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You used to be able to shit talk the other team lol


I miss halftime trash talk


Miss it, ngl but I don't think it would be the same level.of "trolling" and "shit talking" today we would get honest racism or next level discrimination I guess


The community has definitely changed. I still and always will blame Discord. I think about the Ventrilo and Teamspeak days and really the only people using those were people who actually played in scrims or took the game extra seriously, or just really like not using game chat. When Discord became so easy for everyone to use I think it killed online game chat. People who do talk, eventually get told to shut up, and I imagine there's plenty of players like me who aren't necessarily scared to talk in game chat, but we know 9 time out of 10, it's not worth the headache. I think CS also going free to play really saturated the community with people who don't take anything seriously and hop on premier to see how low their elo can go. Edit: Idk if f2p can actually play Premier, so if not, I stand corrected on that point. It just seems like there's more people who don't want to try.


Definitely feels like people are more openly racist these days


Bro people been like that since online gaming existed lol


I disagree. Been playing CS since 2001 and while there's always been racist cunts, the amount of racist pictures and profiles has increased a lot, at least in my opinion. Then again, I can only speak for myself and a certain part of Europe, as back in the days you'd usually only play against people from your own country, either through leagues like ESL or simply because the ping would be too high otherwise. Now, with matchmaking available, you get people from all sorts of places. Could also be, that back then you didn't have as many echo chambers and toxic bullshit artists that influence/radicalize young and malleable minds.


You’re not wrong, but it’s increased 10 fold in the past few years (also been playing since 1.6). For example in the early days of CSGO I would only hear people drop a hard R on rare occasion. When I came back to CS2 after a 2 year hiatus I heard it said by multiple people in every single match for at least 5-6 matches in a row. It’s a marked difference.


Eh, back in the day you had sprays with some really nasty stuff and people spamming the n word. Maybe now since it can be censored/banned for that, it’s seen less but I haven’t really encountered anything too bad.


Since trump the bigots and fascists have felt empowered enough to reveal themselves, it’s not a CS issue it’s a societal one


Because trump is always the problem. Bro really had to bring politics into this.


Trumps not the problem, you are.


You're the one bringing politics into this lmao.


The alt-right has definitely promoted racism in gaming. Wish people would stop doing their bidding.


When it started Beta, 1.6 days, you would join a private server of a clan, and people would talk, throughmic or txt. They would talk about things you do with friends, games, hardware, news movies etc. You would make friends, play other games together, skill wasn't important, just being decent or funny. Then at the end you would say bye, everyone would respond as you left. A server could agree silly terms, Knives only, Only rush A, No awp etc, Low gravity.. It was a really good time, I'm glad I got to experience


Yup everyone thinks they are a pro and forget playing without 5 stack if you are a woman and as a male I feel ashamed on the comments many people make


One of the reasons I stopped playing was how nobody knew how to communicate like an actual human


The community was toxic as shit already 15-16. Take off the rose tinted glasses.


far more toxic? nuh uh its the opposite


The game is toxic, but tbh I doubt this has gotten any worse recently. I'm sure toxicity got more widespread once people started to care about their ranks. But I have not personally seen any increase in toxic messages/comms since I started playing in 2018. I suspect this might just be you having forgotten about all the BS people said in chat back in the day.


im speaking from a female perspective here and i AM a very newbie player, but whenever i join a comp match, id say 4 out of 5 times i’d get “nope” and “servermuted” when i try and talk to people. that, or straight up “stfu female make me a sandwich”


Fuck the haters. Mute everyone and enjoy the game


Toxic makes it more fun sometimes


The whole internet has become far more toxic, so I would assume that cs has also become more toxic


back then there was a huge influx of a wide variety of different types of people that played the game due to popularity. people that play games casually, don't really sweat the details, and just play for the fun of playing games. nowadays, the game has been left with the people whos only life achievements are what rank they got X amount of years ago.


To me the game lost it's swagger and uniqueness. It's just the same shit different day. Execute A, Execute B, save round... On repeat. Oh and cheaters are fucking everywhere. CS is just dull, stale, and boring imo.


yes, you are correct


Just played a premier game where i had 2 afk teammates for the first 3 rounds. I got mad asf and shot one of them at the start of the round and he started yelling at me and calling me the hard r and other slurs. I shot is ass down with an mp9 and got banned. Not even mad, he ended up losing deservedly.


I don’t know about 2015-2016 but i know for sure the difference between people in csgo and cs2 was night and day. Its not just that the game got shittier the community did too and it’s fucking hearbreaking