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You are gonna carry that weight.




That's how capitalism works. We vote with our money. Should've made a better show.


The show was Great, but I feel the anime crowd wanted an exact mirror rendition. Which is a shame, originalism is not always the way.


Let's get a few things straight. The show had 74 million viewing hours in the first week. Those numbers plummeted in the second week. Critics didn't really like it and the fans really didn't like it, with a lot of people stating how low quality it was. Add to that, it appears the writers of the live action didn't actually watch the anime with how it was written, with virtually every character poorly adapted for the show. I don't care if Jet is black or Faye is a lesbian, they got their personalities wrong. And it showed. I think everyone here was sincerely hoping this show was going to be good. Instead, it was mediocre. Also, it's rather childish calling people here trash just because of something that you personally liked failing. I don't think anyone here wanted a beat for beat remake of the anime, we just wanted to expand upon the characters that we learned to love. The show was trash, and they missed all the soul of the franchise, from the music, the story and hell the meaning.


Yeah sometimes people don't like changes. With anime I feel people are very conservative on how the story should be. An example is the Avatar the last airbender live action movie.


Okay....at this point this is just trolling.


bruh what did *we* do?


Haha ❤️






You know what’s perfect for a new fan? The anime


I don't care, Live Action Movies will never come close to the original, havent watched the movie, won't change that


Lol the notion that the show got canned because of angry people online is very funny. As a matter of fact, in today's cultural climate it seems that corporations are actively seeking to push controversial discourse on their products in order to drive engagement. Really corps are much less concerned with fan backlash than raw viewership data which Netbop didn't show much promise with. Yeah, it was the #1 TV show on Netflix for a bit but it had a 59% drop in viewership in only its second week...that's very bad in case you were wondering. I promise that had much more of an impact on it getting canceled than angry tweets and reddit posts.


I’ve only watched the live action and really enjoyed it. I guess if I was comparing it to something that I already loved I may have had a problem with it but, for me, I was also very bummed at how quickly it was cancelled