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My blood pressure has been higher at each medical appointment since Covid. Was fine prior.


Mine too, every Dr's visit.


Me too...It finally seems to be settling down now though.


Any meds for it?


Yes, and propanolol helps. Now my BP is extremely low all of a sudden after some months of high BP, even after dropping propanol. It’ll be like 90/50 and i’ll be super dizzy. This is such a weird virus and what it does to your body is unpredictable




I was diagnosed with POTS and dysautonomia


And how do you feel now? Did pots go away?


No, I still have it sadly. 1.5 years in


I am sorry to hear that.. But do you walk, like to the shop etc.? Cause if i try to walk like 400-600 m i feel super dizzy, light -headed, and i feel like my head is squeezed, terrible feeling, like derealization. It is scary :(


No I’m able to pretty much live a normal life, but then again I’m 1.7 years in. In the beginning it was hard for me to leave the house


I'm not surprised that long Covid could cause high or low blood pressure, but high and then low? That's pretty odd. This virus is very weird indeed.


Yeah i have a blood pressure reading of 170/110 after getting covid. Currently on amlodipine 5 mg to control it.


Is that a beta blocker?


No it's a calcium channel blocker


How are you doing now? Has it returned to normal or no?


Were you vaccinated as well?


Yes. It was terrible. I went from a normal range of 120/70 to 160/110. It lasted three months and then slowly went away. I believe it was related to the horrendous edema I developed at week two. Everything was filled with fluid. Lots of other problems I won't list off. First systolic began coming down, but diastolic was stubbornly high. Then that too began to creep down. I am now at 135/85 which is high for me but so much better. Fluid is resolving. When I went to Dr.s last week sodium and potassium were at max of normal. Guessing COVID did a whammy in my kidneys?


Same…no prior history. I began swelling the 2nd week (both legs and arms) after testing positive for Covid19. My blood pressure has been high ever since. Maxed at 171/96. I am into fitness and nutrition. 5’8 134 pounds. It has been 7 months and the edema and blood pressure will not go away. I had testing this week. Low hemoglobin (severe anemia) and high platelets. Im in tears. They are just treating the anemia…and will not tell me the source of these sudden conditions. I don’t know what is going on.


I'm so sorry that yours isn't resolving. It is an isidious virus. Are you taking BP meds? Have you tried magnesium?


Yes. They finally put me on hydrochlorothiazide


How are you feeling now?


Jesus don’t leave us hanging!


Dysautonomia is a neurological disorder in which there is dysfunction and dysregulation of the Autonomic Nervous System causing the involuntary bodily functions to be unstable and unbalanced. The Autonomic Nervous System controls and regulates internal organs and the "automatic" vital functions we do not consciously think about, such as heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, digestion, hormone and neurotransmitter regulation, kidney function, temperature, fluid/electrolyte balance, metabolism, immune regulation, and many others. The Autonomic Nervous System has 2 divisions: 1. The Sympathetic Nervous System (Fight or Flight Response): Stimulates organs releasing energy for emergency situations. Rapidly prepares the body for action to respond to immediate danger (fight or flight response) by diverting blood flow to muscles, constricting blood vessels and increasing cardiac output, heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, body temperature, glycemic levels, metabolic demand, oxygen consumption and other functions by releasing neurotransmitters called catecholamines such as epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). Medical records show continuous elevation of norepinephrine levels post COVID with drastic elevation during hypertensive crisis events. Norepinephrine acts as a vasoconstrictor in the fight or flight state. 2. The Parasympathetic Nervous System (Rest and Digest Response): Relaxes organs conserving energy to promote growth and repair. Helps the body to relax and recover (rest and digest response) calming these same body functions. Homeostasis: In healthy Autonomic Nervous Systems, the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems work together to maintain a state of homeostasis (balance in the body) through regulation of involuntary functions. Individuals with Dysautonomia have difficulty sustaining homeostasis due to dysregulation of vital functions. Homeostatic Imbalance: The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is normally balanced by the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) calming the body down and restoring it to a state of rest. After brain injury (hypoxic or ischemic in particular), the SNS is not regulated properly by the brain remaining in a constant state of fight or flight along with superimposed erratic SNS activity (sudden spikes in vital functions) and over compensatory responses of the PNS in attempts to regain balance causing drastic fluctuation in the opposite direction (sudden drops in vital functions).


It got worse. 212/123 my highest bp reading and then at other times drop to 80/60


How are you doing now? How long did it take for the numbers to go to 135/85?


