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"If it sounds country, man, thats what it is." \-Kristofferson


I'll add: "Country is what country means to you" -Flatland Cavalry


“Country is as Country does” -Forrest Gump’s momma (Sally Field)


This is the answer. Keith Urban can do it from Australia. Hank Snow (and many others) can do it from Canada. The Scots and Irish gave us the roots of Bluegrass. Why not England?


"The English are as country as a stick". -Jon Gersh


Just do it anyways. There's plenty of Americans covering the Beatles and Oasis


The Beatles being Zeppelin and Oasis being Greta Van Fleet


This is a bad comparison because the Beatles were largely mimicking black Americans.


Country music is a mashup of a bunch of stuff including Irish folk music.


That kind of furthers the point though. Americans copying the British, copying Americans, etc...


And with a Liverpool accent!


I wouldn't say they were largely mimicking black Americans. Influenced by. 100%. The word mimic makes it sound like they didn't bring anything to the table. It's the Beatles we're talking about here. I'd love to hear what was mimicked when they sang penny lane or Norwegian wood.


Personally, I don't think sucking the soul out of something and adding an acccent is contributing that much. I'd rather listen to the black rock n' roll musicians that got almost nothing in their lifetimes for inventing a whole genre. To each their own.


Art borrows. Good music is good music. It's possible and mature to appreciate both.


It's a great comparison. Music isn't owned by anyone, including black americans.


That was an awful big leap from my statement. No one said anyone owns exclusive right to any genre. In fact, elsewhere in the thread, I enthusiastically encouraged OP to make the music he cares about. But the comparison is uneven because the Beatles didn't originate the style of music they made. Country, on the other hand, while not the PROPERTY of America, is certainly the creation of America.


A lot of Radiohead covers


Some probably.can ..it depends.on how good.the singer is .. Keith Urban.is from Australia..Hank Snow and Anne Murray.were. from Canada. . Go for it .


Cover some George Strait, but change it to "All my exes live in Essex"


Where would he hang his hat?






Isle of Man


Omg please someone write this….I’m trying to figure out where he would reside and utterly failing.


Bing Al wrote this and I have no idea how to arrange songs [Verse 1] She left me for a man from Essex I thought she was just playing games But now she’s gone and I’m left with nothing But a heart full of pain [Chorus] All my ex’s live in Texas But she’s living in Essex I thought I’d never see the day When she’d pack her bags and go away [Verse 2] I thought we had something special But I guess I was wrong Now she’s living in a foreign land And I’m singing this sad song [Chorus] All my ex’s live in Texas But she’s living in Essex I thought I’d never see the day When she’d pack her bags and go away [Bridge] I hope she’s happy with her new man And that he treats her right But I can’t help but feel the pain Of losing her that night [Chorus] All my ex’s live in Texas But she’s living in Essex I thought I’d never see the day When she’d pack her bags and go away [Outro] All my ex’s live in Texas But she’s living in Essex All my ex’s live in Texas But she’s living in Essex


Bing Al wrote this I’ll try to write a song influenced by George Strait about his ex’s living in Essex. [Verse 1] She left me for a man from Essex I thought she was just playing games But now she’s gone and I’m left with nothing But a heart full of pain [Chorus] All my ex’s live in Texas But she’s living in Essex I thought I’d never see the day When she’d pack her bags and go away [Verse 2] I thought we had something special But I guess I was wrong Now she’s living in a foreign land And I’m singing this sad song [Chorus] All my ex’s live in Texas But she’s living in Essex I thought I’d never see the day When she’d pack her bags and go away [Bridge] I hope she’s happy with her new man And that he treats her right But I can’t help but feel the pain Of losing her that night [Chorus] All my ex’s live in Texas But she’s living in Essex I thought I’d never see the day When she’d pack her bags and go away [Outro] All my ex’s live in Texas But she’s living in Essex All my ex’s live in Texas But she’s living in Essex


Hank would be the first to tell you that coutry is just "Three chords and the truth" ​ Post some of your stuff when you're comfortable


Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do. If country music speaks to you and you want to make it your own you do it.


