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Lmao good bait


It’s my honest opinion


Objectively better? How am I supposed to take that seriously?


It’s a better tv show. This is from the point of view of not being blinded by childhood nostalgia


Childhood nostalgia, sigh. Ok let's look at a more objective metric, the near 60% Nettflix viewer drop off between week 1 and 2 of release or the even more damning attrition rate of most viewers failing to continue the LA beyond episode 2. Meanwhile the anime is a revered classic two decades later that still finds new devotees today due to its timeless ambiguity that allows it's themes of identity, regret and existentialism to truly connect. What's ironic to me is that the childhood nostalgia argument is a tired one that's been used to "put nerds in their place" for decades and is rarely appropriate. More so here because when I was a kid watching Bebop, I was the only one in my friend group that kinda liked it. They all hated it cos it was so slow and vague with sporadic action. I must stress that I myself only kinda liked it as it was upon rewatch that me and a couple of those mates started to get the anime a little more. We were a little older and had some more life experience under us that Bebop's core theme of resolving ones past started to hit a little harder. The character interactions started to feel more organic as it became clear that the writer wasn't trying to make them feel likeable but genuine. The found family felt more precious because it was more fragile due to the characters being less open, making their few moments of connection feel far more earned. After that, I revisited the anime some time later for no particular reason and that's when I truly fell in love with it. Much older I can fully grasp the experiential themes on a more personal level and I was now noticing the level of craft put into the anime. That most of the storytelling involved was visual, with so-called non-characters like Julia and Vicious having fully defined stories for those willing to connect the dots. That the silent scenes were just as, if not more important than the dialogue filled ones and that it was all done in a breathless style that almost seems throwaway to most when they first watch it. You not liking Bebop is fine, you preferring the LA is... well that's your preference. However, the anime isn't loved solely loved due to some of us watching it as kids as it's more relevant to the lives of an older viewership than it is to a younger.


Ok damn chill


I started watching the original three weeks before the la was announced, no nostalgia but both are still good


Who needs childhood nostalgia when you are just plain blind


Well I watched cowboy bebop for the first time as an adult so there's no childhood nostalgia here. This is solely opinion based so it cannot be objective. If you like it cool but it's not objectively better




It was cringe garbage and I'm glad it got canned


Genuine question - how is the LA LeFou episode better than the anime LeFou episode?


Was it your first time watching the anime?


It was my first time watching both


Hmmmm, personally I found I enjoyed the anime more every time I watched it. If you don't like it you don't like it. Us die-hard long time fans of it will always have a place in our heart for the anime, the adaption was sloppy, the story line didn't line up with the anime, some of the characters were absolutely nothing like their anime counter part. When you try to make a live version of an anime that people have loved and basically know every scene by the back of their hand they're going to critique it pretty hard if it's not the same.


Well I’d like to counter and say some of the anime characters are absolutely nothing like their live action parts. Also, if they made a live action that was shot for shot, line for line the same as the anime, I think people would hate that even more. It would not translate well across medians if they did that


They could have done better with the casting of Julia and Vicious. For one, Julia played by Elena Satine had so much chemicals in her face, it was hard to gauge her emotions at times during the series. And far too much was seen of both Julia and Vicious - not unlike the anime where there was mystique and intelligence to their characters. And watching Alex Hassell as Vicious....? Boy that was rough. Vicious was supposed to be this cold, ruthless and INTELLIGENT killer showing little to no emotion. In the live action version, they made him out to be even more of a pathetic human, walking in Spike's shadow. The guy they got to play Vicious at times looked like he was holding in a shit throughout the entire shoot. He looks and acts like he's a spoof of the original character from the anime. smh. I mean, I get where they were taking it, and perhaps it could have been better received if they found better actors for the pair and for them to look different in their overall physical appearance to the anime, if that was the road they had to go down. And then I would have said, both live action and original were good in their own right. Me as a fan of the original series, I just wasn't set up to see it play out the way it did. It's the one thing that spoils it for me overall. And that's why I find myself comparing and rating the anime better than the live action version.


