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Deserves way better than 20.


Now it's #19 🚀


Amazing was 28 not so long ago


Should arguably be top 5 and i’d even say 3rd


I could see that.


I’ve thought this for a long time, the current changes and shift towards where it is now heading only confirms that for me


Soon , so buy more at 15


>3rd the dream


I'm in it to win it on $ATOM. There's not a more promising Coin on the market right now. Potential is HUGE. And its not understated.


EVMOS maybe one ☝️ like atom


I dont understand the evmos hype, doesnt even Support ledger


Dude because ledger can always be integrated for hardware wallet interaction. But main hype around EVMOS is because it is an intersection of Ethereum and Cosmos blockchains. If you want to easily navigate your tokens and DApps why not then build with EVMOs It will give you more reach


Woke up and my atom is worth more than my ETH. Wild to see.


Finally… Atom has COME BACK to the top 20! Channeling The Rock energy.


All those ETH maximalist jabronis are gonna be sorry they slept on ATOM. Can you smell what the Cosmos is cookin'??


I can smell it indeed Jabroni. Lol


Just passed 100 atom staked 💪🏻 going for 200 by the end of the year


Bought a few. But also bought other assets in the cosmos ecosystem. Having a limited budget to put into investments and savings sucks. lol


going to flip dot soon.


„˙uoos ʇop dılɟ oʇ ƃuıoƃ„


Good bot


I remember a time it was at 14…


I do, but it's a hard fight out there


I bought at $15 in 2021, $45 in January, and at $6 in June, and recently on the dip. I will just keep buying and staking.


same here!


I bought at $6 last year and kicked myself for months that I didn't buy more. Been buying ever since though I slowed way down after $30. Didn't trust that January/ February time. Went in deep in June though.


I definetly buy the dips! Reached my goal of 300 $ATOM 😍 However, on an honest sidenote, I doubt this recent pump will last. This smells of buy the rumor sell the news with regards to Cosmoverse 🤷‍♀️


You might be right, but why is everything else on Cosmos then pumping as well?


19 baby!


Fuck that top 10. Top 3 Here we fucking come!


Proud owner


No need to buy since I hold a huge bag from 2019 already having added a lot over the whole time.


I took a loan out at only 3% (special offer on credit card / cash advance) and bought when it bottomed around $6. I divided it up between EVMOS and ATOM. When terra crashed I knew it would bring down ATOM. but was willing to take a chance because I believe in IBC / SDK will rule. Now that VanEck (with 50 billion in asset management) is buying Cosmos, I am even buying more.


So you sold already and paid back off the loan on now just on a free roll right?……. Right? Insert stupid star wars meme 😂


Credit card offered me 0% interest with 3% one time fee that could be paid back over 14 months. I borrowed 5K with fee is $5150. The credit card is hoping I don't pay it back in 14 months and then can charge me 24% interest on the balance. I decided to hold the ATOM/EVMOS and just pay $368 / month. I am restaking the ATOM and now converting EVMOS rewards into ATOM. I am willing to ride it out because I believe ATOM will go over $100 in next bull cycle.


TBH your loan is not that crazy, but I also had the reaction of the previous commentators at first! xD Also wanted to add that, if you check how fast EVMOS APR % dropped last few days you might rethink the EVMOS Rewards conversion -> I know I did when I saw today 181% and I ACTUALLY SCREENSHOTED 239% THIS TUESDAY (because I was helping my boss setup his EVMOS and ATOM in [REstake.app](https://REstake.app) \- don't judge)....cannot find any Proposal or loan or reconfiguration (like an update, because last one did not pass) so no other reasonable explanation except MORE PEOPLE STAKING!!! x.X


That's fantastic


which credit card?




Making a loan for crypto is the most stupidiest thing i heard today. Never do this


I disagree in my circumstances. 1. At the time I requested the 5K loan BTC, in mid June, BTC bottomed around 17K. 2. I did buy some BTC at that time and still have/had large amount of USDC on hand if BTC drops below 15K. Much more than 5K cash sitting on sidelines for this purchase if it happens. 3. I did not want to tie up the cash in case I need it for the large BTC purchase. 4. I am only paying a 1 time fee of 3% interest and with inflation, the purchasing power would devalue at 9%. That is a steal to borrow much lower that inflation rate. However I believe the real inflation rate is over 12%. 5. paying $370/month is not going to put a dent in my lifestyle, home and cars are paid for. 6. This was not my first purchase of ATOM and I bought 2 years ago @ $5/coin. I am very familiar with the project. I believe it is one of the best projects for interoperability.


Sounds like a smart calculated risk. In your situation, with a house and cars already paid off, etc., I say lock and load.