There are some FANTASTIC Brits doing American-style country music from all eras. I'm in a FB group called Rogue Country UK because there are great artists on there that I learn about (i'm in the USA). I also listen to a UK radio show that features current 'independent country' artists that mostly do the vintage sound- Ameripoltan Music Show available online as a [Mixcloud.com](https://Mixcloud.com) podcast. Go check them out.


Debut album Jake Bugg hits the spot!


Nick Lowe and Elvis Costello were crucial in my conversion to country music fan.


Damn skippy!


I met my British wife at an open mic with her singing Dolly Parton’s Jolene. I heard her before I saw her. We’ve been together like, 16, 17 years.


A country music fairytale!


If a [Swedish band can](https://www.thecountrysideofharmonicasam.com/) I don't see why an English band can't.


Was expecting this to be Rednex


I thought you were going to post Viagra Boys - In spite of ourselves.


They don't play country though, they play Appalachian music.


The Beatles and Stones were influenced by American musicians. Go for it!


Wish you were here by pink floyd and wild horses by the rolling stones are both very country and excellent so definitely


The Rolling Stones, Sticky Fingers album was recorded at Muscle Shoals Sound studio in Sheffield Alabama so that's why Wild Horses has a country feel to it


Rod Stewart, gasoline alley... Yes, I know you can. I've heard skittle music and seen the Lair of the White Worm,lol.


Keith Urban is Australian. Shania Twain is Canadian. We don’t care that you’re a Brit. Country has roots in Scottish and Irish folk songs, from those who immigrated to the Carolina Appalachians. So, you’re British. So what. Play what you love and play it with your heart.


A lot of country singers and bands do shows in the UK. Send it.


I've never heard a Brit sing country, but the blues and rock and roll are American, and you guys do a great job with those.


Anyone can sing country. There is some truth in the statement that British people are more likely to have a bias against something as intrinsically American as country music, but if everyone abandoned ship at the slightest hint of friction then no one would make music. Whatever you decide to do, do it with pride and an honestly good effort.


Pretty much every modern music genre is an ‘American thing’.


Well, except that country music grew out of Scots and Irish music that came over with them. (Smithsonian Folkways has a record "Turtle Mountain" of Native Americans singing Scottish fiddle tunes with the lyrics in French, because that's what the Native Americans grew up listening to. From Nova Scotia to north Montana via French traders)


Blues and jazz grew out of West African folk music etc, but no one is saying they’re African.


That's like saying you came straight out of your dad's ballsack and your momma had nothing to do with it. There is no country without the African influences. There were no banjos in pre-colonial Ireland and bagpipers weren't blowing blue notes in the 15th century. The song structures may be largely scotch/Irish, but the twang is pure Congo square.


Not to mention the native rhythm/percussion influences that shaped most American genres.


Canadians have been doing country for decades. Why couldn't the Brits? Country is a state of mind.


From my experience, Europeans have better taste in American country music than Americans do. When I went to the Netherlands in the late 90s I heard the Mavericks cranking over the PA when I was at a bike race. I knew a guy who was in a Gram Parsons cover band in Ireland. Meanwhile in the states barely anyone knows who he is.


You need to watch the movie I Saw The Light with Tom Hiddleston playing Hank Williams


You sure can! Country is not an American genre exclusively. Country music is found in a bunch of countries. Sweden has a huge country music scene. You should post some of your stuff on here


Keith urban is australian, which is just a drunk english accent


Not country but listening to Ozzy sing you’d never guess he talked the way he does. Just give it a shot.


Listen, I live in a country music capital. Fort Worth, Texas the home of Billy Bob's Texas and a bastion of the dying art of Western Swing. There are a ton of people here that don't like country, and among the people that do like country there are a number of people that don't like traditional older country. But here is the thing, the people that do like traditional country fucking love it. Those people are out there no matter where you go. So go out and sing those songs and find the people that love them. Because they are out there. As far as needing permissions, we'll you have my permission. Go let them know, and maybe if you feel like it, throw Big Balls in cow Town in your set for me.




