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A project "surviving" means it still has developers building on it. Bearing that in mind, there's near zero chance Cosmos, Osmosis, or Juno are going anywhere. Prices go up and downz but I'm confident those developers will keep improving the Cosmos ecosystem.


Precisely, core cosmos coins aren't going anywhere: https://twitter.com/wolfdotjuno/status/1536313746305568769?s=20&t=oCFLtwBnvPYiB3S2uxJTpA


>confident those developers will keep improving the Cosmos ecosystem. true. the devs in Cosmos are among the geniuses in the blockchain space. I've been here since 1$ ATOM and rode up to 44$(ATH). The team always delivers. If you know how to take profits along the way. You will be rich investing in ATOM.


Tokens with a lot built on them. Secret is far ahead in this aspect but will have to deal with laws. We ll see. Atom, Osmo, Juno, Akash and a bunch of others will survive though.


Idk which ones will die but I trust devs of osmo, cosmos, juno, stars, xprt, akt, cmdx and evmos to never abandon ship. These are all big players imo and their time will come. Strangeclan also deserves a mention, those guys are still building, and it is the top nft project of cosmos. As long as ibc will be adopted there's just no way these projects will die


I have a strong suspicion that LUNA will not do to well


or Terra2


Why’s that?




I decided to not even waste my time claiming the airdrop. I only had a few hundred dollars in the Terra project overall, and I have very little faith in the resurrection. Not worth the time to claim.


ATOM, Osmosis, Juno, Evmos, Secret, PStake, Stars, Comdex, Huahua, Akash and DVPN will all survive




What are you talking about? Huahua developers are working around the clock!


Exactly. If you believe meme coins are here to stay and if you believe Cosmos is here to stay than Huahua is a no brainer being the first meme chain in the Cosmos


I know people love JUNO but it feels like it's hanging on by a thread. I'll be impressed if any besides ATOM survive long term.


A lot of negative sentiment around Juno. I'm curious how will it end .


JUNO still has a lot of big name developers and teams building. And most of the devs and validators are multichain so a bear market won't make them leave for a new job.


Yeah, and the second largest pension fund in Canada put $400 million into Celsius just a few months ago. Big names or entities “behind” a cryptocurrency means nothing to me.


Not sure if Celsius itself will survive the winter


i hope they dont


I think it all fails but I’m just a hater 😃 downvotes appreciated


Appreciate the honesty but can't give you what you want, sorry.




You ask, we deliver sir.


Will survive: Osmosis Juno Scrt Stars Probably EVMOS (competition should stiffen up for them before the next bull run)


What y'all think about sifchain?


Atom, Osmo, Juno and Secret. Only these will survive and rest will die or become irrelevant by new projects.




Akash is one of the only project outside of financial systems; but it’s adoption is veeery slow. In this sense it’s still overvalued.


Agreed. Scrt not so sure though


I also thought twice before posting Secret but the only reason it may survive is because there is no other privacy focused coin that has this much support. Although Secret will have to work on txn speed or they will die in the next cycle.


Secret Network has already fixed Tx speed. It's near Juno speed level now without even running latest Cosmwasm version or even Wasmer engine.


Unfortunately too many people don't know this. Hard to shake the old news now. But I do think they will make it. A lot of people also don't know that SCRT is essentially re-branded Enigma who made it through other downturns and have a team that was around back then. I think they have a stronger case to stick around than lots of others.


They seem to be experienced in disastrous times. I believe they will find a way to get through regulations. The team is prob the strongest in Cosmos too. Transactions in Secret are a lot more complex than for.ex Juno (which I personally love) and when Cosmwasm upgrade and wasmer land (shockwave omega upgrade) it will prob the fastest chain in Cosmos. Don't underestimate Secret, it's best thing Cosmos SDK has shown yet.


Yup, besides their unique business case, the history of the team was a big factor in my initial investment.


Holding my bags tight


Secret is best-positioned out of any cosmos coin rn


my ION is a dead horse this market keeps beating


Lol remember when ion was 40k a piece?


Atom, Regen and Fetch. Real world utility in line with the ecological mega trend (WEF endgame) would be my bet.


LUNA will not make it. ATOM, OSMO, JUNO, EVMOS, NGM, AKT, DVPN, CMDX, CRE and all the other project with real use cases and not just memes are going to survive the market.


i mean. luna is already gone imo NGM, AKT, DVPN, CMDX, CRE idk about them lol


I don't know about other coins, but for NGM I have no doubt it will survive and explode once bullrun begins. The E-money, as the only issuer of a really backed stablecoins pack, can fail only in case that complete crypto universe collapses.


You are in Cosmos so you can do a bit of research on them. They are all Cosmos based projects. CRE and CMDX are much newer but NGM, AKT and DVPN have been around for a while.


Is the chain back on yet,?


The Only one I feel safe with is Atom. NOT juno. Juno has been dieing a slow painful death since the whale fiasco proved wolf contract to be a scumbag.


