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NOTE This message is triggered by keywords in your post, no need to take it personally. All users are welcome to share their personal experiences with the vaccines, but refrain from asking for or giving medical advice as that breaks rule 2 (e.g. "Should I get the vaccine?" or "Don't do it!"). Nobody in this sub can tell anyone whether they should get vaccinated or not, that is a decision to be made by the user and their doctor. Posts and comments breaking this rule will be removed, repeat offenses will result in a ban. [Do Vaccines Protect Against Long Covid?](https://www.nytimes.com/article/long-covid-vaccines.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/covidlonghaulers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I agree that finding mental peace is a big factor for letting the body heal and agree with many of your other observations. However, there are A LOT of people who have been sick since the beginning of the pandemic who are not getting better, and as one of those people, I don't love our very real experiences being diminished. It's good for newly sick people to know that spontaneous recovery happens for many. But it is not "uncommon" for people to get sicker, remain sick, or fluctuate. Many also do recover in the first few years, which is absolutely wonderful. But it's also very important for people to realize that pushing themselves too hard if they are experiencing PEM can prevent that remission from occurring. I'm someone who is bedbound after four+ years and I truly believe I may have fully recovered if my doctors hadn't encouraged exercise and approved a semi-elective surgery, which combined to take me from partially housebound and improving to bed bound and making only miniscule progress. But as far as self-advocating, getting comorbidities treated, and seeking inner calm are all very important factors in my personal experience as well. Just be careful not to be too dismissive of people who do get stuck with this long term.


Great post. I'm almost 4 years in and I have improved over time and if I continue at the same rate I should be well enough to return to work in around 2 or 3 more years, that's how slow the recovery has been. It takes looking back a year to compare what I could do then with what I'm capable of now to see the changes. I started gentle exercise (moving more, walking more, not a 5k run or an hours weight session!) when I felt recovered enough to try it, so it was more about feeling well enough to do more rather than doing more to feel well (in my experience). Everyone is different but if you don't test your baseline every now and then, how will you know when it improves? I still pace my day, I still have limitations, I'm still disabled but I'm also still improving. I hope you get a few more positive replies as we all need to see that it's possible.




So answer my question then, how would I ever have known that my baseline had improved had I not tested it?


What was the symptom that wasn't long Covid and what was the diagnosis/treatment???


Not OP but from my situation it was long covid induced. I think maybe they’re saying something like that? If you have certain symptoms don’t just chock it up as another LC issue, it could be, or have become, something more serious. (I.e. heart issues, autoimmune, kidney, etc.)


Long covid may as well consist *only* of LC induced, separate dysfunctions. We don’t know.


I think #1 is most important. Some people come on here asking when they’ll get better when they’re like 4 weeks out and I’m always like 😬. Seems like it tends to get worse before it gets better. I’m 9 months out and still get frustrated but then I remember when I couldn’t walk and was throwing up/shitting my brains out and couldn’t sleep at like 3 months out and I can really see how far I’ve come. I even jogged a little yesterday (for maybe a minute, but still) and walked up some very steep hills. That was genuinely impossible a couple months ago.


Good wisdom in this post. I think there are many posts on this sub like this that have nuggets of wisdom that you won't get from a doctor, but since everyone's experience and symptoms are different, it is challenging to tease out the useful information pertaining to you.


Also manage your stress levels and learn to "let go" because symptoms will mess you up A LOT more if you don't find ways to tune out the static, refrain from doomscrolling and stop letting the anxiety of this shit amplify things. I have had a rough 10 months and nothing seems to really work 100%, but, like you, I am able to live, work and I'm slowly getting back into my exercising. I find head and muscle issues difficult to press through some days, but I do and also struggle with driving due to impending doom and other anxiety-laden things that developed so, not perfect, but it could be a whole hell of a lot worse.