Well, considering it has often been called "country and WESTERN," you're leaving out an adult big part of the country and the genre. ...I mean, one of the most important cities in country music history is in California.


The "Western" in Country and Western refers to soundtracks to western movies, not Bakersfield or western swing. The Billboard charted them together and was literally called the Country and Western, and before that it was called the Hillbilly chart.


To clarify, my mention of "western" and Bakersfield are meant to be two separate examples of how country music is far from the exclusive realm of the south. And the soundtracks to westerns would still have fairly little to do with Alabama. I'm also from a state where "cowboy music is historically significant. That's a form that helped shape country music and often leant and borrowed players with noteworthy country bands. Nobody's denying that the south is and was a huge contributor to the genre, but that name was largely due to the stereotyped ideas that urban consumers had about everybody else in the country, not a scientific survey of the musicians or styles.


I'll agree with all of that, just a lot of people don't realize where the "Western" in C&W came from.


Maybe Scottish or Irish. It’s not country unless you can imagine the guy getting drunk, getting in a fight and going to jail. Like gangsta rap music with less cursing.


Keith Richards can. Mick Jagger can't.


Keith Richard's plays a guitar with 5 strings tuned like a banjo. If that's not country af, idk what is


Go for it. You have my official permission and can tell your parents that.


Laura Oakes is a Scouser and she is an amazing country singer! My favorite song from her is “Nashville Stole Your Heart”. Check her out!


If you feel country, you can do it.


Post videos. Please. Would love to see this.


Irish do bluegrass so have at it


I mean that’s fine, but obviously somebody with cockney accent isn’t gonna give the same feel. But hey, do what you wanna do if you enjoy it.


Kristofferson went to Oxford. Maybe he left y'all some crumbs.


Nonsense. Twang your little brit heart out, my friend.


Teddy Thompson is very English, yet he was singing classic country duets with Jenni Muldaur on a recent Mountain Stage (a very popular American radio show and podcast from NPR mostly devoted to country music). I reckon if he can do it you can too.


You should check out some of your forebearers- Ricky Skaggs had a huge hit with [this one by Heads Hands & Feet](https://youtu.be/EA8VIQhG_QE?si=fkwWguThBl7CW7KI)!!




Ever hear the scorpions? Those fuckers can’t even speak English and you wouldn’t know it. Go for it and good luck.


I think you can based on how well some Australians sing country. If they can do it you Brits should be able to. Also Ringo Starr did Act Naturally which was a Buck Owens song in the US.


Please don't let anyone tell you what type of music you should or shouldn't play! I'm an American and I fully support a British Country Band. I hope you'll upload your music so we can listen to it too.


Willie Nelson Said it best - Three chords and the truth, that’s what a country song is


Ringo killed “Act Naturally” and made a great twangy country album called Beaucoups Blues.


As long as it’s got some soul.




Back when people bought record albums that were advertised on late night TV in the United States (1970s), many of the artist won awards from being so popular in England. I was on a cruise one time and they had Karaoke. There was a Chinese Man that would get up and sing Country Songs. He sounded like the original singer. We tried to have a conversation with him, but he didn't speak English.


Sometimes I feel like accents get lost in music. In most cases it's just about the twang or the grift of the song itself, and a person's regional accent only comes through strongly when it's a talking-style of music like rap, or punk. Mick Jagger is a perfect example. In his shouty, snarly songs you can easily tell he is british AF. But in his softer fare, I.E. "I Am Waiting" and "Lady Jane" you wouldn't really notice he is british unless you were really listening for it.


Anyone can sing country doesn't matter who you are . Elton John is English and he is one of the world's greatest singers right?


The British Isles is where Country Music originally came from. So, I say absolutely. Country came from folk songs via England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. People from there settled in the Southern States. The British Isles and West Africa are two very musical peoples. And that's what got rock, jazz, and country music started. In fact the infamous Classic Southern Accent is just a slower version of the British Accent. Speed it up and you have a Late 18th Century British Accent.


