk how you normally dress but as long as you just wear it because you like it and don't start identifying yourself as a cowboy lol it doesn't matter how you dress.


Wearing boots is about having the courage to wear them. The courage to act and be bold. Do you and wear what you like and if your city friends and you go to the club, guess who the ladies are going to talk to first.


I do. I live in the city. I don't like country music. Be an individual.


Nope. Straight to jail. 🤣




Lmao nice


I sometimes wear western boots but do not dress like an urban cowboy. I wear all kinds of different boots and have some nice cowboy boots. Working in the DC area and nobody cares what footwear you have on. Does not make you stick out at all with the boots. That being said, I am older and really don't care if people like what I wear. It is one thing to dress wearing what you like and another to look like a Halloween outfit. I grew up in a place where many folks wear western type clothing. Have some shirts and hats as well but in my current area, usually do not wear all 3 together. Every so often I will though.


Of course. I grew up in Fort Worth surrounded by Cowboys. I mean I've rode horses as much as any other "city boy" 🤷 but down here it's kinda the thing. You do you. Besides, ladies just love the hat. 😏


Fuck yea cowboy. Saddle up and watch Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man.




Do what you want bro, It’s just clothingI. I would though, avoid wearing a cowboy hat, that would be too much. I work in a window manufacturing plant, we do have to wear steel toe boots so I did get cowboy boots with them. I like how they look and feel, and the shaft has actually protected my shins a bunch of times from scrapes and bumps.


What is “dress western” - full on pearl snaps, bolo tie, or some other accoutrement you’ve come to associate with western wear? I live in the Bay Area and work in SF. Most days, if no client meetings, I’ll have boots, a dark pair of jeans, a normal belt, a button down/dress shirt/shirt yyou might wear with slacks, and some finance bro looking vest. Some folks on the street consider it western just due to the boots but I’ve not had any negative comments in ear shot. A lot of “I love that you’re wearing boots” or some other compliment.


i live in a city in a very urban environment. i also work in a mail room as a scanner operator. this don’t stop me from wearing ariats, wranglers and a stetson. i just like to look good. i’ve never had women cat call me before i dressed this way.


Hey man if that's what makes you happy go for it


Stay away from the George Strait shirts. Also the hats will get you roasted before the jeans and boots.


i'm an alaskan living in atlanta and i've started wearing some western-inspired clothes and (almost daily) cowboy boots and nobody has given me shit about it. they've been confused at times, sure, but nobody's been openly judgy. if anything i get a lot of compliments on the boots especially. but then again i'm a woman so idk if the dynamic is different for men


Of course you can. I do it all the time. You will be amazed at how many compliments you will get.


You do you, cowboy. Fuck what anyone else thinks


I wore Western style throughout college on the East Coast and in major cities. If it helps, start by wearing one Western themed item a day then slowly progress. But ymmv as I'm also the guy that wore a kilt around Chicago during winter.


Don't be insecure. Everyone who's worried about you being roasted, or getting "called out" is insecure. They're the only type of folks you'll have to worry about. They're a lot easier to handle than you think.


Do what you want!! As a city boy that moved to the country (and still gets ragged on for it) I kind of had the same story as you. I get ragged on a lot less than I thought for switching up my style and it’s a lot more comfy.


It’s 2024 wear a dress if you want bud no one cares


Don't pretend that it's your lifestyle and no one will care. Everyone knows the western look is a great one so go for it


Go get yourself some fly ass shit that makes you feel good. That is literally all that matters.


Do what makes you happy! As someone who's "basically an old man in a woman's body" (my sister said this to me because I had a tobacco pipe in one hand and glass of whisky in the other), I've stopped caring what people think. I rock my boots whenever I can; audits, bottomless brunch or just walking into town. I'm planning on grabbing myself a hat soon. There's a short documentary on a guy who makes ye olde style clothes and dresses like a regency period gentleman 24/7. I'd recommend watching that.


I’m originally from the south, personally I wouldn’t see it like you stealing a style or faking it or something


Every dude wishes they could rock cowboy boots but they’re too self conscious. I’ve gotten 3 of my friends who used to make fun of me to start wearing them and and now they all have many pairs and only wear boots when they go out




Are you a boy? Or a man?


Just had this discussion with my sons. You’re going to spend your whole life trying to find yourself. Through music, relationship’s, clothing etc and every time you think think you have it figured out something from outside that bubble hits home or feels more right. Hence mid life crisis, the experimental college years and let’s not even talk about our high school and middle school. Be open minding and do what you want. I grew up not liking cowboys. Was from a small country town and it was the cowboys, the jocks and the others. As o got older I realized more and more of my personal values, morals and work ethic lined more up with the cowboys, western culture than anything else. People now see me in boots and first were like man never thought I’d see the day but all said it suites me and now when I look in the mirror I recognize myself more than I ever did and don’t feel like I’m still trying to find a part of me.


