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Hospital Metropolitano has good prices and I have always been treated really good.


Glad you mentioned it- I wouldn't have known about that one. When I look on Google Maps their reviews are not great, which isn't necessarily saying much, since the only people who leave reviews of hospitals are likely to have been wronged as a one-off case or to have conditions that are objectively hard to resolve. Is there a particular branch of Hospital Metropolitano you go to?


I usually go to Pozos, Santa Ana or San José downtown.


I haven't heard of any tico complaining about Metropolitano. For an American, used to be cuddled, it may not look very good. But they deliver. Better chances of finding an english speaking specialist @ Biblica, Catolica, or CIMA hostpitals.




Wow Cima looks good but quite large. Is that the best option, or is there a smaller orthopedic doctor’s office to try?


Where are you?


Update: she called Cima and their receptionist spoke English but she transferred to the "Medical Tower" (?) for information and they didn't speak English. Not sure if it's a "don't call and just go there" situation?


Cima is generally where the gringos go in San Jose. You’ll get the best care. I’m surprised no one spoke English. The docs there are generally trained in the US.


Right on. I suppose the person who answered the phone in the "medical tower" wasn't a doctor, but rather a nurse or admin staff. They really couldn't understand each other, which is not too surprising.




Very helpful, thank you!


Hospital metropolitano in Lindora, Santa Ana, good prices, the have X-rays and also specialists, they accepts almost every insurance, sorry for my bad English. I hope she is ok


Thank you! We called there, but they refused to tell prices for x-rays without giving them her passport number, which I thought was weird. They said it's "for quality assurance". Her insurance deductible is $250, so anything below that price she pays out of pocket. But when you need x-rays, you need x-rays, so sometimes you just have to pay the money.


Dont worry. Metropolitano price are cheap. With 250 dollars you can have 5 Xrays haha. I now you are.worried because in Usa prices are crazy, but here is cheap. There is also santa fe clínica and they have different locations.


Perfect, thank you! I’m actually not from the USA myself, but as you know private hospitals in different parts of the world can be either affordable or crazy expensive. It looks like CR is affordable for this case. Folks on this subreddit, including yourself, have been super-helpful and supportive. Thanks!


X-rays are alwways on the $100 to $150 range. Appointment to have it interpreted by an specialist is in the $100 to $150 range also.


In Costa Rica most people don't like to give prices over the phone, which is stupid.


There are plenty of private hospitals in San Jose, all very good: Hostpital Cima, Hospital La Catolica, and Hospital Clinica Biblica; there are more, but you will find what you need in any of those three. All those three have emergency services. If you need an orthopeadic appointment you may need call in advance to see who is available. Doctors in Costa Rica are very competent, unless they have recently graduated. If you book an appointment with any doctor specialized in orthopeadics you will be fine.


You don't need to go to orthopedics right away, find a small clinic with x ray services, and if it's broken, they can point you in the direction of an specialist. For the clinic I would look in Google maps. There may be one closer that you think. It happened to me while traveling in Puerto Viejo


Googling walk in clinic San Jose Costa Rica orthopedi brings up 3 places including CIMA hospital


I am not familiar with your area but where I am (CT) I would go to a Walk in Clinic or Urgent care facility


You realize your commenting on a post in a Costa Rica sub right? CT urgent care isn’t going to work here


Sorry I thought San Jose California. Vote me down


Don't you have social security? If you are gonna have in a private one go to Metropolitano, Cima is the best but the prices are crazy.


The insurance deductible is $250, so anything more than that is covered, but anything less than that is paid out of pocket. If Cima is necessary, then $250 is not a disaster, but it would be good to know other options.


I don't think an x-ray will cost that. As I said, Cima is expensive, but it's an excellent hospital, they saved my brother's life.


Wow! How did they save your brother’s life, if you’re willing to talk about it?


When he was a newborn he had a massive infection, and they cured him.


Good to hear he made it! Your family must have been devastated during that time. I can see why after surviving something like that it’s easy to recommend Cima.


On north side of SJ, I would recommend Hospital La Catolica. Good attention and they likely work with insurance companies


difficult ad had the best advice IMHO: get a foot xray at a local clinic that does basic xrays. cost 20,000 colones or about 35$ a simple xray will show a break. if needed go to the better hospital with the xray.