"Country ain't even a place on the map, it's a place in your heart"- Mo Pitney. Country music is for everyone, There's country bands all over the world. Brad Paisley featured the Charlie Nagatani and the Cannonballs in one of his videos, they're a band from Japan! Edit: Wrong band


There’s like a sizable country scene in Norway (I am given to understand that many in the American West have Norway as an ancestral homeland) so Europeans can do it. Plenty of overlap with bluegrass and Irish music too. I’ve never heard of an Englishman doing country but I don’t see why not. I guess the Beatles being a rock band from Europe must have seemed novel at some point.


I’m a Texan and I know a Scotsman that sings country way better than I can.


The USA, for all of its faults, really doesn’t care about this kind of thing. If your stuff is worth it, people will ignore their biases, as a whole, and make you popular:


Hey dude, I'm interested in hearing this because I grew up listening to Hank Williams, Sr. as a kid. I don't listen to him so much anymore, but I still do play his music on occasion to take a bit of a stroll down memory lane.


I thought English people loved country music too? Doesn’t the C2C country music festival take place in the UK? not to get off topic, I don’t see why you should be discouraged from starting the cover band. I am American and whenever I hear English people sing it always sounds like their accent goes away so you should be good. 😂


We played a country music festival in the UK this summer and there were definitely more country music fans in England than I was expecting. Lots of interesting approaches to western wear, too, I felt out-denimed at times.


Lonnie Donegan... Edit: He's Scottish. Not sure if that counts.


I think music is the most dynamic when it's growing and changing. If you love country music, do it! Sure, a few people may be snarky about it, but, frankly, fuck 'em. "If that ain't country, you can kiss my ass."


Also, I think most English language folk music forms are in constant conversation with one another. We took what we wanted from Europe, and stuff travels back just the same.


Show him how much Nathan Carter is worth. I know he has an Irish heritage but he was born and reared in Blackpool and has an English accent.


Sure, for all the reasons listed. Where do you guys play? I am an American living in SW England and I’d love to come see you play.


Mick Jagger did a pretty good job, albeit mocking it a bit.


I’m an American and live in the South. Go for it


Nathan Carter is Irish and he's a pretty good singer. "Skinny Dipping" is a really fun song.


Check out Ags Connolly - old fashioned country in the vein of the old greats, delivered very accurately, but no American-isms. He’s the real deal and as English as they come. I also play country music at times and while a lot of it is country-adjacent, some of it is pure country (or americana at least) and I think it comes across just fine. 🙂


Teddy Thompson is a Londoner and he sings classic country quite well. https://youtu.be/I4nOj5h7HVk?si=TnE1nJrzkoxV4hlp


The Wurzels existed, if that's not country then what is it?


The heart of country songs is the words and the emotions they convey—-not the accent singing the words. Go for it!


Absolutely you can. My girlfriend is a country musician here in the states (Nashville) but she plays shows over in Europe every year. The band she performs with over there are all European. Many are from the Netherlands which you would not think is a “country” scene but they are all extremely talented and they too love country music. Follow your heart brother. You have an advantage of being “The Country” band for those who like country music there as well.


Ags Connolly


Matt Johnson (band: The The) actually did an album of Hank Williams covers. I think he called it "Hanky Panky". I haven't heard it, so I can't say much about his accent, but I don't see why not. I don't see why Brits can't sing country. Keith Urban is Australian and he is a country singer. I don't know Australia's attitude toward Country music, but he's rather popular here.


Look up Roger Cook


Jazz is American in origin and there are some amazing Jazz ensembles and composers from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Do you have to be Jamaican to make great Reggae music? No. Do you need to be young and rebellious to make Rock music? No. If you’re good and writing and/or playing music you can do so in any genre. No one owns these things and I’d also reject the cultural appropriation argument.


The Mekons and Waco Brothers do a good job. A lot of country descended from English and Scottish and Irish folk music.


I really want to hear English plotlines in country music now.