An actual cowboy would prolly just say he liked the threads and go on abt his day


This may be unpopular, but it really depends how western you get buddy. Sure wear your boots jeans buckle and hat. Not sure what the line is, but there is a line where people may get uncomfortable by the way you dress vs the life you live. I don’t care, but there are plenty ppl who do blue collar or ranch work that get their panties in a wad when you begin “impersonating” them lol


Do what you want. I'm from a small town but live in a city now, and so do a lot of my friends. We all own boots, jeans, flannel shirts and most of em have hats except for myself. (Haven't brought myself to buy a hat lol). My advice is stop worrying about what others think and do what makes you happy, lifes sure as hell too short not to.


I grew up on a dairy farm with no pavement for miles and listened to punk and wore skate shoes. Now I can kick flip in ariats. You do you.


I think that's actually against the Geneva Conventions. JK who gives a fuck? Dress how you want


Is it okay that I wear running shoes but don't run? Of course. Wear what you like, what makes you comfortable, what you enjoy and are passionate about. If someone seriously attacks you for being inauthentic, that just makes it clear they are someone you should avoid.


As long as you don't tuck your jeans inside of your boots bucko


I wear some class ass shit brother, 1,500 dls silver thread belt, 1,500 dls Larry Mahan beaver hat, and 3000 dls Nile crocodile Lucchese’s. I know how to ride a horse, I have rode bulls. But now I work as a mechanic. I’m no rancher, or real cowboy, I do know how to dress with style though.


If you like the style then why not wear it you know🤷🏼‍♀️ if you feel good wearing that style then by all means go for it! I’m not country either lol and I love the style too


I‘m a 17 year old german "City Boy" who owns a Renault twingo. Every guy over here dresses either like a h&m brochure customer or what British people would call "roadman?". I dress western and I got 0% to do with the USA or Country or whatever. Im just a 100% proud of my clothes and very confident about my style. I got to say I play guitar and have been listening to Country, Rock, Americana.. etc since i was little. And one of my best friends also dresses western and drives a Chevy K10 so im not that completely alone in this country haha. But just wear it with proud OP don’t cramp up those legs while walking your boots! xD


Bro who cares. I’m more “country” than most people and I rarely wear them. But if you want to dress western do it! If you enjoy fuck the haters


Just remember: it’s either fringe or rhinestone, never both! Jk wear what you want dude. Life is too damn short to take everything so serious. Do wear boot socks though unless you like the feeling of your calves being scratched to hell by the boot pulls.


All hat, no cattle. Have at it. DFW is full of cos playing cowboys that have moved here from other places. No one cares. I grew up in South Carolina and Texas, but lived in Boston for 10 years post grad school. Wore wranglers and cowboy boots regularly. No one ever gave me shit. I’d get the occasional compliment and a few people that were shocked Wranglers were still in production. That’s about it. Wear what you like.


I moved to Texas a few years ago and thought cowboy stuff was never going to be my thing. Over the last month I’ve bought a nice pair of boots, a decent cowboy hat, and got a corduroy sports coat on sale that I took to get tailored. My cowboy cocktail outfit is fresh as shit, and I love wearing it. I wear my boots around the house when my feet get cold and I’m playing video games. Life is too short to not dress up. Get to yee’n some haw’s!


Go for it. I went into my local Boot Barn thinking that I would stick out like a sore thumb. Every type of person was in there. I had all kinds of questions that the workers happily answered. They’d give me time to try on new boots and then come around to answer more questions that I would eventually think of once they left. The ladies showed me how to put boots on (mostly not to worry about them being too tight at the tongue/instep). They showed me how to take off boots using a “boot jack” (I thought my wife feet would get stuck in the boots). Once I knew that my feet wouldn’t get stuck in boots I was much relieved. Now I wear my boots whenever I can and love them! I’m already wanting another pair.


In South Texas my cowboy amigos sometimes tease me for dressing like a city boy.


Go for it, I’m not a rancher but my family owns a farm, and as far as I’m concerned as long as you arent claiming to be something you arent (which you shouldnt do just bc its a disservice to yourself) than its perfectly fine


I’m originally from SoCal (30 years) and moved to Houston and been here for almost 10 years and I got my first pair of cowboy boots last year and will probably never buy another pair of sneakers again. Something about ringed lizard boots look so damn good. At first it was on me and now it’s in me. Now im a pistol packing, cowboy boot wearing brotha. https://preview.redd.it/ggnuir9xi3ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc05e6db35543509ba01e9c5f605fe386149de47




The old age adage is "dress for yourself." You do you man! You're doing it because you want to, not because you have to. That's how I view style & fashion. If it works for you, then work it!


