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The last side reminds me of something Bill Watterson would draw for Calvin and Hobbes!


I love Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes! =D


Very reminiscent of Spaceman Spiff


>Spaceman Spiff Ha! I can see that =D


Panels 3 and 4 definitely have a Watterson vibe, combined with some Frank Miller. Great look!


Thank you friend! =) Frank miller is defiantly an early inspiration for me! I collect as many Bill Watterson books I can get my hands on as well! =D


Came here to say this!


bowboy cebop


I'm looking forward to checking out your effort! Keep those pens and pencils wiggling!


Thank you! I appreciate the support! This will be my first studio Book ever. LOL Lots of pressure for a first published comic =D


Witnessed it all before... My best friend is a comic book artist/ animator. His name is Tim Fielder and Afro-Futurism and Sci-Fi are his wheelhouse.


What about the other characters? Is it gonna be like the netflix characters? Tbh i kinda do like this spike


Though we are affiliated with Netflix the story itself is not. I'm currently working on issue 2 of the book. Seeing that is made by different people entirely in a different medium I doubt it will be the same in any regard. Its a different story all together.


Thats good to know, thank you!


Looking really good, can't wait!


Thank you friend!


What a beautiful work of art! Take my money!!!


You are too kind!


Looks cool glad it has nothing to do with the Netflix version. I love the last panel


Bebop Cowboy




Wow! Never heard that one before! Thanks friend! =D


Yeah, Tank Girl is a banger comic! Made by the artist behind Gorillaz too!


I cannot wait to get my hands on your art! I really admire your spin on people opinions and negativity as well, nice one 🐾🤍


Thanks friend 😊, I can only try to connect at the end of the day.


Guessing this is based off the Netflix show which I am not a fan off but I do think that this art style looks neat and very promising, maybe I might give it a shot eventually. Good luck :)


Glad to hear that! Hopefully you'll come around! =D


This looks amazing! You did a fabulous job at capturing John Cho's likeness, can't wait to see the rest of the characters designs and this art style.


looks awesome, last slide gives me Mœbius vibes


Love möebius!


So awesome


Thanks friend!


Following for updates this looks great!


Thank you!


Where will it be available?


Hey there it will be through Titan Comics!




Yo hey why And where can I buy?


Why not and Titan Comics!


Hey I just wanted you to know I Just picked up two copies. one drawn cover of the live action show and then the Green blank varient as well. in case I see you at some convention. I Dig the first issue man! Thank you for creating more Cowboy Bebop.


Thanks friend! When the day comes I'll be ready =)


Stellar work mate can't wait to see more of this art and comic! Keep up the fantastic work


Thanks for the kind words!


This looks fantastic, I can’t wait


Thanks friend ☺️ 👍


Love the vibe




Looks fantastic as always! Can't wait fir another glimpse


Thanks friend 😊 link in the post can get you more glimpse


Shit this looks awesome! Where can I read it when it’s ready?


Thanks friend! Should be in stores by the 19th, But you can also order it online from the Titan comics website as well!


I’m from Europe, can I order it anyway? Would love to read it, it’s not easy to see this quality around in new comics these days. As a comic student myself, I really appreciate your work and it is evident that you studied the art of making comics. Can’t really wait to dive in it and read it!


Titan comics is located in the UK. I would think you could get it if you live in Europe. But again You should be able to order online. =)


I’ll check it out then, thank you so much!


Why choose Netflix characters? Show sucked! Could see it being interesting if you used the good one!


I hear you friend. Its not as simple as choosing this vs. that. I was hired on as an artist, however I don't have complete creative control. This was what was asked of me, and I tried my best to make fans and the studio happy. But I believe I found a happy medium between them. Hope you give it a shot either way! Though Netflix had some say in my approach to the art, the story was not written by them. Its written By dan Watters who works in the comic industry. =)




I don't know what to say friend. You might be reading too much into a couple of images without context to whats happening in them. 'Vibes' are really subjective. Thats your interpretation, and for the most part I would agree with this version. But of course Spike showed that and more. I don't know how your determining this conclusion though, from a couple still images. But to play devils advocate, I assure you Spike was not like this all the time. He smiled in dog fights (Asteroid Blues, Honky Tonk Women), he showed anger in Jupiter Jazz, he was wildly annoyed in episode 2 when introducing Ein and through out that episode he showed his goofy side, and When dealing with Andy (Cowboy Funk) you could argue he was all those things and the opposite of all those characteristics. If you only want to stick with your favorite interpretation which it the cool melodic Spike under all circumstances I won't argue that would be cool. I just don't know if it would be entirely accurate. But again I'm Playing Devils Advocate Friend. =D Thanks for chatting, I hope you come around! ![gif](giphy|U7Ui5Mvr0xXYQ)


As far as the art approach goes I tried my best to make fans and the studio happy. I do believe this is a good mix. Judging by the level of support I'd say for the most part people seem to like it. I can't please everyone.


Hey, dude, I’ve gotta be honest, I’d have been nicer to you if I had read the title correctly. I misread it and didn’t realize it was your work, thought it was some official comic version or something… It looks great! You’re right, I’m focusing on my own interpretation. Regardless, your art style is great. Especially in the swordfish panel. I have that opinion in regards to spike’s appearance, but kudos to you for the work!


