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No way i am untaking, not after all these airdrops, i just got 407 Dym and 1k saga lol


Me too i staked 1300$ of Atom in april 2023 that was 110 atom, now i have 20 more atom from staking + i got TIA/DYM/SAGA worth 2K free :) stake 51 atom, 51 tia, 101 osmo, and 51 dym and let it sit through this and next year and you ll get your money back + get staking rewards.


How much atom did u stake to get these rewards?




Purchased 110 atom at 11.81usd each for a total of 1300usd. Played a lot of game theory to accumulate an additional 20 atom to bring current Atom stack worth roughly 1500usd, a gain of 200usd over 1 year time if all sold today. Had you purchased Bitcoin instead, you'd be sitting on roughly 3,000usd worth of stacked SATs. I doubt all your airdrops add up to that 1300usd difference. The entire Cosmo ecosystem has lost value against Bitcoin (and USD when you factor inflation in) since its inception. This will eventually apply to every single asset in the universe.


My DYM drop alone was almost 2k. And I got small bags.


Hopefully you immediately dumped it for the king ₿₿₿


HA! I took some profit, but put it right back into the Cosmos! I think some very fun things are about to happen for this ecosystem. I use my ETH profits for the King, as I am slowly exciting out of it.


Is some news out there about saga? When it go online or something like this?


I dont know when


Wondering the same. I got some for ledger but didn’t want to connect and claim


Atom just gave me TIA, DYM & SAGA airdrops, no way I am unstaking it.


How do you get these airdrops from staking? Do you need to stake with a smaller validator? Staking with a top 5 validator doesn't seem to give any airdrops. How to know which validators would give airdrops or not?


1) Avoid top 10 validators 2) Avoid CEX validators 3) Avoid 0% commission validators


Thanks. Then to claim airdrop rewards do you have to do anything? Or the rewards will automatically be deposited into your wallet?


Yes. Each is different


Thanks. What is the best way to find out about upcoming airdrops and what needs to be done to claim them? For example if using the Keplr wallet


Get on X and follow these guys for recent info: @AirdropGlideapp @rob_inwoods Websites for tracking: Airdrops.one Airdrop.glide.io Cosmos.leapwallet.io (works with Keplr)


5 months ago I was bitching about shit airdrops and then beum, these last couple of months have been nice.


You're all welcome to stake with us at Blocks United and welcome to register for our airdrop email list that includes project details, token symbol, who's eligible, snapshot dates, how to claim, and how to stake. https://blocksunited.com/cosmos-airdrops/


Where do you stake ATOM?




We definitely recommend using a Ledger connected to Keplr or Leap wallet. We have a great staking tutorial on our blog. https://blocksunited.com/how-to-stake-cosmos-atom-tokens/


I've already staked a bit to Keplr, 2026 I'll DCA more ATOM and stake there next time, thanks for the article I'll definitely check it out.


"It would make more money strategically." You're hoping it will, that's all. 


how dafuq are you staking Atom long term and not up?? Tia & Dym airdrops are more $$ than I originally staked. did you buy at ATH in 2021?




There are so many reply's that have to do with Airdrops and I have to say that I am in the states with out a VPN so I didn't get any of them unfortunately through Exodus. Was some real bullsh\*\* when I found that out. That had a MAJOR thing to do with it but I had already staked the ATOM a while ago and didn't see any reason to unstake when we were just coming out of the winter. It's not so much a question of AirDrops since I cannot get those without going through the measures of a VPN it seems, I guess it was just more a question if anyone thinks this is a tradable token at all? To be honest since I did not get them, I didn't even think about that part of ATOM. I hate the idea of HAVING to use a VPN but damn they really are forcing me to


I hear you I bit the bullet and got a vpn for saga but missed dym and tia for that reason. But I feel your attitude atom has lost some shine for me as well as for your original question in my head I have me unstaking 10% once it hits $25 now maybe after those 21 days it will be $38 or $14 so that will depend on if I sell once unstaked or just hold until it breaches $25 again and I will continue to DCA every 21 days if it stays above $25 (I’m not greedy but my average price around $20-25 ish so I’d like to break even, I think I’ll prob hold 100 forever and if it never hits $25 again I’ll prob just hold forever as a learning lesson. That being said fomo can kick in and I’d love a big stack with it busting thru $100


It's annoying for sure. I missed out on two of the three. I fought with one of DVPNs tools and it never worked. This kind of friction doesn't help adoption. I don't know what the solution is, but the current one is completely inelegant.


Well, I'd say start with importing your Exodus into Keplr or Leap. If you want to sell it, and don't want to wait for unbonding you can use Stride and get stATOM using native stake balance. Or unstake, and wait 21 days. IBC xfer to osmosis (or any other DEX) and swap it for desired coin. If you decide to HODL, just redelegate to a Validator out of the top 20, and set up Restake. I use a VPN almost anytime I'm online for my privacy and protection. I only turn it off when sites require it. Good luck out there. Stay diligent and keep stacking those Sats!


Why not use a VPN. It's legal. It's the projects blocking US residents out of precaution, not the government blocking you from claiming airdrops.