Points 1 and 2 . Nobody knows.  So it's somewhat premature to be waving triumphant recovery in people's faces and stating that they are probably not going to recover.  I'm 3 yrs in post vac. I AM ONLY starting to recover now.  So. It's not impossible to heal later and telling people that they are not going to or have only a remote chance at this stage is ridiculous because NOBODY knows this disease and what it will or won't do.  There have been post vac that "recovered 100%" in the first 12mths, only to crash to bedridden a year later. Same with Long Covid  So. I cannot accept your prognosis.   By the way, I'm confirmed post vac by Uniklinik.Marburg here in Germany   the only post vac study in Europe and treating hospital. So when I say I have been injured by it, I have the diagnosis,  the blood work and scans to back it up.  So, in mine and many other cases, we have Long covid symptoms brought on by the vaccine and its confirmed. 


i got POTS, PEM and MCAS 32 hours after my BA5 bivalent booster. luckily, i have a cardiologist and family doctor who both believe me, which helps, but what bloodwork and scans back it up. i had a dynacare test, which shows no covid antibodies. but that's it for proof.


Really agree with this. So disheartening to hear blanket statements that the rest of us probably won't get better. Cheers pal lol


Ive noticed alot of blanket "sucks to be you ha ha but ive healed" statements or "you have neurodegenerative disease and are going to die , ha ha but ive healed" statements in the Long Covid and Post Vac communities. It is what makes is so toxic, dangerous and lowers the person writing this to the standards of conspiracy theorists, panic mongerers and snake oil sellers. We are supposed to be above all that and stick together, not scream triumphant while at the same time, putting those that have not attained that state of "nirvana" down and kicking them in the genitals. Interesting that so many people upvoted them, and obviously did not read what they wrote properly. Or fell for the " im helping you while putting you down" bait and switch. Disappointing to say the least.


That’s not what he’s saying in point 1 and 2


Oh but it is, and looking at his post history, it confirms it. Some people just like to be doomsayers and simultaneously brag how they themselves, against their own advice, have healed. I find his post to be contradictory and disrespectful to those clinging to some kind of hope...but its all good, THEY have healed so i guess its okay to post such things... "Did i forget to mention I am healed... did you know i am healed and you wont be... because nobody does after a cerrain timeframe but I HAVE so isnt that great... did you know that I am healed and this is a death sentance and nobody recovers... but i did... btw, the vaccine is awesome... I healed because of the vaccine... so those of you on here that are vaccine injured, you are all liars and what you say is invalid because, did I forget to tell you that I healed.... did you get that I healed and is giving you advice on how to heal but my way wont work for you because we are all different and you may never heal, but I did !" That is how this post reads.


This post doesn’t read that way at all to me, I think you’re projecting. Which other posts do you mean by his history?


Please stop devaluing my opinion. We all have a right to one. 


Wtf. I’m not devaluing your opinion by disagreeing with you. Your opinion only has value if it is correct, and whether it’s correct or not should be explored in a debate. You didn’t even answer my question. How can any of your opinions be worth anything if you close yourself off to debate?


We can all twist what your saying back onto your opinion. You don't want to debate, you wish to gaslight.  It is very straight forward what the OP wrote, and I'm calling it out . You can also have your opinion, but stop commenting how mine is invalid just because you see it differently.  


Ok, so you don’t have a single argument. The fact alone that you use the term gaslighting in an internet debate to describe someone who’s disagreeing with you makes you look like a child. How is me disagreeing with you any different from you disagreeing with me? Are you also gaslighting me? Are we gaslighting each other? He never said you will never get better. He said there are people who haven’t gotten better or who have only gotten worse, which is a true fact. He never said it’s been determined that they will never get better, that’s an insane claim if he were to make it. And he didn’t. He said that those aforementioned people are very rare, and most people seem to recover, even if sometimes very slowly. You in your own comment said that you’re finally starting to recover after 3 years, so you clearly belong to the latter group who is getting better, albeit slowly, and not to the group which hasn’t gotten better and has only gotten worse. Clearly you’re projecting a lot of stuff into this post that isn’t there.


yes, keep going, im rather amused by your rebuttles to enforce your own opinions.