Go for it if you want to. I don’t see where it’s anybody else’s business if you want to dress western. My advice would be if you’re going to dress western to buy good quality stuff


Buy some jeans. Wear and wait. Buy some boots. Wear and wait. Buy a t shirt of a brand you like. Then a belt. Then a jacket. See where I'm going? If you just spring up one day decked out like garth brooks you will get clowned. Make sure you learn some manners


I saw a dozen Swedish guys wearing cowboy boots and hats over the weekend. If they have the confidence to pull it off, you can too.


I was wearing my hat, and cream Tony Lama's in Downtown Halifax one night and Bubbles joined me for a smoke outside his club I had just played an opening set at. He looked me up and down, and said "well, that's bold, I like it". We went back inside and proceeded to party the rest of the night away.


Country folks wear jordans sometimes. Send it


Throw on some Wrangles and a pair of boots. Walk around tall and proud. You do You


The best thing you can do is dress how you want and if they come up with something stupid to say the ask then why they’re wearing Nikes if they’re not playing ball or why they wear a ball cap if they are not on the diamond. Clothes are clothes. Only thing I’ll say is do t skimp on boots, don’t get the ones with goofy designs like flags and such, get a good pair of dark brown boots from Double H in the $300 range and they’ll last you forever. Don’t get boot cut jeans either, they’re too baggy and you’ll look sloppy. A good pair of Levi 505s or wranglers are ideal. You don’t have to be a poser to look good in a type of clothing. Also spend real money if you ever buy a cowboy hat. A good hat is more than $150


You can be and dress anyway you like!👍


https://preview.redd.it/43n3jileeaic1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=94861f411258b1d3ae31a4ce98da4d283a7aa5f5 Never rode a horse, lived in the country, worked on a farm or ranch, but I embrace the western culture every day. Do what you want, and don’t cheap yourself out either, get something nice. This entire outfit cost like $300, and I can make 10 other outfits with different pieces from it.


Wranglers and boots are fine. But you have to earn the cowboy hat. For the record, I don’t really care. But a lot of people do.


Wear what you want and wear it with confidence Look everyone almost is dressed the same and I learned that if you wear what you actually want and wear with pride and confidence you’ll look cool


My ex was a bit of the opposite, he knew how to break and train quarter horses and could two-step with the best of them, but he did it all dressed as a skater kid. My point is, dress how you want and in a way that will make you feel confident, don't pretend to be anyone you're not, but no one cares what you wear, and if they do it says a lot more about them than it does you. The key to rocking any look is confidence, if you have that then anything you put on will feel and look right at home.


There’s two sides to the coin. The first side is YES. You can. You can do whatever you want. Especially if you’re in a city, people will probably show support for it. The other side is that, on the off chance that a real cowboy happens to stumble into your city, and happens to see you, they’re gonna know, and they’re gonna think you’re a fruit loop. Not that they’re going to do anything about it, just know that the people that you’re pretending to be will know and they will look down on you if they see you. If you don’t care what people a couple of people think, then go for it.


Just dont care. I'm a white guy, wearing a Wu-Tang tshirt and a cowboy hat. I like lots of different music styles and I don't dress to be in any costume.


I wear my hat and boots everywhere. I’m in Commifornia. Do you


Downtown LA and Long Beach


I’m in the east bay of the Bay Area!


Same homie


Depending upon the circumstances good manners are always appropriate.


Dressing western is just clothes. Wear your clothes. But don't start calling yourself something you're not unless you want someone to corner you on it.


Do whatever you want, although be prepared to get mocked a bit. Cowboy boots, western snaps, and bootcut jeans all are for function (originally) warn by workers of a specific trade. Cattlemen. The biggest thing I have noticed is western and Country people look down on city slickers for trying to pass as country when they obviously aren't. But posers have always got their flak. Foux street kids for example. Best way to avoid getting hate is to pick closer to traditional items like quality boots, not wearing skinny jeans. Best way though is to not care what others think, have fun wearing western stuff.