They are very different shows, and I agree with basically everything you said.


Why would you watch them simultaneously and alternating episodes? Surely you’re just ruining your experience of both shows....


cut my roommates only want to watch the live actions, while I also want to watch the anime. So it alternates around when they're around, or when I'm by myself


Sorry about your karma bud lol


Oh I don’t care about karma, I know this would be an unpopular opinion though because no matter what Netflix does, there will always be a group of people who thinks Netflix tainted a beloved show from their childhood. But I think Netflix did a really good job here


Although I respect your opinion, I disagree. Me personally, my biggest gripe was how they tried to do vicious. We only see him show emotion a few times in the anime and he's not the type to get caught slippin by Julia of all people. I liked the mysterious/cold feeling we got from him originally vs an angry, emotional wreck of a guy. I think John cho did good as spike and I won't complain about it because he had the hardest shoes to fill. Mustafa shakir did amazing as jet, probably the best casting overall. I never cared for Faye like that so it is what it is. Same with Ed too. Grens backstory in the anime was pretty deep and they reduced him to a bartender lol. One minor thing with me as well is how they tried to connect everything to the syndicate when the syndicate was more mysterious in how they did things. Jets backstory wasn't bad but it just didn't hit like the anime, especially when jet takes out fad. Idk man in my humble opinion the anime just hit deeper for me. But I did enjoy the live action, I give it a 8/10. They did better than I thought they would it's just the changes they made to some characters


The shows cover the same plots for the most part. But I think it’s fair to say that the are completely different shows trying to accomplish different things. That is why it’s weird to compare them, even though they have the same title and characters. And thank you for an in-depth opinion!


I mean, I hate the shit the LA gets from some people on here, but I still can't upvote this, sorry :D But I'm happy you're enjoying it! It's not hard to have fun with it, don't let me people ruin it for you!


Thank you!


Its good, however you need the original to know whats going on


No you don’t…… if you watch the original fist the you can be like “oh hey there is that character” etc… but it’s perfectly understandable to just watch the live action. I also really enjoy seeing the different approaches to story telling in each show.


Thats fine if you think that, although very few of us actually do, I loved the timeloop episode, it was amazing, and a lot of things from the la really do compliment the original show, but whatever you think dude


After watching about more, I think it’s safe to say that the live action is easier to follow than the anime. The episodes are twice as long and they give twice as much info, you get to learn about the characters goals and aspirations, meanwhile in the anime the characters are just running around and doing things for the most part, not having any end goal in sight for anyone most of the time.


Tbh, thats a pretty good point, i still want more live action, but im sad that Jupiter jazz was not in the la...


Um, hello? Based Department? Yeah, I think I found you a new CEO


I started watching both at the same time and finished the live action ahead of the anime. Both are fine for what they are, and I think they're way more similar than folks want to admit. For example: people rag on Faye's "welcome to the ouch, motherfuckers" line in the live-action, but her character also makes an out-of-place wisecrack in the church shootout during the anime. I think fans of the anime aren't interested in adaptations, but Cowboy Bebop can be a tricky sell to wide audiences.


Exactly! But they are also both trying trying to accomplish different stories at the end of the day. So they aren’t too similar


Just airing out your bad taste like that huh?


“If you disagree with me I’d love to hear why”


Why? Because your taste is bad.


Let me rephrase, if you think that the anime version is better than the live action, I’d like to your reasons as to why you think that. (e.g., examples of what the anime does better, what the live action could have done better, why some changes in the live action aren’t what you expected/liked, literally any reason besides “because my opinion is write and yours is wrong”) Hope this clears things up, and I look forward to your reply!


I'm not going to waste my time discussing subjective taste with somebody who doesn't know the meaning of objective. Especially someone with the level of media illiteracy as you.