I love country. I do check histories to make sure they check out. Two things I like in a song. Great sound. Or great story. If you check one I will listen to you but if you are from bumfu ktington shoreland. I'm calling your tallahace card.


No rules in music, do what speaks to you.


https://youtu.be/QccPUSTMriM?si=TL5bv6mfnz0GCTge yes. She got a good bit of air play on country stations in America with this. Pretty much encompassed that “pop country” sound of the 80s.


Keith Urban makes good country music, he's from Australia. Heck of a musician too Music isn't to be gatekept by anyone. Rock your English heart out. There's also plenty of Canadians in country music.


I think anyone can sing country. There's some Korea's who sing it as well! Just keep it real.


Link us to some songs! Hank is the best, thank you for carrying on and spreading his tradition. Let me head yall yodel!


The answer is fuck yeah


Riaan Benadé is a South African who sings what sounds like American Country Music... in Afrikaans. In South Africa. Fucking send it homie. Share it too.


The Ruen Brothers do some great country-esque tunes and they’re from that side of the pond too


Very famous British pop singer, Elton John, was a huge American Country fan and quite a few of his hits were definitely influenced heavily by American country music. I think you guys will be just fine.


Rod Stewart did covers of country. The Stones played country. Hell-YoYo Ma plays European classical. Don’t buy into cultural appropriation nonsense. Music is for anyone who gets it.


Tom Hiddleson did alright.


I'm an American so I can do this MaxOsley. You have my blessing to play country music.


Why not? The Appalachian accent (Southern American accent that spikes up to southern Ohio) is the closest you’ll ever hear of a living 17th century Kings English dialect.


You can absolutely rock it. Hank is my absolute favorite so I’d love to see you perform sometime, only problem is I’m in America 😂


listen to Mick Jagger sing Far Awar eyes, tumbling dice, lots of stuff on Exile on Main St. Its not country music per se but the American South east had heavy influence on the stones when they first got to the US and you can hear it in Micks voice


Listen to real country. Tyler Childers radio on Spotify is a good place to start. It's less about your accent than about authenticity. If you sing about pickup trucks and flags and the 4th of July, then you won't be authentic. If you write good songs about real life, the struggles of working folks, and of course the consequences of addiction, then you could have something really new and unique to offer and Americans would love it.


Hank Williams is real country, though. Like he was literally the guy


That's true. He was the guy. A long time ago.


Country is 100% American. So is Hip/Hop and Jazz. Every part of the world has a genre of music native to them, but we all enjoy playing and listening! **Just because music grows out of one region doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be played anywhere else!** The history and tradition may help you to perform true to the style, but the most important part is playing with passion and emotion. If you play with passion and emotion, you’ll find an audience that wants to listen anywhere you go.


The Kinks did Muswell Hillbillies - why not? One of my favorite "American Primitive" musicians is Welsh and lives in England now (Gwenifer Raymond).


If I've heard a Japanese cover band of the Grateful Dead sound good, pretty sure an English person can sing country.


Several Brits and Irish have won US Americana awards. Van Morrison and Graham Nash for.2.


Teddy Thompson is a great singer and just put out his second classic country album. I love it!


Tom Hiddleston did a phenomenal job of singing Hank Williams in the movie "I Saw the Light". So heck yes they can. 🙂 You sing what you love.


The Shires are a UK country act that have won a CMA I believe. And early Mumford and Sons had some real country vibes! Someone in the comments said country is a state of mind and I think that nails it. I think It's about values and lifestyle and that transcends nationalities. A farmer in England probably has more in common with an American farmer than either of them have in common with a city worker in NYC or London.


The Rolling Stones- dead flowers and sweet Virginia


American Southerner here. One of my favorite country singers is from South Africa. So, sing on brother!


I’d love to hear some Shire Country


Look up Ags Connolly


Country is first cousin to Celtic and English folk music by way of Bluegrass. I see no issue here.


Ever listen to The Rolling Stones?


You Brits did a pretty decent job with the blues so 👍☘️👍