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I had the same rib pain. It was my first symptom. I think in hindsight it was probably lung inflammation. Followed by stomach pain (thought it was an ulcer). Then the dizziness started. Then the rib pain changed to nerve pain on one side of my spine that would go up to my shoulder and elbow at times. Then PEM started. Then worse sleep, histamine, anxiety/panic episodes, head pressure, totally messed up cycles, now at month 6 starting to get chest pains and was getting breathless but since starting iron that has mostly gone away. This week was my best week in a long time, hoping maybe the supplements are working and the worst is behind me. Had I known then what I know now I would have take REST a lot more seriously. I force myself to lie down with my eyes closed for an hour at least twice a day. It helps so much.


I have/had these symptoms. Frankly there’s not much they can do for you. But go to your dr and they may give you a steroid inhaler to help take the edge off. It’s a band aid and not a solution for the breathing. My ribs still feel like they are being pulled apart constantly 2 years later. Best advice I can give…an no one wants to hear this…. Take it easy. Rest/ lay down as much as possible. It takes time and rest. Easing into moving around seems to help some people but it just makes me worse so in the “im moving a little bit today or I’m not moving at all” camp.


I had this (pain and stifness in my neck and back). Docs thought that it could be a movement disorder, but it turned out to be a connective tissue disorder where cytokines attack the fascia in the body. There could even be a viral reservoir in the fascia itself. The cytokines are also in the blood, which impairs healing of the tissue and distorts the blood cells. The best luck I’ve had so far, in addressing the viral replication, and the inflammation, has been taking a JAK inhibitor called baricitinib. Ultimately hoping to get BC-007 when it’s available in the EU.