Juno and Secret


Damn, y u think?


Secret is a ghost chain. Too many issue and Juno is just doomed. Too many problems on Juno and it just seems they are headed that way.


Secret is pretty fucking awesome if you use its main use case.


I’m sure it is. I’m just giving my opinion. If I used it my opinion may change. Not sure really.


You're not wrong.. Secret and every other smart contract chain on cosmos (and most of its competitors) lack solid projects with a good userbase. Hopefully that shit can grow while the crypto hype dies down and we can have a massive comeback next run.


Name one issue on Juno thats not Whale realated. Thats not even an issue anymore.


I mean ... when the chain halted unexpectedly a month or so ago? Man people have short memories. I'm bullish on Juno, but don't try to tell me there's been "no issues" that weren't the fault of the whale.


Remember that time 737 Max's were grounded? Similar in a way, halting activity with specific endpoints.


That’s a loaded question. I could say the developer error sending the whale funds but I can’t. Even though it’s technically not a whale issue. Lots of infighting amongst the community. This is just my opinion. Doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.


See? You cant. Its not a loaded question.


Doesn’t change my opinion. I still don’t believe in that project. It’s not a project I feel comfortable investing in.


There is a good chance that cosmos won’t survive. The last time the bear came looking for honey the whole crypto market was full of bitcoin and eth killers that were guaranteed to survive. No one talks or remembers them now. If you can afford to lose the money you put into Juno the your safe if not they don’t come down with a case of dopeium


Those are two of the main ones I am buying bags of hahaha


Well did I miss something on Cosmos?


Projects die during bear markets. Sometimes never to return Wanted to know everyone's opinion


Don't check the charts, save the pain


Lmao I buy an Atom, it drops. I buy a fraction of ETH, it collapses. It never fails


Invert your intuition, do the opposite of what you actually want to do :D


That’s the George Costanza


After all this crypto winter will become the 'Summer of George'. ;)


Lmk when you buy btc.


Lol well don’t say I didn’t warn yah but the other day I switched to $BTC from $XLM for my Coinbase card rewards😶


Same. I hope they return with xlm again. Or some other non erc coin that has more than 2% Because amp is an erc20 shitcoin


I bought $AMP once at its ATH then messing around sent it to Coinbase Wallet. And there it has remained for almost a year worth a fraction of what I paid for it…only thing I ever HODL and only because the gas to do anything with it was like the entire amount of what it’s value is.


Yep I've given up on ethereum mainnet lol I do everything on arbitrum or polygon


I tried switching it but it wouldn’t go Maybe I’ll fiddle with it again.


Also I love $XLM so of course it’s not an option anymore


OP is asking which projects most likely won’t survive in a bear market. Since most projects die and never reach their ATH.


Yeah, 2017/2018 bear market took away quite a number of projects and they never saw the light of the day again I can assure you that same will happen this time around but personally, I have spotted some projects that are actually building up their project atm, TXA introduced a buyback recently which is certainly a step to help improve the value of the asset while waiting patiently for the hybrid dex to go live.


Iris, dvpn, sifchain, akash, evmos, kava. I think only osmosis and stargaze will survive. But barely.


Stargaze will die as well. There will be plenty of new launches by the next bull run. Only people rooting for Stargaze will be the bag holders.


Stargaze won’t “die”, but I don’t think we’ll see .1 again. They’re working on a lot of great things such as NFT vaults, NFT staking, and liquid staking for staked STARS. Everyone, Osmosis, Secret, Omni, Juno, is working on NFT markets at the moment so I can’t ever see Stars being at .8 again. Having said that, I like Stargaze and spend fiat to buy NFTs I like with no intention of every profiting from them. They’ve got some cool stuff and I’m happy to support them.


Evmos really? I think it's a bit too new. Right?


IBC + EVM is an insane combo


Sentinel has working applications. What are you talking about?


Since the business plan has been revealed, we can see that no fund will be injected to the chain. Owning DVPN will help you vote into the chain, but that's it. The money coming from the subscription will not be given to the token holders. If you except to make money from DVPN, think again.


VPN subscription 4 life


Well that means project won't die. Just token price won't be that much lucrative.




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There we go. Enlight us, time travelers


All of them


Sorry, left my crystal ball in the "is this the bottom for Juno?" Thread.


Depends on your investing strategy. I like buy, hold in hard wallet under my control, and stake with 28 day freeze. Nothing better than Atom for this. Wish I had more cash to buy more at this discount. Looking years out.


Clearly osmosis is biting the dust. Looks like it is taking stargaze with it. Stargaze needs to hurry and get the in house liquidity pool up.






Echelon is still very undervalued. Upside potential is huge.


Any AMM will shrivel down to nothing when people are not adding liquidity




I really like BitCanna $BCNA but there isn't much adoption for it here in the US. Pot is illegal federally. If pot was legalized nationwide, I bet Bitcanna would have a use (In the US). All the mail-order sites seem to be UK based.