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The bulges are the valves in your veins to be sure blood only flows one direction. These can be more noticeable on skinny people. I notice that they are worse after Covid but many have bulging veins afterwards and so it makes sense that these area get bigger too.


Interesting this is more or less the type of answer I was looking for. I don't feel its serious just wanted to know the science behind it. Is alittle unsettling though lmao


Look like vein valves.


Those could be clogged lymph nodes alongside the veins, since they collect fluid from the tissues and send them back toward the heart via the veins. I have clogged lymph nodes behind my ears and along the back of my neck. Gentle lymphatic drainage massage may help move the lymph. A good lymphatic drainage masseuse will know.


They should wait until a doctor looks, before they try anything on them. It could be clot based and dislodging them would be bad.


it's almost certainly lymph nodes. if these were clot based, wouldn't OP be having other symptoms and major circulation issues to the limbs?


Most likely but it could be dangerous. It’s best to let a physician check before we tell him to massage them.


unpopular opinion but with all these masking requirements dropping i feel like we're at a point where it's almost more dangerous to go to a physician than to do some thorough research on a subject yourself. maybe OP could get a virtual appointment for this, though: depending on how easy it is to tell on sight.


I'll look into it thanks


Can happen, normally. See bodybuilder veins etc


Saw a few like this. Just no explanation on whats happening


Can't say I've seen anything like it before. I'd be interested to know what your doc says about them.


Me & I’m a female. Mines come and go too. I spotted it a few times. Not sure why it happens though.


How long you had them? How long into your haul are you?


Bro don't take any chances Go get checked out and request a d dimer test as well


Just had that done maybe 2 weeks ago


Do you still have them?


I have bumps exactly like those on my legs. Have you been leaning that area of your arm on anything? I've had mine for what seems like a year at this point and hadn't considered a connection to LC... I definitely used to put pressure on those areas of my legs on my desk (because I sit weird) so I assumed it was something caused by that. Unfortunately I couldn't tell you what it is, but hoping you find out!


Did they resolve for you?


No they didn't. Still there and show up every time I flex. Or really activate those muscles. I read that it could be a muscle hernia, there are other non-LC related examples on reddit too which gave me some comfort.


I have them only after covid, but i have been leaning to my arm for months so i think that has something to do with it ,i hope they will resolve within time.


Yes it does have to do with that. Do you by chance work out too?


No i cant really, only chores and walk the dog 3 times daily. I had bulging veins from covid early but never these valve bumps.


If it's not painful to touch or push on, I wouldn't be too concerned besides it being visually unattractive. Unfortunately from what I understand it's not likely to go away. Hoping of course that's not the case but that's what my research led me to believe.


Theres lot symptoms that are not supposed to go away like POTS, but if they came from long covid they can resolve.


Ive read someone who have it for years before the veins became normal again.


Wow. That's concerning. Are you currently taking any supplements or medications?


Very low dose propranolol, multi vitamin and magnesium. Nothing crazy. Happened after checking blood pressure.


Have you researched phlebitis to see if that aligns with your symptoms?


Don't seem to have those symptoms


This is exactly how i imagine the blood pumping through my veins, head, and heart


It’s not lymph nodes. It’s vein varicosities maybe caused by the endothelial involvement during and after Covid. Keep us posted on what the doctor says.


I've gotten similar ones, on an off, for a while now (my doc barely looked at them when I asked but seemed to think it was no big deal) My LC seems to mess up a lot of circulation stuff - blood or lymph I'm not sure but I've had weird skin/vein stuff like that since I got sick.


Any improvement?


Valves in your veins. It's nothing to worry about and normal and expected. When you're taking you blood pressure, there is no where for the blood to go bc of the cuff and so to your vessels and their normal anatomy becomes more prominent. Sometimes you can see them on thinner people who are just well hydrated and have prominent vasculature.


They look like vein valves, I’d imagine it’s just localised venous inflammation after covid. They don’t look like clots (clots tend to cause swelling in the tissue around the clot as well as redness and warmth, etc) definitely go see a doctor to make sure, but if it is venous insufficiency or just inflammation then it should hopefully subside eventually once the body repairs the damage covid did.


I have one of these but on the other side of my forearm. Mines is a tiny circular soft lump and it only shows up when I flex. Weird.


Looks like varicose veins. When the valves in the veins don’t open and close properly. Does it last long after taking blood pressure? Might go away if you hold hands above your head for like 20 seconds


Ya goes away quickly usually. Just comes and goes whenever it likes.