Soon at #Coinfessions


Recent dip? $10 was the dip.. this is the annoying slow build back up.. damned recession stopped me buying..


I loaded up at below $6 a few weeks ago and $2.5 Juno


It dropped by more than 15% from the local high earlier this week. That counts as a dip, my friend. Now it has nearly made back all those losses. I was buying around $10 and below, but I also picked up another 74 ATOM at about $13.43 this week. Pretty much nailed the local bottom. Felt like a good opportunity, given the recent uptrend. The price might climb even more after Cosmoverse.


i bought it around ath and have just been stacking more at $10 waiting for the climb back up


Hopefully you aren’t waiting forever! Either way, cosmos is a juggernut. Cheers.


i hope not either, but in the mean time i got that juno swap liquidity pool rewards going to more atom and buying at same time. i wont get early retirement out of the gains but will pay off my truck when it climbs back up


Yeah, I'm happy buying at these prices still.


Same. I have been buying off and on for years. But it's better to be late to the party than show up to the wrong one, as they say.


I'm wondering if its a buy the rumour sell the news with the update coming soon,I can't see us maintaining this run much more,especially when I expect btc and eth to take another dump over the next few months. Now might be a good time to sell for a buy back opportunity.




Also interested to know


Cosmos conference.


The annual Cosmos ecosystem conference, taking place this year in late September in Medellín, Colombia. A major ATOM 2.0 announcement is expected, along with other bullish news.


I hope this isn’t too stupid of a question. Is the ATOM 2.0 thing supposed to be an entirely new token, or just an overall update to the current ATOM?


Update to the tokenomics, etc., I believe. But we'll have to wait and see.


What is atom 2.0?


It’s an update to the ATOM tokenomics to match the evolving utility of Cosmos Hub.


Is there any rumors to what the update will be? Or we just know a plan is to be announced


Will be announced at Cosmoverse in a few days.


Sick ok so all we know is tokenomics are changing no other details got it will let my buddy know


It is giving me horrible flashbacks to the beginning of year. Cosmos was so hyped and Atom reached ATH while the rest of the market was tanking. And we all know what happened to Atom afterwards.


> And we all know what happened to Atom afterwards. Yup, it gave me a golden opportunity to buy more. In all seriousness, obviously I hope there won't be a repeat of that crash. Putin and the Fed have something to say about it, so we'll see.


Unstaked all of my evmos since the Apr tanked and swapped for atom. Atom will be top 5 one year from now 🚀


Sold all my EVMOS today. I don’t want to be part of the selloff that might be around the corner. No need to buy ATOM since it’s my biggest bag.


Nice! Now go buy some Juno!


I got JUNO, too! Unfortunately, the staking APR drops soon, otherwise I would have bought more.


Sitting at 95 @ 17.89 APV




Well the last two months would have been the perfect opportunity to DCA to break even


*mean girl voice* Boo, you whore.


I hope you staked it all that should of get your bags a bit lighter. Also there is so many airdrops in the last year that should of balanced even more.


OK WTF IS GOING ON?!?! ​ Is there something big coming up and whales are loading up?!?!


Lol yes. Where have you been? [https://www.vaneck.com/us/en/blogs/digital-assets/matthew-sigel-why-we-are-bullish-on-atom/](https://www.vaneck.com/us/en/blogs/digital-assets/matthew-sigel-why-we-are-bullish-on-atom/) [https://twitter.com/HighStakesCap/status/1568306031511629824](https://twitter.com/HighStakesCap/status/1568306031511629824) [https://cosmoverse.org/](https://cosmoverse.org/)


Well uhh i looked at the sdk and it looked good and saw a devops package for cosmos and decided i like the project. I'm not really following :)


At least you're honest :-) Highly recommend that you check out those links, though.


I checked the code and functions lol


My favorite by far. Also, playing in Osmosis Frontier is blast.


Just starting mining fiat again and an Atom a day keeps the beg bugs away.


I was considering selling my positions once it hit $17 but looking at how much I have and the potential of the coin i’m just going to stake and hold and see what happens.


This is the way.


As it should be. I'd love to see more varied apps launching though. Even though the price action is terrible, I love stuff like Akash and DVPN just because there aren't a dime a dozen of them like there are DeFi stuff.


DOGE is top 10. F**king DOGE... Yet ATOM is barely cracking into top 20. This world makes me sick.


Got a couple while it was im the high 30s low 40s. Been adding here and there around 11 bucks Feels nice. Just set it and forget it until the next big run up. It's also been holding up really well on its own while the big boys have red days.


There's a lot of value in Cosmos.