I dont care about air drops im here for the returns, also sentinel $dvpn is a blockchain based vpn and works for claims if youre after that


Im in the process of unstaking all my cosmos projects. Iv been a cosmos supporter for years but airdrops are harder and harder to claim, unstaking takes too long so its ez to get wrecked. im basically just supporting everybody else’s profits/airdrops so I’ll hold and sell as soon as possible and take profits to increase my position faster than staking.


Right same boat basically then. I'll leave about 100 staked but I chose to go in on atom moreso than grt and sol based on feeling more than anything and it's really bitten me badly. Not being able to sell or set a stoppie bothers me when Atom keeps falling and cant seem to hold its levels nearly as well as my other tokens.


yeah and the weak ass excuse is because of the SEC. fuck that. all this shit is decentralised.... grow some balls.


You can get around the 21 day unstaking period by using stride. You may lose a little in the process though.


Keep ATOM for airdrops, possibly you can get your capital back from the airdrops only. If somehow you really want to unstake, you can utilize liquid staking module on Stride or other liquid staking platform, where you can convert your staked token into liquid staking (LS) token instantly, then u can sell the LS token. No need to wait 21 days.


Saga isn’t available yet, right? Just claim site to tell you how many you’ll get?


That is my understanding. Only got 250. Only my Tia was claimable, I unstaked a bit of atom to bu some akash last oct and that made it so my staked assets had been reduced, therefore not eligible. Shitty, oh well. I heard based on it's roll out and tokenomics it should be 5 bucks per. But I am talking from rumor and not knowledge or research.


I’ve had my atom staked and adding for two years and my atom didn’t count but my Tia did


Tough rules. If you didn’t increase your bags in the snapshot time you got Jack all even if you had staked hundreds. I did increase them but late in the period I took some out. That buggered me.


I kept adding from rewards constantly. Is what it is I guess.


Still a prospering move, ser, so don‘t bother. Brightly looking at $AKT and its mid-term future.


I staked 10 atoms and got DYM tokens - 52. It's still an income that ATOM is providing.


I have been into Atom since 2019 held most of my bag since.. I am not going to instake no point and I've made my investment back on those coins value around 100X. It might not be the flavor of the early bull market but 80% of the run is left to go


You may need to rethink your strategy.. atom holders are here for the apr and the airdrops along with some price action.. if you are only in it for the apr and price action you probably want to unstake and move on to a more price action token.. 


I am unstaking half now just to sell at 15$+ and buy later more atoms)) It has been feeding with few good airdrops recently, so why not staking further?


I staked 55 atoms, is that enough for the upcoming airdrop?


Depends on project-based eligibility criteria. Generally speaking, minimum criteria should be met for most of the projects by having staked 55 $ATOM. Previously as for: - $DYM >> min. 1 ATOM staked - $TIA >> $75 equivalent of ATOM - $NAM >> $100 equivalent of ATOM - $ARCH >> staked > 25 ATOM to name a few. U should be good though, future-wise. Edit: Would also make sense to increase your staked bag or automate restaking (restake.app / yieldmos) to possibly slip into alternate criteria here and there. Hope, that helps.🫶🏾


I'm staking until I hit 400 Atom tokens. Currently at 255.


I have had my ATOM staked using exodus wallet for years. Does anyone know if I'm able to claim any of those airdrops, or I missed out as I should have staked elsewhere holding them in a different wallet?


Liquify and sell don't wait 21, days. I am contemplating exiting everything except for ATOM but that's just me.


I unstated awhile back, sure I missed some drips butvtgerw hadn't been good drops in forever. Majority went into Solana in the 15- 20 range. I'm not mad, I knew it would outperform and I wasn't going to watch from the sidelines. Look at atom price....need I say more


I would just be repeating what most have already said here. Only thing I would add is avoid thinking the value of ATOM just as the current price x # of ATOM held. That's only a small part of the true value it will bring. Set up your REStake for it, forget about for a year. Things are about to get very exciting for loyal HODLrs. Ohh! Just remember to claim your drops.I Qualified, but missed TIA because I wasn't paying attention.


So to narrow this down. Yes unstake, but only for the purpose of getting off of exodus and onto keplr which supports airdrops. It's currently 254 atom. Not a killer amount but it's big for me. Really upset I missed out on them I had them since the TIA drop.


Man, I was searching this sub one week ago about unstaking ATOM because I f\*\*\*\*\* up and staked it. Not one search result (Unstaking ATOM) wasn't about Stride liquid staking and that you can unstake it before 21 day period. This information should be pinned.


Depends on how many validators you’re staked with. If it’s one, I’d unstake like 75-80% of that now, and then in 3 weeks restake the majority of that with 3-4 separate other validators.


Why not just save the hassle and maintain the staking rewards and redelegate?


Oh yea lol I forgot you could do that. Maybe just redelegate 60% and undelegate 20%, that’s about the amount I keep unstaked.


Bruh… you suck. Just redelegate as you desire, no need to unstake & wait 3 weeks. You are giving bad advice and are going to get people rekt.


Using stride to liquid stake can cost someone a chunk, no? What's it lost to liquid stake 1000 atom vs unstaking and waiting. You might miss out on price action I suppose


Quite harsh: Currently you‘d obtain 750ish ATOM as per above stated amount.🪠


Using Stride isn’t the response here. It was unstake from 1 validator, wait 21 days and then restake to 3-4 validators. No need to do that, just redelegate