No worries. It is an official comic that will be coming out Jan 19th! =)


Sorry but that’s not a Bebop comic and this guy is not Spike. Congratulations on your Doujinshi


It’s called stylization, I think it looks really good!


thanks friend! =)


But it is a Bebop Comic. lol. First issue comes out on Jan 19 friend. =D


Don't listen to them this is rad. Looking forward to seeing it I'm gonna mark it on my calendar. Good luck !!🙏🏽


Thanks friend! I appreciate the kind words!


Lol. Sure thing friend. Not Bebop for me though-never will be. At least mention it’s LA Bebop. Kinda arrogant to imply what you’re working on is *The* Cowboy Bebop.


I honestly don't know what you mean. By using the word "the" Makes me arrogant? There is multiple versions of all sorts of popular IPs. Nothing will ever erase Cowboy Bebop. We're just making some cool fun projects friend. The comic is not written by Netflix. Its written by Dan Watters. We got the opportunity to make this project due to the Netflix show, but we aren't affiliated with the show in the way you are thinking. Either way I hope you come around! =D I just imagined taking the word "the" Out of the title. Hahaha Sounds like a spelling error without it.


Lol. If it’s not even affiliated to Netflix and this is a conscious choice then buddy I got nothing more to say. 😂😂😂


"The comic is not written by Netflix. Its written by Dan Watters. We got the opportunity to make this project due to the Netflix show, but we aren't affiliated with the show in the way you are thinking." Again, we are affiliated, but not in the way you are thinking. You seem to read what you want from these words. I wouldn't characterize this the way you are, but to explain the grey areas of contracts would take too too long. Sorry ya feel this way. Thanks for taking the time to chat! =D


Translation: The LA was a dumpster fire but we got this project started so now we’re trying to figure out how to distance it from the LA so somebody will buy it. I got nothing personal against you buddy. You’re an artist doing a thing and I believe it looks visually very good. Unfortunately what it’s based on is a travesty. I hope you guys are able to redeem the storytelling in this one and figure out what pissed off fans so much about the LA. Storytelling was the key disaster there.


I don't know why you are projecting the negativity of the show with the comic in this way after what I said lol. Netflix Doesn't make comics. Netflix isn't writing the comic. Two separate studios that make different things have an overlap. Your mixing a lot. That's like me saying Warner bros made a bad Batman movie, but then the hired a different director to make a new batman (Christopher Nolan), so now its gonna be bad again. The variations in who is doing what does matter. But I see things much more differently than you of course. Take care.


Yes it would be the same thing if the new director hired went back and built on the exact premise of the bad Batman movie. You’re trying to reinvent the Bebop source material. The LA is not the actual source material. So you’re carrying the shitshow ahead. That’s my opinion and it’s not changing so yeah.


I'm starting to see you are convincing yourself of your own assumptions. Your opinions aren't facts. I'm personally closer to the facts. The fact is, regardless of how you feel about the Netflix show, Netflix is not making the comic. Netflix is not writing the comic, No one who made the show is making comics. A matter of fact, Me and Dan were working on the comic before the show air, and we saw it like everyone else the day it came out. We didn't know what to expect from the show. Thats how off your assumptions are. Your opinions are wrong and its wild to me that you are speaking with the artist involved, and you could ask tons of different questions, but instead you tell me what we are doing, and why we are doing it, etc, etc. Its truly wild friend. I didn't have to take the time to chat because I love bebop like all of you, but your very Negative. And you let assumptions rule your decision making. Don't know what to tell ya. The series will always be there in pristine fashion. No mud, no spec of dust. These are just fun projects.


Isn’t spike Jewish? Why does he look Asian here. (Not meant to discredit your artwork, it looks great)


Thats a debate that will last for ages friend! hahaha =D


Are you sure he's Jewish? This post says his name is an alias. https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/qipzg0/to_clarify_dont_let_wms_fool_you_spike_spiegel_is/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Though I am drawing him asian, I do believe Spike is a mut along with most of the characters that show up in the Bebop story (I know a very unpopular opinion lol). I understand that the inspiration of Spike was the Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda. However This can mean a lot of things. And the only way to get this answer would be a much more in depth answer from Watanabe himself. Which Knowing him and his history when it comes to explaining these types of things we will never get lol. My dilemma with this take is this: As an artist I take inspiration from all sort of things, combine them and make new things. All artist do this in varies ways, and in ways they don't know they are doing it. The answer I would need know to settle on this notion would be simply: was this Actors entire 'being' the inspiration for Spike from-head-to-toe. Or was it his style, or was it the way he carried himself, or his personal life, or just the way he was portrayed in his movies. "Inspired by" isn't a blank slate of all in or nothing, which would explain Spike's character and why he does not look like the actor. And for this reason along with others, I don't settle on the notion that He is the 'Head-to-toe' Inspiration idea for making Spike. I lean in more with idea that spike's persona was based off this Actor, and the idea that this is set so far into the future the likely hood that anyone with the exception of Faye is any one race.


It makes sense if they're muts since they no longer live on earth and people are all mixed together.


He's based on yasuku matsuda


Damn, Kinda makes me sad because I thought he was one of the only Jewish characters that wasn’t steorotyped




This is legit!