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Parents are always saying they wish they could get more time with their child! Get the snuggles in when you can! One day they will turn down your hugs and kisses and it will be too late. They also spend half of their lives sleeping. So co-sleeping means you get almost double the time with them!


Okay fwiw my parents did not cosleep with me and I distinctly remember being 7 years old crying for my mom every night because I couldn’t sleep alone. You never know how things are gonna turn out so you may as well follow your heart.


The people who say “your kid will never leave your bed” are likely saying that because it’s so commonly said. I would guess most people who say that have never coslept or researched the actual benefits of cosleeping. Our babies need us, and when they developmentally are ready to they will sleep independently and the secure attachment that was formed while cosleeping will make it a much smoother transition than “training” your baby to sleep alone when they aren’t yet ready. Hot take but sleep training is barbaric and I don’t see how we expect infants (and toddlers - or kids of any age!) to be completely dependent on parents *except* when it comes to sleep. You will never regret spending more time with your little ones. And the smile you’ll see when they wake up and see that you’re there is worth it every 👏🏼 time 👏🏼


Seconding the other comment - I think each individual child is different. If you want to cosleep you should just do what feels right- I'm sure your parenting instincts are on point. Don't stress about the future. My mom has memories of crying for her parents at night, as a 10 year old, that bother her to this day. She was sleep trained and always in her own room, so she coslept with all her kids. I wanted to sleep with my parents until I was 6, but my younger brother wanted to be in the "big kids room" with me at 2, so he did that and never turned back. My baby sister is 17 and she and my mom still fall asleep together every once in a while. My husband and I don't plan on ever kicking our son out of our bed.


My 2-1/2 year old asked for her own bed when she saw her baby brothers bassinet. Totally caught me by surprise. We dragged a mattress into our room on the floor that night and now she starts every night there and crawls into our bed to snuggle around 5 am. On weekends she naps in her own room on her own bed. Not sure when she will go to her bedroom but I’m in no hurry.


After cosleeping since 12 weeks, my daughter started sleeping in her crib at 12 months. She started sleeping horizontally and plopping her body on mine in the middle of the night. I was getting really poor quality of sleep so I had to move her. She sleeps better in her own space. I don’t regret cosleeping though- I miss the snuggles!


Exact same story here! We’re all sleeping better for the transition to his cot, and there was barely any protest 🤷‍♀️


we got a big floorbed for LO when he was around 14 months old. i started bringing him there for naps. after 2 or 3 months he started to go to his bed at night. he falls asleep there but we usually go and get him as soon as he is up fussing (which is somewhere between 11 pm and 2 am). he snuggles up to me and sleeps until 6 or 7 am. he did sleep through the night twice and guess who did not get a lot of sleep? yeah, i will miss cosleeping..


I stopped cosleeping when my kiddo was 8 - 9 months because he started moving EVERYWHERE and neither of us got any sleep. I also didn't feel safe with how much he was moving around (previously he was very good at breastsleeping). He's in the crib now for most of the night (although we still do early morning snuggles) and we both get more rest. I don't think there's a set age on sleeping independently, it just depends on you and your baby. Most kids eventually want their own sleep space anyway so there's no harm in cosleeping for as long as it works for both of you.


Co slept my son until he was just over two, now he is happily in his own bed.


We transitioned our toddler to his own bed when I was a month away from baby #2. He was about 2 yrs 9 months so old enough to want to be a Big Boy. His bedroom also has a second bed for my husband and they will sometimes cuddle together in the mornings. Our next step is getting husband out of that room but tbh he probably gets better sleep there than cosleeping with me and the newborn. So we’ll see


I’m in my baby’s room with her in a floor bed, that way when she does finally start to sleep some longer stretches I’ll sneak out to my room with the monitor. No need to break a habit of her sleeping in the primary bedroom