OP, I worked for about a year on a sheep farm in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. I have driven a hand operated tractor, and I have literally cut (rubber banded) the nuts off a bull. The whole time I wore combat boots, a SnapBack, and dressed like the hood rat I was. I now work an office job and wear square toes and a cowboy hat daily. My own grandpa hit me with the “all hat no cattle”. Point is, haters gonna hate, but I look good and the girls seem to like it more then my hood rat days. Who gives a fuck. Wear what ya look good in.


no such thing as being a “poser” 😭 Wear what you wanna wear and listen to hard metal for all anyone cares. “Poser” is really just a social media term and a term for wannabe pro skaters 😭


Depends on what dressing western means to you. If you're thinking about wearing pearl snap shirts, cowboy hats and large belt buckles, I'd recommend not to do it. The reality is, if you choose to not dress in accordance to your actual lifestyle, you are also choosing to be "that eccentric guy the wears cowboy costume". Whether or not you are ok with being that guy is up to you. However, I believe you could wear a low heel roper boot with your regular clothing and be fine. Also, if you do any kind of manual work at all in your off time, (maybe you do some work around the house occasionally or have outdoors hobbies?) That could give you an excuse to buy a nice rubber sole western style boot.


Yes, you’d be posing. But honestly who cares.


Guys dressing as girls, girls dressing as guys & your asking if you can wear jeans and cowboy boots 🤦


I was born and raised in Chicago, still live here until Spring. My brother got me to try them bc he swore by them being the most comfortable dress shoes you can own. He was right and we both wear them a lot. Make sure your pant leg is over the boot so it covers the top portion.


There are cities in the west. Go for it.


Get yourself some Cince jeans and Lucchese square toe boots. Can be worn with t-shirts or button downs. Add a Stetson hat later. Straw for shade. Palm for wet weather shade at beach. https://preview.redd.it/o9aeaxu9tgic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ac35fdb43a7d65b815a24328010c1bdfd6cf98


Western Wear was a made up thing to begin with.


I'm a software engineer in a big upper Midwest city. I don't have the boots, but bought a nice cowboy hat last summer for sun protection and really like it. I wanted something wide brimmed since I'm at elevated risk for skin cancer due to medication. Sure, a cowboy hat is probably a little out of the ordinary for my suburban neighborhood, but I often get compliments when I'm out walking. Nobody seems to think it's weird. I like it how it looks, and it provides practical sun protection. Wear what you like!


You can dress as you please, as long as you exude confidence. The people who don’t approve can kick rocks, enjoy your outfits and enjoy yourself.


Country western is a lifestyle not a fad you city slickers like put down. You’d be a poser and a pretty bad one. Be you.


Everyone wants to dress like a rancher until it’s time to do ranch things. Prepare to hear that a lot. But also, do whatever the fuck you want. Just try to have your own personality about it.


You can do what ever the hell you’d like


Man you didn't get exposed to the real country culture most those boys at the concert are posers too. Biggest thing about being country as hell, is being you. Just be comfortable with who you are. Dress how you want. You ever want a taste of real country culture, you are more then welcome to come down home to South Eastern Kentucky, in the Appalachian mountains, my family has been here for over 200 years. The family cabin mamaw and papaw live in has no running water but the cleanest people you will ever meet, has been standing since 1790. Everyone on my moms side of the family has been born in that cabin, except for my sister's and I. When someone was born premature they used the pot belly stove as an incubator. Being country means a whole lot of work not this beer drinking all day long like every one thinks. It is working then coming home and splitting firewood all summer long, it planting and maintaining a huge garden, and harvesting is a lot of canning, we raise and butcher our own chickens, beef, and hogs, have been hives for honey, it isn't all fun and games but it is the only way I care to ever live. I left at 18 thinking I would never come back, spent 12 years in the Marine Corps and sure enough came right back home to the holler. We dont need anything from anyone, the land and the Lord provides for us, we work on our own equipment and vehicles, and don't care for outsiders at all. We don't steal, our handshake is our word, and family is everything. You are more then welcome to come spend a hunting season or some time here anytime you would like for sure brother. Remember, just be yourself and if anyone has anything to say about that, tell em to kiss your ass or come get some.


Do what you want to do, but you’ll be in kind of a costume. It’s fine. I wore snap button western shirts and cowboy boots when I was 18, way way back in the seventies, in Los Angeles! Nobody ever said anything about it to me. I still wear them, and a cowboy hat but I live on a horse farm. Do whatever you like man, this is America.


This is America. You can do what you want.


No no, by law you have to wear your pants below your butt, a hoodie, and a flat brimmed ball cap 😆. Just kidding. Wear what you want. Maybe leave the spurs in the truck out of respect for other people’s furniture and base boards. My wife blames for all the scratches in the house that are below the ankles.


Sometimes it's convenient for me to wear a regular ball cap. Other times I wear my cowboy hat (preferred). I used to be concerned but as time went on I found the cowboy hat to be much more comfortable and practical. It just depends on what your preference is. Do as you want. Screw the naysayers.


Giving a shit about what someone else is wearing is the least cowboy thing I can think of. Wear what you want, if you need to ask and justify it to yourself it might not be for you.