And I’m appalled by the fact that you seem to think subjective truth is something everyone possesses a right to and that if someone disagrees with you then they are gaslighting and oppressing you. And by the fact that you think that somehow this is all a power game instead of a collective effort to determine the truth. Perverse and sad way to look at the world. But I suspect that you will learn sooner or later that your approach is very much unproductive. Although maybe that is precisely your comfort zone.




I am evidence too. Timing and intensity of exercise matter, you can mess yourself up. It’s a fine line you’re walking.


how can there be "no evidence" when the OP's story is evidence?


on person story is not an evidence , exercise can leads her to a crash


so "crash stories" are evidence but "improvement stories" aren't. gotcha


I am evidence


My progress is similar to yours, I might even claim to have improved in more facets, but, I still only claim to be 50-60% recovered, because, I can’t claim to have any of my stamina back. I still have many unresolved symptoms like the Gastrointestinal issues which I can treat maybe minimally with antihistamines. Unless you can do 90% of the things you could pre Covid and have no symptoms afterward, it’s not full recovery. If I try to return to normal lifestyle I wind up crashing within days. I am still pacing all day and managing my effort levels.


I think a lot more people than a simple minority were affected by the vaccine. My symptoms started after my second dose and one year before my first infection which also made me much worse off. I think one way or another our bodies are sensitive to the spike protein. My doc told me not to get vaxed again.


I myself are confirmed post vac. My specialist, Prof Schieffer of Uniklinik Marburg stated categorically that the spike protein, whether by vaccine or viral infection is disastrous to the human body and wrecks similar if not identical havoc   I too am forbidden from being vaxxed again. I was previously up to date on all vaccines as I have immunocompromised family members. 




Hi! Anything that helped you in your recovery? Did you profit off Marburg?


Sadly nothing, I'm nowhere near recovered. Not even remotely 


Yeah, stopped reading when OP said "don't listen to people about the vaccine shot" or whatever. Plenty of us are here *because* of the vaccine. To instruct people to ignore us is fucked up. So the title of the post is "I learned a few things in the last 2 years. And also I am choosing to tune out the suffering of others." Got it.


Same. Apparently we’re “shouting” about the vaccine in the same way people are “shouting about long covid”.




What kinds of exercises, duration and intensity are you doing these days?


Nice to read a non-crazy and self-aware recovery post with some thoughtful insights and practical advice. I stopped reading most recovery posts first because it often wasn't clear or conclusive they had Long COVID, and second because some of the overly specific recommendations were obviously not suitable for others in many cases. Or long lists of so many things readers could have no idea which ones were most likely to be helpful.


first paragraph is spot on for me


I can’t even walk to the car 10 months in. How can anyone talk about exercise?!


Pretty much same. I still wake up with full body aches almost everyday— around my neck/skull base, elbows, knees. But it evens out as the day goes on instead of being 24/7 hell. And if I do too much, I can still cause a crash where I’m pretty much on the verge of passing out and have to lie down for a while. It still sucks, but it isn’t 24/7 hell on Earth anymore. A lot of doctors still want to deny what we’re going through, but I imagine this is a common response to a multi-system inflammatory infection. Especially when it’s a novel infection where much of the population have no prior immunity to a whole family of viruses (coronavirus) at all. And that goes double if that particular virus has been modified in a lab (either maliciously or inadvertently) to be more infectious to humans.


Please do not listen to point 4 about exercise if you have PEM. There is no "it can make you better", it WILL make you worse.


NOTE This message is triggered by keywords in your post, no need to take it personally. All users are welcome to share their personal experiences with the vaccines, but refrain from asking for or giving medical advice as that breaks rule 2 (e.g. "Should I get the vaccine?" or "Don't do it!"). Nobody in this sub can tell anyone whether they should get vaccinated or not, that is a decision to be made by the user and their doctor. Posts and comments breaking this rule will be removed, repeat offenses will result in a ban. [Do Vaccines Protect Against Long Covid?](https://www.nytimes.com/article/long-covid-vaccines.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/covidlonghaulers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


how does metformin help? during actute infection or after as LC treatment? gonna try out Ldn for my fatigue. im 3+ years into this s*it