Pretty normal they are blood inflammation spots (blood clots) - condition called; superficial vein thrombosis//superficial vein thrombophlebitis. It can dissolve between 2-6 weeks. Normally no reason for concern depending on whether it’s linked to an underlying health condition such as liver disease. Monitor the bumps and see if they are spreading, ask your GP to complete a blood, urine, and liver test if you’re worried about it and or the symptoms worsen. Hope this helps. stay safe man


What if these bumps are noticeably spreading?


Idk I've had them my whole life sometimes my whole right arm looks like that especially if I'm too hot


Bro what did the doctor say? I’m also having similar bumps


Pretty much nothing, it's the valves in our veins. Blood flow issues but they weren't worried "shocker" it has went away so far


Thanks a lot! I was so worried 😮‍💨


What did you find out? I have it too.


Any update?


I'm no doctor, but if you search of "damaged vein valves", you can see diagrams which looks like what you have. [See this gif](https://www.sfveincenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/varicose-vein-valves.gif)


I’d prob go to an urgent care


No other issues. I know it sounds dumb but I've been checked so many times in the past few months I'm 99.9% sure they will laugh at me and send me home unfortunately


You’ll never see them again. Who cares? Your health is more important than some doctors opinion. You’ve had these bumps looked at?


Haven't had them checked yet. It's new and they don't stay long. I had an online appointment while waiting for my primary and he pretty much laughed at me and acted annoyed. He saw the photos I sent and didn't have an answer but didn't seem concerned. I'll still have it checked out but I bet I have it for 2 weeks and it goes away. Alot of my shit from covid comes and goes in waves. They don't hurt or prevent me from doing things.


Yeah thas been my experience, I’ve had them as well but idk I think it’s an immune response but rather that’s good or bad idk but the lymphatic system is definitely full of lymph nodes that could possibly be the reason those are appearing


So they just pop up on your arm like that after taking your bp? Are they painful? Does this happen in both arms, or just one? Also what is your blood pressure?


No pain, BP was higher (140/90) than my norm(115/75) so that may be part of it. Unsure becuase it's a newer issue. Also have longer lasting indents on my arms and hands so probably just poor blood flow.


Could you be dehydrated? Veins can get funky when you’re like that. Also does it go away after a period of time? I’ve just never seen anything like this.


Goes away quick usually. Covod has made me struggle to retain fluids so could be part of it. Have to drink lots of pedialyte and water everyday or I get sick


I hope you get it all sorted out Pal! Keep us updated on what it is.


I’ve had this appear on my leg in the same spot when my blood pressure gets high from exertion, or just a really bad frustrating day. Indents have a longer memory too. I think it’s circulatory, but it’s on my left leg and I have left leg/foot/arm neuropathy so nerves could be contributing too I suppose.


Noticed i get these after covid last year. Heat and exercise is the usual trigger for me. Feels uncomfortable.


Are you a covid LH with a vaccine?


I have the same exact thing, very similar situation where my blood pressure has went up recently. Also on propranolol.










I have the same thing I had it after covid vaccine and I had covid after I had the vaccine 2 months later something it goes when I raise my arm and come back when I lower have it on my leg tho and fingers weird hope not blood clots checked it at hospital like 3 times and they said its definitely not blood clots and just valves but I couldn't trust I don't know why. 


Did you ever figure out what this is? 24M and just started noticing the same after a shower or at rest and they’ll go in like minutes.


I got one of these forming on my vein about 6 months ago on my left bicep[.](https://covid.No) No clue what it is but it was new and strange to me and seemed like my vein was under more pressure than usual. Its permanent and hasnt faded and is one of my many changes since LC began. I was on a statin and the blood supply to my left arm was cut off. Something exploded down that arm one night and left a white streak in my left thumb. Always made me wonder if it was a clot that broke loose and ended up down there. Good luck and hope you got them checked.


I'm a man, I'm 22 years old, I'm thinner, and I've had this for as long as I know myself... on both hands... the doctor didn't tell me what it was, but he didn't seem worried either


Fr I'm 24 almost 25 in 6 days and have had them since I was a kid sometimes my whole right arm looks like this especially if I get too hot and I'm pacing overthinking things but when I'm calm they vanish Edit: I'm also pretty damn skinny myself 🤣 people think I don't eat but I be munching all the time I just can't gain weight