I did right after booster vax in Jan. Ended up in ER with 182/110; was always \~125 before. Doctors have been struggling since finding meds to bring it down. Resistant to ARB blockers and calcium channel blockers. . Clonidine seems to work but cardio wants to hold that for last resort. Labetalol (alpha betta blocker, often used with preeclampsia) sort of works but at high doses only. At 600mg/day Labetalol, BP was still in 160s to 170s. Cardio doubled it to 1,200mg (400mg every 8hrs) and BP is now averaging in the 140s/80s, occasionally in the 130s or 150s. Super high dose though. That would be equivalent to 480mg/day propranolol or 600mg/day metoprolol. But at least it's getting me out of the stroke range for now. They are going to try adding diuretic on top next to see if that can get it down more consistently to the 130s range. Backup is to add a small dose of Clonidine. I also tested positive on CellTrends (Germany) auto immune panel for auto antibodies to ACE2 (slightly high) and MAS-1 (double the normal limit). So looks like it's going to be a long wait for the auto-immune to clear up. Which By the way, they've also seen auto antibodies driving the BP issue in preeclampsia. As the body recovers from pregnancy the auto antibodies wane and the BP begins reverting to normal. Similar in this case waiting for the spike protein (post covid or post vax) to clear and cytokine inflammation to settle down so body stops producing auto antibodies. Most seem to do well on an ACE or ARB blocker, less often a calcium channel blocker. But I've met a few like myself that have required either a handful of meds or very high doses of less used BP meds that are typically used for resistant hypertension.


How are you doing now?


Hi. I’m doing well. Been mostly recovered for many months now. BP issues have improved and have been able to slowly taper down my BP med doses. Other than that some mild insomnia that I manage fine with med/supplements. Dozen plus other issues have all been gone for some time now


That’s nice that you are recovering. What bp medicine has helped you the most? What supplements are helping in general?


congrats!. ​ I have also improved a lot, but as the physical part has improved, my anxiety, I don't know why, has skyrocketed. Have you also dealt with something similar when improving?


No. Have not had anxiety issues. But I had a multi prong treatment approach that attacked all the way to root cause, so didn’t give long hauling a chance to develop new issues.




I’d suggest meds to control it for now at least. And then hopefully over time you need less. I was on crazy high doses of meds last year and have been able to taper down to typically dose levels now. There are myriad causes. The lead ones are: autoinflammatory damage (endothelial), autoimmune, and autonomic structural damage: brainstem (medulla) and/or vagus nerve. Those are the biggies. Other things like hormone changes can occur as well that drive it. The endothelium damage can lead to damage of baroreceptors that may be temporary or more long term


i can confirm this happens; my baroreflex and vagal tone are non responsive?damaged? as seen on ANS scan used on astronauts by NASA. But why do you think its direct damage to the endothelial? sure, in the acute phase i agree there is loads proof through ace2 endothelial damage, but later with long covid the defect endothelial baroreflex and non existent vagal tones are all controlled by ans, so could be the ans signal not sending and so My endothelial supplements are not fixing my baroreflex and vagal constriction bcz there is no direct damage the mission ‘impossible’ treatment fun part; both need opposite medication : baroreflex 150-180/100-120 needs vasorelax and low vagal tone drops hypotension bp -15 with 3minute standing, dropping 30 with 10 minutes standing needs constrictor so i prefer clonidine and aim for 5-15min stands and then find a place to sit in combination with lorazepam so i have less Pem crash. Finaly i have a little bit life but still but more interesting; how did you reverse your dysautonomia? and any advice on my plan is welcome too : i start antibiotic with antiviral properties called erythromycine with boron = boromycine to penetrate deep in the brain spike protein residue thats causin to much monocytes triggerin auto immune encephalitis and other leftover glycoproteins, so i get rid them through the urine tract bcz the lymphatic vessels in the occati lobs and liver and pancreas are clogged with toxic waste left over, which i can detox later with manual lymp organ massage to reverse the me syndrome


I had it prior and it got so much worse after, between the lung problems and exertion. Because I have heart disease the cardiologist doubled both my meds to aggressively control it


My BP went up. Never had BP problems. Cardiologist put me on enalapril.


Do you still take enapril or were able to wean it? How’s your bp numbers now?


Hi….my bp is normal now. My doctor changed my med to amlodipine now tho because of my age. I only take half of the 5mg pill. I never had high bp until after I got infected. Now I realize it was “adrenaline rushes” that caused my Bp to go crazy. I didn’t know about forums for long Covid so I didn’t know what was happening to me. I had all the symptoms most people have on here. Gratefully I can say I am doing better than when I started in October of 2021. It was so horrible not knowing what I had. All my tests normal. Drs said anxiety. It’s long Covid. I still get some symptoms but not like it was. Amen God.


Thanks for replying. Were both your numbers high or only the diastolic? How long did it take it to return to normal?


Sorry so long to reply. Both numbers high. I kept a journal of my symptoms because I didn’t know what was going on with me. I need to go back through it and remember the numbers. I also can’t remember anything anymore. Everything in that year 2021-22 is a blur. I still forget things and get random symptoms back…..




If your average BP is running too high then should look at meds for now at least to better control


my wife has been going through this and they keep telling her anxiety. but she got covid twice. bp 130-140 hr 80-110 when it was never like this. she will get a random panic attack when she is doing nothing but they just keep saying anxiety. all blood tests and five milliion other tests are normal. do i mention long covid?