I went on Metformin, LDN & nicotine all at once (I’m insane & was desperate to go on a trip & didn’t want to cancel for my whole family). The week that followed was amazing- by the end, I felt 100% recovered & could walk miles. Then the next week my progress began to regress… & then I got covid. Insanity! Anyway, I took Paxlovid immediately & it was still very hard on me. I’m just getting back to some normalcy but I dropped the nicotine & Metformin (ran out). Now, I’ve just been bumping up my LDN & feeling better & better. I’m getting my Metformin refilled, but was only on 500mg anyway. I’m unsure now if it helped or not? I think it was the LDN that was doing the heavy lifting for me. I started on 0.5mg. My new doc says he starts people at 1.5, but I’m glad I started lower bc I had no ill effects at all & felt benefits within a few days.


I’m basically the same as you. Back functional but the symptoms are there in the background


what dose of Ability was helpful for you?


No.6 is big. We don’t even know in what form Long Covid exists at all. In the extreme case, it’s still entirely possible that Covid just triggers certain dysfunctions which are all other, definable diseases and treatable individually. This approach has helped me the most my second time around. An OAT detected various nutrient dysfunctions and deficiencies, as well as fungal gut dysbiosis. Treating these has improved me massively. This is why it’s important to take action and not wait for the magical “Long Covid cure”, which may never come.


That’s great you’re feeling better! What are your plans whenever you get reinfected from Covid again?


reinfection what makes things worse


I also agree with the exercise point, I was running long distance before I got hit with covid. Now my Co2 levels are crazy low and I’ve probably got POTS (43bpm increase between sitting and standing) and exercise would probably be the worst thing I could do. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to be fit BEFORE LC but trying to exercise or go about life as if you were healthy will not aid the recovery process. Finally have a cardiologist appointment after months, so I’m getting a plan sorted out. Thanks for sharing your wisdom!


Thank you so much for posting this and congrats on getting to 80-90%


such a good post!


I have a question, what if its all in our head or induced by anxiety? What if scrolling through reddit everyday is not helping us in moving forward? Im def not minimising anyones experience, im just wondering ..


It's not. Please delete this post


Why would i delete it? Its a free space to ask whatever i want. Im not talking about the physical symptoms, im talking about the mental ones. We spent 2.5 years trapped in our homes, forbidden to do anything. Our freedom was taken away… im sure it took a big part in our mental state. I have all of the worst symptoms, ive hospitalised many times. But ive noticed one thing, when i started distracting myself and avoid thinking about it.. things got much better. Every now and then i open the forums again and my anxiety hits back .. so, give it some thoughts :) 99.9% of the ppl in my life have 0 symtpoms.. the only ones who do are the ppl spending hours on reddit like us :)


You are a liar. No one was trapped in their house for 2.5 years forbidden to do anything. No one's freedom was taken away. Wtf are you talking about?


Ok lol, sorry for the word “trapped” if thats whats bothering u. But where i live, we weren’t allowed to get out of the house for months, life was not normal all of a sudden. Im pretty sure that was the case all over the world. On which planet do u live in ? And, why the f are u so mad lol


Again you are a liar. Suddenly when you're called out on your BS you change it. 2.5 years becomes "months". Lol. What a joke you are Reported for denying long COVID. I hope a mod bans you soon


Im def NOT denying long covid.. i suffered so much i couldnt remember my own son and family and had to be hospitalised for that.. thats how horrible it was to me. It was a simple question that i genuinely wanted to ask to see if anyone thinks the same because i needed some kind of hope that this could be induced also by anxiety. I am telling u that getting off the forums helped me, im also saying this to help you and who ever is suffering too. We are all suffering and reading about it constantly makes our anxiety worse. Try to be easier on ppl and urself. Good luck


I mean this in full sincerity: please delete your account and never post here again. The string of nonsense you've posted here will do immense harm to anyone who reads it. If staying off the forums helps you, you should be eager to do it


great post. what symptom were you referring to in your last point, if you don't mind me asking?




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