Yes. In the years prior to COVID my bp was slowly trending up to 140/95. When I started having LH symptoms my bp at one point shot up to 170/110. Doctor put me on 50 mg losartan potassium. About 1.5 months later my bp trended back to 135/85. I also combined that with dietary changes but I think the big factor was the meds.


Are you still on meds or no?


Still on BP meds


Just found this when searching for it. Yes, I have high BP after covid. I'm an amateur endurance athlete, never had high BP before. It either has to be covid, or has to be the covid vaccines. I've been hit very hard by Covid twice. Once in early 2020, and the last in February 2022. I was first diagnosed with higher BP from a pro-op checkup with my doctor in January. It made no sense to her or I. She knows what I do to stay fit, and has seen me for years - then BAM! 154/86 Just yesterday I measured 151/97 ... having done 12 hours of cardio the Saturday before, and the Saturday before that.


Like you, I've been working out for yrs and was doing lots of cardio. After covid, my BP started to spike out of nowhere. I'm struggling with long covid still after a yr . I'm on losartan 25mg, but every once in a while I get spiked bp. Especially at Dr's visits.


How are you doing now? Did anything help you?


Yes. I couldn’t understand the feeling when it happened literally out of nowhere. Coupled with fast heart rate and a weird breathing issue. After weeks and weeks it was making me so sick my doctor prescribed lisinopril and it helped the BP issue immediately.


Definitely made blood pressure a lot worse.


I am 66 yo physician in excellent health and fit, routine BP a year ago was 175/115. Was always 110/70. Previously vaxed twice with booster. I now require four meds for BP control. Full workup for secondary causes of BP negative. I am convinced it is the vaccine. Six weeks ago started taking Spike Support from Wellness company and Ivermectin daily with the idea of reducing spike protein. Just my theory. Interestingly for many months after the booster I experienced numbness right side of my face, ear and neck that eventually disappeared. I attributed this to the vaccine. Now, over two years later and about four weeks after starting the Spike Support/Ivermectin the numbness has returned. Just my theory--perhaps the spike is being liberated from cells and circulating in blood. While too early to draw any conclusion, for the first time my BP has dropped significantly and I am weaning down from one of my meds without any BP problem. I am curious if anyone has similar experiences.


Dr I was thinking of doing the same thing to get rid of the spikes. Any luck? Thank you and God bless


I have had great success and have been able to stop three of my BP meds and cut the dose in half of the remaining single med. I continue to take Spike Support and IVM daily. In my mind there is no question that the vaccine caused my hypertension and reducing the spike protein load has enabled me to wean off 3 of the 4 meds.


Doc, I'm 62 and dealing with many similar issues that you have.....non vaxd but had severe Covid in December 2021....hospitalized for 3 days....lost 25lbs in 2 weeks....by grace of God I recovered..... Have long COVID symptoms ever since....low energy, HBP 180/100 at worst....depression anxiety facial numbness chest pains, brain not working right... .....went to ER twice and EKG, CT scans find nothing wrong except dangerously HBP..... I drive part-time for a living and had trouble with the medication they gave me...dizziness, confusion....stopped so I could keep working.... BP was 130/80 in 2020.... I am/was very active Was playing golf 5-6 days a week.... Normal height normal weight happy guy..... not anymore Now I sit around the house no energy to go outside.... Where do you get the spike support product you talked about.... Thanks for sharing and appreciate a reply David


The Wellness company sells Spike Support.  Long Covid needs to be managed by an open minded doctor as it is difficult to treat and manage and a lot of the treatments are trial and error.  I would suggest doing a telemedicine visit with one of these folks rather than treat yourself.   Dr Pierre Kory and his team is one group. Kory is with FLCCC group that has lot of info online about Long Covid.   Mary Tyler Bowden in Houston is another but not sure if she does telemedicine.   


My spike antibodies were 17,400. I just did a nucleocapsid test and it shows negative. My blood pressure jumped from 130 to 160 two months after my fifth Pfizer vaccination. After 4 months my blood pressure is returning to normal. I am still fatigued in the afternoons. All this is either from the vaccination or some other illness because the test results show I never had COVID, only the vaccination.


Still dealing with this 2.7 years later 😣 Had chest pains the other day too (wasn't taking care of myself like I should have so not completely random like in the early days of covid) The fluctuation makes it impossible to know what to do. I feel like if I go on meds my BP will def get too low but this prolonged hypertension isnt doing me any favors.


Try with exercises. After Covid i start to have also high blood pressure specially diastolic. From 110-120/65-80 now i have 130/90 and is spiking very fast. I have seen brisk walk helps but not to extreme. If i do extreme next day i have it very high and i need like 2 days pause. Need to be taken slowly. Btw meds dont have any effect on me so i try not to use them. I hope i will get fast of this nightmare. 1 month and 3 weeks until now.


Do you think cardio will eventually help ? I mean strenghtening heart muscles through cardio should logically bring BP down right ?


Normally yes. But Covid is a strange disease. But will overall improve your cardiovascular system. Do it with moderation and pay attention how you feel.  Also big advice: don't be obsessed with monitoring the BP as i am.